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Rated: XGC · Fiction · Erotica · #1972707
This is a story of a woman's foray into sex, originally written in 2009 as three segments.
Chapter 01

Dozens of police officers surrounded the busy grocery store, guns drawn, adrenaline flowing. Reliable witnesses reported seeing Hank Simpson in the vicinity, but the officers did not know just where to find the escaped serial killer. Just one month out of the academy, though, Officer Susan Wilson stood ready and eager for action.

“Wilson, take a look behind those stacked boxes.” Captain Mallory yelled this from a point a short distance from the young officer. As she walked slowly behind the boxes, an arm shot out and grabbed her. The feel of a cold knife held against her neck had Susan standing still, too shocked to move, her recent hostage training forgotten.

“Now, look what I’ve got here, a pretty lady.” The killer’s harsh voice whispered this in her ear, and she felt his other hand moving tighter around her waist. After unhooking her utility belt and letting it fall to the ground, he reached over to take the gun from her hand. This he tucked into the waistband of his trousers.

Susan heard an angry voice yell, “Let her go, you bastard.” Standing among the other police officers was her partner, Jeremy Byrne. The 32-year-old Irish officer only recently received the young recruit as his partner. The fact that he was single and she was a cute brunette had nothing to do with his feelings for her.

Instead of answering, Simpson dragged the now-struggling officer away from the group and toward an empty police car. After he pushed her into it, the last clear memory Susan had was his fist slamming against her jaw, then only blackness. She never felt the car starting to move as he took off in the stolen vehicle.

She regained consciousness when the car turned into the parking lot of a deserted warehouse. Susan’s first sight was of gulls flying overhead, and she realized they were somewhere on the Embarcadero. The first sound she heard was the roar of police sirens as her fellow officers raced up the long pier stretching out into the bay. Five police cars screeched to a stop, including the one driven by her partner.

Before she could escape, Simpson was dragging Susan out of his stolen vehicle, the knife back against her neck. He looked behind him at the warehouse door, just out of his reach. “All of you, get back, or I’ll kill her,” he yelled, starting to walk backwards closer to the door. “I’ve nothing to lose but want some fun first.” His free hand, now holding her around the waist, started moving upwards. When some of the police officers surrounding him started toward him, he started laughing. This caused chills to go down Susan’s spine from the evil sound of it. The knife pressed against Susan’s neck even harder, and she felt wetness going down under her uniform collar.

“You over there,” he said, pointing at Jeremy, who was near the front of the group. “Yes, you. Throw your gun on the ground.” Jeremy did as Simpson ordered, but failed to discard the second “throw away” gun attached to his left ankle.

Chapter 02

Simpson waved his hand at Jeremy to have him come closer. Unsure of what would happen next, Jeremy slowly walked within a few feet of the serial killer and his captive. “Now you’re going to help me have some sport with her.” Jeremy frowned at his next words. “Take off her shoes and socks and throw them in there.” His free hand pointed to a large mud puddle just inches away.

When Jeremy hesitated, Simpson pressed the knife even harder into Susan’s throat. “Do it now or the bitch dies.” Seeing the murderer was on the point of losing control, Jeremy knelt down and slowly removed the required clothing. Susan felt his warm hands circling her naked ankles before he once again stood.

“Very good, mister, you’re doing just fine.” Simpson’s free hand then came up to the top of her uniform’s blouse. “She has too much on for what I’m going to do with her, so I want you to help me out some more. Undo this zipper, all the way down.”

Susan heard swearing from the officers standing yards behind Jeremy. They realized what was about to happen to her even as the murderer started whispering in her ear. He murmured in explicit words how he would use every inch of her naked body. Once he had her alone in that building behind them, Susan would be at his mercy. Horrified as any woman would be, Susan looked at Jeremy, who still hadn’t followed that order.

Simpson looked impatiently at Jeremy. “Now, mister, get moving. I want to see what I’ll be getting.” After saying those words, he leaned toward Susan and stuck his tongue in her ear. She pulled away from him, without thinking, but felt more wetness going down her neck. “You’ll enjoy this, so stop fighting me. It’s going to happen.”

When Jeremy saw the steady trickle of blood now soaking the blouse, he reached over and slid the zipper down to the bottom. On hearing the next command, he slowly removed the blouse, an apology in his eyes as he did it.

“The slacks next. Come on, I know all you men want to see her naked as much as I do.” Susan looked around at the male officers and wondered if this comment was true, but she could not read their faces. The two female officers standing with the men, however, could feel her almost palpable terror.

As Jeremy slowly undid Susan’s slacks and pulled them to the ground, Simpson kept whispering what he soon would be doing. When the slacks joined the other items in the mud puddle, she stood there in her underwear, shivering, unsure if it was from the cold on her skin or from fright.

Simpson said loudly so all the people around him could hear, “Oh, you feel so good, honey.” His hand moved up from her waist to cup her left breast. She could feel his heat through the bra’s material, and then winced in pain as he squeezed it tightly. “You’re going to love what we do, but I’ll have to punish you first for this guy’s slowness to follow my orders.” He looked at Jeremy, who was standing quietly, now a couple yards away from them. “Oh, you don’t like what I’m going to do? You want her yourself, do you? Go join the others like a good boy, and maybe you can have her when I’m done.”

Moving a short distance away, Jeremy’s eyes blazed in anger. At that point, the knife came down from Susan’s throat to cut through the front of her bra. Simpson seemed not to care when the knife bit into the skin between her breasts. Jeremy took a step forward, but the knife was back against her throat before he could reach her. The material fell away onto the ground leaving Susan covered by only one piece of black silk material.

