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The story of a young Romanian boy. Reality mixed with fantasy. |
Year 1995 Another creature landed on planet Earth, in an eastern country named Romania. Born in Izbiceni, a small southern village, the kid has been blessed with the name of Ciobanu Alexandru Ioan, a common romanian name. He grew up like any other child. When he learned to walk on his own, Alex made friends in that tiny village and now he was spending all of his time playing with them, although there were moments when he would play all alone. This was caused by the fact that the parents of his friends needed their children to help gardening, to take care of the plants, since their only income came from selling vegetables. But for the young Alex, the things were different. His parents were not like the others. His father -Ciobanu Nelu- was a peasant, but not an ordinary one. At first he worked in a brick factory. He stood there all day long, in the sun, making bricks with his bare hands. The work conditions were terrible, but at that moment there was nothing better to do. Nelu was a good man, a good father. He loved his wife and son more than anything in the world, but like any other man, he had a weakness. His weakness was the women. When the brick factory was shut down, he looked for a new job but could not find anything in that small village. Some of his friends told him about their journeys to Serbia, Bulgary, and Turkey, and how much money they brought home. Ion was desperate, his child needed food, diapers, medical care, and in his condition he could not afford all that. He decided to join his buddies and to go to Serbia. His wife did not agree with his decision because she knew that he was going there to steal and take part in illegal activities. After many fights and arguments, he left Romania and headed to Serbia. In his desperate attempt to improve his life, he cheated on his wife, he got caught stealing, and was sent to prison. Back in Romania, the young Alex was living with his mother, his grandparents and his handicapped aunt. They were a poor family, and now that Ion was gone, his mother -Liliana-, had to find another job. A small grocery shop took her in, fact that made Alex`s family a little happier for they now had a bigger income. Days were passing by and Alex was sadder and sadder. Liliana would come home every night at 10:00 PM, when her job allowed her to. Alex was missing both his parents now. He would often go in his room, hug his stuffed animals and cry himself to sleep. Often, when Liliana considered that Alex needed some affection, she would go into his room and read him poetry. The one he most loved was called “The Queen of the Ostrogoths”. The beautiful poem talks about Amalasunda and Theodet, queen and king of the Ostrogoths. Feeling that his kingdom was in danger, Theodet grabbed his son from Amalasunda's chest and murdered him. From that point, the king kept his queen prisoner into the castle's keep, until the day when his desired drove him mad. That one day, when he entered the keep, stabbed his wife with a dagger, and threw her body from the window, letting it smash against the rocks. For Alex, Amalasunda and Theodet represented his parents. Amalasunda was the kind and loving mother who would do anything for her children, while Theodet was the careless father who abandoned his family. In those early moments, Alex saw Amalasunda in his mother's figure, and since that early age the poem remained in his heart. The first lesson Alex was now three years old. During the day he would play with the animals and enjoy their company. His grandmother -Ana- had a small farm with many animals. Alex was spending most of his time playing with the turkeys, trying to understand their language, with the baby chicks and with the ducklings. He was happier around the animals than in the presence of humans. He cared a lot about his tiny friends. Often, there were funerals in his village, due to the high number of old people. His grandmother (“mamaia” as he used to call her) would take him to them, so he could learn the rites. That was the first thing he learned in his life, how to properly bury a corpse. Whenever a duckling or a baby chick would die, he would take its corpse, dig a hole in the garden -exactly like he had seen at the funerals- and carefully place it there. He, then, would fill the tomb with dirt, and on top of it, he would place a little wooden cross that his grandfather had made for him. 2 of February 1999 Alex turned four. That night he had a pleasant but not so pleasant surprise. Little before he went to sleep, his father opened the door, slowly stepped in with a huge bag on his shoulder. Alex jumped into his arms and Nelu dropped the bag. At first, Liliana was content to see that her husband had returned. For Alex, the return of his father was the best gift he could receive. Although, he was just a child and he loved chocolate and sweets more than anything. He knew that his father had been working in a foreign country and he was more than sure that his father`s bag contained lots of sweets. The kid slowly opened the bag, and to his horror, there were only clothes and some coffee. Not even one bar of chocolate, nothing for him. His happiness transformed into sadness, and he ran to his room crying. His parents