Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1974592-White-Clay-Clicker
by Justin
Rated: E · Other · Horror/Scary · #1974592
Scary story of a strange creature.
The White Clay Clicker

White Clay reserve in Pennsylvania is known for its beautiful woodland trails,  great fishing, and wildlife reservoir.  Many families come to camp out, hike the long trails, and fish for trout in the crystal clear streams. Its rare that people ever have anything to worry about while in these woods. There are no bears, no wolves, no mountain lions, and no bobcats. The only predator is the fox, who is much to small to cause harm to a human. However, recently people have been spooked and scared off by something unexplained in these woods. It all started in winter of 2013. December 30th to be exact. Jim Wilkes and his long time friend Johnny Ottsen were walking the trails to go on their annual trout fishing spree. They fish during the winter in the white clay creek. Jim says thats when the big trout are the most active. The men arrived at their fishing hole and began fishing. They fished throughout the day without so much as a single bite. They were confused,  normally they catch 20 to 30 trout per day. But today, nothing. They didnt even see any fish swimming in the clear waters. "How could this be?" Said Jim disappointed.  " its almost as if something has taken all the fish out of the water." "Or someone." Said Johnny.  It was about dawn when the men headed back to their car. It was unusually quiet on their walk back. The car was over 1 mile away from their fishing spot and they had to walk the trails through the woods to get there. As the sun began to disappear, Jim heard a noise far behind him, "What was that?" Jim said to Johnny.  "It sounded like a constant clicking noise."  "Probably a woodpecker." Johnny replied.  Feeling a bit uneasy, the men continued to walk. After about 100 feet they could hear the clicking again, but this time accompanied by a strange feeling of being followed.  The men stopped and looked at eachother, and as they stopped they heard footsteps approaching them rapidly. The men panicked and ran as fast as they could up the trail. Running as if they were in a race to save their lives. Their car was in their sights about 100 yards away when both men suddenly tripped over a wire that someone had put there. Almost as if someone had known they were running and wanted to stop them there. The men hit the ground hard and were lying there on the cold hard ground. As they got up slowly, they heard the clicking again. They began to feel as if something was there with them, and they began to hear footsteps coming towards them. However this time the footsteps were coming from the direction their car was in. They felt trapped. They stood still, feeling paralyzed. They felt helpless and hopeless. The footsteps became closer and closer and the clicking noice became louder and louder. Suddenly the noice stopped, there was dead silence.  For a moment the men stood there in fear. After about 10 minutes the men figured maybe whatever was near them had gone away. At this point it was pitch dark. Johnny remembered he had a flashlight in his backpack and slowly reached in and took it out. He pointed the light toward the ground and turned it on. He slowly raised the light up so that the men could see the trail in front of them, as johnnys light slowly rose up, they saw something standing in the trail.  15 feet in front of them.... it had greenish brown skin. It stood 7 feet tall, with arms that hung down to its knees.  It had sharp claws and its face stared at them with large glowing eyes. It opened its mouth wide and it let out a sound of continuous clicking, they could see its mouth was full of small razor sharp teeth. They were looking in the face of a creature that had never been seen before,  a monster,  they were looking in the face of the White Clay Clicker. Jim and Johnny were the first people to ever see this creature. Luckily a wildlife reservation officer came looking for them and scared the creature away. When Jim and Johnny were escorted back to their car they found their tires slashed. And the inside of their car bombarded.  Whatever this creature was, it didnt want Jim and Johnny there, it doesnt want anyone there. This creature still lurks the woods in the white clay reservoir, if you decide to go there.. beware of the White Clay Clicker.
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