“You can get back with the rest of the cops now,” Simpson said, motioning Jeremy back toward the suddenly quiet group of police officers. “I can handle this from now on.” The leer on his face left the men and women knowing exactly what he would be handling in the next few minutes. Never removing the knife from her throat, Simpson’s other hand wandered over her body. When he pulled her up tightly against him, Susan felt his arousal growing harder, pressing into her back.

“I could take you right here,” he whispered, “and those guys would be able to watch us. Would you like that?” As tears finally started down her face, Susan knew there was nothing anyone could do to stop him. Through her tears, she saw Jeremy standing close to Officer Rafe Jackson, another recent academy graduate. Captain Mallory was near the door of the deserted warehouse, also unable to stop what was about to happen.

Simpson must have seen him since his next command was to Captain Mallory. He looked over at the stocky man and called out an order. “You, open that door so I can get started. She’s ready for me, aren’t you?” This last he said to her, but he never took his eyes off the captain. Pointing the knife at the door he wanted opened, this was the first time Simpson had removed it from Susan’s throat for any length of time.

Chapter 03

Two shots rang out, the sound almost deafening those nearby. The first knocked the knife out of Simpson’s hand. The second found a home in his crotch, causing him to fall to the ground, writhing in agony. His screams of pain drowned out the yells coming from the police racing toward him. As two officers dragged the bleeding murderer to his feet and into one of the waiting vehicles, Susan felt someone putting his arms around her.

“It’s over, Susan, you’re safe now.” She looked up into Jeremy’s face, unable to speak or even move. He removed his jacket and used it to cover part of her naked body. Putting his arms once more around her, he glanced over her head at Captain Mallory, who had walked up behind them.

“Jeremy, you didn’t need that second shot, you know. However, I’m glad you made it count.” Susan held on to Jeremy, trying to keep her shaking legs from giving out. Captain Mallory continued, softly so only Jeremy and Susan heard him, “The dispatcher back at the department just notified me some of my officers checked out his home in Colma. In the backyard, they discovered a large pit covered with an old tarp. When they removed that, underneath were the bodies of five women in varying stages of decay.” Captain Mallory winced before continuing. “From what the officers could tell from the more recent ones, he’d taken his time with them before they died.”

Jeremy’s arms tightened protectively around Susan. “He never planned on letting her out of the warehouse alive, did he?” Not waiting for an answer, he picked up Susan in his arms. While walking to the car, Jeremy whispered, “It’s finally over, Susan. He’ll never hurt you again.”

As they drove away, Susan knew there must be a way to thank the man sitting behind the wheel beside her. For now, though, she was content to listen to Jeremy’s soft voice telling her that she was safe and that he was taking her first to the hospital and then home.

Chapter 04

Susan had thought he meant her home, not his. After a brief time at the hospital, Susan slowly walked back with Jeremy to his black and white police car. She now wore a well-worn hospital gown over her underpants, the one item of her clothing not soaked through by the mud puddle. After Jeremy opened the car’s passenger door, Susan felt his warm hand slide into the opening at the back of the gown.

Unable to help herself, she leaned back against him at hearing Jeremy’s whisper, “Your skin is so soft.” His heavier body pushed Susan against the side of the car, trapping her against the metal. “I went crazy seeing that bastard touching you.” He kept the following thought to himself. It should be me, Susan, and it will be. Realizing there were people walking near them, Jeremy moved away from Susan and let her get into the car.

Neither spoke during the trip across town to Jeremy’s home. Susan kept looking over at him, seeing only her usual partner, quiet and in control. She put down his strange action back at the hospital as reaction to the recent fear for her safety and failed to notice his growing arousal.

Unknown to her, he was fighting a losing battle with his desire for the young woman. When Simpson cut away her bra and exposed her naked breasts, Jeremy had felt his body react to that sight. Even as his hatred grew for the rapist, he admitted he wanted Susan for himself. During their months of being together, Jeremy had learned much about the 21-year-old woman.

She had even shyly admitted to him during one boring night patrol that she never had been with a man. “My strict parents raised me to believe a woman should save herself for the man she loved.” Seeing Jeremy nod, in what she thought was agreement with her beliefs, Susan decided to confide something else. “The friends I made at the academy think I’m a freak, but I saw so many of them crying when a man they dated dropped them. That convinced me I was right to hold out for marriage.”

Now, sitting next to the silent man who had saved her virtue, Susan looked out the car’s window, at the unfamiliar surroundings. “Jeremy?”


Susan licked her lips nervously, before continuing, “This isn’t the way to my apartment. Where are you taking me?”

Jeremy didn’t answer her, just took a deep shaky breath and kept driving. He had lost his inner battle between chivalry and lust.

Chapter 05

Jeremy parked the car in front of his home. Usually he left the squad car at the station where he had parked his own car, but this morning Jeremy was in too much of a rush to get back home. He knew the captain would excuse this break in protocol because of how he handled the serial murderer. Because he valued his privacy, Jeremy rented a small house in the industrial section of town. On the weekends, the area was completely deserted as it was on this particular Sunday morning.

Getting out of the car, he walked around it and waited for Susan to get out. He looked around to make sure the warehouse across the street was deserted. “Come on, Susan. Let’s go inside out of the sun.” He came close to pulling her out of the car when she didn’t move fast enough. Much as he wanted to be patient with her, Jeremy’s traitorous body needed release.

Susan slowly went up the asphalt walkway to the small building’s front door. Close behind her walked Jeremy. He was unable to take his eyes off her body showing through the gap in the hospital gown and saw she still was wearing only her silk panties.