remained in the kitchen, discussing. Nelu could have lied to his wife, but he did not. He told her everything, about the whores, about the robberies, and about the prison.. He was hoping that by being honest his wife would forgive him, but fate was against him during those moments. They had a huge argument, and upon hearing that Nelu has cheated on her, she asked him to leave the house and intended divorce. Eventually, the night ended for all. In the morning, no sooner than the sunrise, Nelu had his stuff packed. He was leaving Liliana and Alex, and was now going back to his parents` house, in another village named Tia-Mare, not far from Izbiceni. After all the paperwork was done, the trial started. At its end, she had won Alex`s custody. Life was harder now for this family. Liliana`s parents were too old to work, her sister- the handicapped aunt, Valerica , (“Bica” for the kid)- could not walk, and Alex was only a child. She was now a single mother who had to struggle so her family could have a decent life. Now that Nelu was gone, the only male adult in the house was Alex`s grandfather -Ion- Alex suffered a while, but slowly he managed to create a strong bond between him and his grandfather (“tataia” for him). They would go out for walks together, and sometimes even play football together, despite the old man`s health conditions. The second lesson One night, Alex understood that his grandfather loves him more than anything in the world. It was around 10 pm, Alex could not sleep. He wanted a bar of chocolate so bad that he was crying in his bed and blaming his mother for not having bought one during the day. -I`m sorry son, I just did not have the money. Go to sleep now, I promise I will buy you one tomorrow morning. -But I want one now! The child screamed. -You should know better than that. It is dark outside and there are many stray dogs on the streets. It`s dangerous! From the other room, Ion heard the screams and stormed in to see what was going on. -I will go and buy him some chocolate, but only if he comes with me; said Ion, almost sure that Alex would be too scared of darkness to go. The old man took a stick with him and told the kid to keep close. They reached the shop without problems, and the kid saw his dreams come true. He had a chocolate bar in his hands. Ion took a few minutes to talk with the owner of the shop, as they were old friends. Finally they left the shop and headed home. The two of them were sauntering through darkness. The young Alex was terrified of darkness, so this was a nightmare for him. They turned right and in a blink of an eye, in the silence of the night, a stray dog jumped on them. It`s eyes and fangs sparkled in the light of the hollowed Moon. The dog was drooling all over, he was hungry. Upon seeing the creature, the boy screamed and stepped back. The old man, having no time to react, dropped the stick, and caught the beast by the neck. The dog was now angrier than before. Within a second it managed to get out from the old man`s hands and bit his leg. That made Ion scream of pain while trying to get rid of the beast. He was now crawling on the ground, trying to grab a rock or the stick to hit the dog and set himself free. During all this time, Alex was few meters away, frightened, watching the scene. -Run kid! Go home! I will be fine. Run and do not look back ! From the boy's eyes, the first tears poured out. He knew that his grandfather could not handle the creature on his own, but he was in no shape to face it either, so run he did. Several days after, Alex, his mother, and his grandmother went to the hospital to check on his old man. -He will be fine; the doctor said. The wounds are minor, he will be out of here in one or two days. Alex ran to Ion`s room, jumped in his arms and started to cry. -It is alright, my boy. You did well, I`m proud of you! If the first thing Alex had learned was how to properly bury a body, he had now learned another life lesson. He had learned love, sacrifice, and friendship. He now knew that if you truly love somebody you have to protect them with your both hands. Two days later, Ion was out of the hospital. Things were like they used to be before. Alex was now sorry for being so stubborn that night, but he and his old man agreed to never talk about that night again. The same year, in December, Ion died. He had been a heavy smoker for all his life, so in the end, his path – like all our paths- led him to death. He died from tuberculosis at the age of 56. The child could not stop crying. He had now lost the last male model he ever had. He had lost his grandfather, the only human whom would have sacrificed his life for him. He was now devastated, but so was his family. As the tradition says, they called Ion's best friend – Gheorge, a drunken old man, a wreck of what he once was- to put a wooden stake through his heart, so he would not come back as a “strigoi” (In Romanian mythology, strigoi (are the troubled souls of the dead rising from the grave). The church was against it, but the villages would do this anyway. They feared the resurrected dead more than they feared the church. One year after the tragedy, Alex started going to school. He was now 6 years old. The first few weeks were alright for him, but afterwards he felt really bored of writing the same thing over and over again. The teacher