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Rated: 18+ · Assignment · Other · #1974529
HSP Romantica, Composite A1 three parts
A1 Romantica, Assignment 1 Part 1.

Assignment 1 part 1

Pick two characters you are going to become intimate with for the next six weeks. Name them and give them some background information.

The following “Personals” appeared in the Newspaper of a large State University.

Charles Dubois:

My name is CD. I’m six feet tall, with sandy hair and freckles and weigh one hundred fifty lbs. I’m thirty-two, have college degrees in computer and political science and work for a Fortune 500 company. I’ve a slim athletic build, love to run and play racquetball and enjoy watching collegiate and professional sports. While confident on the job, I’m quiet by nature, and admit to nervousness around women. I’m interested in a girl seeking a long-term relationship. Ideally it’s someone who can make me laugh, is into physical fitness and has an educated and inquiring mind. Cooking skills are a definite asset. I can be contacted at (541) 254-6832.

Edith Hamilton:

My Name is EH. I’m five foot nine and weigh one hundred twenty pounds. I’m twenty-nine with a masters degree in Sociology. Currently I’m in advanced studies, working on my doctorate. I’m strong willed, opinionated and don’t suffer fools. I’m seeking a man who is personable, outgoing and self-confident. Someone who can sooth my fretfulness, and appreciate the many fine qualities I bring to a relationship. Qualified candidates may contact me at (541) 254-2136.

Write a mini character profile [2 paragraphs] for each character, from their own point of view.

(1) Charles is ordinary looking, smart and career oriented. His personal life is lonely and he has reached a stage where he feels a compelling need to find somebody nice to settle down with. He has decided to respond to Edith’s “Personal” in the University Newspaper. While a bit nervous and not sure they are a good fit he calls her up anyway. He is drawn by her brash confidence and self-esteem.

(2) He asks her to meet him at a local sports bar and have dinner… that he will be standing at the bar at eight o’clock wearing a green sweater. She agrees to meet and hangs up.

(1) Edith noticed Charles “Personal” in the University paper and dismissed him as an unlikely candidate. She was surprised when he called and asked for a date. She was on the verge of declining when taken by a sudden curiosity decided to see him in person.

(2) She’s very controlling and decides to arrive early, incognito, dressed conservatively, and check Charles out. If he’s not her type she intends to walk out.

Things to think about in regards to your characters:

How do they know one another? They saw each other’s personal in the University Newspaper.

What attracts them to each other? Charles is drawn by Edith’s confident self-image. Edith likes the sound of Charles’s voice even though she doesn’t expect them to hit it off.

Is it an instant attraction? Charles is intrigued and Edith is curious.

Do they have a love/hate relationship with sexual undertones?

At this point they are not yet far enough along to have such defined feelings however, it’s my intention to show both love/hate and a sexual attraction.

Remember this is self-discovery, not how one sees the other, but how they each see themselves.

I think the “Personals” and the two paragraphs on each show character and how they see themselves. As the class progresses they will reveal more to the reader.

What makes them tick?

Again I intend to show more of that as we get into the class. I envision Edith as the more outgoing and Charles under the sway of her stronger and controlling personality

Romantica Part 2, A1

Describe your interpretation of Romance, including what your expectations are when you read a romance novel. Do the same for Erotic fiction. Tell me how you think the two genres can be brought together, what elements need to be focused on. This need not be extensive, just enough information for us to work with over the next six weeks.

Romance: The story of an interpersonal relationship that develops between two people who fall in love. It skirts the edge of describing the physicality of intercourse while exciting the reader indirectly, stopping short of graphic language and description.

Expectations: In reading a romance I expect the writer to show the emotional, aspects of a loving relationship woven into the context of a compelling story line. I expect the writer to do everything BUT take the reader behind the closed door and describe graphically the sexual intercourse that takes place.

Erotic Fiction: I expect the above but also the boldness to go where other writers fear to tread, to walk the fine line between too little and too much.

The two can be brought together through more restrained language, metaphor, imagination and using the sublime. By the writer knowing when the intimate image is tastefully achieved and not going beyond. It is the fine line between seducing the reader with joyful physical experience and grossing them out with porn.

Romantica A1 Part Three:

WC 997

Trust Your Instincts

Charles walked into the sport’s bar looking casually about. As promised, he was wearing a green sweater. He took a seat at one of the stools, motioning to the bar tender.

“A Pepsi,” he ordered, wanting to stay sharp for his first encounter.

