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A young stallion finds his way into this world without a name, can he find it? |
I have traveled the barren lands and thick forests of this land. I have forgotten who I am, and I need to find out. The only thing that I can remember is waking up next to a crystal clear pond in the middle of dense forest. I was only a foal then. It has been many moons, and I have grown much in this time. My large feathered wings grow stronger as I travel. I have reached the boarder of what appears to be Equestria. I pull my cloak over my withers as a chill runs up my spine. At least, that is what I understand from the welcome sign. I so long for a rest, maybe somepony knows where I may get some sleep. I walk for a time and come across a town, the sign outside reads “Ponyville”. Maybe I can find somewhere to rest here. The streets are quite lively for the time of night. The sun had began to set as I walk into town. I feel like a giant to these small earth ponies. Out of nowhere this bright pink pony appears. Her frizzy pink mane bounces as she does. She lets out a loud gasp and then runs off. “That was bizarre,” I say with a smile. “Maybe she left the stove on at home,” I think out loud to myself. “No, she is always like that,” a small voice says from beside me. A small purple and green dragon standing there. I almost jump out of my skin, I haven't had the most pleasant experiences with dragons. “Whoa there! You must be new in town. My name is Spike. I'm not that scary? Am I?” the little dragon asks, looking at himself. “My apologies. I haven't had the best encounter with dragons,” I say, looking him over once more. Determining that he was no threat, I straighten myself out. “It's alright. Are you ok, your wing looks like it might be hurt?” the little dragon asks, staring at me. “Oh, that. I'll be ok,” I say with a reassuring smile. “Do you know where a pony can find a place to rest? I've had a long travel,” I ask. The little dragon thinks for a moment and then has an idea. “I can see if Twilight would let you sleep in the spare room. It's not much, but it will be better than sleeping on the ground,” he says with a smile as he runs off ahead, not waiting for a reply. “Lead the way,” I say with a bow. Spike leads me to a large tree that was carved into a house. The sign reads “Golden Oak Library”. He opens the door to a dark room. “That's odd. Twilight! Anypony here?” he asks walking into the dark room. I poke my head in, trying to see past the shadows, but it is too dark. I step inside following the little purple dragon. The moment my hind hoof crosses the threshold, the door slams behind me. Out of instinct I jump, uncurling my uninjured wing and readying my magic. The room lights up and is full of ponies. The pink one I had seen earlier was there. “My name is Pinkie Pie!” She yells, as she bounces around me. I ease my anxiety as I see they are all friendly. Pinkie starts talking really fast, “Remember me? I seen you when you walked into town and I realized that I didn't know you. And if I don't know you, no one does. Because I know every pony. And I mean EVERY pony,” she says, as her eyes roll in a circle with her words and smiles. Her hyper-activeness was almost overwhelming. But, if it meant a place to sleep, then I would endure. She finally bounces off. So many different ponies. Pegasi, earth ponies, a couple of unicorns, and even two donkeys, I had never seen so many gathered together. Everyone seems so happy, I even smile. I haven't smiled in ages. I try to find the dragon, I find him talking to a purple alicorn. I slowly walk over to them, the closer I get, I see that there are six others talking together. Pinkie was there, along with an orange colored one with a blond mane, the purple one with a purple and pink mane, a yellow pegasus with a pink mane, a blue pegasus with a rainbow mane, and a white pony with well groomed purple mane. They all appeared to be friends. I start to shy away from the group, for fear of interrupting. As I start to turn away the purple dragon pokes my hind leg with his claw. “You should meet my friends!” he says with a raised voice. He leads me over to the group of ponies. My heart begins to thump. I'm not much of a social creature, but it was too late to turn back now. “This is the pony I was talking about.” All the other ponies stop talking and look at me. I fold my legs up underneath myself, in a vain attempt to make myself smaller. The purple one is the first to speak. “My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I am pleased to welcome you to Ponyville,” she says with a friendly smile. “My name is Apple Jack, pleased to meet ya!” the orange and blond earth pony says with a tip of her hat. “I'm Rainbow Dash, the coolest pony you'll ever meet,” the blue pegasus says, doing a flip. “My name is Rarity,” the white unicorn says with a regal bow. “I'm um... Fluttershy,” the yellow pegasus says timidly. They all stand there staring at me. Waiting for an answer. “I... I don't have a name,” I say with my head hung low. “Don't have a name? Whatever do you mean, dear?” Rarity asks. “Everypony has a name,” Twilight says, matter-of-factly. “I don't think he is kidding,” Fluttershy says looking at me with sad eyes. Each of them looks at the other, and then back at me. “I just want a place to sleep for the night. I'll be on my way tomorrow,” I say with my head hung low. Fluttershy comes and sits next to me. Her warm body, close to mine. I haven't been this close to anypony in my life. “Oh my, you're hurt,” she says, noticing my wing. “It's nothing, really,” I say, trying to change the subject. “You should let Fluttershy take a look at it. She's medically trained,” Twilight says with a half smile. “Then I can tell you my story,” I say. They all look at me, then each other. They all nod and I stand up. Fluttershy, still sitting next to me looks almost frightened at my size. I walk to the back of the room and sit next to the stairs. I watch as the other ponies have fun with one another. Drinking punch and eating what appeared to be cupcakes. So many happy ponies. After what seemed like an eternity, the last of them leave. Leaving me alone with the six pony and the dragon. “Alright mister! Now what's going on?” Rainbow Dash asks, almost demanding. “Rainbow! That is no way to treat a guest,” Twilight says, reprimanding her friend. “You look like you could use some tea,” Fluttershy says kindly. “Tea would be lovely,” I say with a smile. “Now, what is your story my dear?” Rarity asks, sitting on the couch across from me. “I've never meet anypony without a name, this is super-super-super-duper exciting!” Pinkie says, bouncing