would have the kids write down four or five pages with the same letter, so he could be sure that the young scholars learned it. For Alex it seemed like a waste of time, but he had to do it anyway. In those moments, his only comfort was going home and listening to music. His uncle (Gabriel) had given him a computer and had paid for access to the Internet (he was working as a lawyer in Bucharest so he could afford it) since Alex's parents were too poor for that. Gabriel, or “uncle Gigi” as Alex would call him, loved the kid like he loved his own, but he visited him rarely due to the big distance and his loaded schedule. Soon, the kid discovered rock music. He loved it instantly but he could not understand the lyrics since they were in English. He decided that he had to learn the language. One thing led to another and he stumbled across the hidden part of the Internet. He found out what religion meant, he read about Christianism and about Satanism. He could not fully understand the concepts, but for him, at that age, satanism made more sense, for it promotes freedom and self empowerment. He registered on some forums and joined some groups in order to learn more, but he never told anyone about this. He knew people around him would not understand. As time went by, he met a beautiful and amazing girl. Her name...is hidden somewhere deep inside the author`s mind so we shall call her Elena. She was a bit older than Alex at that time. He was eight, she was fourteen. She had red, curly hair, green eyes, and she knew how to play the violin. They were both members of an anime group. Each of the members was playing a character, and in order to let others know who they were, they had to build a website about their character. -Who is your character? Asked Alex -Keyko! Answered Elena -So, you are playing the cute, adorable girl, huh? -Well, it kind of suits me, don't you think? -The answer is obvious. -And what about you, Alex? Have you picked a character yet? -No, not yet, but since you are Keyko, I was hoping to be Yusuke. -Oh, so you want to be my boyfriend? -Only if that is what you want too. -You made me blush. Are you sure that you are only 8 years old? You seem more mature than that. -Positive -So be it! From this point on, we will be lovers. You will protect me, and when time will come, I shall protect you too! -Protect each other? Against what? -Against whatever the life throws at us, my special little friend. When time shall come, you will understand. To Alex she looked like an angel, but there was something special about this girl that made him crazy about her. They would talk every night, they would share music and play games together. Alex's uncle bought him a mobile phone, so now he could hear her voice too. Even though he could not meet her in the real life, Alex was happy with their relationship. He felt safe with her, he felt like she was there to protect him. Elena was unreal, and he knew that. Day after day, Alex would talk to her, getting to know her better and better, until one day, until that day. One day was enough to ruin everything they had. While surfing the Internet and talking to strangers online, Alex met this girl named Franci. She was thirteen. The two of them got along very well because they both had a passion for forbidden things, but there was more to it than the eye could see. She was the descendant of the Dalai-Lama. She had spent her childhood in Tibet learning how to control her mind and body. Her mother was a witch, so she learned how to protect herself from the shallowest creatures. It was the 2nd of September of 2006. Alex was now eleven years old and he had learned many more things. In the morning of that day, at exactly 11:24 Alex called Andreea to see how she was doing. After that phone conversation he was never the same. A strange voice answered: -Hello! -Hello my angel, how are you today? -This is not Elena, she is in the bathroom. -Who is this then? -My name is Miruna, I am her cousin. Who are you? -I'm her friend, Alex! -You are that Alex whom she likes so much? -Uhm, I think so. -Look Alex, I need you to stop calling her, stop thinking about her and forget about her existence. She deserves a real boyfriend so you better leave her alone, or else... -Or else what? Asked the boy with a trace of doubt in his voice. Miruna did not answer back. She hung up the phone and called an hour later. Unknown number appeared on Alex's cellphone. -Hello! Who is this? He asked. She then started to speak in a strange language that Alex could not understand at that time. It was tongues in which she was speaking, but it took Alex seven years to discover it. The only thing he was able to understand was “ASMODEUS”. After that phone call, he called Elena, but she never answered him again. He looked up “ASMODEUS” on google and read everything he could. He messaged Franci, asking for an advice. The girl told him that an entity, a creature was feeding off his energy. She taught him a mantra and told him to repeat the word “KAI” until he will feel better. Alex was now tired, dizzy, and almost unconscious. He started to cry and ran to his aunt's room. With tears on his cheeks he begged her to repeat “KAI” as he was too weak to do it alone. His mother and grandmother heard him crying and rushed into the room to see what had happened. Alex managed to pronounce the words “DEMON” and “KAI”. His family was orthodox, so needless to say that upon hearing the word “DEMON” and seeing the child crying his heart off, Ana lit some candles, called the priest and took out the Bible. The local priest arrived quickly. He threw holy water at the kid and performed an exorcise ritual. The crying stopped, the child fell asleep. 