The Place was called “The End Zone” and was one of his favorite haunts. It had large windows around the perimeter and a huge bar in the center. From the ceiling hung wide screen TVs each with a different sports venue. Surrounding the bar were booths for ordering food and having a good time with friends.

He noted the usual crowd except for a woman sitting alone in the corner. She was wearing sunglasses and a dark fur lined parka. Hmmmm, he thought beginning to wonder… until that is, he was distracted by an attractive young woman coming inside. She walked up to the bar and took a seat. She turned, noting his presence, and looked away.

Five foot nine, about a hundred twenty and in her late twenties, he thought. Leaving his seat he stood and walked over. “ I’m Charles Dubois and you must be Edith Hamilton.” He tried to sound confident but his voice squeaked.

“My name isn’t Edith, and I’m expecting my boyfriend,” she replied with a dismissive look.

“Sorry,” His confidence shaken, Charles returned to his seat. He glanced to where the girl with the parka had been sitting and saw her walking out the door. Five foot nine, a hundred twenty and in her late twenties… “Damn” he muttered to himself, paying the tab.

When he got to the door he noticed the mysterious girl was the other side of the parking lot getting into a Mini-Cooper. On the vanity plate were the letters ED HAM.

"Excuse me," he called out in a loud voice… "You’re Edith Hamilton, aren’t you?"

She paused and got in. Turning around she began backing out of the space. As the car pulled out even with the curb their eyes met. She was furious! All he could think to say was, “Sorry I disappointed you!”

She floored the accelerator and popped the clutch. Wheels screeched as the sporty little sedan sped away, onto the main thoroughfare.

Charles shook his head and went back inside. His stomach churned and his hands were shaking. Returning to the bar he ordered a double something or another. He slugged it down and ordered a second. Minutes passed and a warm glow began settling about him. Introspectively he mulled the scene over in his mind before taking a deep breath and smiling bitterly. His reveries were broken when somebody took the stool next to him.

“Hey sailor, new in town?”

He looked and saw Edith. There was an uncomfortable pause.

“What made you come back?” he asked sullenly. “Guilty conscious?”

“Not exactly,’ she replied, “I couldn’t help but notice that bulge as you stood on the curb. Was that a pickle in your pocket?”

Her manner and tone took him off guard. She was looking at him with wide-eyed innocence, and a disarming twinkle.

“You were supposed to come up and introduce yourself, that’s what we discussed on the phone,” he responded accusingly.

“What is “Supposed,” supposed to mean?” she shot back. “I arrived early, and saw you trying to pick up that cutie over there. I didn’t want to interrupt anything.”

“I thought she was you,” Charles retorted.

“Yeah, like the two of us, even look remotely alike.”

“I never saw you before. How was I supposed to know what you looked like?”

“Get real! Am I to believe that you didn’t check me out in the yearbook? How many EH’s are there in class of 2004 with a Master’s Degree in Sociology?"

“I’m not into doing background checks," he shot back," I don’t suppose you can say the same.”

“Busted!” She said throwing up her hands in dismay. “ I confess. A girl can’t be too careful with all the lying men in this world who don’t care about anything but getting laid.” The exchange had gotten loud and people were looking their way.

“Time Out!” said the bartender, ”Why don’t the two of you go somewhere and talk this out like adults.”

There was another protracted silence before Edith slipped from her stool.

“My fault,” Charles admitted suddenly. There was a note of contrition in his voice. “I can see now how this was all a huge misunderstanding.”

Edith smiled, “So you admit you were wrong?

“I can see how things might have appeared from your point of view.”

“You can, can you?”

“… And concede I might have been presumptions.”

“Presumptuous? I should say so… thinking I was hiding incognito in some back corner to check you out. Thinking that if you didn’t meet with my expectations I would slink off without a word leaving you to wonder why you’d been stood up.”

“It was a bad assumption.”

“Do you really believe I'm capable of such deceit?”

“I was wrong, OK?”

“Are you always so skeptical of others?”

“Not always. Are you ready to quit beating a dead horse?”

Edith paused stroking her chin. “I suppose since we’ve cleared the air and you admit to being in error, that we might do a reboot.”

Charles signed with relief.

“Are you ready to go sit in the corner and start talking like adults?” she asked.

“That would be a welcomed change.”

As Charles reflected when he got home, from that point on the evening was delightful. He felt more at ease with Edith than he could ever recall. They had so much in common and her conversation had been so ranging and animated. He reflected back on her opening comments about the SAILOR and the PICKLE. What was that all about, he wondered? But what really peaked his curiosity were her words as they parted.

“Always trust your instincts, Charles. You give up much to easily. “

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