Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1974122-survival
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1974122
zombies, guns, gore ,murder
March, 5, 1984

I was sitting on the couch about an hour and half ago and saw on the television,. That a zombie apocalypse is broken out and is on its way here to New Sewickley, Pennsylvania. So this will be my journal for the days, months or even years of the outbreak and if I survive in it for long.

March, 13, 1984

The outbreaks been out for about a week or so now and I’ve gone through a couple of these zombies. I can feel all the radiation around me so there is an outbreak somewhere near. I’m going to go rob this store for the goods that are left inside of it. I will be back to this journal soon.

March, 17, 1984

So I robbed the store for all of its goods I got a 9mm pistol twelve bullets a fire axe and some canned food I killed three of the zombies today. And almost got bit because I was using the fire axe so I can get good with it. And I also found another survivor named Cindy so were together as a team right now fighting them off as best as we can. And she has medicine in case we get bit. In all she has twelve capsules so if we get bit we practically have twelve lives.

March, 22, 1984

So it’s been close to a week since I wrote in to the journal. We retrieved eight more capsules which is good considering we lost a few because Cindy and I got bit and our new partner we found named Sam. But after getting bit I feel a bit jittery from it so I’m going to end this right here for a few weeks until I get a new pack of lead or a new pen.

April, 9, 1984

So I got some lead for my pen. And I’m feeling better besides the point of freezing because we ran out of matches for fires and I have been searching around everywhere for some kind of flint and steel a lighter, matches anything that produces flame. I see a corner store up ahead so I’m going to go scout the place out and see what they have for goods. I’ll be back in this journal sometime hopefully today or tomorrow.

April, 10, 1984

So I found some goods, a 250 pack of matches, a bitco lighter with half of the fluid still left in it. This is enough to last for a bit. So I got Cindy and Sam and we found an vacant wooden shelter were going to set camp here for awhile so I got a fire lit and got a pan with Mac-n-cheese cooking on the fire, Inside of the shelter. I put my goods in the storage box and locked the door and reinforced the windows shut.

April, 14, 1984

So we found one of them in our attic staring right at a survivor so we killed the zombie and rescued the survivor and his name is Dan. He was a Pre Navy Seal just like me a corporate to be exact and he had some guns he had an m4, m9, mp5 with bullets for all of us so he gave me the mp5, Cindy the M9 and kept the m4 for himself and he also has a bullet proof vest where who’s scouting wears it each night. I saw a zombie outside and counted down 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 and BANG! Across the head this zombie had a book bag on him with some food and a 22! So I found a gun. This was an exciting moment!

April, 17, 1984

So Dan sadly went missing, and I had shot a deer and got some good meat out of that cooked some deer jerkery that will hopefully last us a few weeks. So we can last a little longer in this terrible place. I hope my family on the other side of the state is all right that’s my grandma, dad, uncles, aunts. And cousins I hope there fine there. My mom died a few years back died from a heart attack. Doctor said her heart exploded like a balloon. It was sad for me considering me and here were so close and she was on this side of the state. So I’m practically alone with no family over here it’s a 5 hour drive just to visit for a day or two. I try and make it out there every winter.

April, 23, 1984

I had a dream about my mom. Like she was here? Right beside me. Is this real life? Me and her were having a conversation she was telling me what to do to stop this. And I listened and I’m working on the idea to do it. I hope I can get it done soon before Cindy and Sam get hurt or even me.

April, 27, 1984

There was a pounding on the door this morning. So then I awoke, Sam and Cindy were still sound asleep so I walked in the room and shouted “GOOD MORNING!” and answered the door. It was different it was what I needed to help save the world. Two more survivors they had said zombies almost bite them and then a bit later, The brother Tom said I got bit or its from the cut from work last month he said it looks fresh so Cindy took a look and he was. Cindy gave him one of our last pills. And he took it and he said he feels better and he highly appreciates it I offered them to stay here with us they stood right up and said “yes thank you so much”

May, 2, 1984

So Tom had told me, that he had a dream last night to kill them off he said it would take five people. “and I thought in my head, this sound just like my dream” He then said, we need to freeze them someway somehow two people will need to be bate one will have to be the shoot and one will protect the shooter and one will the freezing. And then I said ‘’this sounds like a great plan, to be honest I had a dream exactly like this the other night, but my mom was in it.”

And that ended the conversation. Cindy came down and said good morning. And suddenly kissed me on the cheek? I was shocked and I felt evanescence. So then I said I’ll be back I went to my desk to start writing this entry. But I’m going to end this entry here.

May, 7, 1984

So I had another dream about my mom. She spoke to me and her words exactly were “you need to end this now get everyone rounded up and get the supplies to do it dry ice, antifreeze anything to freeze something. I hope you pull this through son. And she then vanished like vapor into the mist. So then I awoke sweating. And woke everyone up and said we all have to talk pronto. And then Cindy, Sam, Adam, Tom. I told them. Sam got up and said agreed. Then did tom Adam and Cindy. So we got what we could, then we used infoland on Cindy’s cell. To search up how to make dry ice. And etc to any frozen products. So we found out and its night now so I’m ending this journal for a bit I’ll be back tomorrow with the leads of what is going to happen

May, 8, 1984

So everyone is up and ready to go. But there was one plan I did not think of. Is how to lure them all together? Then with a snap of my fingers I thought of an idea. We need to find a dead human body put it on a post near the radio tower so we can play music out of it to lure the zombies over to the old baseball field then we will have to gate it up with spiked wood. So there we went off. And I said the exact spot and follow me we shot some zombie brains out along the way. And then when we were there Tom and Adam was the bait for now then the gate closers were Cindy and Sam. So they got them all in there and closed the spiked wall. And then I screamed HEY!!! So then all the zombies looked over and went rawlss rual worals. Making zombie noises, then I threw a piece of dry ice down in the center and bam went about ¼ of them then I threw them all down. And there was one left so I walked up to it to go finish it. And I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. It was my Dad. A couple hundred of tears had to of ran down my eyes because I knew he was gone. There was a note in his pocket to it was an address label to my house. So I opened it and it said. “Live a good life son. I Love you keep ot the good work and don’t ever give up. Grandma and them will be fine just not me. I hope you see this and if you still are alive. Like I said keep your head up and never give up.” And that was the end of it I had to shoot him in the head a few times then I said we finished it. So then Cindy came running towards me and jumped on me screaming you did it! You did it! I said, wow I guess I did smiling.

June, 3, 2001

So it’s been years since the outbreak and I found this old dusty journal and read it so I want to write in to it. So Cindy and I officially a couple with a 15 year old son and an 11 year old daughter. And we are living on the side of the state with my Mine and her families. Its nice over living on this side since me and her each got out family here. We talk to Sam and tom every once in a while. But Adam passed away drunk driving in a car crash. Doctor said his face twisted like a owl. And that he was gone for good which was depressing considering it was a year after the outbreak. But this is the end of this journal for the rest of it. For whoever sees this I hope you think what we did was worth it.

Sincerely Signed: John D Wayne. (Characters Main Name)

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