Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1973803-Another-Mad-Dash
Rated: GC · Short Story · Adult · #1973803
2nd place WIN!: It's not so easy in multiples. Sizzle/engage more than two? Give a 3some.
Full story: "Another Mad Dash Word count: 1,268

"Go fish!" I said exuberantly.

"I'm bored with this game." Brittany said, throwing her cards face up on the table and leaning back into a full stretch.

"Then what do you suggest, Britt Britt? It's too hot to do much else but lay around naked." Said her girlfriend Amelia

"You say that like it's a bad thing." The evil smirk that crossed Britts face made my belly flop. I must have swallowed audibly because she turned her penetrating gaze on me. "What do you say Angie? Wanna play a little strip poker?"

"I, uh--" Ame and Britt had been together three years. They had told me they liked to play with others on occasion but I didn't know how often or what the rules of such an engagement were.

"Stop sweating her Britt." Amelia gave Brittany a disapproving look before turning soft eyes on me. "You don't have to Ang," her expression turned sheepish, "but I kind of like the idea. Any excuse to get out these clothes. Britt and I can play by ourselves though, you can just relax." I just stared at her, then I noticed Brittany dealing us each a set of cards.

"Brittany--" Amelia warned.

"Relax, she don't gotta take her clothes off if she don't want. She'll just keep score and if she loses," the smirk was back, "we'll figure out another way for her to pay up."

Both girls were naked before my first loss. Britt looked expectant. "You don't have to,” Amelia reiterated, her breasts resting on the table. I yanked my shirt off. Brittany smiled approvingly.

"Girl's got some ovaries after all." I smiled at Britt’s barb. Amelia stood and kissed my cheek.

"You're so brave." She breathed in my ear. I turned to face her full on, taking in the neatly trimmed cleft between her legs.

Amelia leaned in again and gently sucked on my lower lip. She pulled back, seeking out my reaction. The glint of fear in her eyes sent me over the edge. I returned her kiss with a sweet vengeance. She smiled against my lips as I used my body to say I was ok with her forwardness.

I stood, wanting to touch all of her and have all of her touching me. She led me toward the couch. Our lips and tongues never ceased their exploratory battle.

Amelia sat slowly, careful not to jar us and risk a bitten tongue. I attempted to follow but she pushed me back. I felt her push my shorts and panties down in one expert motion. The air on my bare skin reminded me we had an audience. I looked at the card table, all three seats were empty. Where had Brittany gone? Was she pissed? I didn't have long to ponder before Amelia claimed my attention with kisses to my abdomen. She worked her way along my hips, tracing the shaven outline of my pubis before burying her face into my center. My knees nearly gave out as I moaned aloud in ecstasy.

I wasn't aware of much else as she licked and sucked my privates into a frenzy. The pleasure haze immediately began to fade as she laid back down on the couch, pulling me on top of her and reclaiming my lips. My instinct to struggle against the taste of myself faded. Her lips were so soft and slick with my sweetness. Wow, I was actually very sweet, tasty even. An absurd sense of pride filled me with this knowledge.

Suddenly I felt my moist center being prodded again. This time it was fingers. I looked over my shoulder and saw where Brittany had got off to. She currently sported a purple strap on of average length and thickness. I overcame my shock as her fingers swam across my fiery nub, propelling my senses into another mad dash towards release. I closed my eyes and let the sensations wash over me as Amelia grasped my head and reclaimed my lips.

Two beats later, Brittany guided her phallus to my opening and entered me with slow and deliberate determination. I moaned into Amelia's mouth and nearly sagged on top of her. My arms were shaking with the effort of keeping myself upright. Sensing my struggle, Amelia slid from under me and knelt by my side. Brittany's strokes gained momentum and I lost the ability of coherent speech. My cries of pleasure grew louder as her pounding grew fiercer, faster, and harder. Just when I thought I couldn't take the combined pleasure-pain any longer I crested over the edge of an earth shattering release.

I simply lay there after, weak and flimsier than a dead fish. Brittany pulled out and distantly I heard a buzzing that was abruptly cut off. She placed a gentle kiss on my rear before moving away toward the bathroom. I was surprised at this bit of tenderness from Britt Britt. It must have shown on my face because Amelia said: "See, told you she's not so bad when you get to know her. She got you so wet you could go fishin' down there. I think she likes you."

I managed a weak grin at this. "Bullshit."

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Weekly Quickie Entries  (18+)
Weekly Quickie Entries
#1910904 by A*Monaing*Faith

Take a quickie and check it out, you deserve a break. *Kiss*

Word count: 865
Round 97 due January 26th 2014 at 9:59 pm WdC time.
Judge: penn
*Heart* *Right* *Fire* *Right* *Kiss* *Right*Table for Three *Left* *Kiss* *Left* *Fire* *Left* *Heart*
Writers who enter this contest show they can write an erotic scene. It's not so easy in multiples. Can you sizzle and engage more than two? Give us a threesome of any gender - mix or match.
WINNER! "Round 97 Results"  
Note: Table 4 3 and I auto think: card table. Initially was gonna do a single girl with a married couple, but after "Note: *Clock2* 24-HOUR MEDIA PROMPT *Clock2*..." I decided to do 2 lesbians and a bi-curious.
My comment on the note: This sounds like something I'd hear on The L Word   soundtrack, so it prompted me to start an entry for "The Weekly Quickie Contest
© Copyright 2014 A*Monaing*Faith (afaith at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1973803-Another-Mad-Dash