around the room. “My story isn't long, but it's all I have. I only have one memory from my past. I awoke next to a crystal clear pond, in a thick forest. I was only a little foal,” my head hangs down as I remember. “I was alone, and scared. I had no family, no friends, not even a name. I've been trying to figure out who I am. That is why I have come here. This place has so many different ponies and such a long history that maybe, just maybe, I'll find out who I am.” Twilight looks at me and then starts to go though the library. “You poor thing. Is there anything we can do for you?” Rarity asks. “I only wish to find a place to sleep for the night,” I see that your purple friend, Twilight was it, is working on something. She looks like she knows her stuff,” I say with a smile. “You bet she does! She knows almost everything,” Pinkie says, still bouncing around. “Ya sure there ain't somethin' we can do for ya?” Apple Jack asks with a caring thought. Fluttershy returns with the tea and sits down beside me. “May I see your wing? I mean, if it's alright with you?” she asks skittishly. “Thank you Apple Jack, but I'll be fine. Ms.. Fluttershy is it? I would appreciate it,” I say with a smile. She smiles back as she flutters in the air. She gently undoes the wrapping on my wing. I wince as it still hurts. She gently feels along the bone, making me scrunch my face. After a moment she begins wrapping it again, but instead she splints it and puts a wrap around my body to keep my wing from moving. “I think you should stay in Ponyville a while to heal. If.. If that's ok with you?” The shy pony asks. “I don't want to impose,” I say looking at the other ponies. “Nonsense, we would love to help a stallion like yourself out,” Apple Jack says with a smile. I hear the dragon hiccup and then burp. “A letter? From the Princess?” Twilight says as she uses her magic to open the scroll. “So, you are a courier dragon?” I ask Spike. “Sure am! I deliver messages back and forth between Princess Celestia and Twilight,” he says proudly. “Spike? Could you come here?” Twilight asks. He runs off to join her in the other room. “So, what is it that each of you do here?” I ask, trying to keep the conversation going. “I run the fashion boutique just down the road. If you need anything fashionable, you come see me,” Rarity says with a flick of her hair. “I live at Sweet Apple Acres. Bucking apple trees and runnin' the farm is what I do,” Apple Jack says with a smile. “I.. um, take care of the woodland creatures,” Fluttershy says, rubbing her foreleg with her hoof. “I'm on cloud control from Ponyville. I bust up the rain clouds after a storm, make the day rainy or sunny, ya know, all that awesome stuff,” Rainbow dash says, flying overhead. “I live at Sugar Cube Corner and I throw the BEST parties ever! And when I say ever, I mean EV-ER!!” Pinkie says, setting off a confetti cannon and raising her already squeaky, high voice higher. “You are quite the lively bunch. I've been many places, but nowhere compares to this place,” I say looking at the five ponies in front of me. “But just curious, what exactly does the other pony do?” I ask. “Oh, oh, OH! Twilight is super smart, and reads, and does magic, and reports to Princess Celestia, and keeps us all in line, and, and....” shouts Pinkie excitedly as she trails off. Everyone chuckles, and I even find myself smiling with the others. “Your cloak looks absolutely dreadful. Can't have you walking around with this. I shall fix it at once!” Rarity says, using her magic to take off my cloak. “I would rather you don't,” I say, pulling it back on. “But it's all tattered and full of holes. We simply can't let a friend go without the best!” she says with a reassuring smile. “It's not that. I never take it off,” I say, looking at the floor. “Girls! Can I speak with you?” Twilight calls from the other room, saving me from the suave white unicorn. I utter a sigh of relief. They all hurry to see what her urgency is, leaving me alone. I lay my head down for a moment, but end up drifting off to sleep. Like every other night, I dream the same dream. I see myself laying next to the crystal pond, all alone. But this night was different, for there was another there in my dream with me. A dark blue alicorn with starry mane and tale. “You are new to Equestria. For I have not seen your dreams before,” she says looking at me. She sits down next to me. “What is going on here?” she asks me, looking at my dream. “A memory. My only memory,” I say looking at the little foal next to the water. “I see,” is all she says as she watches. “Who are you?” I ask after a minute. “My name is Princess Luna. I am the guardian of dreams and raiser of the moon,” she says, as if rehearsed. “And whom might you be?” she asks looking back at my dream. “That's just it... I don't know. I don't have a name. This, what you see here, is all I know,” I say, hanging my head. “Do not be down hearted. You may have friends closer than you think,” she says. I blink and she is gone. Waking from my sleep, I see the six ponies staring at me. “Did you know you talk in your sleep?” Pinkie says with a weird smile, way too close to my face than what is comfortable. “Why are you all staring at me?” I ask, standing to me feet and backing away quickly. “You were mumbling something about Princess Luna,” Fluttershy says. “I saw her in my dream. What importance is she to you?” I ask looking at them. “Duh, she's Princess Celestia's sister, only the second most important pony in all of Equestria!” Rainbow Dash says with a scoff. “Be nice Rainbow. He isn't from here,” Twilight says with a scowl at her friend. She then turns her attention to me. With a deep breath she starts talking. “I have been asked by Princess Celestia to house you while you stay here in Ponyville. She as also asked that you seek an audience with her tomorrow at the earliest convenience,” she opens her eyes to look at mine. “I am humbled to be invited by the princess, but I must continue my search as soon as I can,” I say, regrettably. Twilight looks at me with a question on her face, then speaks again. “You know that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are several thousands of years old. They are very wise, and might have the answers you seek,” she says with a smile. “Who knows, you might be related to them,” Spike butts in. “You must not go looking like that. I'll take you to the Day Spa tomorrow so we can get you cleaned up,” Rarity says with a smile. “But, I haven't the money,” I say looking at the white unicorn. “Not a worry darling. I'll take care of you,” she says with a smile and fluttering eyes. She walks out the door after saying goodbye to her friends. “If ya