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by Jcaler
Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1973327
A story, of time travelers, and body swapping.
Two friends. Alex and matt. Best of friends, since Kindergarden. It was crazy how well they new each other. They knew everything about each other. Everything, Matt even knew when her menstruation period was. He wasn't proud of that information. But he knew. Matt was a 5 ft Black hair, always messed up. He never cared really. At all. Alex was a short, red head. A feisty little thing, loved rock and roll, just like matt. That's why they got along. Well mostly...
"Hey alex" A text from Matt.
"Whats up dude?" She replyed.
"You up for hanging out in the woods?" He replys.
"Yeah sure, I'll meet you there." The final text that was sent.
         Later on that evening, Matt walked to the woods, he walked in to it the smell of leaves and trees, filled his lungs. "I love it here. "he says to himself.
Alex was behind him, sitting on a log.
"me to!" She screams, startling Matt. Matt screamed a girlish scream, and jumped. Alex bellowed out in laughter.
"What the hell Alex!" Matt Says, Half laughing half screaming. Alex is on the ground laughing, almost in tears.
"Laugh it up woman you're hilarious." Matt said, still recovering.
"I...I am..." She says laughing. And then...almost suddenly she loses her footing. Slipping off the log, and falling. Matt jumps up "Alex!" He shouted.
"Fwam!" Was the noise he heard a few seconds later. It was odd, the log wasn't to far off the ground, it took a second for the sound to reach him. He jumped on the log, and looked down. He saw a hole. A deep hole. "Alex!"
"I'm down here. " She screams.
"Are you okay? It sounded like quite the fall!"
"Yeah..I'm...Okay. I think, You need to come down here. There is some serious shit down here!" She said.
"But...That's a long drop... and...you know me..." He says.
"Get your ass down here!" She demands.
Matt climbs up, "You sound like my mother.." He grumbled.
"I heared that Ass hat." She chuckled. Matt jumped down feet first.
"Thwump!" Matt hits his legs, and does a barrel roll of sorts.
"Oh son of a bitch that...Argh..." he says. Sitting down in pain.
"You'll be okay, you big baby, its not that long." Alex says.
"Yeah but it hurt like hel..." matt stops in amazement as he looked around.
He saw in all its glory, a lab of sorts, with all kinds of buttons and flashing lights, and computers lined the wall. But in the middle of the room, were two giant tubes, big enough to look like they can fit a person in them. Connecting the tubes are wires, lots of them. It looks like someone just threw wires in a pile and connected them together, then connected them to these tubes, and this big machine. It was huge, but on it was a 24 inch sized Touch screen.
"were going to be in some serious trouble if we break something..." matt says.
"Oh shut up! Come on! Lets go look around! First I want to start with this big one!" Alex says helping matt up to his feet, and then the two of them rushing over to the big machine.
The two walk over to the machine. Matt a little more slowly than alex. We get to the touch screen. "Uh..." She pokes the screen, when suddenly, a hologram comes up behind them. "Hello!" It shouted. He cleared his throat. The hologram was a plump man, white hair, looked like it hadn't been combed in years. Big think glasses, and a plaid shirt, with a lab coat over it. And Geans, of course. "Hello! And welcome to my lair." He says.
"your... You're lair?" I ask.
"Yes my lair! You're likely wondering right now, is this hologram talking to me? No! Its not! I predicted that!" He chuckles to himself. "this is a pre recorded message. I will try to answer as many questions as possible that you lucky people have found my lab! First things first, introductions! My name is Dr Juilet Gorbachov. Don't ask me what my parents were thinking, they wanted a girl. Anyway, this is my lair. I have been in the R&D department for 6 years. They placed this under the woods of Ohio, because they never thought any one would find my hide out. But you have. Congratulations. Your next question might be, why is this place a secret? Well let me answer that.." The recording breaks. Goes fuzzy you hear mumbled words, but cant quite make it out. "Ahem. They found my research they figured out what I had done...I had to put a stop to it! So I..." It did the same thing going fuzzy, the audio breaking. "And then I figured it out! I had discovered..." It broke up again going fuzzy.
Alex and Matt stared at each other. "Anyway now that you know what that device does, and why it was created guess what? You have free use for it! Go ahead, anywhere you go you will always find this lab here, its whats known as a theroitcal..." It fuzzes and breaks up again. "Don't let this fall into their hands." He says. "Use this device to do whatever you wish, but know they will be coming for you. And all in all, just don't let me die in vain..." he says. You hear footsteps coming from the recording. "They're coming! Computer save recording!" He shouts gunshots heard. And then silence.
"Woah..." I say.
"What do you think it is?"
"Well. It could be anything...best way to know, test it." Alex says pressing the screen a few times to wake it up.
"Woah Woah! Don't you remember what he said! They killed him for this! Killed him! We don't know who they even are but a man died! They died for this Alex!" I say in a stern voice.
"Hey, woman." She says teasing me. "I'm doing this, are you going to help me?" She asks.
"What..I..No. I wont." I say.
"Fine." She says continuing to touch the screen. It finally wakes up and a selection is poised.
"Okay! Fine! Ill go!" I shout walking up next to her. The screen is green with big numbers on it. Alex plays around with it. I point to the Random Button. "Whats this?" I ask
"Well likely it randomizes whatever this is it does." Alex says sarcastically.
"Well no shit Sherlock." I laugh. "Lets do it." I say. She nods, and presses the random button.
A list of names on the screen appear. "Uh..." Alex clicks the Random button again.
"Are you sure? This doesn't sound safe at all..." I say to alex.
"relax...I'm sure that dude tested it out. Just get in."
"Wait...before we do, if we get screwed up in the head, or sent to a different land or whatever the hell this thing does, lets have a secret code name." I say. "Or word or something."
She nods "Alright....Mercedes!" She says. "Sound good?"
I sigh. "yes... but are you?" I stop, suddenly because she is pushing me into one of the chambers. She closes the door. I sigh. And close my eyes. She gets in hers, and then closes the door.
"TRANSFERENCE PROCESS HAS BEGUN, PLEASE RELAX." The voice says, a green gas surrounds as, as we begin to breathe it in.
"I'm getting...Drowsy..." I say...
"Yeah I think Im gonna sleep..."
"I told...you this...was...a a bad....idea" I say I pass out. And fall down on the floor. You pass out as well.
"THE KNOCKOUT PROCESS IS COMPLETE, BEGIN TRAVEL!" It says with a loud voice. As a green light begin to emanate around us, it something begins to whir the whirring gets louder, and louder, as suddenly, a clap of what sounds like thunder happens, we are glowing, brighter and brighter and brighter and then boom! Our bodies are gone.
Matt wakes up moments later he wasn't really awake. He just kinda felt it, he wanted to fall back asleep. But someone was making to much noise. "I'm going to work honey. Ill see you at dinner." A mans voice says from nowhere. I nod and mumble... "Okay.." And then fall back asleep.
Alex awakes to the same drowsiness. She just wants to go back to sleep. She smells...what smells like gasoline and Marijuana. "Ugh...go back to sleep you big stud." A womans voice says, from no where Alex nods. And then falls back to sleep.


© Copyright 2014 Jcaler (jcalling at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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