Once inside the house, Jeremy closed the door and reached for Susan. “Do you know how close you came today to dying?” He brushed his lips against her hair while reaching behind her to undo the ties of the gown. “After today’s incident, Captain Mallory will probably put you on desk duty, so this might be the last time we’ll be together.”

Susan agreed something like that would probably happen. Captain Mallory had already mentioned reassigning her to one of the investigation sections where there was a lack of female officers. She was about to say something about this to Jeremy, when he stepped away from her. Her eyes opened wide when he shucked off his uniform shirt. “What are you doing?”

Jeremy silently watched her reaction, while kicking off his shoes. He then unzipped his slacks and slowly brought them down his legs until they puddle on the floor by his stocking feet. His eyes never left Susan’s face and felt hopeful at her curious expression. Finally, he leaned down to remove his socks. Standing in front of Susan, wearing only his white boxer shorts, Jeremy motioned for her to come closer.

Her hospital gown hung loosely around her when she stepped nearer. She began having second thoughts when he removed the gown and tossed it aside. “I think I should go. You’re going too fast. I’m not ready, Jeremy, it’s too soon.” Susan tried to back away, but Jeremy grabbed her hand and pulled her back.

“Susan, it’s not too soon. We will go slowly, but I need to show you sex isn’t terrible between two people.” Jeremy quickly looked around the room and decided his old sofa was the perfect place for what he planned. “Come, sit down, and we’ll just talk for now.”

Chapter 06

Trusting the friendly smile of her partner, Susan followed and joined him on the sofa. Jeremy immediately moved his larger body closer to her. He began her education by placing her hand against the thick bulge trying to escape from his shorts. “Feel that?” Seeing her tiny nod, Jeremy felt relief that she was showing only curiosity.

After moving even closer so they sat hip to hip, he confided, as if it were a secret he wanted to share only with her, “I’ve never taken a virgin before, so I want you to feel comfortable with my body first.” He gently wrapped her fingers around his arousal, letting her experience its heavy shape through his cotton shorts. ‘Have you ever held a man like this before?”

Susan didn’t answer, fascinated by the feel of what Jeremy kept hidden from her. She raised her head and looked shyly up at his face. She became nervous again at seeing his pained expression. “Am I doing something wrong?” Without realizing how this made Jeremy feel or even what she was doing, her fingers had tightened around him and were moving up and down his cotton–shrouded penis. When he pushed her hand away, she wanted to cry in embarrassment.

Jeremy immediately slipped out of his shorts and tossed them to the floor. “Here, this is much better.” When she reached for him, Jeremy stopped her hand inches from his swollen penis. “No, not yet.” He leaned over and placed his hands at the waistband of her panties. “Let’s see what you’ve got under these first.” Tugging the material down, he exposed her dark patch of pubic hair. “Lift yourself up, Susan, or I’ll have to rip these off. Hurry up!”

Susan obeyed his command as fast as she could, but he ripped her panties off anyway. She gasped in shock when he put a hand behind her back and moved it down to fondle her bare ass. “What, no, don’t…” Susan stopped complaining when Jeremy removed his hand. “Thank you,” she whispered, just before he tenderly placed her face down on the sofa and pulled her legs up behind where he was sitting.

With Susan in this position with her round cheeks so close and tempting, Jeremy gently slapped the one closest to where he sat. He knew he hadn’t hurt her, but was pleased by the sound this made. Jeremy gave her ass another slap, this one a bit harder. A third slap, the crack of his open palm on her soft flesh sounding loud in the room. He quickly followed with more, each harder than the last. Jeremy watched Susan’s ass turn red, but was pleased when she only squirmed whenever he struck her. This showed she might accept even more pain from him, as long as he didn’t cross the line into a beating. Jeremy wondered if she would be as good at dishing out punishment. He reluctantly moved on.

Determined to prolong Susan’s initiation into sex, Jeremy began by running one long finger down the crack between her cheeks. “It’s going to be all right, just relax and stop wiggling so much.” I just need to keep reminding myself she’s still a virgin and have to go slow.

He slowly inserted his middle finger and began rubbing the soft skin inside her tender rectum. “You’ll like this, just give it time,” he promised. Trying to ignore her impotent struggling, Jeremy knew she’d thank him when they were done. His arousal was getting more painful by the moment. I just hope I can hold on for a bit longer.

Chapter 07

When he felt Susan comfortable enough with his initial gentle touch, Jeremy knelt on top of her and held her firmly in place by straddling her legs. He pushed a second finger in with the first and started moving them harder, faster, and deeper into Susan’s wildly wiggling ass. “Yes, you like this, don’t you?” The sofa cushion pushed against her face muffled Susan’s answer, but Jeremy hoped he was making her happy. “That’s it. Move around all you want. Push up further and help me out. Good girl, that’s it. You’re doing just fine.”

With two fingers of one hand deep in ass, Jeremy leaned down so he could slide his other hand underneath her squirming body. When his fingers touched the opening to her vagina, he tried to slow down. Jeremy knew he was reaching the end of his control, but also realized Susan needed more time before he tore through her hymen.

“Please stop, you’re hurting me.” Finally able to move her head out of the cushion, Susan looked up at him while tears streamed down her face.

Hearing this, Jeremy immediately removed his fingers from her body. His intention had been to give Susan pleasure during her first time with a man. Jeremy suddenly realized she was still too inexperienced to understand that pain sometimes increased a person’s sensual pleasure. “It’s going to be okay. I won’t do that again. You still hurt?” Jeremy smiled at seeing Susan’s timid nod. “Do you want me to kiss it and make it feel better?”