need anything apple related, be sure to stop for a spell by the farm,” Apple Jack says with a wink and then leaves. “I'll come back tomorrow and change your wrapping if you want me to,” Fluttershy says shyly. I nod my head as she heads out the door. “I'll bring you some 'get well' cupcakes',” Pinkie says, bouncing out the door. “I guess I'll see you tomorrow Twilight,” Rainbow dash says as she flies out the window. It is just Twilight, Spike, and me left in he library. “You have some really good friends at your side Twilight. I wish I had friends like yours,” I say as I lay my head back down. The purple alicorn comes and sits next to me on the floor. “I've never seen another alicorn, other than royalty. I mean, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadance all were born alicorns,” she says looking at me. “What about you? You weren't born like this?” I ask looking at her wings. “No, I ascended from a unicorn not that long ago,” she says thinking back. I lay my head back down. “Now then, I have a few questions for you,” she says, looking at me with big eyes. I can see the wonder in her eyes and the excitement in her voice. “I want to know what you know, what you've seen. How long have you been searching?” she asks excited. “I see that you are one for knowledge, very well. I will tell you. I have been past the mountains to the north, through untrackless plains of snow and ice. I've been through countless deserts and wastelands of unquenchable sands. Through decrepit and forgotten ruins of ancient past. Through the untamed wilds of the deepest jungles and tops of the highest mountain. I have been wandering this world for countless moons, child. I heard rumor that there were ancient ponies who have seen many an era in this world. I have come for their help. For only then can I find what I need,” I look over to the purple mare whose mouth is now gaping open. After a moment she shakes her head and blinks at me. “I'm sorry that you have had to go through so much,” she says looking at her hooves. “Do not be sorry young one. It isn't your fault. I've been alone for so many years that I had forgotten what it was like to have somepony care for you. You and your friends are so nice to a complete stranger, and I can't even give you my name,” I say, plopping my head onto the floor. “When I first came to Ponyville, I didn't have any friends. I was always so wrapped up in my books that I didn't see the importance of friendship. That is, until I had to team up with my now friends to defeat Nightmare Moon. That is when I learned that friendship is the strongest magic of all. You can do anything with your friends. My friends are always there for me, and I, them. We can always depend on one another to help,” she says with a smile. I lift my head to look at her. “Thank you for teaching my the power of friendship. Now, if I may, I would like to get some sleep. Your friends have planned a big day for me,” I say with a small laugh. She nods and leads the way to the spare room. I walk in and shut the door behind me. A small candle lights the room. The bed looks small, but welcoming. I crawl into the bed and quickly fall asleep. Chapter 2 The Vault I awake as the sun hits my face. I don't remember the window there, but then again, it was dark. I stretch my legs with a groan as I ruffle my coat to get the stray patches back in place. I put on my tattered cloak and quietly open the door to my room. I could hear, what I think is the dragon snoring upstairs. I make my way to the kitchen to look for some food, I haven't eaten in a few days and I am getting a little shaky. A basket of fresh apples sits on the table. I pull a chair out from the table. I cringe as it screeches across the wooden floor. I hear some movement from upstairs. I slowly sit down, trying to be quiet. “Spike, time to wake up,” I hear Twilight say as she walks down the stairs. Her mane all a mess and her eyes droopy, she flinches. Then she remembers that I was suppose to be there. “My apologies if I awoke you,” I say looking at the tired mare. “No, no, it's fine. We usually get up sooner,” she says, rubbing her eyes. She walks past the table and opens the fridge and gets bottle of milk. “May I have an apple?” I ask as she pours herself a bowl of oats. She gives me a sleepy nod, picking up her spoon with magic. I pick an apple from the basket and slowly eat the beautiful red fruit. I savor every bite I take. I could tell that these apples were picked not that long ago. Spike fumbles his way down stairs. Twilight is a little more awake, as she puts her bowl in the sink. She makes spike a bowl of jewels and sets it in front of him. Not wasting a bite of the delicious apple, I eat the core and all. There is a knock on the door. Twilight goes and answers it. When she opens the door, her friend Rarity is standing there. “How is our new friend ready?” she asks as I step next to Twilight. “You really think of me as a friend?” I ask the regal unicorn. “Why, of course darling. We are all friends here,” she says with a smile. I turn to Twilight and say, “Thank you for the apple. I shall see thee upon my return.” I bow and then follow Rarity out the door. “I have a confession to make,” I say as we start walking. “What is it dear?” she says with a smile. “I've never had a real friend before,” I say looking at her. “We are all your friends now,” replies Rarity. “And we will do what we can to get you closer to your goal. Oh! I made you a new cloak. Hopefully it fits,” she continues, pointing to her shop. “I've never been to a spa either,” I say kinda nervous. “It will be a blast, darling. I'm sure you will have fun,” she says as she continues walking. We pass several ponies as we walk. I can hear them talking, whispering about me. I fold my ears back and lower my head. I don't like being stared at, it frightens me. We finally make it to the Day Spa. We are welcomed by earth ponies who are mirrored in color. One is light blue with a pink mane, the other pink wit a blue mane, both of their manes held back with a headband. The blue one steps forward and says, “Welcome Ms. Rarity. The usual today?” “Yes darling. My mane has seen better days,” She says walking off, leaving me in the door way. The pink pony walks up to me and says, “Welcome to the Day Spa! My name is Aloe, and Lotus Blossom over there is taking care of Rarity. Do you have an appointment?” She looks at me for a moment and then Rarity speaks up. “He is with me darling. We need to clean him up, if you would be a dear?” Rarity asks as she returns to her, uh, whatever she was doing. “Alright, follow me sir,” the little pony says with a smile as she walks me over to a padded table. “Please lay down