1 hour later he woke up like nothing had happened. He told his mother about Elena and Franci, about the mantra, about the entity and how he could not stop it. Liliana deleted Elena's number from Alex's phone and they never again talked about what had happened . The next day Alex called Franci and told her everything. -It was not the priest who saved you, fool! The poor man could have gotten himself killed. -So...you did it then? -No, the demon was far more powerful than I had thought. I fought him on the astral plane for as much as I could, but in the end he won. Someone saved me from Asmodeus' wrath, but I do not know who or what it was. -What is the astral plane? Actually, never mind that. If you did not save me, and the priest either, who did it then? -I cannot offer you an answer. Look deep within yourself, you will eventually find out who it was. Listen Alex, tomorrow I will be leaving with my mother. We are heading to Tibet. I have yet much to learn and the time is short. Do not be sorry for losing me, for you have now gained a more powerful friend. Farewell Alex! -But Franci, you did not tell me... -Farewell Alex! And that was the last time they spoke. Alex could not understand what had happened so he went to sleep thinking about the misteryous creature that saved him. That night he had a strange dream. There were 12 people, all murderers and rapists, standing before him, tied. On the top of their heads were placed 12 feathers soaked in venom, each one from a different wing. The venom was pouring on their heads and slowly into their eyes and mouth killing them. Alex took a drop of venom and put it in his mouth. It did no harm to him, he was immune. He them understood that whoever was killing those men, was the same creature who saved and protected him from Asmodeus. He woke up with a nasty feeling, but he could not wrap his head around it at that age. Years passed by, the kid grew up into a teenager. He was 15 years old now. In order to continue studying, Alex had to leave his village and move into the nearest town, which was Corabia. He and three friends rented an apartment because the rent was too big if it were to live alone. School started and Alex seemed happy. He studied in the morning, spent his afternoon at school and occasionally he would go out with his friends to play pool and table tennis. He enjoyed that type of life, but he felt that something was missing. He had this strange feeling that someone follows him everywhere and he felt that he just cannot fit in. Alex was not like the others, he was different, and that made him feel terrible. 1 year later Liliana, who had been working hard all this time to maintain her family, could not handle the economical situation anymore, and her only way out of this was to leave the country and seek a job somewhere else. She had some friends in Spain, which helped her get there and found her a decent job, as a cleaning lady. She was now cleaning strangers' houses for a low amount of money, but it was better than before, for her income had almost tripled. She sent money monthly to her family back in Romania, so her son could have a decent life, and he appreciated it and understood his mother's sacrifice. The first temptation Alex spent his days going to school and doing ordinary things. Whenever he felt like it, he would talk to Corina for hours, on skype. She had been his friend for a couple of years now, and their bond had grown stronger day after day. From time to time, Alex would catch a bus and travel to Bucharest just to see her. The trip was almost 3h long, but it was worth it. Alex loved Corina more than anything in the world. They first met on a Sunday morning in the month of July. Alex woke up early, took a shower, dressed himself and headed to Bucharest. Three hours later he was there. He knew that Corina would not come alone, for she was kind of shy, so he stopped at a flower shop and bought three blossoms because Corina told him she will come with two friends. Alex did not know the city so he stayed where the bus dropped him. He was very nervous, for he was finally going to meet that beautiful and amazing creature which he has known for such a long time. Corina called and gave him directions, so he could get closer. She told him to wait by a hotel. He had no idea where that was so he asked for directions. When he finally got there, the blood was rushing through his veins,and the heartbeats had accelerated. He was not really sure of what to do. Should he call her or just stay there and wait? After many negotiations with himself he decided to stay there. Minutes passed by and she would not show up. Finally, he turned around and saw a group of three girls; one of them was Corina. She saw her as a Goddess, surrounded by a divine aura that emitted a warm feeling. He was now more excited than ever for he was going to meet his beloved one for the first time. -Hi! Said the girl. -Hey! He answered, trying to get over his shyness. -These are my