Susan felt him moving further back on her legs before he leaned down and kissed her sore ass. He soon followed this by licking first one cheek and then the other. When she felt his wet tongue getting closer to where his fingers had been, she tried to steady her ragged breathing.

Jeremy raised his head upon hearing her panting. “You like this better? Oh yes, you do,” and he returned to where he’d left off. His tongue swept around and around, but didn’t enter. Jeremy didn’t want to cause her more pain there, at least not yet. Soon he felt her beginning to move restlessly under him, and he knew she was ready for more.

At that point, Jeremy got off Susan’s legs and sat down once again beside her. “Why don’t you roll over? Much as I like your ass, I want to see your pretty face.” He helped her reposition herself on her back, but made sure she couldn’t get past him and off the sofa. “Has anyone ever told you what a beautiful body you have? No? You mean, no man has touched you here,” placing his right hand on her pubic hair, “or done this?” Jeremy traced his fingers down until he came to the slit at the entrance to her vagina.

Susan turned her head away from him, not wanting Jeremy to see how much she enjoyed his touch. When his fingers started rubbing that sensitive area, she shyly opened the space between her legs in silent invitation for him to continue. Susan felt his fingers moving faster and harder, and she couldn’t keep her body from moving restlessly on the sofa.

Unable to resist what Susan was offering him, Jeremy gently slid his middle finger through her slit and began stroking the tender flesh inside. He knew Susan liked the feeling when she raised her hips to get closer to his active finger. He soon began probing around in search of the pea-size nub usually just inside a vagina’s entrance. Jeremy took his time to prolong Susan’s growing excitement, but eventually his tip of his finger found it. At this point, he gently moved his finger over that spot. When he then rubbed harder and faster, he could feel the nub swelling under his finger.

Eventually Jeremy removed his finger, his other hand holding his swollen penis, with a pained expression on his face. “I’m sorry, I can’t wait any longer.” Forgotten was his silent promise to give Susan an enjoyable and lengthy foreplay. Climbing up on the sofa, Jeremy used both his hands to push Susan’s thighs further apart. He nearly fell on her in his fevered rush for a release from his uncomfortable erection.

Chapter 08

Susan lay there on her back, legs spread wide, unsure of what was about to happen. She saw Jeremy’s large penis jutting out from his groin and began to scuttle backwards on the sofa away from him. “Oh, no, you don’t. Leave me alone! I didn’t want Simpson, and I sure as hell don’t want you!” she yelled, twisting her body while trying to get as far from him as she could.

When he ordered her, in a hoarse voice she didn’t recognize, “Let me do what I need to, and it’ll be over soon,” Susan found herself pulled back under him. She fought to get away once more when she felt the tip of his penis touching her. She let out a loud wail, understanding sinking in that she was powerless against his greater strength. “I told you I didn’t want this. I don’t love you. I don’t even like you any more, and I’m not ready.”

She aimed her hands at his face, so close to hers, using her long nails to claw at his eyes. “Don’t you dare touch me with that, that…!” Words failed her when Jeremy slapped her hand away from his face and covered her mouth with his. She struggled against this new invasion after he forced her mouth open and slid his tongue inside. Susan arched her back, trying to dislodge Jeremy’s heavy body off her. Instead, his penis went deeper into her vagina.

Suddenly, Jeremy butted up against her virginal fold of skin, and he left her mouth to more fully savor the sensation of his foreskin rubbing against her hymen. Wanting both of them to enjoy the experience as long as possible, Jeremy slowly pushed against the soft barrier and then pulled back. He misinterpreted Susan’s cries of frustration and pain for those begging him to continue. “Oh, sweetheart, it’s better than I even imagined it would be.”

For a second time, he assaulted her maidenhead, stretching the membrane a bit more before releasing his pressure on it. Lost in this new and overwhelming sensation, he no longer heard Susan. He did notice her fierce struggles to get away and once more misunderstood. “Yes, yes, you feel it too, don’t you?” Sweat poured off Jeremy’s body as he kept himself from gaining his own release. He wanted to give Susan as much sexual pleasure as she was giving him.

With his penis fully lodged inside her, keeping the thin membrane intact for the time being, Jeremy held off taking her virginity. He leaned on his elbows to keep his weight off her. After his third try at pushing against while not tearing through the thin tissue, Jeremy gave in to the pressure building up inside him. He grabbed Susan’s thighs to hold her still. “I’m sorry, I really am. I wanted to give you more time to know what it was like to have a man inside you.” He whispered this to her, ashamed to look at her because of his lack of control. “Let me do this, and next time I’ll try not to be such a pig.”

Susan wasn’t sure what he meant, but felt relief it was over when Jeremy pulled almost all the way out of her.

Chapter 09

“Shit, bloody hell!” Jeremy began swearing at the loud sound of his cell phone ringing. He had just steadied his large body over Susan’s soft body, ready to force his way through her hymen. “Don’t move, Susan. I’ve got to get that.” Jeremy pulled out of her and quickly moved off the sofa. He walked to where he’d dropped his slacks on the floor.

For a few seconds, Susan lay there, too startled to react. She watched Jeremy squat down as he searched for his phone. With this unexpected view of his naked body, Susan wasted more seconds before she pulled her thoughts together. Jumping off the sofa, she headed for the front door and freedom.

By now, Jeremy held the open phone to his ear and heard the voice of Captain Mallory. “Yes, sir. She’s fine, no permanent damage.” He spotted Susan trying to sneak by him, and held the phone against his chest while grabbing her around her waist. “No you don’t. We’re not done yet.” The phone back to his ear, Jeremy continued his conversation with Captain Mallory while keeping a tight hold on Susan. “Be quiet, Susan. You are not leaving me like this.” He gave this whispered command while listening to his supervisor telling him to take off a couple days to relax. “Yes, thank you. I will. See you Tuesday morning.”