on your belly, and put your face in the hole,” she says really politely. She slowly undoes the wrapping that Fluttershy had done the day before. “Please be careful of that wing, it is broken,” I say lifting my head. “I will take special care of it,” she says as she continues to work. Once the wrapping is off, she starts brushing my mane. It takes a while for her to get my mane how she wanted it. She picks up another brush and starts working on brushing my feathers. Each stroke hurts but feels good at the same time. She quickly finishes my left wing and moves over to the right one. She handles this one a little rougher. It feels so good, I almost start blushing it feels so good. She finishes brushing my feathers and moves to brush my coat. “Can you remove your cloak?” she asks politely. I hesitate a moment and then untie the cloth straps and she hangs it up on a hook. She starts humming as she brushes my coat. It starts to tickle a little as she moves under my wing. “I'm sorry, I'm a little ticklish,” I say with a giggle. “It's alright. I'll just use a lighter touch,” she says with a smile. She coughs a little as she brushes the dust off of my flank. I almost drift off to sleep, and I would have, if it wasn't for the brushing. She finishes and then starts to work on my tail. No matter what she does to it, it remains stiff as a board. After a minute she grunts in frustration. I let out a small chuckle as she walks up to where my head lay. “I'm sorry about my tail. It has always been like that,” I say with a chuckle. She calms herself so she is more professional. “You can head up the stairs to the shower and then into the spa after you have washed,” she says motioning to the stairs behind her. I slowly walk up the stairs to a wooden door. I knock to make sure nopony was inside. After no reply I open the wooden door to a small room with some towels. Latching the door behind me I find another door. I knock once again, just to be safe. Finding it empty I enter and shut the glass door behind me. It started off a little chilly, but soon warmed up to the perfect temperature. The feeling of the warm water on my body is almost indescribable. I stand there just letting the water run down me. After a moment I figured that I should get out soon. I turn the water off and step into the other room. I use my magic to grab a towel and dry myself off. I notice a hamper with the word 'Towels' on it, so I set mine inside and walk out of the small room. In front of me stands Rarity. “Did you have a nice shower darling?” she asks with a smile. “It was quite lovely,” I say. “Ready for the bath?” she asks as she starts walking toward the large open bath. I follow behind her, not so sure about it. She walks down the steps into the steaming water. I hesitate a moment, deciding whether or not to enter. Rarity speaks up as she notices that I am still standing there. “Don't be shy dear. The water will not bite,” she says, motioning me to join her. I slowly make my way into the hot water. It stings at first, but I soon adjust to the temperature. The hot water feels good on my wounded wing. After a little while I see Fluttershy walk in and hear her ask, “Have you seen a dark blue pony with a white muzzle?” “He is in the bath with Ms. Rarity,” Aloe says with a smile. I start to get out as she walks up to the edge. “Oh, don't get out on my account. I'll... I'll just wait until you are finished,” she says timidly, as she starts to back up. “It's quite alright Fluttershy. I was going to get out soon anyway. Allow my to dry and then you can wrap my wing, if you are alright with that,” I says as I dry my newly clean coat. It feels so soft against my skin. I walk down to one of the rooms that the spa ponies allowed us to use. She re-splints my wing and gently wraps the cotton cloth around it and my body. After she finishes I stand to my feet. We hear the bell for the door and both look out to see who was here. It was Spike. He is holding a bundle of emerald fabric. We both walk out to great the little, purple dragon. “Hello Spike, what brings you here?” I ask. “Rarity asked me to bring you the new cloak that she had made for you,” he says with a large smile. Rarity had gotten out of the bath and dried herself off in the meantime. She walks over to Spike and kisses him on the cheek. “Why thank you my little Spikey-Wikey,” she says in a loving tone. She then uses her magic to unfold and place the cloak over my back. She ties a loose knot in the stings and stands back to admire her work. “It looks a little big actually,” Spike says looking at the cloak. It drapes down past the bottom of my wings. “It is perfect Ms. Rarity. I can't thank you enough,” I say with a small bow of gratitude. “Think nothing of it darling,” she says with a smile. “And thank you Ms. Fluttershy for taking care of me. I am in debt to both of you both,” I say looking at the mares. “It is quite alright, it is what friends do,” Rarity says with a smile. “Friends help other friends for nothing in return. I think..” Fluttershy says with a half smile. “The next train is departing in about ten minutes. We should get you to the train station,” Spike says, pointing out the door. “Oh! You two are invited to come to Canterlot as well,” Spike says running out the door, with me quickly following behind. I catch up and pass Spike, laying down in front of him I say, “Hop on and lead the way.” With a grunt and a huff he manages to get on my back. “Geez you're tall for a pony,” Spike says while panting. “Hold on tight,” I say with a smile as I stretch out my legs. I start off at a fast trot and then pick up my speed to a full gallop. After only a few moments I see the train station and slow my pace to a light trot. “How are you holding up little guy?” I ask looking back at Spike. I lay down so he can jump off, only he kinda falls off. I let out a little chuckle. “My apologies,” I say as he dusts himself off. “Wow you're fast,” he says as he falls over again. Twilight walks over with a small chuckle. “You didn't have to rush over here. The train isn't going to be here for another five minutes,” she says, helping her friend to his feet. “I haven't had a chance to have fun in so long, I just wanted to give my legs a stretch,” I say standing to my feet. “How is your wing?” she asks, looking at my side. “It is still tender, but much better thanks to your friend,” I say with a smile. Apple Jack arrives with her saddle bags and a basket of fresh apples. “Mornin' everypony!” she says with a wave of the hoof. I lick my lips, staring at the bright, shinny apples. “Help ya self. I just picked em' this mornin',” she says motioning at the apples. I pick an apple off of the top. The