Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1974050-Navy-Seal-Johnson
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1974050
Navy Seal Johnson is a former Navy Seal who betrays his team and threatens the U.S
And then all of a sudden one of them it, me and Jeremy had no idea what had happened at first but then we realized what it was, it was the Odin my dad told us about earlier. My name Is Erick George and I’m going to tell you my story. “5 Days Earlier” My dad was telling me and Jeremy about his time in the Military and is old friend Nicholas Johnson. Nicholas was a Navy Seal with my father; they were in the same squad “Bravo Team Six Two” only the highest skilled soldiers could make it. But my father and him were on a mission on June-19-2015 exactly ten years ago from today. But anyway they were on the mission in Mexico to Find Alex Gonzalez; they were on a search to find him because he had threatened to blow up our country with the ODIN strike which is a missile launch system that lunches a missile from space so when it impacts it’s basically a nuke hitting the surface. So that’s why my dad and Johnson had to stop him. My father and Johnson were the only two on the mission and they had to be extra stealthy as they approached Gonzalez’s tent, but when they got there It was like he already knew we were coming “my father told us” Then Gonzalez turned towards them while he was smoking his cigar and then looked at Johnson and told him “Mantanza” and then Johnson froze up for a second and then turned to my father and shot him in the stomach and my father passed out. When my dad woke up he was in a desert stranded with no weapons or anything the only thing he had was a radio he called for help and told them what had happened, he waited for them to evacuate him home for three hours and then they finally picked him up and brought him home. My dad has been on the search for Johnson for the past ten years now and hasn’t seen any sign of him. Until June-19-2025, When Johnson and Gonzalez sent a live video feed to the pentagon saying that they were going to bomb the U.S. and we couldn’t do anything about it so our Commander ( My Father ) told Me and Jeremy to find General Matt Gerfunko and Sergeant Randy White, and when we found them we had to meet my dad at the 2nd floor conference room. Jeremy and I went to find Matt and Randy, and after 5 min we found them at the cafeteria and when I seen Matt I figured out who he was, last year Matt was sent on a mission with a Navy Seal squad and they had to set a nuke. And Matt and his squad were pinned down and they all died but Matt and he somehow set off the Nuke by himself and escaped. Matt was short he was about 5’9 and had brown hair; he wore glasses and always had his black Gucci Bandana. Matt also had some pretty big muscles. And Randy was pretty tall he was 6’2 and had black hair, Randy had muscles but because he was so tall he look lanky. But once we told them what happened we went to so my dad at the conference room and he told us our mission was to go to Mexico and execute Johnson and Gonzalez before they attacked us. Our father gave us a location where they were and right after we were told what to do and where to go we started suiting up right away. When we were all done suiting up we got into our cargo plane that was going to take us to Mexico it was such a boring and quiet ride there and all of us were nervous besides Matt, Matt looked absolutely normal on the plane he was just sitting there with a cigar in his mouth and reading a magazine. But about 1 hour into our flight we had trouble, we just arrived over California and I guess Johnson and Gonzalez knew we were coming and they had sent helicopter to attack us and I started to get really nervous but then Matt threw parachutes at us and he said “ Yur gonna need it” so we put on the parachutes just in case and then the co-pilot said they were going to open the back so we got ready and Randy had the RPG-7 ready to shoot down the helicopters and when the door opened we saw two Little birds with guns blazing we all got to cover, while Randy shot one down with with the RPG and after that he got to cover but there was still one helicopter left and we only had 1 rocket for the RPG and we used it, so matt grabbed his Honey Badger Assault Rifle and went to take a shot and when he took the shot the helicopter went weaving out of control and then I see it coming towards us and yelled run and everyone started running to the front of the plane away from the open door and when the helicopter impacted the plane it exploded and our engine’s failed so we had to jump out. Matt jumped first then Randy went and me and Jeremy went at the same time, but when we landed we had knew we were in South America because we ended up in a jungle, Matt kept trying to contact back- up over the radio but he kept getting nothin’.
So after a little while we heard gunshots so we went to find out what it was. We searched silently through the jungle looking for any sign of where the gunshots came from and about five minutes later we heard more but they were a lot closer. And Matt said he had seen black smoke which could have been the crash site so we went to go check it out and when we got there we seen so many hostile soldiers there and the pilots of our plane dead on the ground. Some of the soldiers were looking through the debris and some were just doing nothing and then Matt attacked them and then we all started shooting at them and then it became a crossfire and in about 5 minutes later it calmed down and cleared out we were all fine but they weren’t. Then we kept searching through the woods and all of a sudden we heard the loud static radio and Matt turned it down and started asking them for help and my father said “ We has a helicopter en route to your position now.” So we waited for the helicopter to arrive. While we waited we started to hear yelling in Spanish so we hid in the bushes there was about 30 foot hostile soldiers checking the dead bodies near the debris and then one soldier who spoke English turned to two men who were wearing these special looking hat’s and Matt looked at us in shock and he said he wanted to attack them and get it over with and Randy grabbed him and said “ NO WAY THERE ARE WAY TO MANY” and we all agreed with Randy and we just decided to wait for the helicopter and we got an unexpected radio income from my dad yelling “ JOHNSON AND GONZALEZ ARE IN THE AREA IF YOU SEE THEM TAKE THE SHOT I REPEAT TAKE THE SHOT!” and Matt looked at us and said “ you guy’s ready for this?” and we all came out of the bushes guns blazing and it was another crossfire and I seen Johnson and Gonzalez run away in the jungle and Matt chased them down. Me Randy and Jeremy stayed at the crash site and cleared all the enemies when we cleared them out we ran into the jungle the direction Matt, Johnson, and Gonzalez went when we ran about a mile in we seen Matt’s dead body on the ground with a bullet wound in his head I stood there in shock same with Jeremy and then I heard a loud faint scream in my ear. It was Randy yelling freeze and aiming his gun at Johnson but Gonzalez was nowhere to be seen so Randy while aiming his gun at Johnson yelling “Where the HELL is GONZALEZ!?” and he said it about five times and then we heard footsteps behind us but right when I turned around I seen Gonzalez with a 50.cal Desert Eagle and he fired a round right through randy’s chest I reached for my rifle around my waist, but by the time I got it he already shot me in the stomach the pain was excruciating I could barely see but I did see Jeremy shoot Gonzalez and then turn to shoot Johnson, but Johnson already had his weapon out and shot Jeremy in the stomach once and the he got closer to him and took his M4A1 Assault rifle and then smashed his knee’s with the gun as hard as he could and broke his legs I never heard a scream so loud before but I was bleeding out so much I passed out and when I woke back up Jeremy was gone. He was nowhere to be seen and randy was bleeding violently so I ran over to Matt’s body and called my dad on the radio and he said they have our location and he was coming for me and Randy. When the helicopter arrived I told them about Jeremy but we couldn’t go searching for him because we were sure he was under high security with Johnson. So to this day I haven’t seen Jeremy Since.
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