Jeremy closed the cell phone and tossed it back on the floor. Now able to give Susan his full attention, he decided the sofa was too small and narrow. “You don’t want to go so soon, really you don’t.” He kept his arm around her waist and pushed Susan ahead of him into the bedroom. When they reached his bed, he held on to her, while pulling back the top sheet and blanket.

This revealed a dark-blue satin sheet, slightly wrinkled. Jeremy preferred to sleep nude and enjoyed the feel of the satin against his body. For him, the only feeling he enjoyed more was the soft skin of a woman. Susan was younger than the many married women he brought home to share his bed, so he knew he had to be more careful with her.

Jeremy found the bored wives he met wanted something their husbands never gave them. With these women, he mixed pain with pleasure, indulging them in their wildest fantasies. One divorced woman, a redhead with large silicone breasts, gave him some innovative sex toys on her second visit.

For a few weeks after that, until he tired of her cloying ways, Jeremy experimented with some of the unfamiliar items. In particular, he remembered the screams of delight the redhead gave when he moved a realistic vibrating dildo in and out of her vagina. Jeremy had just energetically sodomized her and continued to kneel over her, trying to get his strength back for a second romp.

He glanced over at the bedside table, wondering how soon he could use what he now kept in the table drawer. There was one item in particular that excited him. Jeremy recently had bought it, but so far he had found no woman to experience pleasure from its use. Jeremy felt himself hardening as he imagined applying it Susan’s body. He was eager to reach that point, but knew he still had to breach her maidenhead first. Jeremy climbed into bed, pulling her in to lie beside him. “Susan, I know you want this. I will try to take my time, I promise.” His hands moved over her body, so different from those of the skinnier matrons who spent their time at spas, trying to keep their girlish figure.

Jeremy first cupped his large hands over her firm breasts. He next took one breast into his mouth and greedily sucked on the tender flesh. When he flicked his tongue over the tiny pink nipple, he waited until it hardened before taking it between his teeth and gently biting down. While he alternated nibbling and licking one of Susan’s breasts, Jeremy used his fingers to roughly massage the nipple on her other one.

Finally lifting his head, he knew Susan wouldn’t resist anything he wanted to do to her. Jeremy tried not to show his excitement at seeing the dazed expression on Susan’s face. He couldn’t believe how quickly she became aroused after he barely touched her.

Chapter 10

Susan clutched at the sheet under her, not understanding the strange feeling slowly growing low in her belly. She no longer feared Jeremy’s sexual invasion of her body, since she mistakenly believed the pain she felt earlier meant she no longer was a virgin. Susan waited for his gentleness with her to continue, but found she had misjudged his need.

Without any warning, Susan felt him stretching out on top of her and gasped when he pushed her long hair to one side off her neck. She felt him nibbling her earlobe just before his tongue traced its way down to her collarbone. “Jeremy, you were right. I do want you,” she whispered, excited by his hot breath on her skin. She frantically rubbed her body against his, trying to relieve the low belly ache now growing stronger. Unsure of what Jeremy would do next, she hoped there was more to sex than what she’d experience with him so far. Her excitement grew when she felt him push her thighs apart and reach a hand down between them.

Jeremy watched her face as his fingers stroked the sensitive area between her legs. When he saw her eyes close and her head move restlessly on the pillow, he slipped his long middle finger into her vagina. He began rubbing, slowly and then faster. He moved his body into a better position over her while keeping up the rhythm of his finger. Jeremy listened to her, “yes, oh yes, no, yes, that feels…” and knew soon she would be ready for him.

“Almost, Susan, almost time.” Soon, Jeremy began to pant from his efforts to control his need for her. He intensified his efforts to ready Susan’s body for him by inserting a second finger. Jeremy stopped as soon as he realized he had total control over her, that it finally was time to take her. He removed his hand from between their bodies and instead wrapped it around his heavy, painful rod.

Susan opened her eyes and watched as Jeremy guided his penis to the entrance of her vagina. “Please hurry,” she begged, when she felt Jeremy’s thick arousal stretching her skin as he entered her. With all her attention centered on what Jeremy was doing with her lower body, Susan jumped when she heard his low voice next to her ear.

In a low whisper, Jeremy began telling her what he planned to do with her, using obscene terms he knew she wouldn’t understand. Meanwhile, he reached her hymen, determined to not spend more time there. He stopped talking long enough to rip through the thin membrane. Susan’s cry of pain only increased his sexual pleasure as he took her virginity.

Chapter 11

Despite his desperate need to continue, Jeremy tried to remain still inside Susan. He had no idea how bad her pain was, but knew there would be plenty of time to show her how giving and receiving pain could be pleasurable. His other women constantly told him how expert he was with this, particularly the giving of pain.

Finally, growing weary of her sobbing, he harshly said, “I want an end to your silly hysterics!” A smile of satisfaction crossed his face when Susan stopped crying, immediately obeying his command. “Nod your head if you liked what just happened.” Seeing Susan stubbornly ignoring his next order, Jeremy decided he’d humored her long enough.

He started moving within her, slowly at first, letting his heavy penis slide repeatedly over the spot where only shredded pieces of skin remained. Soon he began moving faster, pushing further into her, waiting for Susan to match his rhythm. When she failed to do this, Jeremy continued to dig his thick arousal deeper and more fiercely into her.

