Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1970656-JacksonTown-Chronicles-Chapter-Two
Rated: 13+ · Other · Comedy · #1970656
Our three heros find themselves entering another of highschool.
Chapter 2: Beginning Of A New Year

The school bell rang allowing the students to enter the hallways looking for their classrooms.
Sven lazily walked up to Jordan, still looking half asleep.
"Can we start school at like noon?" Sven yawned.
"That would make life alot easier wouldn't it?" Jordan replied sleepily.
Logan cruised down the hallway on a skateboard, with his oversized headphones on blaring music
loudly. "Morning guys!" Logan said happily.
"Why are you so dam happy?" Sven growled, "It's too early to be happy."
"I've alway been a morning person!" Logan Replied. "Sounds like you guys need some coffee."
"Who is your homeroom teacher?" Jordan asked.
"I got Mister Waru." Sven said.
"No way same here!" Logan shouted, unknowingly with his headphones still on.
"I've got him too." Jordan added.
The three continued to walk down the hallways looking for the classroom. They started to walk
towards the classroom with a large menacing looking creature, a Gargoyle with long claws and
wings, with his muscle bursting through his shirt. It looked as If it would rip any second.
Sven and Jordan walked in without any problem and sat towards the back saving a desk for Logan. However Mister Waru stopped Logan.
"The school policy says no skateboards." Waru said in a monotone yet demonic sounding voice.
"I've never had an issue before sir." Logan replied calmly.
"I'm going to have to take your skateboard." Waru said as he grabbed the skateboard out from
under Logan and proceeded to split in two.
"HEY!" Logan said as he charged at the teacher. Luckily enough Sven and Jordan darted over
grabbed Logan and held Him back.
"Easy there killer" Sven shouted, holding him back.
"Logan you need to calm down" Jordan yelled.
Logan let out a deep breath and started to relax. Doing a small bow to the teacher,
"My Apologies" Logan said, "I did not mean to react in such a behavior."
Mister Waru simply grunted and went inside the classroom.
"Thanks guys, sorry I overreacted." Logan said looking down.
"You're gonna get yourself killed Logan!" They both shouted.
"The dude broke my board though." Logan replied.
"And you're willing to get yourself killed over a skateboard?" jordan asked.
"If so you humans are even more stupid than I thought" Sven said sarcastically.
"Excuse you goat boy?" Logan growled at Sven.
"knowing you, you'd wander into danger and get yourself killed, if it wasn't fr us."
Sven continued.
"I would be perfectly fine without you guys!" Logan screamed.
"You couldn't last one day mortal." Sven jabbed.
"Wanna bet?" Logan said with anger in his voice.
"You know what I do. You can't even make it to Three-Thirty without us." Sven chuckled.
"You're on." Logan said.
"Logan wait a second, don't you think you're getting ahead of yourself?" Jordan questioned.
"You don't think I can do it either?" Logan questioned in frustration.
"Well we were the ones always saving your butt all freshman year." Sven said with a smirk.
"fine It is on." Logan said looking at the two, "I won't be with you guys all day. If i win
you buy me a new skateboard and two treat me with respect."
"And if you lose you have to do all my laundry for the next month and I get to give you a new hair due." Sven smirked.
Logan Stormed off as the bell rang. Their first class was about to begin.

Two hours passed as Logan parted ways and the bet began. Logan had not run into any trouble so far. No one gave him any trouble surprisingly. The day went on as if he was just another monster in the school. Sven took note of that and it frustrated him. Time went on and it was now lunch time. However the only friends Logan had were Sven and Jordan. Jordan and Sven had already gotten their food and had made their way to the usual table where they sat. Logan walked out of the lunch line and looked for somewhere to sit. He went towards an empty table and sat by himself. Jordan and Sven took note of this.
"Should we go get him?" Jordan asked.
"Not until I win the bet." Sven replied.
"Well by the rate its going, you're going to lose sven no one is going after Logan." Jordan commented.
"Oh don't worry they will." Sven said with a devilish grin, "Just watch." He said pointing over to logan.
Looking over at Logan, Jordan saw two large monsters walking towards Logan.
"who is that?" Jordan questioned.
"An arm for hire," Sven replied happily, "He is a senior a werewolf. He stays in his human form here."
The werewolf grabbed Logan by the head and slammed his head down onto the tray.
"Hows it going nerd." The attacker growled.
Jordan looked at Sven, "You're taking this bet way to far"
"I told them not to really hurt him, just freak him out to where he yells for help" Sven said calmly.
Logan turned around and had a bloody nose from the impact of the tray. Logan calmly picked up his tray and smashed it into his attacker's face. The bully was a little startled and stumbled backwards, but his eyes filled with anger. The bully began to change into his true form, growing taller and hair coming out from all parts of his body. His teeth sharpened and his claws extended.
Logan however seemed un-phased, the bully charged at him and hoisted him up by his shirt collar. Shoving Logan against the wall over and over again. Logan was swinging at the attacker but couldn't reach a vantage point.
"Sven, we need to help him!" Jordan shouted.
"Right!" Sven agreed and they both charged at the werewolf.
"JORDAN, SVEN HELP ME!" Logan shouted.
The two tackled the werewolf and proceeded to knock him out in the process after he hit his head on the floor.
Logan was leaning against the wall. "Well I guess I lost the bet," Logan sighed.
"Forget the bet!" Jordan shouted.
"No I am a man of my word." Logan said calmly, wiping his nose on his shirt.
"You know Logan you didn't look phased at all when, you were in danger." Sven mentioned.
"Oh no I was terrified, I knew if I would have gave in right away i would have lost, at least I put up a fight." Logan stated.
"Now about your new hair style...." Sven smiled wickedly.
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