Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1975013-Anger
by RDLer
Rated: E · Other · Dark · #1975013
Thriller with a twist
The morning had been a cold one, the wind from the outside window had awoken little jimmy from his endless dreams and back into reality. Aware of where he was and what had happened the previous day immense fear fell upon jimmy's mind. For a better understanding, Little Jimmy had gotten into a fight a school for not understanding what a word had meant,"Smurgle". A black eye had become apart of jimmy's face and he had hid it from his mother the following day. Understanding she would only fear and worry Jimmy had attempted to reach the bus stop to take him to school without her noticing. So little jimmy walked down the stairs fully dressed and ready to go before he was approached by his mother exiting the bathroom. A feeling of shock caused jimmy to shout at the sight of her, not because of the instant flash of his mothers being but because of what he had tried to hide had been revealed. "Jim what happened to your face? No wonder you went straight to your room after school". She dragged Jimmy to the kitchen and started to gather the material for relieving the black eyes symptoms, the swelling could only be stopped a short time after the incident but it didn't stop her from being a mother. "What happened to your eye bear", at first Jimmy hesitated to say but he understood his mother could decipher his lies. "The boys at school had beat me up for not knowing something", Jimmy's mom then insisted with a nod to explain. "Smurgle? Whatever that means." At that moment jimmy's mother stopped helping her son and stood up looking him dead in the eyes. A swing of her arm met jimmy's face and sent him flying to the floor with a painful shock. She walked over to jimmy and picked him up and pulled him to the door. "You get on that bus and you get to school, if I see your putrid face again It will be much worse." She threw him out the door slamming it behind her. Filled with fear jimmy began to run to the bus stop, it wasn't very far but the threat from him mother filled his body with an anxiety fueled body. The bus had surprisingly been a little early that morning and jimmy expressed his delight in seeing the bus by instantly jumping on and greeting the driver. The woman behind the wheel had been a very trusting and sweet person to talk to. She was in a way jimmy's therapist, she always listened, a type of listening that is hard to find anymore. One where attention is only given to the speaker and the world becomes retracted to just two people. "Oh my Jesus Jimmy Jam what happened to your face? Don't tell me your mother had gone and done that to you?" She closed the bus doors and began to drive as jimmy sat there and talked. It was mostly about what a strange few days he's been having, first the bullies beat him up at school and now his mother had slapped him for not knowing what this one word meant. All while jimmy talked she had listened until an overwhelming curiosity forced her to ask, "What word, is it a naughty word?" In a laughing manner jimmy said "No I already know most of those, do you know what Smurgle means?", and suddenly the bus stopped. Little Jimmy was then grabbed by the throat. This once lovely bus driver had placed her hands around jimmy and let out a terrible scream, "GET OFF!!! And if you dare try to come back on this bus i will KILL YOU!!!" She put her foot around jimmy's chest and pushed him out the door. Jimmy was now left alone in the side of the road as he watched the yellow school bus drive off. At this moment a realization came over jimmy, Never say Smurgle again. So he walked to school. Going home was to dangerous of a place to be and the small town of Frucru had nothing inside of it besides a few stores. There was nothing to pass the time, so going to class and waiting for the day to end seemed like the best option.

It didn't take long for Little Jimmy to get to school and see that his first class had already started without him. At this moment jimmy regretted sitting at the front of the class everyday, today he desired to stay hid in the back. He knew this would only cause suspicion and lead to questions from his teacher. Before he had a chance to sit down though his teacher had called for his name, "Hey Jim can you wait for me in the hallway". All the other kids joked of Jimmy being in trouble and giggled as he went back into the hall. It didn't take long for his teacher to enter the hall to look upon a beaten up young boy. At first glace anyone could see why Jimmy had sat in front of the class, it wasn't to get better grades or because of hearing issues, his teacher was absolutely gorgeous. Long black hair and an amazing hour glass shaped body. She spoke with a french accent and always had a pure and intense energy about her. Needless to say Jimmy had a crush. "Jimmy what's wrong, your never late and OH MY GOD!!! What happened to your poor face!", She held jimmy's head in her hands as she looked upon the black eye, the red slap mark left by his mother and the scrapes and cuts on his body from the fall. At first jimmy was chocked up from the intimate position he had been placed in, then he turned away. Jimmy made a promise to never tell of his troubles, no one would believe him anyway, so he stayed quiet. His teacher had instantly recognized what jimmy was doing and decided to take him to the principle. At first jimmy resisted to go but once she held her hand out and grabbed his little mitts the butterflies in this young boys belly picked him up and lead him behind this lovely woman. As they walked a more secure and a safer world had opened up to Jimmy. He felt good, so he started to talk. He spoke of what his mother had done, what the boys at school had done and even what his bus driver had put him through. Then he made the mistake of mentioning under his breath the word that caused his pain, "Smurgle". He felt the teachers hand tighten and her movement began to speed up until her nails had begun to pierce the skin and he was almost being dragged to the principles office. Upon meeting the door she swung him violently in front of her and looked at him with eyes filled with anger and fury. She didn't yell though instead she whispered, "Go in there and tell the principle what you told me". She threw his hand away from her and waited until Jimmy walked into the principle's office.

"Hello there my boy! What seems to be the problem?" The principle could be described with one word, Santa. His light and loving demeanor and the fact that he had a weight problem and a white beard reaching down to his stomach resembled the jolly Saint Nick. Instead of doing the dance and wasting time Jimmy stood in front of the opened door and positioned his body in a manner of readiness. He took one look at the obese, red faced principle in an overly tight brown suit and said, "To hell with Smurgle!". As soon as Jimmy yelled those words he ran, he didn't wait to see the reaction from his principle, instead he just ran. It only took a few seconds for jimmy to realize he was being chased, the students and faculty to his sides expressed panic and excitement with their eyes as screams could be heard from the principle. This blob of a man had violently began to chase down Jimmy throwing people out of his way trying to catch up. In what seemed to be instant though Jimmy had outran his principle and found himself back at home. His mothers vehicle was no longer out front so it was safe for him to enter the house and lock himself inside his room. And that's what he did, he went up to his room and fell into a deep sleep upon hitting his bed.

Jimmy was awoken at what seemed to be the darkest point of the night to the noise of a high humming and a bright hovering light above his bed. The light above his bead then spoke to Jimmy telling him to follow if he wanted to know what a Smurgle is. Jimmy hopped out of bed and chased the light as it hovered at a fast pace. No thoughts of wakening his parent passed through jimmy's mind, the knowledge that this light offered was worth any punishment his parent could doll out so he followed. Jimmy had successfully kept up with the light until eventually he had been lead to Frucru Lake. It was the first chance Jimmy had to rest before the light had shone upon a paddle boat. The light had slowly began to cross the Lake as jimmy walked to the boat and pushed it out into the cold water. The light had lead Jimmy for what filled like an eternity until finally the light had stopped. Jimmy watched as this magnificent blue and white light had hovered for a moment before vanishing. At first jimmy felt confusion but after a few minutes panic had set in and jimmy stood up on the boat trying to see anything that could tell him where to go. Suddenly a wave hit the boat and knocked Little Jimmy off the boat. Jimmy drowned, the moral of the story is "Always wear a life jacket". Brought to you by the Safe Boating Council of Frucu.
© Copyright 2014 RDLer (roman.l at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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