Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1973453-Jacob-and-Megan-ch-1
Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #1973453
2 siblings that need some help involving potty training
Jacob and Megan were two relatively normal kids. Both of the siblings were dirty blond with bluish green eyes. Jacob was 9.5 and Megan was 8, jacob was pretty short for his age as both he and his sister were about the same height. Jacob was on the rowdy disobedient side and megan was prone to occasional tantrums. Their mother treated them like smaller children than they actually were. I don't mean they got treated like babies but they did not have some of the privileges a lot of other kids their age had like the fact that they couldn't have candy, their bedtime was at 8, and their mother didn't think they were mature enough to go on vacations or to nice restaurants. so for a while they lived a pretty boring existence, that was until one night. both Jacob and Megan went into their room (their house wasn't small, in fact their parents were pretty well off, their parents had just decided that they would share a room) dressed in their somewhat tight-fitting cotton pajamas that almost every kid seems to wear, both in a t-shirt and shorts and went to bed. jacob woke up the next morning and felt something wet all around him, he discovered that he had not only wet but soaked his bed. When his mother came into the room she was frustrated, but knew that it really wash,t his fault. Jacob got cleaned up and they both went along with their days as normal. the same thing happened to Jacob the 3 nights, and their mother realizing something needed to be done decided to buy some goodnites for Jacob. At first, Jacob was pretty reluctant
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