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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1973006
Bound by destiny, can their love survive those that would tear them apart?

Delia’s eyes moved toward the opened window, settling on the moonlit tide. She admired the way the light glistened silver hues over the waves. The familiar scent of coconut suntan oil lingered in the salty breeze coming off the ocean.

As beautiful as they were, full moons always meant one thing. Chaos. Judging by the gooseflesh on her skin, chaos was making its way to her home, wound in a tight little package of frustration and determination.

While she waited for the knock, her eyes fell to the tarot card at her fingertips. The Four of Wands stared back from the recent past position. She studied the wreath connecting the four staves, admiring its resemblance to the flowered arch in a wedding. Marriage. Of course. It coincided with the Knight of Cups in the distant past position. Proposal. The tightness in her cheeks warmed her heart. Dylan would tell her the good news soon.

The willow tree would be the perfect spot for a ceremony. She wondered if Dylan and Heaven had given it any thought. With the Chariot card in the goal position, they would probably have the wedding someplace else. Not that she could blame them for choosing to do so. The media would have a field day once they found out. And they wouldn’t be the only ones.

She glanced at the clock on the wall. Any second chaos would be there, spouting his disgruntlements. He would oppose the marriage. Her eyes moved back to the center cards. The High Priestess in the first position only confirmed what Delia knew months ago. Dylan had found the one. But the Emperor in the second position, crossing the Priestess…that proved his displeasure with their union. And knowing him the way she did, Dylan and Heaven would have to endure his bullshit.

At last, the rap on the door came.

“It’s open.” She continued to study the next card in the spread when she heard the door click shut.

“You shouldn’t do that, Dee. It’s not safe. I could have been a serial killer.”

Delia traced the card under her finger once her snort echoed in the room. “I can sense the intentions of those coming to my door.”

“I don’t doubt that,” he grunted. “In fact, I’d tell you why I’m here, but I’m sure you already know.”

“You say that like I’m a mind reader or something,” she said, her eyes still focused on the next card in the spread. The Knight of Swords. The battle card. Not a surprise to see it show up in the future position. “I’m surprised it took you this long to seek me out.”

“Humph. If I’d come when I wanted, I’m not sure you would still be alive.”

As the chain supporting her necklace tightened, she bit the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling. His scare tactics wouldn’t work on her. Instead of giving him the response he wanted, she locked her eyes with his.

“Are you reducing yourself to parlor tricks, Nate?” He held her gaze a moment before the chain loosened, allowing the moonstone to fall between her breasts. Though her natural instinct was to rub her neck, she didn’t. Nate would see it as a sign that he’d scared her. And he hadn’t.

Leaning against the back of the chair, she studied his demeanor. “I can see past the shield you’ve put around yourself. If you wanted me dead, you could have done it years ago. But you can’t.”

Her ex husband’s brows knitted in an attempt to conceal his surprise.

“How far are you willing to test your faith in that theory?” he seethed, taking a step closer to the table.

“You know the answer to that. Dylan will hate you for even trying.”

Nate shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. He’ll hate me when he finds out what I’ve put in motion.”

Delia’s eyes fluttered shut. She pressed her lips together as air expanded her lungs. “What did you do this time, Nate?”

“Don’t get that condescending tone with me, Dee.” A low vibration traveled across the floor, shaking the table. “You’re partially to blame for all this.”

Air drifted between her lips as her ex husband used his old pet name for her. Some things really never changed. He tried to be a hard ass. But little slips like that proved he was anything but. She raised her eyes to meet his. One questioning brow lifted while she waited for him to continue.

“They need to be separated. Since you won’t do anything to encourage that, I took matters into my own hands.” Nate’s eyes left hers and fell to the spread on the table. “I hope he will understand what I did is for his own good. Can you see that in your cards?”

“If you’d like a reading, I’d be happy to give you one.” A chuckle rippled through the air when her chair began to shake. Nate and his anger. He really should learn how to manage it. “I hate to spoil your great idea, but it’s too late to separate them. They’re bound.”

A small sigh of satisfaction left her chest when she noticed the fury in her ex’s eyes. “You gotta be kidding me? How do you know they’re bound?”

“Are you really questioning me? My insight?”

“God damn it, Dee,” Nate barked, digging his fingernails into the table. “You know what this means, don’t you?”

“You know that I do. You’ve chosen your path. I’ve chosen mine. Dylan has the right to choose his. He’s a grown man. Do what’s best for him. Accept their union and leave them alone.”

Nate’s jaw dimpled as he clenched his teeth. “You told him, didn’t you?”

This time, the table shook so hard, the deck of cards fell to the floor.

“Not everything. I only told him what their joining would do. He’s smart enough to figure out the rest.” She sat up in her chair, pulling her hand away from the cards. She needed to focus her attention on Nate to get her point across. He was so thickheaded. “They already have a strong bond. Whatever you’re planning, you’re wasting your time.”

“Why would you let him do this?” Nate’s voice changed to a softer tone. He leaned forward, resting his hands on the table between them. “You know what will happen if she—”

“Yes. I do. So ask yourself this question. How much is revenge worth? Your son’s life?”

“I see where this is going. I should have known they would be a part of your scheme”

Delia’s eyes flashed back to the moonlit waves. She watched the shimmering light, allowing it to calm her nerves. Dealing with Nate could drive anyone crazy. She’d refused to allow him that type of control over her when they separated years ago. Now he wanted to control Dylan.

Over her dead body.

No matter how much Nate thought he was helping their son, she wouldn’t let him ruin Dylan’s happiness.

Once the tranquil effect of the ocean brought her heart to a normal beat, she met her ex’s eyes again. “They aren’t involved, though they have just as much right to be included in this. She is all the reason they need.”

“She will be the death of him!” Nate said, slapping the table with his hands. “He was protected by the music. Now you’ve messed that up. He’s just as vulnerable as she is. Probably more.”

“The music didn’t do what you wanted it to, Nate. You didn’t see the pain he was in when he was dreaming about her. He’s suffered far too long. You can’t deny love. Or fate.”

“Love?” Nate grumbled, falling back into the chair across from her. “You know nothing about love. None of you do.”

“I know it’s what keeps me alive. It’s what will keep Heaven and Dylan alive, too.”

“You have too much faith in your beliefs.”

“My beliefs have never led me astray.” She slid her hand across the table until her fingertips teased compressed paper. “The cards have shown me things. Things you are too stubborn to see. I don’t know what craziness Dylan and Heaven will face, but I know the end result.”

His eyes snapped shut as he shook his head. Releasing a long sigh, he reopened them. The hardness that once filled them to the brim had dissipated. “Those cards can only show you so much.” He didn’t hold her gaze long before his eyes fell to the ring on his finger. He swished it back and forth. “You can’t build futures on them. It didn’t work for us.”

“That’s because we were cursed from the beginning. We were the unfortunate pair of the trinity. And so you know, the cards did show me that.”

His fingers left the ring as he pushed on the arms of the chair, straightening his body. “Then why did you marry me?”

Delia didn’t bat a lash as she stared into Nate’s eyes. Even when they divorced all those years ago, he’d never asked her this question. She’d always wanted him to. It would have been a sign that he’d cared about their marriage. That she’d—they’d—meant something to each other. That even though they’d been cursed from the beginning, their reason for joining had a purpose. A good purpose.

“I wanted a child, Nate. The cards showed me I’d get Dylan. And that he would be special. Just like me…and you.”

Nate brought his hands together in front of his face. His fingertips pressed and parted a couple times before he drew them to his lips. “I know Dylan is special,” he replied. “But whose abilities did he get? Yours or mine?”
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