friends, Denisa and Andrada. -Hello, nice to meet you! -Nice to finally meet you too, Alex. Corina has been talking so much about you lately that we though you would not come anymore. The girls took a peak at the flowers that Alex was holding in his hands. He noticed and reacted quickly: -I am sorry! These are for you. And when he tried to give them the flowers, he noticed that one of them was missing. -Ehmm.., I bought three flowers, but I must have dropped one. I`m really sorry, but you two will have to share the same flower. The girls giggled. -Do not worry Alex, we are like sisters anyway. He looked deep in Corina's eyes, knelt before her, and offered her the last flower, which was more beautiful than the others. With the other hand, he took her hand and softly said: -...because I love you, my queen! His girlfriend accepted the flower and instantly blushed. She did not expect that. The two other girls were standing behind, enjoying the scene. -So Corina, don't you think that he deserves a prize for his noble gesture? Corina grabbed Alex's hands, made him stand up, and kissed him. It was their first and last kiss. They have spent the rest of the day in a nearby park. The time was not existent, they were alone in their own universe. It was one of the best days in Alex's life. At its end, he had to go home. He headed for the bus station, but not before promising to his queen that he will be back. Moments later he was standing in the bus, waiting to get home. His body was still, but on the other hand, his mind was not. -That was amazing! It has been an incredible day. Too bad she lives so far away, I would love to be able to hold her hand everyday. Why? Why must I be forced to live surrounded by people I hate? Why do I care so much about Corina? How can you be in love with a person which you have only seen one time in a life time? She is really cute and adorable, but there is something else that I feel attracted to. -Stop! Stop asking so many questions! A voice in his head said. -You still have more than two hours until your destination. Stay still human, close your eyes, and quiet your mind. The answers will come to you. -Who said that? Who are you? Alex lost his consciousness and fell deep into a meditative trance. He could only feel vibrations, which gradually molded into words. His dream had started. “Thoughts? What Thoughts? Love, friendship, compassion, CARE? Why none of these make any sense? Why can't the reality be perceived as it is? Why does everything gravitates around the impossible? I was standing near a lake, walking on yet undiscovered lands. I began feeling strange. A powerful vibration takes hold of my entire body. I feel like thousands of little blades pierce through my skin, going beyond the epidermis, reaching deep...near my soul. I am losing myself, I'm slowly fading out, my sight is now blurred but I can still see, or rather feel the now blackened sky. My left hand raises [What is going on? Why can't I control it?] and draws the sign of the beast into the thin air. An ephemeral voice can be heard, my heart freezes. I want to run, I try to run, I MUST run, but my legs won't listen to me. MOVE! MOVE! Listen to me and MOVE! It seems that I had lost control of my entire body. What just happened? The mysterious voice makes it's appearance. The high pitched noises go deep inside my mind. Who are you? Why are you doing this to me? But nobody answers... This cannot be possible! This must be a dream, all I have to do is to wake up...but how? Apparently it was harder than I had though. -YOU! YOU! YOU are not going anywhere. You came here because you wanted to, and now you cannot leave! -What was that? Who are you? Leave me alone! And again, no answer. I can now open my eyes, and see a silhouette moving alongside the river, in the shadow of the Moon. His wings were black, his eyes' color was impure. He was taller than I was, but he...he was not a human. A mystic aura surrounded him, a yellow aura, strong and peaceful, terribly peaceful. -In Sorte Diaboli Suicide! -What? What are you saying? Who are you? He stepps slowly towards me. His aura makes me tremble. I cannot resist the pressure and I fall on my knees. He puts his hand on my head, like a father would do, and starts laughing. I don't know what he wants to do. I'm more than sure that this is just a dream. He takes hold of my left arm and makes me stand up. I am as tall as him, and standing right in front of me, he looks even more dangerous, but strangely enough, I am not afraid anymore. We are somehow linked together, I can feel it. -Kid, you are more naïve than I had thought. Look me deep into the eyes and tell me what you see! I gaze into his gray eyes. I can see galaxies, dimensions, strange atmospheres...What is this supposed to mean? Is this some sort of bad joke? -Look closely child, look and you will know. It's impossible, impossible! As I gaze into his eyes, I see my own reflexion. I see myself. It's like I was in a world inside of me, but that defies the laws of Nature. -I see that you are now aware. I, I am your creation. I am your other half. You have created me long time ago. I am you, and you are me! I refuse to believe it. Why would I create such a creature? And most important, How did I do it? -Do you want to know more? Follow me! But I am warning you. It will not be easy. There