Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1974097-The-Girl-in-the-Woods
Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1974097
A girl who has no family lives in the woods, goes on an adventure with a young prince.
My name is Abigail, and I live in the forest. Both of my parents died when I was eight. I barely remember either of them. So after they passed, I ran. I’ve always been in love with the woods of Bellola so I went there. When I went there, I met my friend Alex. I lived with him and his pack until Alex became a loner. After everyone stopped walking through the woods, King Eli said no one is supposed to be in the forest. I was already in, so no one bothers me. I’ve lived here for ten years. The woods are full of mythical creatures, like vampires, werewolves, witches, and warlocks. I make all my clothes out of the giant leaves that grow in the wood. Lying on the bank of the stream that runs through the forest, my knife lying at my side, is how I spend my nights.
Well this night was very different. A boy of about eighteen came stumbling into the clearing, bleeding from his left arm. I’m up on my feet in a flash. He collapses in front of me. “Help me.” He said before he passed out cold. I drag him back to my little cave. I lay him on my bed, bandage his arm, and sit on the rock I watch the sun rise from. For three days this boy is unconscious. When he finally wakes up I’m outside, gathering some berries. “Well, good morning sir.” I say, handing him a fist full of berries. “Eat up. There will be more, later.” And with that, I walk to the stream to bathe.
Not soon after I get back, he is sitting up with his head in his hand. “You lost a lot of blood......?” “Marcus. Call me Marcus.” He said, putting his back against the wall. “Well Marcus, how did you get the big gash on your arm? And why are you in the woods?” Marcus closed his eyes, and opened them again. “I was hunting and wolves attacked me. How long have I been out?” “Three days.” “Three days?” he asked. “Yes, and you need to lie down again before you fall down.” He stands, wobbling. I reach out and grab his right arm. “Unhand me!” he shouts. I let go, taking three steps back. “Oh my, I’m so sorry I yelled. I’m just not use to someone touching me without my permission.” I nod and walk outside. I hear him follow. “Your permission? What’s your full name?” “Prince Marcus White.”
I sit on a rock. He’s the Prince? I thought. Then it hit me. He knows where I live. He’s seen me here. I’m going to have someone come after me! I look at him. “Why are you here? Who sent you?” Marcus takes a step forward, brown hair catching a patch of sunlight. I hear a noise off to my left. “Marcus, get down!” I shout, bringing out my knife. He dives down to the ground, covering his head with his hands. If we weren’t in possible danger, I would have laughed. The noise got closer. It could be two things, a warlock or a vampire. The sound drew closer, and closer, and closer. I close my eyes, trying to think of where I heard that sound before. Then it hit me right as the sound came into the clearing. “Hey.”
I was wrong with my guesses. “Alex! You scared us to death!” I shout, sheathing my knife. “Well you didn’t give me a great greeting either. A knife? Silver or regular?” He laughs, and then stops suddenly. “Did you say us?” then Marcus decides to show his face. After quick introductions, Alex drags me off to the side of the clearing. “How did you stumble upon him?” he asks. “First, you’re hurting my arm. Second, he stumbled upon me.” I say, looking him in his gold eyes. I know who’s winning this argument. Me. “Look at him!” he says and I look. Marcus is sitting on the edge of the bank, feet dangling in the water. “What about him?” I ask, scowling at his rudeness. “You need to see what he’s doing! He’s trying to notice anything, or anyone, in here!” I shrug out of his grip and walk to Marcus. “Do you want to go back to the palace?” I ask wishing I hadn’t. He jumped at the sound of my voice. “Yes ma’am. I’ve been gone longer than I told anyone I would be.” “Alright then, let’s go.” He blinks. “Now?” I smile, “No a week from now. Yes now!” I turn to Alex. “You too. Start tracking!” they are tripping over each other trying to gather wood, water, and food. I laugh, “Guys, guys, you have me coming with you. You don’t need to worry about food and everything.” They stop, look at each other, and walk to the edge of the clearing. We head out.