smooth red skin shines in the morning sun. “Thank you Apple Jack,” I say with a nod as I take a large bite out of the apple. Not to make a fool of myself I finish it quickly. “How does your family grow such delicious apples?” I ask the earth pony in awe. “Three generations of TLC and hard work,” she says in her warm southern drawl. “Have you ever had a zap apple?” Spike asks now coherent enough for conversation. “I have had the magical fruit only once in my life. The best apple that has ever graced the face of the planet,” I say reminiscing. “Apple Jack and her family have an entire section of orchard dedicated to nothing but zap apples,” Twilight says with a smile. “Makes the best jam in all of Equestria!” Apple Jack says with pride. I subconsciously lick my muzzle, thinking of how delicious that sounds. My thoughts are quickly interrupted with the sound of the train. The train screeches to a stop at the station as Rainbow Dash swoops in in front of us. “Impressive moves. Once my wing heals, I might be able to teach you something new,” I say with a grin and a wink at the colorful pegasus. “You teach me something? Ha! I've been through the Wonderbolt Academy. I have seen everything! And I mean, everything,” she says with a scoff. I look at the pegasus with distaste. “Pride is only good in moderation. Humility makes the real winner,” I say as I follow the other ponies into the train. I see Rainbow Dash walk into the train with her mouth still hanging open from what I said moments ago. Rarity walks in beside Rainbow Dash without looking at her, rolls her eyes, and shuts it for her. Fluttershy is soon to follow in boarding the train. “ALL ABOARD FOR CANTERLOT!” the conductor yells out the platform. The train takes off shortly after that. It gains speed as it heads toward Canterlot. I remain lost in my own thoughts the entire ride there. 'Why does the Princess want to talk to me? What have I done to draw the attention of royalty?' These and so many other questions run through my mind as the train screeches to a halt at the Canterlot platform. “You alright there, sugarcube?” Apple Jack asks while looking at me. I snap out of the trance that had befallen me. “I am fine, thank you,” I say with a hushed tone. “You're lookin' mighty pale there partner,” she says with concern. “I'm just a little nervous. I'm not much on formalities with royalty,” I say rubbing my hoof on my leg nervously. “Our princess is the nicest person that you could ever meet,” Fluttershy says with a smile. “Yeah! She is totally the most awesome princess ever!” Rainbow Dash exclaims. The other ponies walk toward the castle. The town of Canterlot is busy with residents and visitors to the royal city. I feel so out of place here, so many important ponies, and yet here I am. I see people bowing as Twilight passes by. They greet her with the title “Princess Twilight”. I try to make myself as small as I can in the group of ponies, but the effort is in vain because of my size. The journey to the courtyard didn't take long, which was a relief. I was able to relax slightly once we were out of the main part of the city. The only ponies that seem to be here are the guards. I follow the group of ponies up the stairs to the main hall. As the large, ornate doors open, I see the white alicorn sitting on a throne. Her long mane and tail flow and sparkle in the light with bright pastel colors. She stands to her feet and comes to greet the group of ponies. Twilight gallops forward to embrace her. “Princess Twilight, welcome back to Canterlot. And welcome to the rest of you as well,” she says looking at the six ponies in front of her, I a little farther back. They all bow with respect. I lower my head so as not to be seen, but I can feel her eyes on me. “I see that you have brought the new comer with you,” she says walking past the ponies toward me. I start to shake. My worries start to run through my head like a train. “Welcome to Canterlot. I am Princess Celestia,” she says reaching out a hoof toward me. I hesitantly reach my hoof out to shake hers. “It is quite alright. You are among friends here. Lift your head. I wish to see your face,” she says with a smile. I slowly lift my head, only to gaze upon a white alicorn not far from me. “You have the most interesting coat pattern,” she says looking at my face and freckles. “It is rather unusual for an alicorn to be born into this world. This is truly fascinating,” she says rubbing her chin, deep in thought. “Princess, I apologize for interrupting your thoughts, but please let me speak,” I say with a knot in my throat. She nods her head in acknowledgment. “I have traveled a very long way to find somepony who might have the answer to my question. I don't know who I am or where I came from. I am seeking that information. Are you willing to help a humble stallion?” I say as I bow my head again. The long silence is almost unbearable. “Very well, I shall help you on your search. I would suggest going to the Canterlot Library. We house many books that might hold the answers you,” she says with a smile. I look up at the princess and say, “Thank you.” I stand up straight with a sigh of relief. She takes a step back. “I'm sure we can find something about you. Only the strongest of alicorn reach a stature of your size,” she says looking at me. Twilight walks up to the princess and whispers something in her ear. They both nod at each other and then Twilight starts leading us to the library. I look around and see that the dark blue mare that I had seen in my dream was now standing there next to her sister. They follow shortly behind me., which makes me rather uncomfortable. As we enter the library my eyes light up at the shear volume of books. “Welcome to the Canterlot library,” Princess Celestia says as she and her sister enter. The head librarian walks up to Twilight. “How is my favorite pony?” she asks nudging Twilight. “I'm doing well. How are you doing these days?” she asks the librarian. “I'm doing well. What can I do for all you ponies today?” she asks with a smile, then bows to the royal ponies that are present. “We are looking for anything you have on genealogy.” I say walking up to the mare. “All we have on genealogy is down in the library vaults. Only authorized ponies are allowed to enter,” the librarian says pushing her glasses up on her nose. “I authorize Twilight and her friends access to the vault,” Celestia says. “Yes ma'am. Here are the keys to the vault. It is down the stairs behind my desk,” the librarian says as she bows again, then walks away with a stack of books. Twilight leads us down a flight of stairs to the librarians desk. Behind the desk is a large white pillar. “I don't