will be moments when you will wish to die, moments in which you will not know if you are alive or dead, but in the end...follow me! I could easily refuse him, as I have regained control of my entire body, but something tells me that I should follow him, that I have to know more, even if I have to...die. Our steps carry us on stray paths, paths that lead deeper into the darkness. I cannot see anything now, but his blue energy that guides me. With no trace of doubt in my soul, I follow him. Was he serious? I am him? He is a part of me? Where am I now? Am I dead? Who am I? Going deeper and deeper into the darkness, following the creature's trail, I find myself standing in front of a huge Black Gate. I try to touch it, but it repels me. -Don't do that! This is the gate of Hahn Kuhn. It will repel anyone who does not have his level of spiritual energy adjusted. Time has come for you to know my name. As I said, I am part of you. Thousand of years ago, you have created me, for you needed assistance. Over the years, you have abandoned me, but I carried on with my missions. Behold Alex, for I am Samael, the Angel of Death. Fear me not for I am your guardian and friend, and this is my real form. I step back and look at him without blinking. Samael starts to change his shape. At the end of the transformation, I feel surrounded by a warm feeling of peace and tranquility. I feel safe. Samael is now taller than before, he has blonde long hair and black eyes. From his backbone 12 wings have grown. He is surrounded by an yellow aura, an aura that makes me feel safe. -Remember when you were a child, remember Elena, remember Miruna, remember Franci, and the one who attacked you, remember Asmodeus! I was the one who saved you and Franci, and pushed Asmoedeus away. Can you remember the dream you had that night? The 12 feathers soaked in venom were from my wings. I tried to contact you, but at that time, you were not spiritually awakened. -No, this cannot be true. Let me go through all this again. I, a romanian kid, have created you thousand of years ago because I needed your help. Ever since, you have stayed in shadows, and watched over me. -Thou speaketh the truth, Alex. -But how could I have created you long time ago, Samael? Who am I? The creature came near me, and touched my forehead with his index finger. I fell into a deep sleep and something happened in my mind. I felt my body being pierced by electricity. -Hey kid, we are there, wake up! The bus driver woke him up. -Are you alright, kid? Slowly, Alex entered the state of consciousness and realized what was going on. -Yes, I am fine. I'm sorry if I scared you. I fell asleep earlier. -No problem, we are in Izbiceni, go home now! Alex was still dizzy. He could not understand what had happened during the trip. He remembered Samael. Was it all just a dream or was it real? -Quiet your mind and the answers will come! -Is that you Samael? Where are you? -By your side, child. Thou has forgotten that I am part of thou? Pay attention to my words now, for your assistance is needed here. We have been under attack for a long period of time now. The spiritual warfare has begun. We need your help! -But how could I aid you? Who are you fighting with? I cannot help you, for I am not strong enough. -Thou hast much to remembereth, and time has cometh. I shall send someone to train thou, but before that, a three days break will be my gift for thou. At the dawn of the third day, he will cometh to take you. Farewell for now Alex, use your remaining time wisely. 3 DAYS LEFT Alex was now disturbed and uncertain about what was going on. Was he going crazy or was it all real? How could it be real? Another world? A spiritual world that existed beyond our capacities of understanding. Where was that world located and who lived there? Saying that another world exists, destroys all human beliefs and goes against our way of being. How could one enter that world? Had he to be dead in order to do it? Too many questions needed to be answered and there was not enough time. Alex had three days left to say goodbye to his friends and family, but how was he supposed to do that? If he said the truth, people would call him crazy and mock him, so he decided to lie. He told his family that a friend from another town invited him over and he accepted. At first, his mother, who was enjoying her first holiday in Romania, disagreed, but after a long talk, she said yes. 2 DAYS LEFT Alex woke up early before sunrise. He went into the garden and sat down quietly. He closed his eyes and calmed his mind with the intention to contact Samael. It did not matter how hard he tried, he could not hear anything, except the sound of insects around him. It was like nothing had happened in the past few days, and everything had been just a dream. Suddenly his phone rang; -Hello! -Hey Alex, this is Corina. How are you? -I'm good, I guess. I've had a strange dream yesterday and I don't know what to think anymore. Anyway, what's up? -Well, I called just to hear your voice. I really enjoyed spending time with you the other day. -Idem -Are you alright? You seem a little troubled. -Listen Corina, something will happen tomorrow at dawn, and I will be involved. I cannot give you other details. -What are you talking about? -Just...listen to me. Whatever happens, I want you to know that I love