Susan suddenly realized the pain Jeremy had caused was gone. Instead of that horrible sharp pain, the mild ache that had started low in her belly now spread down to between her legs, increasing in intensity. “Jeremy,” she whispered, beginning to worry about this feeling, “what do you want me to do?”

He didn’t answer her, too intent with trying to hold off his impending climax. Grabbing her hips, he dug his fingers into her flesh and dragged her further down on the bed. This allowed him to insert his penis deeper inside, and he knew he had only a short time left before he filled Susan with his sperm. Until then, he wanted her to share in this experience and tried to slow down.

After Jeremy did this, Susan concentrated on lifting and lowering her hips in a tentative effort to match his rhythm. She wanted to weep with happiness when she heard his, “That’s it, a little more. Yes, you’re doing it.” As Jeremy picked up his speed again, the ache between Susan’s legs increased. Jeremy kept pushing her, his actions demanding she trust him without reservation. He let out a yell of satisfaction when she began grinding her pelvis against him in an uninhibited frenzy.

Jeremy knew she was ready to submit to whatever he wanted, and wasted no more time or energy fighting to control his own body. In his fevered attempt finally to climax, Jeremy increased his sexual assault, spurred on by Susan moaning every time he moved deeper and faster. Realizing she was learning that pain could give a person pleasure, Jeremy’s delight with this young inexperienced woman grew. “Oh, sweetheart, you feel so good. Hold on. I’m almost there.”

Susan heard his hoarse voice as if through a thick fog. She grabbed Jeremy’s hips to pull him further into her, needing him to release her from the powerful sensation crawling throughout her lower body. This only made the ache stronger, and Susan couldn’t keep back her screams.

Suddenly, Jeremy felt Susan convulsing under him as she fought against her first orgasm. He managed to hold on to the fraying threads of his control until her body stopped shaking. Only then did he give in to his own overwhelming need. He arched his back, gave a loud roar, and slammed into her twice more. With a thick stream of his semen pouring into Susan’s waiting vagina, Jeremy experienced the most powerful climax of his life.

Once his flow stopped, Jeremy rolled off Susan and onto his back. After a few minutes, his breathing slowed enough for him to lean on his side to check on her condition. His eyes immediately went to her face and saw it was taking Susan longer to recover. Her dazed expression made him smile with male pride at how well he had conquered the young virgin’s earlier reluctance. He leaned down and pushed strands of her damp hair off her face while whispering, “I’ve known for weeks I could have you any time I wanted.”

Unable to wait, he eagerly searched between her legs for proof of his sexual adroitness. “Yes, there it is,” he gloated, reaching out a hand to touch her wet skin. Jeremy ran his fingers slowly through the mixture of blood and semen staining her inner thigh. When he felt Susan finally moving, he managed to pull himself away from her and stumbled out of the bed.

“Be still, Susan,” he ordered, crossing the room and walking into the bathroom. “I need to clean you up.” He looked down at the streaks of blood on his limp penis and grinned. “Me first, though.” Through the open doorway came the muted sound of a toilet flushing, immediately followed by that of running water.

Susan watched as Jeremy came back into the bedroom. He was holding a wet sponge with a white towel draped over his arm.

Chapter 12

When he knelt on the bed, Susan tried to scramble away from him. “What are you going to do with that?” pointing at the dripping sponge.

Jeremy couldn’t help grinning. “Now, what do you think I’m going to do?” Not waiting for her to answer, he climbed onto the bed and swung a leg over her. In this way, he efficiently straddled her body, trapping the startled woman underneath him.

Susan had a splendid view of his back since he was facing away from her. She even enjoyed the pressure of his naked ass on her stomach. This weight lessened slightly when he leaned forward. When she felt Jeremy using the wet sponge between her legs and over her thighs, she couldn’t take her eyes off his firm buttocks. She watched the muscles there tightening while he worked at wiping away the blood and sperm.

Jeremy moved back and forth on her stomach, intent on washing the full length of her legs. Unable to resist, Susan reached toward his swaying body and was able to touch one of his cheeks.

Jeremy immediately stopped what he was doing and got off her body. Stretching out on his stomach with his feet in the direction of the bed’s headboard, he positioned his buttocks near her chest. This allowed Susan to lean on her side and started stroking first one cheek and then the other. Jeremy moved even closer, and she next ran her fingernails lightly over where she had been stroking him. After that, Susan repeatedly raked her nails over his ass while digging into the flesh. Jeremy was unable to speak when he heard her repeat what he had asked her earlier. “Do you want me to kiss it and make it feel better?”

Susan moved her body down on the bed until her head was level with the marks she made on his ass. Wrapping her arms around him, she pulled his unresisting body closer. “Tell me what you want, Jeremy. Do you want this?” leaning down to run her tongue over one red welt. “No? How about this then?” Susan leaned down to kiss the welt.

Much as he liked what Susan was doing, Jeremy wanted more. He quickly sat up, catching her unprepared. “No, this is what I want.” Pushing Susan onto her stomach, he gave her no time to object when his hands roughly separated her cheeks. The pleasure he got from Susan’s teasing had hardened his penis, and he was more than ready to give her another lesson in pain and pleasure.

When she felt Jeremy’s penis at the entrance to her rectum, Susan let out an angry cry. “No, I told you before that it hurts. Stop it!”

Jeremy laughed and ignored her loud complaints. It took some effort, but he did eventually force his thick rod into her tight hole. “Damn it, bitch, you feel good.” Rotating and moving his hips downward in a screw-like fashion, he managed to insert his entire swollen member all the way in. “Now, that wasn’t too bad, was it?” Jeremy started lifting his body and pushing back down on Susan’s ass. “I don’t ever again want to hear you complain that I’m hurting you.”

