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I've become really interested in the idea of mediating experience. |
So my question is, “How do I want to feel?” I’ve become really interested in the idea of mediating experience of directly engaging the technical material of subjectivity itself; of employing technologies of rhetoric like language, song, storytelling and cinema. To capture and control attention and thrust one’s subjectivity into a state of deep immersion and absorption is a necessary precursor for any kind of inter-personal persuasion, transformation or education to take place within one’s psyche. Janet Murray in her book ‘Hamlet on the Holodeck’ talks about the fact that as narrative beings we long to be immersed. We long merge with the narrative to obliterate all sense of separation and to be enveloped in the mediated environment-the ‘story world’.We want disappear and come out on the other side. And she says that so powerful is our desire to be immersed that it’s not just that we suspend or disbelieve but we actively create belief using our sophisticated intelligence to reinforce our belief in the ‘story world’ rather than to question it. We actively metabolize belief in the story. Knowing this, it’s a challenge for the artist as he constructs the cultural technologies of the 21st century.With our technological desire to virtualize reality we should keep in mind that we have this immense opportunity to artfully and creatively construct these subjective ‘story worlds’.Thus, the narratives of the future have the potential to literally transform what it means to be human, to employ landscapes of mind and turn subjective experience in to a living, breathing painting; a dream that transcends into reality. This is our opportunity. |