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What The Writers Cramp means to me,how I feel,& my appreciation: 1/30/14 entry |
The Writer's Cramp inspires me with unique and unusual prompts. My creative juices gush, flowing like a torrent of water running down a deep long slope, and streaming into a beautiful lake mirroring the scenery of my imagination. With this nudge from The Writers Cramp, to create characters and scenes which combine to weave themselves into colorful, moving poem, or story, I am writing more often, and much better. Having a sense of adventure, the prompt gives me a huge boost of creative energy which allows my mind to focus on something I may not normally consider writing. It has helped my imagination grow and become more pliable leading me to write stories and poems I may not have tried to write. This gift to me from The Writers Cramp, of a prompt and writing content within 24 hours time limit coming to my attention, my imagination is set free to have the adventure of a life time, learning that I can imagine many different things, and knowing I was able to write content of unfamiliar genera or subject matter, happened only because I discovered this contest. Writing something within 24 hour period is the best activity I can do for myself so that when the opportunity to write professionally becomes reality, I will be well prepared to do my job. Practicing these skills on WdC with the help of The Writers Cramp judges, who diligently examine the written work, is like having my own writing coach. I'm thankful the judges give advice and make certain the requirements have been followed. This allows me to practice following directions and writing so that when I'm ready to submit something for publication, I will know how to do this correctly. A bonus for me, is that my spelling has improved for which I thank WdC and The Writers cramp. I have more confidence in my writing abilities and am not so concerned with what words I may have misspelled. My opportunity to explore different genera and topics, learning how to allow my writing to flow, and quickly edit, means a lot to me because I have limited vision and finding mistakes is a challenge I am conquering, one contest entry at a time. Spiritually, mentally, and even physically I get limited exercise, yet because I need to get out of bed, turn on the computer, and write for this wonderful contest, I have to move. I start my day by transferring out of my hospital bed to my wheelchair. For a writer to be active each day dressing, other activities, and ready to write requires using physical strength and energy. My day is similar except, I take longer to accomplish being ready to write, and my energy is used up much more quickly. I have hearing loss and need my hearing aids in order to know when my timer goes off, so I do not miss The Writers Cramp deadline. Sometimes I'm up late at night because I want to submit the very best written content possible. In order to be certain I rise early in the morning to finish my contest entry, I set my alarm. Bella my service dog to alerts me to the alarm. My computer has a magnification program which requires me to scroll up and down, and left to right to view the screen in small sections. I can only see about an eighth of the screen at a time. Typing is important because I have several different types of arthritis, helps me stay limber and flexible, is the easiest way for me to write, be able to read and edit what I write, and allows me to spend more time writing. Now you know how and why, I write that The Writers Cramp helps me to exercise. The Writers Cramp is challenging, exciting, and gives me so many benefits that it is worth, and a good reason to do all of these activities and expend my energy. Working to write and writing to work out the details of my entry to this awesome event is the very best example of my writing ability and word art picture any reader can enjoy is well worth every minute I invest into this activity. Knowing I can do this for a contest shows me that I have plenty of potential to achieve many possibilities with my writing interests and skills. Thinking about this contest is like thinking about going to Disneyland for writers. The anticipation and thrill of competition, possibility of being awarded the gift points for the best writing is something I look forward to, and very much enjoy. I move and work each day to achieve my writing success. The Writers Cramp has helped me to be healthy physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually because making static items in my WdC portfolio is a contest requirement. And, sharing these items with the WdC members is reaching out to get to know some new friends. I am doing this more because The Writers Cramp exists. I write and enjoy life because WdC exists. My days and nights are brighter, happier, joyous, and nicely challenging because I know I can log in whenever I choose so that I can write, communicate with WdC members, and work on my The Writers Cramp entries. To God the glory for showing me this contest, and recently nudging me to enter this challenging event. Thank you lord for these wonderful gifts and the people who have made it possible for me to have access when ever I need to write and work on my word art. I am very glad The Writers Cramp is here on WdC. Thank you WdC and The Writers Cramp for allowing me to have a full writing life. This is an awesome gift to me and everyone who dares to take on this challenge. word count 975 |