Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1970994-contest-entry--sentence-given--1311words
Rated: E · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1970994
A new day, and new beginnings for this young couple. See what happens after sunrise.
New Beginnings

         The sunrise signaled a fresh start. What a glorious array of colors the sky is when the sun comes up over the snow covered mountain top. The sun is making the freshly fallen snow look like a glorious wonderland. Taking it all in I catch my breath as another contraction hits. Bearing down, I push letting out a little scream. Sweat now covers my face and my body is shaking from the pain. Any time now this baby will be here. Sending a prayer up, I take deep breaths and try to slow down my racing heart as the contraction eases up a bit. This baby isn't going to wait until the doctor comes.

         Our town is the only town left with a doctor who still makes house calls, for that I am very grateful. I let my head fall back into the pillow and close my eyes. Taking a rest is important as I know have been in labor for over an hour. I look over at the clock to see how long it has been since my panicked husband had left to get the doctor. It was 13:11 military time. It had been nearly thirty minutes. He had taken his horse because it was too far for running but short enough distance to ride. I listen for a moment in hopes to hear the sound of his horse approaching and hear nothing but my own whimpers. Our sheets are now soaked with sweat. Going to need to wash these, I think to myself. It is then that I realize what day it is. It's the first day of the new year; it is a day for new beginnings. A new life will be coming into the world today. Yep, the sunrise did signal a fresh start. A new start for us, our marriage, our baby. All I need to do is just forgive him for the wrong he did. Why did he do this to me? Those thoughts disappear as another contraction washes over me. They keep coming closer in their timing. I begin bearing down and gritting my teeth as I take on another painful contraction and push as hard as I can. After a few more contractions, the baby is starting to enter into the world and I can feel the baby's head. The shoulders come out without too much pain and then she is here. A girl. She is small, but her lungs are good because she is crying out. Relieved that I had thought ahead and put the things I knew I would need by the bed, I took the towels and cleaned her off. Scared about cutting the umbilical cord I took the scissor and followed the steps the book instructed mothers to do if the doctor is not there. I grabbed the baby blanket beside the bed, and wrapped our baby up all snug. She stopped crying and I started crying due to the happiness that was in my heart. So grateful that all went well without the doctor here, I thanked God for all that He provided me. What a blessed new day this is.

         By the time old doc Martin and my husband entered the warm bedroom, our baby girl was cooing. She was all wrapped up in the thick warm blanket I had made when I first suspected I was pregnant. Her little blue eyes were looking at me as if she could see into the depths of my soul. So much love for this little addition to the family. I dared to look away for just a moment and saw the expression on my husband's face. He was breathless and his eyes were moving back and forth from me to the baby. I giggled and smiled the biggest smile that I could muster up and introduced him to his daughter. Slowly he walked across the hardwood floor to my bedside. He gave me a sweet kiss and asked if I was ok. My heart melted and the wall that had been built up for so long was beginning to quickly break apart. I decided right then that I would let love shine in my heart again for him. Forgiveness is something I found to be hard to do, especially because of what he did. At that moment I made a decision to let the past go and focus on this new beginning. The doctor cleared his throat to our attention and said he needed to check me and the baby out. My husband left the room with a spring in his step. He shut the door quietly and I rested while doc Martin checked our baby out. We both got an exam and our health was good. He applauded me for doing a great job. He patted my shoulder and congratulated me. I told him that it was the Lord that helped me stay calm and that the book he had given me three months ago had really helped me be prepared to deliver on my own if I had to. I explained all that I did from the moment my water broke. He seemed very impressed with how well everything went.

          I lay there tired out from all that happened since early this morning and smiled at my hubby as he came back in the room. Our little bundle was now sleeping soundly. She had only taken a little bit of milk. The name, what would be her name? Joy. Joy sounds perfect as I thought about how much joy the sunrise this morning made my heart feel and the fact that she has already brought that same joyful feeling. I talked to my husband about the name and explained why I thought it was perfect. He agreed with a nod and welcomed our little Joy into the world with a kiss. How could I not love this man?

         With much to do, I took advantage of our sleeping beauty and slowly got up to take a nice warm shower. I thanked God for His abundant help in the delivery and for our perfect baby girl. Tears welled up in my eyes as I thought about how long it had been since I was so overwhelmed with love and peace. I took my time and got all toasty warm in my new house coat and slippers. Sore but happy, I slowly made my way into the big kitchen where breakfast was being made. I sat by the fireplace and sipped on my coffee. Feeling the warmth of both the coffee and the fire, I stared out at the snow and began day dreaming. The beauty was outstanding and the desire to sleep was ever so tempting. It really is a day for fresh starts and new beginnings. Joy over flowed my heart and soul. We sat together and ate. I told him I love him and that I forgive him. We laughed and cried. We were indeed reuniting again and it felt so good.

         After cleaning up the kitchen some, I went to check on Joy and found my husband in the living room gently rocking her and singing softly about how much her mommy and daddy loves her. Yep, this is a great way to start the new year, a happy husband and a newborn. With a sigh I silently asked God to grant me the strength and knowledge to change this marriage around and to be everything my husband needed. With having had the threat of divorce hanging over us for the past year, it felt so good knowing that we were going to make it after all. This new day is just the thing we needed to help us hold onto what we had committed to each other two years ago. The sunrise had in fact signaled a fresh start.
© Copyright 2014 Christine (lovetowrite2 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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