understand. Where is the stairs?” Twilight asks looking at the pillar. I walk around the pillar and find the flight of stairs. “Um, Twilight? I think I found them,” I say poking my head out from behind the pillar. “Oh, right,” she says, clearly embarrassed. The stairs spiral down for what seems like an eternity. “How far down do these go!” Rainbow Dash yells. We eventually hit the bottom of the stairs which opens in a vast room. The walls are lined with massive steel doors. “I didn't even know that these were here!” Twilight says in shock. “Most ponies don't. The vaults are where we keep Equestria's most guarded secrets,” Celestia says point a hoof at the doors. “Here's the one we need!” Pinkie Pie yells, jumping up and down. We all walk down to the door that Pinkie is bouncing at. Twilight lifts the key with her magic and turns the lock. The tumblers in the clang and bang around for a moment, then the door opens. I close my eye, but when I open them my jaw drops. The room is empty. “I... I don't understand,” I say as I run into the empty vault. “It was suppose to be here. The only hope I had to figure out who I was. It's all gone,” I say as I lower my head in defeat. I sit in the middle of the room with tears in my eyes. “Where is everything? Who else has access to the vaults?” Twilight asks Celestia. “Other than my sister and I, the librarian is the only one who knows about this place,” she says looking around. “Girls, let's look for clues. We have a mystery to solve,” Twilight says with a smile. “What are we lookin' for?” Apple Jack asks. “Anything out of place. Strange hairs or fibers, hoof prints, and so on,” she says as she pulls a magnifying glass out of her saddle bag. “We need to alert the guards. There had been a break in at the vaults. Nopony is allowed to enter or leave Canterlot,” Celestia says walking out of the vault. Princess Luna walks up to me while the other ponies search the room. My tears start to hit the floor. “Sometimes, all a pony needs is a shoulder to cry on,” she says looking at me with compassion in her eyes. “It's not what you are that makes who you are,” Spike says as he walks up beside Luna. “But if I don't know who I was, how will I know who I am suppose to be?” I say looking at them. “We'll figure out who it was, and get those records back,” Twilight says as she puts a hoof on mine. “I just need to be alone for a little while,” I say as I stand up and start walking. I take the stairs back up to the library. My head hung low as I keep walking. I eventually make my way to the courtyard, which is now bustling with royal guards. I decide to try and make my way to the gardens. Somewhere that is most likely deserted right now. Upon my arrival, something doesn't feel right. There were no birds singing in the tree or creature around. Something is definitely wrong. I hear a familiar laugh. I ready myself for what may come as he steps out from the shadows. “Missing something are we?” he says in a deep voice. “Why are you here?” I ask through my teeth. The itty bitty red and black striped unicorn steps into the light. His black and white mane and tail shine in the late afternoon light. “I just love seeing you in pain,” he says with a chuckle. His short stature makes it hard not to start laughing. Being about the size of a foal with such a voice makes anypony want to laugh. “What have you done with the records?” I say stomping my front hooves on the ground. “Oh, they're gone. Along with the rest of the records!” he says with a maniacal laugh. “Messing with my past is one thing, but destroying all of those other ponies records is unforgivable!” I yell sending out a blast of magic. He puts up a shield and blocks it. “Now you know that doesn't work with me. You'll have to try harder than that,” he says laughing again. “Try this one on for size,” I say as I use my magic to teleport behind him. I kick him and his shield into a wall. Appearing behind him once more I use my magic to force myself through his shield and catch a hoof across his muzzle. He teleports away from me and stands there rubbing his muzzle. “So you've learned a new trick?” he asks with a smug grin. “More than a few tricks,” I say from behind him. I kick him with my hind legs sending him into a tree. “I see our civil talks are done now,” he says with a groan and a chuckle. “I am late for an appointment, so I'll leave you to your sorrows,” he chuckles as he vanishes, laughing. “Who was that!?” Twilight yells as she runs up next to me. “His name is Victor Van Schnapp-” “More like Victor Van Shorty!!” Pinkie yells with a laugh, interrupting. “Yes, his size is humorous, but he is nothing to laugh at. He has been a thorn in my side for many years now. Ever since he learned that I was trying to find out who I am, he has been one step ahead of me. He has destroyed the documents that were kept in that vault,” I say with my head hung low. Everypony lets out a gasp. “All of that history is now... Gone?” Twilight asks. I shake my head at the purple alicorn. “That is just awful,” she says. “We must report to Princess Celestia!” Twilight exclaims, turning around. “No need Twilight. I already know,” Celestia says as she walks up to me. “This is now a national emergency. You and your friends are to stay here in Canterlot until we catch him,” Celestia says, turning to Twilight and her friends. “My goodness! And I haven't a thing to wear,” Rarity says with a gasp and a long pout on her face. “I'm sure you'll be fine Rarity,” Rainbow Dash says rolling her eyes. “Come on girls, let's go look for some more clues,” Twilight says, leading them away. Princess Celestia walks up beside me. “I'm sure Twilight and her friends will find him,” she says with optimism. “They won't have to. He'll find me,” I say as I turn around, bumping into Princess Luna. “My apologies, your Highness,” I saw with a bow as I continue walking. I join up with Twilight and her friends. ~*~ After a few hours of looking, searching, thinking, and looking some more, we all agree it's time for a break. We head over to a local cafe and gather around a couple tables joined together. Fluttershy is the first to speak. “I just don't understand why somepony would do such a dreadful thing.” “I don't know either, but as soon I-I mean, we- catch him, I'm gonna give him a taste of my medicine! And it ain't gonna be pret-errffff!!” Rainbow Dash had flown up into the air in her excitement, then went down backwards and hit a small, dainty periwinkle colored mare. We all got up from our seats and rushed over to the scene. “Oh my gosh, are you both alright?” asked Twilight nervously. “Yeah, I'm fine, but I don't know about this one here,” said Rainbow Dash pointing to the mare she