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What happens when you combine the world of DB Z with the fairy tale of Hansel and Gretel? |
Two half-sayian children were playing in the woods; these two in particular were none other than best friends Goten and Trunks. They were chasing each other around trees and through bushes, though in their carelessness they were slowly getting lost and both were told to be home before it got too late. Ending up getting too into their game, they wound up getting lost and nothing is worse than it getting dark in the middle of nowhere. Both boys were sitting on the ground panting after exhausting all their energy, and both leaning up against different sides of a tree. “That was a…great game…Trunks!” Goten said happily in between pauses. “Yeah; I nearly got you that one time!” Trunks pointed out, both knowing exactly what he was referring too. “H-Hey! You cheated! I would’ve gotten away if you didn’t try and throw something at me!” the black haired boy pointed out feverishly, knowing that it was probably true. “That’s what they all say, but I’m just that good.” He said gloating, causing Goten to huff in frustration. They would’ve continued on, until one of them felt something hit them, in response the two children looked around clueless until one of them felt it again. It was then they looked up and found out what they were feeling: rain. They looked kinda sad, knowing that they would have to stop playing because of the rain. Though looking around, their situation it seemed clear that they were lost. Goten looked sad as he looked at Trunks, who looked as stoic as ever. They picked themselves up and started wondering around, Goten looking nervous as he might get yelled at by his mother though Trunks assured him that they were fine. “Are you sure you know where were going?” Goten asked curiously with a hint of nervousness. “I know where were going, it’s this way” Trunks said, obviously not knowing where there going. It was evident that after some time, they weren’t any closer to home or out of the woods. By now the rain was coming down hard, leaving the two soaked. Luckily Goten spotted a nearby cave that was safe. The two dashed in as it seemed like the rain wasn’t going to let up anytime soon. Both huddled themselves in a corner away from the rain, shivering, Tired from their game and all the walking, they continued to shiver as they thought it was the worst situation of their life; worse than getting yelled at by their respective parents. Worn down, they simply fell asleep while shivering; wondering what will happen to them. === The following morning, a gentle breeze was blowing through the forest. Seemingly traveling a long distance; casually brushing leaves aside, stirring dew droplets off of branches. The bright sunlight broke through the thickness of the treetops, lighting the bottom portion of the forest to a degree. The gentle sounds of birds chirping, followed by a gentle breeze was enough to wake the duo up from their sleeping. They rose up groggily before feeling stiff, Trunks holding his back while Goten held his neck. One noticed something, and upon turning towards the entrance of the cave, perked up a bit. “Hey, there’s no more rain!” Goten said happily with a smile. “About time, my backs killing me” Trunks said as he got up onto his feet, bending backwards to emphasize his point. “You and me both, hahahah!” The black haired sayian said as he also stood to his feet. Their clothes were still a bit damp from the rain. As they walked out, another breeze rode by, making the duo shiver and shake. “W-Why did we have to get lost in t-this c-crummy forest?” Goten said as he tried warming himself up. “Because you had to go in this direction, dummy” Trunks pointed out, even though he was also to blame for their current predicament. He turned his head to his best friend, only to be met with a frown. The wind picked up a bit more, there walking turned to a shuffle. Both pressed onward and tried to push through it, and what seemed like it was hours when it had only been a measly half hour. It would be a matter of time if the boys couldn’t get out of it. Suddenly, the wind seemed to die down almost immediately. As they continued onward the weather started warming up, as if they were entering from one climate to another. Trunks and Goten stopped shivering as their clothes started drying out from the heat, they didn’t know what was going on but they didn’t have to be cold, so that was a plus. And while everything looked hopeful, a new problem arose. An audible groan could be heard in the quiet forest. Both boys stopped mid stride and looked down; they were becoming hungry, not a good sign. They put a hand on their respective stomachs, and then both turned to one another both frowning. “I don’t think there’s anything around here” Trunks said as he looked around for at least something edible. “I don’t want to eat berries or branches, yuck” Goten sighed as he squirmed at the thought of such a thing. “I don’t really want to either; there’s gotta be a clearing around here somewhere.” The boy with the lavender colored hair said as he looked onward, only to be met with a seemingly endless barrage of trees. It didn’t take long to find one. “Hey look, over there!” he said as he pointed a finger to where