you, and you will always have a place in my heart. -I love you too, but you are scaring me. What are you going to do? He did not answer back. Her voice echoed in his mind. A divine melody that only he could hear. Corina called him, sent him texts, left him off-line messages, but she never heard of him again. For the rest of the day, Alex remained in the garden thinking about what was going to happen. He felt the need to talk with somebody, to share his thoughts, but there was nobody willing to listen to him, and he did not ant Corina to be hurt because of him. THE LAST DAY At the end of the second day, Alex decided to go to sleep. He woke up in the middle of the night, troubled by the restless sleep and by the disturbing dreams. His grandfather had come to him that night. -I was always there for you, grandson! Come, come and talk to me. I will be waiting! Alex know what he had to do. 3:36 AM He put on some pants, a shirt, grabbed a beer from the refrigerator and left the house. It was dark outside, and as usual, there were stray dogs at every corner. But for Alex, it did not matter. He had felt that inner call and nothing could stop him. He saw his grandfather standing by him saying: -Fear not this night, for I shall guide your steps. Do not worry about the stray dogs nor about the other beasts, for they will not hurt you as long as you are under my protection. I love you my child! Come, come to me ! Alex was now sauntering in the overwhelming darkness, but strangely enough, he was not afraid. The creatures ignored his presence and the night lighted his path. He entered the graveyard fifteen minutes later. It was dark and quiet. He slowly moved through the graves until he reached his grandfather's tombstone. -Here I am, tataie. When you were alive, you used to have a beer from time to time. I do not know what will happen tomorrow with me, but tonight we shall have a drink. He opened the bottle and poured some on the grave. He had many questions, but Samael's words came to his mind. In the middle of the darkest night, Alex sat down, closed his eyes and cleared his mind. The meditation had begun! As he went deeper and deeper into his mind, searching for the much needed answers, something touched his body and gave him chills. He opened his eyes, stood up and turned around to see who or what had touched him. -Who is there? Nobody answered. -Who touched me? What do you want? Nobody answered. Alex looked up and saw the sky breaking into shreds. -How is this possible? As the sky was falling down, a powerful wind started. A wind that blew with such an intensity that for Alex it sounded like powerful whispers. Through all that noise, he managed to distinguish several words: -Last day on Earth for thou! Await for me at dawn, Esau! -Who said that? What will happen tomorrow? Answer me ! A voice thundered into his head “sit and meditate”. He sat down and emptied his mind. -Now open your eyes! Alex followed the voice's advice. Upon opening his eyes, he had a sensation of Deja-Vu. It was like everything had happened into his head only. -You did well my boy, I am proud of you! I shall now answer all your questions. Sit down and listen to me, for the wind has stopped and the sky is up there again. Listen to me, for your journey will not be easy. 7:38 PM Alex spent the whole night in the cemetery by his grandfather's tomb. -Thank you, tataie! Your words, and more important, your memory, shall not be forgotten. Although you have died, you will always live inside me. He woke up from the meditative state and went home. When his parents asked him, he said that a friend invited him over and would not accept no as an answer. 1st of October Suddenly his phone rang. * unknown number * He decided to answer it. -Hello! -Hello! Are you Alex? -Depends who is asking. -I am Gabriel, Corina's father. -Oh, hello! How are you, Sir? -Listen to me kid! I know Corina loved you, so you should know this. -Loved? Why do you say “loved” and not “loves” ?What happened? -I do not know how to put this, so I will just go ahead and say it. My daughter...has died this morning. She fell in front of a bus. Her friends say that somebody or something pushed her, even though there was nobody near her. -NO!!! You cannot speak the truth! She cannot be dead, I love her! -How do you think we feel, kid? She was the light of our eyes, our most precious star, our treasure. -No! Don't say that! Please tell me this is just a bad joke! -Kid, I would not joke about this. Take care now, I have to ...bury my daughter. -NO! There must be something I could do! I must bring her back! -If only that was possible! Said the voice in his head. -It is, and I will do it. It must be possible! As soon as Gabriel hung up, Alex sent him a text message “ I will bring your daughter back to you”. -He must have really loved my daughter; Gabriel thought. Poor kid lost his mind. I wish he could bring back my little sun, but how could he do that? Nobody can resist Death, nobody can steal Its prey. Alex went berserk. He stormed out of the house, fell onto his knees and screamed: -SAMAEL! Why? Why? Why? Why have you done this? Why must others suffer? Samael ! As he was standing there crying, and screaming his lungs out, filled with sadness, hatred, and rage, the sky opened itself. A ray of lightning struck down Alex, and he fell unconscious. |