Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1971009-New-Years-Booty-Call
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1971009
Store for Weekly Quickie Contest #95
I had just settled down with a bowl of popcorn and a beer when my cell rang. The number on the screen was unfamiliar. Who's calling at this hour? I wondered and let it go through to voicemail. Flicking through the guide on the television I found what I'd been searching for; New Year's Rockin' Eve had just started and Ryan Seacrest was telling tens of thousands of revelers and millions more viewers that the ball would drop in less than two hours, ringing in the new year. My phone flashed and the voicemail icon popped up. I punched it with my index finger.

"Hey Randy, it's Tony, uh, from awhile back....not sure if you're out at a party or not. I was supposed to go out with friends but I guess I got my signals got crossed and I missed my ride. Not sure if you're up for anything. Give me a call if you want."

Wow.....Tony! Really? After all this time?

He'd asked for my number months ago at a bar but he'd never called. He'd come on all charming that night but after a half hour of very sexual banter he'd taken off and I had barely thought of him since. Well, until that moment. I wasn't sure how I felt about this. First off, I was a bit put out that he'd left me high and dry that night. We'd had such great chemistry, I'd thought. Granted, it was a pickup bar and I shouldn't expect to find any romance there, but still. And besides, I was planning a perfectly good New Years Eve celebration alone. Some beer, snacks, jerk off and go to sleep.

The phone vibrated on the coffee table and a text from that same phone number asked,"You up?"

I hesitated but eventually stabbed at the keyboard with my thumbs, "Yup."

The phone rang a few seconds later and this time I answered.

"I think I'm in your neighborhood," he said, which indicated that he remembered at least that part of our conversation.

"Where are you?" I asked. He told me he was standing on the corner of Third and James which was actually just a couple of blocks away.

"Mind if I come up?" I had to think on that one. I paused and he apologized that he hadn't called. "I'd love a second chance." I gave him my address.

It's amazing how fast you can strip, shower and dress into fresh clothes when you're motivated. I tugged at my cock a bit to make it hang better and pulled on some jeans. This would be my first booty call in a long time and I wanted to look good.

When I opened the door a few minutes later he looked even better than I remembered. He was an inch or so taller than my five-eleven, trim and muscular. The beard he'd had before was gone but he was still sporting a nicely trimmed mustache.

"Randy," he said with a smile and any ill will I'd harbored evaporated. We shook hands and shared one of those half embraces that new friends sometimes do. I invited him in to the apartment and told him to make himself at home ane I retrieved another beer. Ryan Seacrest had a musical guest on but we paid it no attention. Tony took a seat on the sofa.

"Listen," he said. "I'm up for a good time tonight but I want to be honest with you. I've thought a lot about you these few months. I think we really hit it off that night and I'm so sorry for not calling you earlier."

I sat down opposite him in an overstuffed chair and took a big swig from my beer.

"Ok." I said, not knowing how to respond.

"I've been a taking stock of my life lately. I turned thirty this year and made the promise to myself that I'd have met the man of my dreams by the new year. That's almost here and I feel like I've fucked my life up. Since I realized I was gay, I've never had a real relationship. It's always been a quick blow job or a one night stand roll in the hay and good-bye." I certainly could relate to what he was saying. I'd had a few short term relationships but I'd never found someone I would want to be with forever.

I retrieved more beer mostly for the excuse to change from the chair to the cushion beside him. We kissed for the first time. After our mouths parted we stared quietly for awhile at the television. He smelled good, he looked good and damn could he kiss. I was happy that I'd picked up that phone.

"You know," I said. "It'd be a shame to think you've met the man of your dreams, only to find out he gave shitty head." He laughed and I gave his thigh a squeeze. "Ryan Seacrest just said you've got one hour to find out," I said and he kissed me rather tenderly as his hands worked his belt buckle.

"Feel free to use as much time as necessary to prove it ain't so."

I made that man mine!

© Copyright 2014 Jeff Partlaw (danny1964 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1971009-New-Years-Booty-Call