he was talking about, sure enough there was one. Both of the half-saiyans’ eyes lit up with enthusiasm, they were finally going to get out of here. They would’ve started running at this point, but after what had happened no such energy could be mustered; going with a casual walk instead. Happy to be out of the stupid woods, they thought about what they were going to eat, which quickly turned to fright as both of their mothers had a fiery temper and would surely get a mean scolding. Becoming a bit reluctant of even coming out of the woods, they knew they would have to sooner or later. However, something odd was wavering in the air; like a wave on a beach. It wasn’t pungent or anything, it was actually rather…pleasant. One wondered what it was while the other was wondering what the other one was wondering. The smell grew stronger as they neared the clearing, whatever they smelled, they would find out soon enough. === “Is that what I think it is?” Goten asked Trunks, even though they were seeing the same thing. “I think so…come on” Trunks motioned to Goten in order to get a better look, what they found was something out of a fairytale. When they had reached the clearing, they weren’t out of the forest, but in fact. Had stumbled upon a house, not just an ordinary house, but of one made of entirely of candy and sweets. As they drew closer to the house, the smell gotten stronger as if was right up to their noses. The boys were inspecting the house when due to the smell, caused their bellies to rumble harder. Not sure if it was right or not, they decided to eat some of the house in order to stave off their hunger; each taking to a different part of the house. Goten pulled off a slab of chocolate while Trunks took off a giant marshmallow. Both of the boy’s eyes widened when the combination of flavor and hunger hit them, causing them to eat faster and grab more sweets. This drew the attention of the inhabitant of this house, as hearing it he stopped what he was doing and opened the door. Revealing a pink, rotund creature and jolly looking creature, when he saw the two eating part of his house, he became annoyed. “Why you eat Buu’s house?!” the creature, named Buu, yelled out. Trunks looked over at him mid chew of a large graham cracker, “Because we’re hungry fatso!” he said with his mouth full. Causing Buu to growl lowly to himself in anger, but something popped into his head; a plan. Calming himself, he simply smiled. “If you hungry, you say so earlier” Buu said in some broken English. “Really?! Hey Goten!” Trunks said as he motioned over to his friend, who was eating some cotton candy, “This guy says we can have some of his food” he said as he finished the cracker. Both the boys got up and with the guidance of Mr. Buu, were lead into his house, while it was also made of candy, there was less of it and more of practical furniture. The boys were amazed at first, before Buu showed them to the table. Luckily for them, he was making something and there was enough. He grabbed some bowls and scooped what appeared to be some sort of chocolate soup into them and placed them on the table. Goten and Trunks looked at the creamy item before grabbing it and consuming it, liking it they finish it off and ask for seconds, which Buu happily obliges. This turns into thirds and eventually fourths. Both boys leaned back in their chairs and gave a hearty burp, patting their content stomachs. Buu laughed to himself in joy as he approached the two, who were looking like they were massively tired. “Tired already?” He asked, wondering why. They both nodded, “Hmm…, beds are upstairs, follow” Buu said as he started walking towards the stairs, the two got out of their chairs and followed. When he opened the doors, they were met with a pair of beds, though why they were large was anyone’s guess. “You sleep here” he said as he left them, leaving to tend to business. Goten and Trunks crawled into bed, got under the covers and nodded off. During their rest, they were a bit restless, it could’ve been a variety of things. Though unbeknownst to them, the soup that they had ingested in mass was very high in sugar and calories. If they were full sayian, they would hardly be affected by this, but because their only half, it affected them greatly. Replacing their semi-muscular bodies with a physique more suited for their appropriate age; even adding a very small layer of fat once it was fully digested. <Later that day, Evening> Goten sat up sleepily as Trunks rolled over and opened his eyes. It was probably some of the best sleep they had ever gotten. One yawned while another gave a stretch, both giving a smile. “That was great!” Trunks quietly said to Goten. “It was the best!” Goten replied back. “Food ready!” Buu called out from the bottom of the stairs. Both boys looked at each other in excitement, meaning more delicious food. They hopped out of bed, while still in their GI’s from yesterday. When they came downstairs, they were hit with the site of food, lots of food on a table, and every kind one can imagine. Rice balls, Chicken, Cookies, Cakes, Pies, Beef, Dumplings, and noodles to name a few. Their eyes glistened with the prospect of food. They both took a seat and grabbed some. Goten, being generous, “Hey, aren’t you gonna have some?” he asked Buu. “Nope, all for you” he