Susan struggled against the pain as Jeremy rapidly slid in and out of her. His legs on either side of her held her hips steady until he finally coated her insides with his thick sperm. This time when he rolled off her, Jeremy smiled to show his pleasure and immediately fell asleep.

Susan tried to get out of bed, but found Jeremy’s heavy legs still kept her captive. Soon, exhausted and wondering what else Jeremy had in store for her, Susan fell asleep. Once in the late afternoon and again in the middle of the night, she woke to find Jeremy’s hands caressing her body. He waited until she was fully alert before taking her, getting more aggressive each time.

Around six in the morning, Susan felt Jeremy shaking her. She sleepily opened her eyes to see him sitting beside her. He was holding something in his hands and seemed unable to contain his excitement. She got a better look at it when he spread it out on the sheet. “What’s that? What are you going to do with it?” By now, she was wide awake and sat up in the bed.

Jeremy couldn’t stop looking at her. Her lips looked swollen from the kisses he’d insisted on all night, and the white stains he’d left on her inner thighs pleased him. Jeremy reached out and touched one of her breasts, the memory of how it tasted still fresh in his mind. He gave himself a mental shake, wanting to share his excitement over his new toy with Susan. “I found this online and couldn’t resist buying it. You’ll be the first to try it out.” He frowned, a sudden thought hitting him. “I hope the batteries I put in are still good.”

Chapter 13

Jeremy picked up the item consisting of a complicated set of leather straps. “You’re going to like this, so lie down and let me put you into it.” Seeing Susan frantically shaking her head while yelling at him and trying to get off the other side of the bed, Jeremy grabbed her legs and pulled her back. “When I give you an order, I expect you to obey. Now, lie down!” Taking two of the loose straps, he snapped one around each of her wrists. Kneeling on her stomach, Jeremy attached the other end of the straps to the metal rungs of the headboard.

Getting off her, he said, “It’s really too bad you haven’t learned not to raise your voice at me.” Jeremy quickly picked up another leather strap with a round ball at its center. When Susan opened her mouth to object, he stuffed the ball into her mouth and tied the strap around her head. He smiled down into her frightened eyes. “Don’t be afraid, you really will like this. I promise.”

“Stay still while I get you all hooked up.” Jeremy spoke softly, attempting to calm Susan down. Waiting until she stopped struggling, he buckled a leather binding high up around her inner thigh, and then did the same to her other leg. Jeremy stopped to admire the way her pale skin looked against the black leather. “Oh, Susan, you are going to have more fun with this than you ever had before.” His excitement grew as he picked up the last piece of leather. Only two other items remained on the bed after that. When Susan saw what he was going to do, she became afraid once more, but Jeremy continued to ignore her struggling body. “This is the fun part, sweetheart.”

Saying this, he buckled the wide piece of leather at the top to each of the leg bindings. After that, he pushed the long narrow section at the bottom of the piece between her legs. Once more rolling her over on her stomach, he pulled the leather all the way through and untangled the straps on either side of it.
“Almost done with this part. Hold still now. This might hurt just a bit.” With this warning, Jeremy gave a sharp tug on the straps. He heard Susan give a muffled cry when the leather painfully tightened underneath her body just before he finished attached the straps to the back of her leg bindings.

Then, for the last time, he moved Susan onto her back. Noticing tears were running down her face, he hurried with the last step to let her start enjoying the toy. The wide leather piece now was immovable and covered the area just above the entrance to her vagina before going between her legs. Jeremy sat back on his heels and checked the position of the wide leather. He looked at it from one angle and then another before he was satisfied.

“Are you comfortable, sweetheart? One more step, and you’re ready.” Jeremy reached behind him and grabbed a rubber vibrator shaped like a man’s flaccid penis. It was only about three inches long, but had what were thin layers of rubber covering it. A metal box at the other end was exactly the size of the round hole in the middle of the leather piece. Carefully, Jeremy guided the vibrator through the hole, making sure the tip of the rubber was completely inserted into Susan’s body.

Chapter 14

“Can you feel that, Susan?” Seeing her nod, he kept pushing until the entire fake penis was inside her. Having shown her how small the vibrator was, he knew she no longer was afraid. “Now, I’ll start this out at number one.” Jeremy quickly snapped the metal box into the leather, locking it securely in place. Reaching for the last item on the bed, he held up the remote control so Susan could see it. On the panel were four small sliding switches, all set at the number zero. Jeremy stood next to the bed and slowly moved the first switch up a notch to level one. He couldn’t help grinning at the surprised look on Susan’s face. This switch caused a couple inches of folded metal to come out of the box and make the rubber penis grow longer. “Feel good?”

Susan tried to smile around the plastic ball in her mouth, beginning to enjoy Jeremy’s new toy. She watched him move the second switch up a notch and felt a slight tingling coming from the vibrator. When he activated the third switch, the collapsible metal sheath inside the vibrator began to widen ever so slightly, expanding the rubber around it.

Jeremy sat down next to Susan, putting off moving the fourth switch until he thought she had fully accepted the others. Wanting to give her the full benefit of his toy, Jeremy watched her reactions closely. He took his time playing with the switches, bringing each one by stages from level one to three. With each level, he waited until she had stopped thrashing around on the bed before moving to the next level.

After enjoying this for almost an hour, and with the other switches safely back at two, Jeremy took a deep breath. His excitement growing in anticipation of what Susan would feel, he moved the fourth switch up to the same level. Jeremy began fiercely rubbing his suddenly painful penis when Susan arched her back slightly off the bed. Her muffled cries let him know the rubber vibrator was working correctly like a real penis, moving slowly in and out of the metal box.