rain into. Rarity rushes over, then gasped. “Oh my goodness, Callie! Darling dear, are you alright?” “I'm, I'm alright,” she says as she wobbly stands up. “Easy there,” I say as I stop her from falling down again. “Aww, thank you,” she says with a wide smile. “You're welcome ma'am,” I say with a bow. “Rarity, do you know this mare?” Twilight asks, confused. “Oh, where are my manners? Of course, I'm so sorry! This is Calligraphy Bubbles, she is one of the top artists in all of Equestria! She helps me design outfits and draw up the artwork for my advertisements. She is just the most fabulous little darling! I would be lost without her. We meet up twice a month for tea to discuss her next assignments and such. Dear, oh dear, is there anything I can do?” Rarity finished after a long ramble. “We should take her to a doctor!” said Pinkie, jumping up and down. “This is soooooo exciting!” she giggled. “Yes, we need to make sure that she is alright. Is there anywhere around here to take her, Twilight?” asked Apple Jack. “Um, let me think for a moment. There's a big hospital not far from here. We can take her there. But can she walk?” replies Twilight with a question to Callie. “Um, I think I can walk, yeah. But there's no need for a doctor, really! We can just go to my house, it's around that corner. And from what Rarity has told me, Fluttershy can take care of me as well as any doctor can. Am I correct?” said the bubbly little mare. Fluttershy blushes at this. We all agree and follow Callie to her house. She stumbles a little on the way to her house. She opens the door to a bright purple and pink room, walls covered in picture frames full of art and photos. Callie lays down on the floral coach that is along one of the walls. Fluttershy walks up to her and asks, “Do you hurt anywhere?” “My head hurts a fuzz, other than that? Umm,” she wiggles around on the couch. “That's about it,” she says with a bright smile. “Soo, who are your other friends here?” she asks Rarity. “Sorry, this is Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Apple Jack, and of course, Fluttershy,” she says, pointing to each one accordingly. “And of course my little Spikey-Wikey,” she says, nuzzling the small dragon. “What about the kind stallion that you brought with you?” Callie asks looking at me. “Oh, umm.. He doesn't have a name,” Rarity says with a down turned face. “How could he not have a name?” she asks confused. “I was never given one,” I say looking at the mare. The tenderness and compassion in her gaze made me stagger. I shake my head, trying to focus. “That's why he's here. We were trying to figure out if he had any family, or if there was any record of him in the Canterlot vaults. When we got there, they were all gone. Taken by an evil pony. So now we are at a dead end,” Twilight says with a frown. “What about the vaults under the abandoned castle in the Everfree forest?” Callie ask. We all look at her in shock. “How do you know about the vaults under the abandoned castle?” Twilight asks. “Well, you said that the castle here had vaults, who's to say the other one doesn't?” she says. “I need to talk to Princess Celestia about this. If there is another vault, then maybe all isn't lost,” Twilight says as she gallops out of the house. “It sound like a lot of fun! Can I come?” Callie asks, bouncing. “The more the merrier,” Apple Jack says with a smile. “Shall we follow Twilight?” Rarity asks looking out the door. “LET'S GO!” Pinkie Pie yells, bolting off after Twilight. “Just let me get my saddle bags and I'll be ready,” Callie says trotting off into the other room. “I'll wait for her, you three go on ahead,” I say looking back to where the mare had just run off. “We will see ya soon then,” Apple Jack says with a smile. They all gallop out, leaving me alone in Callie's house. “Where did everyone go?” Callie asks as she walks back with her saddle bag. “They went on ahead,” I say. “Race ya!” she says, readying herself for a hard gallop. “You are on!” I say with a smile. “Ready... Set... GO!” She yells taking off. I follow quickly behind her. “Come on! I'm sure you can run faster than that!” she says, taunting me. I smile at her. Being the gentlecolt that I am, I don't run as fast as I can, but I still make it look like I am trying. We pass the other ponies, even Pinkie Pie. “HEY! WAIT UP!” she yells after us. We pass ponies left and right as we run. We finally reach out destination, the castle. She sits down, huffing and puffing for breath. I sit down beside her with a chuckle. “What are you laughing at?” she asks between breaths. “You run fast for a little mare,” I say with a smile. She smiles, still breathing heavy. Pinkie Pie is the next to arrive. “What's the rush?” she asks with wide eyes. “We were just having a little race,” Callie says with a chuckle. Pinkie starts jumping up and down. “A race! I wish I could have been a part of it! I love racing!” she exclaims, bouncing around us. “Oh, I forgot to mention this. Pinkie Pie and I are distant relatives,” she says, nodding toward Pinkie Pie. “Interesting,” I say as I stare off into the distance. After a few moments, Rarity, Apple Jack, and Rainbow Dash arrive. “What was that all about?!” Rainbow Dash exclaims. “We were racing each other,” I say standing up. “And you didn't include me?” Rainbow Dash says with a pout. At that moment, Twilight walks outside. “Well... What did she say?” Apple Jack asks. “I have good news, and I have bad news,” she says putting her ears back. “The good news is that there are vaults under the old castle,” she smiles. “What is the bad new darling?” Rarity asks impatiently. “The bad news is that the vault is sealed with an ancient spell lock,” she says looking down at the ground. “What are we going to do about that?!” Rainbow Dash asks raising her voice. “I don't know, but we have to try. It's the least me can do,” Twilight says putting a hoof on mine. “Thank you Twilight. I just hope none of you get hurt on my behalf,” I say looking at the ground. “Don't worry about it sugarcube. We'll be fine,” Apple Jack says with a big smile. “Lead the way Twilight,” I say pointing to the train station. We all walk to the train station and board the train back to Ponyville. The trip back was very uneventful. Callie and Pinkie caught up and everyone talked amongst each other. Once we stepped off the train in Ponyville, things started to get interesting. The moment we step off of the train a gray pegasus crashes in front of us. “DERPY! Are you alright?” Rainbow Dash asks helping her up. She quickly flies off without a word. “What's going on here?” Rainbow Dash asks. “OH NO!” I yell stepping forward. “What is it?” Twilight asks. “Shadow minions. They turn into you and have the same strength that you do. They are hard to get rid of. There is a spell to get rid of them, but it is very dangerous to the user,” I say looking at the situation. Ponyville is in utter chaos. Buildings on fire, ponies being chased, so on and so forth. “Twilight, I need you and your friends to round all of the minions up. I'm the only one who can use this spell. Bring them all out into the open and I'll handle the rest,” I say pointing the ponies in the right direction. “What about you?” Callie ask with a worried look on her face. “I'll be fine, just be faster than they are,” I say. “Let's do this! FOR PONYVILLE!” Rainbow Dash yells, charging in. I begin concentrating on focusing the magic. My horn begins to glow a bright blue as I hear the ponies round up the shadow minions. 