said as he laughed with jolly. The two took this and proceeded to clean the table, leaving empty dishes in their wake. Trunks leaned back and rubbed his stomach, Goten burped with a big smile on his face. As they were sitting there, Buu picked up the dishes and proceeded to clean them. The boys went back upstairs for the night after being excused. Goten layed on his bed while Trunks went to go use the bathroom. While in there, he took a look at himself in the mirror, there was something different. Taking some steps back to examine his self in the mirror revealed something that he could’ve sworn something was different; there was a noticeable lump underneath his Gi. Looking down, he poked it, feeling that it wasn’t soft but rather firm. He wasn’t used to it, after finishing up and exited, Goten was nowhere to be found. It didn’t take long as he heard familiar footsteps coming, revealing his friend with a plate of cookies. Trunks had to take a minute, “Hey, aren’t you going to share?” he asked before noticing something too. Goten had the same noticeable lump as well, though his was more so because of his orange Gi. He didn’t want to say anything. “Buu made you a plate too, it’s downstairs” Goten said as he went to go sit on his bed. The lavender-haired sayian went to go do so, even bringing him and his friend a tall glass of milk to wash it down with. Before they knew it, they were feeling tired and fell asleep. <The Next Morning> They came downstairs, feeling a bit sluggish from their feast, meeting yet another one. But with breakfast foods, with dessert’s mixed in. They happily sat down and started eating. Once finished, both could feel their sash’s feel a bit tight but didn’t want to say anything. It was they finished Buu decided to enact his plan. Standing behind the two and without warning, he chopped Trunks in the neck, knocking him out. Goten turned to look in horror as his best friend slumped in his chair, visibly out. He was about to get up when Buu chopped him as well, knocking the two sayian children out. Buu took the time to separate them so they couldn’t try anything, chaining one somewhere within the house and leaving the other in supervision as his “helper”. <Goten’s POV> He awoke sometime later, feeling a bit sore but no worse for wear. Having ended up on his bed again, he looked over and saw that the other bed was missing; like it was never there. Goten got up and headed downstairs, where he was met with more food. His normally happy face was replaced with one of concern one as he wondered about his friend. Buu had his back turned and cooking when he was approached. “What happened to Trunks?!” he questioned. “No need worry, you help Buu”. He said as he turned to face the child, he picked him up and firmly sat him in a chair, one that was a bit wider than the one he sat in. “Help you? Help you with what!?” Goten asked once again, with a hint of fear in his voice. “Taste Buu’s cooking” he answered before setting another dish on the table, which was already covered in food, namely sweets. Not wanting to get himself hurt or Trunks hurt, he complied and began eating. While he had a sweet tooth, as most children do, he became full and couldn’t eat anymore, leaving the table still with food. “Full? But still food on table” he said as he picked up some more food that hadn’t touched. “I can’t eat anymore, I’m too full” Goten said as he tried getting up, which was met with a glare from Buu. His tone took a rather dark and serious one, “You eat, or Buu make you eat”, he said as he continued to glare at him. Prompting the half sayian to sit back down and continue eating, despite his stomach’s protest to stop eating. When he proved to be slowing down, Buu gave him a hand and proceeded to force him to eat the rest. Once all the food was gone, Goten leaned in the chair, his stomach crammed full of food and starting to press against his sash. “Urp, no more” he said weakly with a slightly pained look on his face. “Buu help you make you not so bad” the pink creature said as he walked over to him and placed his hands on the half-sayians taunt stomach. Goten wasn’t sure what he was going to do before he felt it. A warm sensation pulsed outward from his stomach to his body, easing some of the pain, but making him fall asleep. Buu picked up the sleeping child and carried him upstairs, placing him on his bed. The effects of the magic he used to soothe his stomach and the high sugar food was being processed and digested, his stomach deflated a bit as he slept soundly. “Buu having fun, now time for other” he said as he left to deal the other. This process continued for a solid week, each time it was time to test, there would be more food than the last day, and while Goten had to eat or else face a consequence, his stomach’s capacity increased at the end of each day; taking an obvious effect. Goten’s once slim body ballooned out with fat with all the high sugar and sleeping. His face became cherubic, developing a second chin as his features became soft. His arms and thigh’s thickened considerably, became constrained and ripping at the seams of his long sleeve shirt and pants respectively, having done nothing but eat and sleep, his thigh’s more so as he mainly sat around once he didn’t need Buu’s help. His butt had also taken quite the