Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1974086-The-Change
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Inspirational · #1974086
This story is about girl that has to make a choice between school and drugs.
“Time to wake up for school, you’re going to be late!” My mom shouts up the stairs
“Fine” I said to her
I got up and decided to get dressed before I ate breakfast. I didn’t know what to were to school that morning. I was going into the high school. A whole new world I was about to enter. After a half hour later and many different outfits later. I finally picked one that seemed good for the first day of high school. I then packed my backpack and headed down stair for some breakfast.
“Hi, good morning.” my mom said to me
“Good morning.” I said back to her
“What do you want for breakfast?” she had asked
“I want something small; I’m going to be late for my first day of high school.” I said to her
“Ok, how about some toast?” She said
I nodded my head as to say yes.
After rushing to eat my toast, I had to run to get to the bus stop on time. I had made it. A few minutes later the bus had come. I got on the bus and took a seat by myself because I hated my bus. Nothing in the whole world could change that. When we had finally arrived to school I had no idea what to do or were to go, same with the other freshmen that ride my bus. I knew that it was too early to go to class because school didn’t start until eight and it was 7:30. I had a half hour. The group of freshman from my bus and I decided to go and venture out together. We went to the ninth grade hall. That where we found most of our class. I decided to look for my best friend, the only person I trusted. Meg O’Conner was her name. Meg and I are the two smartest people in our grade. We sometimes get into fights because of who is smarter. We have been best friends since elementary school. I had finally found her. She was in front of her locker. I walked up to her and said “Hi”
“Hi” she said
“How was your summer? It seemed like me and you barely talked or hung out” I said to her
“My summer was the best summer ever.” Meg said
“Why is that” I said to her
“Because I met a boy.” she had said
“Tell me details.” I said to her sounding a bit jealous
“Ok” she said
“He is our age and doesn’t go to our school sadly.” Meg said getting excited
“How did you meet him if he doesn’t live here and doesn’t go to our school?”
“He was here visiting family for the summer.” Meg had said
“Oh ok.” I said
“His name is…” She had began to say when the bell rung
We began to walk to our first period classes.
“What your first class Meg?”
She got out her schedule.
“Mine is… Honors Geometry” Meg had said happily (math was her favorite subject)
“Oh mine is English. I will meet you at your locker after first period I didn’t find my locker yet.” I said to Meg
“Ok” She said
When I finally found my first block classroom I took my seat. The teacher started to take attendance, and then we went over classroom rules, and what we needed to bring to class. I thought to myself could this new boy ruin mine and Megs relationship. I just kept thinking about that all class long. Class finally ended and we got dismissed I went straight to Megs looker. She wasn’t there and I decide to wait for her and she never came. I got mad and went to my second period class, Spanish. It was the same with that class too; we first took attendance, and then went over the rules of the class, and what we need to bring to class. I thought that Spanish was never going to end. Finally it did. The way my schedule was set up I had lunch before third block. I decided not to wait for Meg. I figured that she would not be there since she wasn’t there before second period. I went to the lunch room, put my stuff at a table, got my lunch and sat down by myself. I wasn’t planning on sitting by myself. I would have sat by Meg, if she had that lunch but, she didn’t. Even if Meg and I had the same lunch I don’t think that I could sit with her and not say anything mean to her since she blew me off. I was by myself, which was the most boring thing in my life. When lunch finally ended I went to my third block class honor geometry. It was the same thing again first attendance, classroom rules, and what was needed for class. The rest of the school day went on and I didn’t see Meg the whole day except for in the morning. When I got home I decide to call her since we didn’t have any homework because it was the first day of school.
“Hello” Meg said
“Why didn’t you meet me at your locker after first period?” I said a bit angry
“Umm...” She said sounding guilty
“Meg tell me” I said to her into the phone getting even more mad than I was when I first made the phone call.
“That boy that I was telling you about thing morning is coming to our school.” Meg said shocking me
This news shocked me and also made me a bit mad. Could this boy tear our relationship apart? I didn’t know what to say so I hung up the phone.
The first day that Meg’s “boyfriend” had come to school it was like I was invisible to her. I still tried taking to her. In the hallway I would say “hey”, or “what’s up”. I always got no response. I got mad. I thought Meg and I were “best friends”, but she decided to pick her “boyfriend” over me. The boy would eventually rip her heart apart I thought to myself. Only time will tell when that will happen to her. The boy did tear us apart. I was so mad at Meg I didn’t know what to do. I thought about doing many things but, only one thing I thought about would make her sad/mad. I decided to replace her. I joined a different group of people. They were a bit on the strange side but I liked something different. They got me doing different things. After about a week or two they had pressured me into doing something that I didn’t want to do. The worst thing happened, I started doing drugs. Something I thought was never going to happen but, it did. My grade dropped very quickly. They went from all A’s to all F’s. I went from number one to last. Meg saw what was happening. She tried to help me change but it didn’t work. I was still mad at her for choosing her boyfriend over me. I didn’t even listen or give her a chance. Nothing, nobody, would change me back. The drugs I did took over me and clearly my grades were showing it. During Spanish one day I decided to look at my grades they were all F’s and I had twenty five missing assignments. I started off with one drug and that one turned into five different drugs a night. I went to school every morning high since I started doing drug. I did nothing and the days just dragged on. When I got home one afternoon I decided to really think about all of this. My drug addiction has gone on for close to five months. I looked at my grade once again. I thought to myself that I needed to change. How long would it be until my parents found out? Not knowing the answer to the question I began to think again. What would my parents do if they found out? This was a terrible habit I had gained and I wished to get rid of it. This was it I was going to change. The first thing I wanted to do was call Meg and gain her back as a friend to see if she can help me get my grade back to where I needed/wanted them to be at. I knew it was going to be hard but, not impossible. It might be hard since the school year was close to ending. I knew this was what I had to do. After thinking about this I picked up the phone and dialed Meg’s number.
“Hello” she said
“Meg?” I said and began to cry
“Ava is that you, I didn’t expect you to call I thought you were off doing drugs or something stupid.” she had said sounding a bit mean
“Yeah… I know it was a bad idea, I shouldn’t have done it. I’m sorry I wish that you and me would still be friends...” I said to her I was feeling so mad but yet sad at that moment for being so stupid.
“I don’t know if we can be friends again… I mean you… your grade are like not the greatest right now and if my parents find out what kind of person you turned into. And if you can’t change than what am I going to do, I can’t be friends with a person that does drug I want to go to college.” She said to me
I understood what she was saying. She didn’t deserve to pulled down with me if I didn’t change she deserves much more than I do.
“I understand what you’re saying, you don’t deserve to be pulled down with me if I don’t change. I want the best for you even know we might not be friends anymore. I really hope that you help I really want change, I want to be where I was before all this happened.” I had said to her crying my eyes out. I needed her so much at this moment. I didn’t think this was going to work just when I decided to tell her never mind she began to say...
“Ava I will help and if you can change we can be friends again unless…you can’t and if you can’t than we will not be friends again” Meg had said to me sounding very truthful
“Oh my gosh… Meg! Thank you so much. I promise I will change.” I said so sounding very happy
The third nine ended and I had quit doing drug and my grades were back to the way they should always be all A’s. I ended ninth grade being number two in my class I thought I should give that to Meg since she had helped me so much.
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