'Just a little bit more,” I think to myself. “WE'RE READY!” I hear Apple Jack yell. I open my eyes and cast the spell. “IRON MAIDEN COFFIN!” I shout. The ground begins to shake as an iron cage surrounds the huddled shadow minions. Sealing with a bright flash it buries itself under the ground. “That was... amazing!” Twilight says, astonished. “That was AWESOME!” Rainbow Dash exclaims. “Are you alright darling?” Rarity asks walking up to me. “I'll... I'll be ok,” I say with a half smile. I stumble to my knees. “Easy there,” Callie says putting a hoof on mine. “You look awful,” Fluttershy says with concern. “That spell looks like it took a lot out of you,” Twilight says. “That is why I am the only one who can use it. It would kill any normal unicorn. And I could never do that to my new friends,” I say with a smile as I slump to the ground. Everything fades to black and I pass out. The same dream passes before me, but something is different, there is another pony there with me. I can't see anything that is distinctive about this pony. I can tell that it is a mare based on the colors, but nothing else. The bright pink pony doesn't show her face, but I am convinced that this pony is my mother. The cloak that she is wearing is caught in a breeze and I can see her cutie mark, a black spiral with white stars surrounding it. My eyes widen as I see her turn but she runs off before I could see her face. I awake to see seven ponies and a dragon standing over me. “You alright sugarcube? You've been out for a while now,” she says worried. You gave us quite the fright darling,” Rarity says. I sit up panting. “What's wrong?” Fluttershy asks. “I think I just saw... my mother,” I say taking heavy breaths. Everypony gasps. “What did she look like?” Twilight asks. “She was bright pink, she had a black hole with stars around it as a cutie mark,” I say, trying to sand up, falling back to my knees. “You're still weary from that spell. What was that spell anyway? I've never even heard of it,” Twilight ask. “It's called the 'Iron Maiden Coffin', it seals any foe, no matter how powerful, for all of eternity,” I say as she gasps. “But there is a drawback to such a powerful spell. It nearly kills the user,” I say with a ragged breath. “So that's why it's called the 'Iron Maiden'. It takes the life of the user in exchange for the power,” she says, rubbing her hoof on her chin. “Exactly. Now... We need to get to that castle,” I say, trying once more to stand. I wobble a little and try to straighten myself. As I take a step I fall, once again, to the ground. “Careful!” rarity exclaims. I look over to Callie and I see the worry in her eyes, in everponies eyes. 'I have to be strong. For her, for all of them,' I think to myself as I stop a hoof on the ground, forcing myself to my hooves. I stumble as I try to take a step. I shake it off and keep walking. “We have to get there before he does,” I say as I limp towards the Everfree Forest. Twilight walks up beside me and asks, “Are you sure you are going to be alright?” “I'll be fine. Please, lead the way Princess,” I say with a smile. I stop for a moment to let the other ponies pass so I could bring up the rear. We eventually enter the forest, but it is starting to get dark out. I light my horn to use as a light, Twilight and Rarity do the same. I keep seeing them look back at me with worry as I limp behind them. I pay no mind to them as Callie has drawn my attention. The small periwinkle mare has captivated me. All I can think about is keeping her safe. I couldn't forgive myself if anything happened to her, or any of them for that matter. I can't keep this up much longer, but I will do my best. We come to a creaky old bridge. I can see the castle on the other side. I smile as my hope is restored a little. Once we all cross the bridge, Twilight takes us to the throne room. She pulls on a candlestick which slides one of the thrones backwards revealing a set of stairs. We go down the long spiral staircase. I can feel my heart beating in my ears. 'Just a little bit further and then you can rest for a minute,' I keep telling myself. We eventually reach the bottom of the stairs. There is a single door that filled the height of the room. “I've never seen anythin' like it,” Apple Jack says with wide eyes. Twilight walks up and touches the door, it is immediately covered in a magical glow. I was still at the bottom of the steps and could see that the spell was the lock. “How are we ever going to get in?” Rarity asks dramatically. “It's an infinity cypher lock, there is an unimaginable amount of combinations to the lock,” I say sitting down. “Then how do we get in?” Twilight asks. “We bust in!” Rainbow Dash yells. She charges at the door and bounces off of the magic, falling to the ground. She rubs her head. “Or not,” “Why did you think that would even work?” Twilight asks, looking at her friend. “I don't know, it was worth a shot,” Rainbow Dash says standing up. “I don't know how to break the cypher, I've never seen these markings before,” Twilight says, studying the markings. I lay my head down. I am exhausted and can't fight off sleep anymore. “Please, wake up,” Callie say as she taps me with a hoof. “I was just going to close my eyes for few moments,” I say looking at the mare. “We need your help. You seem to know about this lock. Can you tell us how to get in?” Twilight asks, walking up to me. I sigh as I fight off sleep. “The lock has an emergency release for quick access in troubled times. There will be a thin line of magic running along one of the edges to a shape. You overload the shape with magic and it should release the lock,” I say pointing to the large door. “Callie, please keep an eye on him while we try to find the override,” Twilight says, returning to the lock. Callie lays down beside me. I lay my head down once more and quickly drift back to sleep. MLPFIM © Hasbro |