“I think we should make camp.” I say, feeling drops of rain. We’ve been walking less than an hour. I send Marcus and Alex to get fire wood, but not without a “But it’s raining!” comment from Alex. I started to gather wood and leaves. Tying them with the string from my dress, I make a little hut with a wall in the center. I coat the bottom with leaves and moss to make the ground less hard. Then, I find some other giant leaves and stitch them together, making blankets. When they come back, they find me sitting under one of the blankets, because I used the stitching from my dress to make the hut, and a room for both of them which is bigger than mine. “Wow, Abby, did you make this?” Alex said bewildered. I hiss at him to be quiet but Marcus had already heard. “Abby? Is that your name?” “Actually it’s Abigail but Abby is what my friends call me.” This is awkward. Here I am in the forest with two guys, naked, under a blanket.
“How could you not tell him your name?!” Alex whispered in the night. He and I are sitting next to the hut with Marcus sleeping inside. I have my blanket wrapped around me. “He didn’t ask, so it didn’t seem important at the time.” He stands, and starts to make a fire. There is a long pause before either of us speaks again. “You just didn’t want him to find out who you are. That way no one could find you.” My head slumps. “Yes,” I said, “I can’t lie to you.” I smirk, “You know me to well!” I screech as he jumps up to grab something next to me. He laughs, “I know who you are. You are Abigail Jones, a girl who’s not afraid to stand up to anything. Not even me, and I’m the biggest predator in the forest!” I laugh, and grab his hand. “Cut your nails! They are so long!” he lunges at me and I squeal. I run to a tree and climb as high as the tree is tall. “I know you’re up there! I can smell you!” and he starts to climb. It’s almost a full moon. “Save your energy for walking bubby! It’s almost a full moon!” I yell down the tree. “Liar!” he shouts, reaching the top.
“Oh, you’re right. Well you better make a cage or find a way to keep Sleeping Beauty down there away from me.” He says, laughing. “His name is Marcus, not Sleeping Beauty.” But I couldn’t help laughing. We climb down the tree and make our way back to the hut. I didn’t realize how far I ran from the clearing. The other bad thing is I forgot the only thing that could protect me, my knife. I hear a twig snap and I freeze. That was not an animal. It was human-ish. “Alex?” I barely whisper out his name when warlocks jump out from behind trees.
“Well, well,” The leader said, “If it isn’t a girl and her dog.” Behind me I hear Alex catch his breath, trying not to lash out. “What do you want?” I ask, hoping he would keep talking until I could devise a plan. “Well, she speaks.” The wicked man smiled. “And her dog? Does he talk?” “No,” I was quick to say, “He’s mute.” He smiles, and bows at the waist. “I am Henley and I’m going to take you, milady, to our hide out where you will never escape.” With that, the other men grab my arms and legs. I try to scream to Alex to help but they put a rag over my mouth. Breathing through the rag, I smell what they put on this. Poppy. Poppy seeds were ground to a paste and soaked this rag. I can feel myself losing consciousness already. I can’t believe that I am being kidnapped. Was my last thought before I lost consciousness.
I awoke in a strange room. I couldn’t think where I was. Then I remembered. Henley, Alex, Marcus, everything. I can’t believe it. I was actually in a strange place. Then I realize something else, I’m still naked. The blanket I made was gone. I have no clothes and I’m in a strange place.
“Sleep well?” I jump at the voice. Henley is sitting in the corner reading a book. “You could say that.” I say, covering myself with the blanket. “I will be back with something for you to eat. In the mean time, there are some dresses in that chest over there.” He walks out of the room. I stand, walk over to the chest, and pull out the dresses. They all look like they are from royalty. I pick a blue gown with a purple lace bodice. I dress quickly. My knife is sitting on the little table next to the bed. I strap it to my dress. I stand in front of a mirror and look at the dress. It fits me perfectly. I look at my bare feet. There were no shoes in the chest, but I’m okay with that. I wash them the best I can and look at the book Henley was reading. It’s written in Latin so I can’t read the title. I was still trying to figure it out when he walked in. “Having fun?” I jump. “I didn’t hear you come in.” a smile plays on his face. I sigh, “Why do you keep laughing at me?” he looks at me in mock annoyance, “Me? Laugh at you? I would never!” now it’s my turn to laugh. I can’t help it. The book is still in my hand. He looks from my hand to my face. “That title is Leo, saga, et vestiarium. The—“ “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.” I interrupt. “You know Latin?” he asks, genuinely surprised. “No, I just know Leo. The only title in the world with a lion in it is that.” Then I realize that he is holding a pair of shoes. “Oh, I don’t wear shoes.” I say as I sit on the bed. “If you are going to the palace you should.” I’m shocked. “How did you k—“ “You talk in your sleep.” He throws the shoes next to me and walks to the door. “Your friends are outside waiting for you.” “Alex and Marcus are here?” I stare at the door wishing they would come in. “They snuck into a food caravan and made it here. I told them I just had to get you ready. That’s why I took you here. No one would bother you.” He points out the window, “Also you are right at the edge of the forest. The palace is just a day’s time away.” And with that he leaves. I yank on the shoes and stand. I immediately fell on my face. The shoes have heels! I can’t walk in heels! I stand, grabbing the side of the bed for support. I can’t wait to get on the road and take these shoes off! I walk, well waddle, outside and find Alex and Marcus sitting there.