Never stopping or slowly down his masturbation, he rocked back and forth while moving all the switches up a notch to three. The warning that came with this toy stated that numbers four and five were only for those more experienced with BDSM, so he decided to go no higher than three.

Even through her gag, he could hear her yelling. Within seconds, Jeremy joined her with a louder yell as his masturbating ended in a thick stream of semen splashing all over Susan and the bed. “Oh, that felt good, but I think we’ve both had enough for now.” It took him a couple minutes, but he eventually turned off the remote control and slowly removed Susan’s bindings. He saw the red marks on her skin from where the various tight straps had cut into her flesh. The last item he removed was the leather gag. “Do you have any idea how much I envy you right now? You seemed to be enjoying yourself, and all I could do was watch.”

Chapter 15

Unable to speak, Susan coughed and moved her mouth, trying to get rid of the taste and feel of the plastic ball. Her body felt battered as if a tornado had picked her up and dropped her back to the ground from a dozen feet up. She tried to get up, but fell back in pain, unable to accomplish even that simple task.

Jeremy was pleased with the success of his purchase, but somewhat unhappy the fun was over. He kept replaying in his mind the images of Susan’s reactions each time he moved the switches. “Susan, are you awake?”

“Yes,” Susan managed to get out, “and I want to thank you for sharing your toy with me.” She forced her body into an upright position and smiled at Jeremy. As if having a sudden thought, she opened her eyes wide and asked, “You know, I think a man might have as much fun with it.”

Jeremy thought she was crazy. “Susan, the instructions that came with it made no mention of its use by a man. After all, men don’t have a vagina.”

“But, they do have a rectum. Wouldn’t the vibrator fit there as well?” She waited to see what he thought of this idea and knew he agreed when he stretched out his long body on the bed. It took Susan longer to attach everything backwards on Jeremy, but eventually he was all strapped in. She even had discovered two more lengths of leather in the drawer and used them to tie his feet to the bed’s footboard.

While he remained on his stomach with his trapped legs spread wide, she verified the location of the round hole and began to insert the short rubber penis into his anus. She grinned when she saw his cheek muscles tighten. As she slowly started pushing in the full three inches, she scolded him, “Come on, Jeremy, you have to wait. Don’t be so greedy.” She gently slapped both his cheeks before locking the metal box into place.

“You are brilliant to think of this,” whispered Jeremy, already anticipating what he would feel with the switches at number one. He yanked at his arms and legs to test the straps holding his captive. “Hurry, sweetheart, I’m getting hard already.” He wiggled around on the bed, getting into a more comfortable position.

Susan knelt on the bed, swinging the gag in her hand. “Do you have anything else to say before I put this in?” Jeremy turned his body slightly to face her, a big smile on his face as he shook his head. He opened his mouth wide, and Susan slid the plastic ball inside.

After tying the gag as tight as she could, Susan sat on the side of the bed and picked up the remote. Instead of moving one switch at a time as Jeremy had done, she flicked all four on at the same time to number one. “You like that, don’t you? Want me to go up a level?” Seeing his head nodding, she did that and watched his body twitching from the increased vibration of the fourth switch.

At this point, she put the remote on the table next to the bed and walked to the bedroom closet. She found a raincoat that seemed long enough to reach her knees and slipped it on. Leaving it unbuttoned, she returned to the bed. “How are you feeling? Ready for number three?” Picking up the remote, she moved the switches up to the third level.

Jeremy began to moan at the pleasant feeling Susan was letting him enjoy. He turned and saw her leaning down to pick up his discarded cell phone. Unable to speak, he watched as she flipped it open and dialed.

When somebody answered on the other line, Susan asked, “Hello. Is Captain Mallory there?” She turned to smile at Jeremy before continuing the phone conversation. “He’s gone home already?” She listened for a few seconds to the person on the other end. “Yes, this is Susan Wilson, and I’d like to leave a message for when he comes back on duty this evening.” She listened before saying, “Right, Susan Wilson, the officer at the Simpson arrest yesterday.”

Jeremy started to wonder what Susan was saying after she turned away from him and started speaking too quietly for him to hear. He didn’t know when Susan finished that conversation and made a second call. He honestly didn’t care, since he was enjoying himself too much. If Susan had been a virgin, so was he in a way. This was the first time he had allowed a penis, even a fake one, into his ass.

Susan startled him when she quietly returned and sat on the bed near him. His raincoat was wide open on her, and Jeremy wanted to run his hands over her nude body, now so familiar to him. Through the gag, he tried to tell her he was ready to take her again, but only mumbled words came out. He jerked on the straps around his wrists and only managed to pull the leather tighter.

When there was a loud blast on a car horn from the street outside, Susan stood and buttoned the raincoat. She went to the door, opened it, and called out to the driver in the yellow cab, “I’ll be right with you.”

She went back to where Jeremy was struggling frantically to get free. One last time, Susan checked that he was securely attached to both ends of the bed with his gag firmly tied around his head. With that, she took the remote off the table, making sure he was watching. One after another, she slowly moved each of the switches from three to four and then to five.

She stood for another minute, enjoying her sweet revenge for what Jeremy did to her. She gave one last smile at hearing his muffled screams while slowly being driven mad by the extremely fat and very long, rapidly moving, and madly vibrating dildo. Taking the remote with her, Susan walked outside and closed the front door behind her. She began laughing since she knew Jeremy wouldn’t be expected at work for another 24 hours.

The cabby gave her a strange look when he heard her say, “Just relax, Jeremy. All I want is for you to have fun.”
© Copyright 2014 J. A. Buxton (judity at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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