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Jay didn't want the truth to come out, but his friend let the pony out of the bag! |
“I can’t believe you told him that.” “It was true after all.” “Right, was true. Was! It’s not true anymore. I don’t like My Little Pony anymore.” “So what of you did? A lot of guys like it these days.” “Yeah, a lot of losers. I ain’t a loser no more.” “You weren’t a loser then.” “How would you know? You didn’t brony up for months on end, watching the shows, writing the fan-fiction, singing the songs… Stop smiling.” “Nah, dude. That stuff’s cool. You’re cool. You know how much energy and passion it takes to write just one story, let alone a whole series like you did? And giving that Froot Loops –” “Applejack!” “Yeah, giving that one all that attention… I mean, man, that’s impressive.” “You really think so?” “You know I do. I would read some of those stories and feel like I was in Equitoria –” “Equestria.” “Yeah, there. I would feel like I was there with those ponies and making friends and, man, you really added something to it. That show, I’ve watched a couple of episodes and they usually revolve around friendship and learning life lessons and stuff, but your series had more than that.” “Yeah?” “Yeah! Like when that pink one –” “Pinkie Pie.” “—and that purple dragon thing –” “Spike the Dragon.” “—became soul mates with those Earth ponies, it was, like, it made my heart cry.” “That’s so gay, dude. But, yeah, everyone writes cross-gen fan-fiction.” “Cross-gen?” “Cross generation. Mixing Generation Four ponies with earlier generations, like ones from the 80’s, maybe.” “Oh. I didn’t realize it was a whole big… thing.” “Subgenre.” “Yeah, that. Well, I never read any of those other stories. I only read yours and you have the stuff, the talent. You have the stuff in your stories that almost made me watch the damn show on a regular basis, dude.” “But, Brand, dude, Kody doesn’t think it’s cool. That’d be like me telling one of your girlfriends that you played with Star Wars dolls.” “Dude.” “What?” “Those were action figures! Dolls are Ken and Barbie. Action figures are Ninja Turtles and Star Wars.” “Whatever. I would’ve never blocked you like that because it would’ve embarrassed you.” “First off, Jay, you could never block me, not in a million years. I would destroy you if you came between me and my lady friends and their lady parts. Secondly, I wouldn’t care if they found out. It doesn’t bother me, or embarrass me. I was a kid.” “And teenager.” “And teenager, right. I only boxed up those action figures a couple years ago and now I’m a senior in high school. Who gives a shit? Playing with Han and Luke and Leia and Krang and Shredder and Donatello helped make me who I am today, man.” “Yeah, I’m sure you had a couple of Leia’s going at it, dintcha?” “Just like I’m sure you had Han and Luke hooking up all the time. Aww, don’t be embarrassed, Jay Jay! Blue Jay! Jay Jay Gay-brams! You’re still my bestest bud. My buddy. My pal! And that also happens to be the truth. And if Kody with a Kay can’t accept the fact that you went through a brony phase, then he can suck it. Rather, he can not suck it!” “You’re not right, dude.” “I’m right as rain, and you know it. Now go find Kody with a Kay and make him Kody with a Jay, man! And if he’s got a problem, send him my way. I’ve got a pair of fists with his name on them.” “Alright, whatever. I’ll go find him.” “Good. Now, hug it out. Yeah, that’s the stuff! You gay guys give great hugs, man.” “Later, Brand. Text me.” “Screw that. I’ll call you, man.” “’Kay. C’ya!” Word Count: 635 |