“You’re alive!” Marcus screams and runs up. Marcus has his arms around me in a bear hug. Both he and Alex are wearing clothes like mine, only Marcus has a cloak with a hood. “How long was I out?” I ask. Alex walks up, “Oh, about two days.” I go stiff. “I missed—“ “Yeah, you missed the full moon. He’s lucky I didn’t kill him.” Marcus lets go of me when he hears that. “Kill me? Why would you kill me? And where did you run off too?” Alex sighs and runs his hands through his hair. “You have to tell him now.” I say, placing my hand on his shoulder. “I’m a werewolf.” Alex mumbles. Marcus steps back in shock. “You said you couldn’t stay, you had to go for the night. I didn’t know!" I smile, “Well let’s get walking!”
“Not so fast.” Henley’s voice rings through the clearing. “You three might want to take a carriage.” And he hands Marcus the reigns of two giant Clydesdales. “ Thank you.” I say, climbing to the top. “Oh no milady,” Alex says, grinning. “You must sit in the carriage with Marcus. A lady never drives.” I mumble some very unladylike things under my breathe and climb in across from Marcus. “What was that Abby?” I can even hear the smile in his voice. “Oh I said what a lovely carriage this is.” His head pops up in the window. “That’s what I thought you said.” I smile, thinking Wow, this is it. We’re going to the palace. Marcus is leaving. That last remark made my heart sink. No. I cannot be in love with Marcus, can I?
We head out. It takes us about four hours to get there. But it felt like forever. We stopped at the gate. Alex is talking to someone. “I’m sorry, sir, you can’t go in there. The prince is missing and the king won’t see anyone.” A rough male voice says. Then Alex says, “But we need to get in there! This young woman is in dire need of help!” What? Marcus pulls the hood on his cloak up. The man walks back to the window to look at me. Before his head hit the window I soaked my forehead in water. “Alright, go in.” the gates swung open and we entered. I reach out and punch Alex in the arm. We made it to the palace door.
The king was sitting on his thrown when we walked in, head in his hands. We all bow as he looks up. “What do you want? Can’t you see I’m waiting for my son?” I stand, “Your Majesty, I know where your son is.” The king jumps up and grabs my hands. He dances around with me for a little while. “Where is he?” he asks when he finally stops dancing. “He’s closer than you think.” Alex says, smiling at the dance. “Where is he?” the king asks a second time. “He’s here.” Marcus pulls down his hood. The king jumps for joy and hugs his son. I laugh. Then he asks what happened.
Everyone tells the story. Marcus stumbles into the woods, scaring me to death. Alex comes, three days later, and our entire adventure. After that the king hugs me. “Thank you so much for helping my son.” I smile, “It was my pleasure.” He pulls away. “There must be something that I could do for you. You did so much for me. Anything you want, name it.” I think for a moment. “Nothing. I want nothing.” I say, wishing I could just go home. Just then Marcus whispers something in his father’s ear. “That’s a great idea!” the king exclaimed. He takes my hands in his. “Would you like to become a royal?” I’m stunned. “A what?” I ask.
“Do you want to be my wife?” Marcus asks as he gets down on one knee. “Yes! I would love to.” I jump into his arms. We were married three months later. The next summer I find out I am going to be queen soon. The king was very ill. Marcus and I were by his side almost every day. The weirdest night of my life turned into the greatest time of my life. I got a great husband, an awesome best friend, and a family I never could have asked for.
© Copyright 2014 Olivia Donohue (jayfeather17 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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