Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1970821-brotherly-love-suicide
by kerdel
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Death · #1970821
Its about two brothers and how they love each other,but one end up.
There was a boy named James. James was a 14 year old boy who lived, in New York with his mother, father and his one and only brother Leo.

He had everything children his age wanted, toys and a big brother.

James' mother and father works every day, morning and night so they were barely home to take care of James so Leo did. Leo was James' mother and father, Leo (loves playing with his little brother) would always play with James.

James loved playing games with Leo; he loved his big brother so much, he even wanted to be like him, he did everything Leo did.

At night James would leave his bed-room and sneak into Leo’s room and sleep on the floor next to Leo’s bed. One day James got up and didn’t see Leo (James started crying) James stood up and made his way down-stairs; he searched everywhere excluding the bath-room.

While James made his way up the stairs he said to himself, “I haven’t search the bath-room yet” while James approach the bath-room he heard Leos voice, “shit, this stuff is good.”

James didn’t call Leo; instead of calling Leo to see if that’s actually him, he went into a creep position and walked slowly towards the bath-room door, he pushed the door a little to see what was going on.

James saw Leo with a needle in his am and a bottle on the floor with had some sort of liquid in it. “Leo! What are you doing?” (James spoke out)

“What are you doing a wake James!?”

“What are you doing Leo?”

“Shut the door James! And go back to bed”

(James closed the door and went to his room)

Leo got out of the bath-room and made his way to James bed-room, upon arrival Leo heard James talking to himself “I love my big brother; I want to be just like him, when I grow up, his so cool. When Leo heard James talking about him; Leo started crying (because he wasn’t anything like that) because James wanted to be like him but his wasn’t as good as James thought he was.

Leo couldn’t hold it no longer, he burst into tears and started whispering out, “why do you want to be like me, am not good as you think I am, why James?”

“It’s because I love you and want to be like my big brother”

“James I’m not as good as you think”

“I heard you the first time, but you’re good in my eyes”

Leo continued crying (because his brother loves him no matter what) got up and hugged James and said, “You are a sweet brother, you love me no matter what I do or say”

“Yes I do, I love you more than I love mother and father”

Leo kept on crying because James didn’t mind his problems; Leo stood their wondering (“when did James grow up so quickly”) “how can someone not love you little brother.”

Leo placed his hand on James head and said “you more responsible than me”

“No, am not you are”

Leo smiled and said “OK’ I am, do you want to go and play a game James?”

“Yes I want to”

Leo spent two days playing with James, days turned to weeks then months, three months later James asked Leo, “Do you want to play?”

“No James I can’t play with you today”

“Why can’t you play with me?”

“James go to your room and don’t come back out for today”

“Why should I?”

“Because I said so and I have friends coming over”

James didn’t bother asking who and why, he just went to his room, after a few hours; James heard music, well it was loud so James went down-stairs and shout out “Leo can you low down on the music, it’s too loud”


“Because I want to sleep and if you don’t I will tell mother and father that you had friends over and your’ll were drinking”

Leo didn’t even listen to James, he totally ignored James request

“Oye Leo where’s the ice”

“Tommy don’t be a fool and look in the refrigerator”

“LEO, TURN DOWN THAT MUSIC!” (Shout out James)

Leo pretended like he didn’t even hear and shouted at James, “Go back to your room!”

James burst into tears and ran back up the stairs and went to the bath-room, while James was in the bath-room he saw a bottle and needle on the sink.

James whispered out to himself, “what’s this?”

James was very curious and he wanted to know what does it do, James picked up the bottle and needle. James threw the needle in the bin and held on to the bottle; James shook the bottle then opened it.

James drank the liquid that was in the bottle without thinking what it would do to him. James started seeing things, James was afraid, he started screaming out for help but no one heard him.

Leo was drinking and laughing with his friends; Tommy and John, they were having fun. Leo forgot about James completely, he didn’t even bother getting up to check on James.

Six hours later Tommy asked Leo, “where’s the bath-room?”

“Are you stupid Tommy, the bath-room is up-stairs”

When he ran up the stairs and went straight to the bath-room. He saw James laying there with his mouth wide open, Tommy shouted out, “get up, I want to use the toilet!”

But James didn’t move neither did he say a word, Tommy kneeled down and started shacking James, shouting out, “get up, get up, get up!”

When James didn’t get up; Tommy got up and ran down-stairs. As soon as Tommy touched the last step he shouted out, “Leo you brother’s laying in the bath-room with his mouth open, I tried to wake him up but he didn’t even move!”


Leo, Tommy and John ran up-stairs and went to the bath-room, Leo saw James laying on the floor; Leo fell to his knees and started crying, even John and Tommy too. Leo knew James was dead but he keep on wondering how and why. Leo looked around in the bath-room to see what James did that caused his death. That’s when Leo saw his bottle but it was empty; Leo started hitting himself in the head and shouting out, “stupid, stupid, why I’m I so stupid?”

Tommy and John held Leos hands and said, “Stop it Leo, don’t hit yourself in the head”

“Drop me, drop me”

“No Leo we won’t”

(Leo couldn’t stop crying because he lost his one and only brother)

“Let go of me please”

“No Leo we need to call the police”

“Tommy, John I’m sorry but can your guys give me a little time with my brother before we call the police?”

“Ok; Leo”

Tommy and John let go of Leos hands and stepped outside of the bath-room, Leo got up, closed the door and locked it and said, “guys am so sorry for treating you guys bad for all this years and because of me my brother died, I can’t do anything right, I don’t belong here so for that I will be joining my brother.

“No Leo it’s not your fault his dead” (Shouted out Tommy)

“Bye guys”

Leo kept on blaming himself for James death, with tears dripping down his face he looked at James walked towards the cabinet opened it, grab a bottle on pills and swallowed all the pills that were in the bottle. Leo seat beside James dead body and said, “We will soon be together again little brother” then closed his eyes.

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