hit, having become rather globular, jiggled and strained the seat of his Gi; having fair moobs that sat atop his very fat belly. When they had started, his stomach pushed out more and more from the food, it pressed against his sash as it tried to contain his bulbous belly. It pushed out in front of him a foot and started sagging, only being propped up by his tight sash. He had packed on quite a lot of weight and wondered when he’d be done as he started having mobility issues, he would also wonder about his friend and if he had met the same fate. It was one afternoon that Buu decided to throw himself a little party. Goten was sleeping soundly on his back, his belly sticking outwards and moving up and down as he breathed. He let him sleep as he had grown fond of him, and when it was time, he went up and woke him up. “Wake up now, time for party!” Buu said cheerfully as he shook Goten’s belly. He stirred around a bit before waking up; having to roll out of bed he got to his feet and stretched, giving a long yawn as he did. He had at least slept like a long. Goten waddled downstairs and was promptly seated, the chair creaked slightly underneath his bulk. Buu went to go fetch Trunks, leaving Goten to wait; his belly slightly gurgling as he was starting to get hungry. Sometime later, Buu came back and trailing behind him was his formerly thin friend, Goten turned to look and was shocked at what he saw… <Trunk’s POV> The lavender haired boy stirred as he came to. He opened his eyes as his consciousness returned to him. Being greeted first thing by a tingling sensation in his neck, he moved a hand over to his neck. Thankfully it wasn’t broken or anything serious, but it was definitely sore. When he was awake enough, a thought went to Goten and he rushed to go help his friend, it wasn’t until his limbs snapped back that he realized something, he was restrained. Trunks looked it over, finding that his wrists were bound in some chains that were embedded into the wall. He tugged on them a bit more before getting tired of it and propped himself up against the wall. Thankfully it wasn’t as bad as he had thought; sitting on top of a bed with decent pillows. He thought about his friend for some time, although unbeknownst to him. Trunks got the short end of the stick, having been the one to earn Buu’s attention, and he was going to get it. A doorknob turned as Trunks looked towards the door, the pink monster opening the door, followed by a cart of rather large assortments of pastries. Buu simply smiling as he parked it by Trunks before closing the door; he took a nearby chair and promptly sat in it before staring at the half-sayian. “What’s with the food?” He asked as he stared back at the pink creature. “Hehehehe, you hungry?” Buu responded with a devious smile as he used some of his magic to make a slice of cake levitate before the boy’s eyes. Trunks thought for a second, before remembering about the breakfast that he ate along with his friend. Glancing down at his stomach, while hard to make out, it appeared a little more bloated than last night. He looks up at him again with a slightly worried face. “I don’t think I could ea-“he was interrupted as Buu shoved the piece of cake down his throat. Nearly choking, he was forced to swallow before getting a breath of air, only for a brief moment. As Buu had picked up several slices, and were floating around them in awaiting to be eaten. Although he managed to breath in between slices he was forced to eat the entire cake, Buu moved onto cookies then pies and tarts. Buu was stuffing him silly with sweets, his favorite. When everything was all said and done, many crumbs were atop of Trunk’s chest and face, among other things. He had a ‘I’m going to be sick’ look on his face as he processed and digested all the food. His small lump turned into more of a dome as it was being held back by his sash. Buu gave a hearty laugh, in the fact that he was going to make this small child eat his ‘just desserts’. Trunks had shared the fate of his friend, although of course getting the short end of the stick and with being nearly chained to the bed, in which he could hardly move around, added up rather quickly. In response to the large amount of food being consumed, and with almost-no exercise it definitely transformed his body. His small dome expanded out in front of him right before his eyes, in due partly because of his lost sense of time. His arms and thighs thickened considerably and with a larger portion going to his hips and butt, due to the aforementioned lack of movement. His chest poofed out which gave him a pair of moobs, with his face becoming more round and more cherubic than his friend; turning the once slim and fit lavender-haired boy into a rather obese-looking one. His gi was at that point became nothing more than tattered and ripped clothing as his sash had ripped and been taken off long ago revealing a globular and soft belly; grown with the finest of sweets. --- The day finally came, having already went to get the other one up. Trunks slept peacefully, having his restraints undone as he was in no shape or way to escape or possibly fight back. He lay on his back with his belly sticking up in the air; a result from a feeding session from the night before. When it was time for him to awaken, Buu went in and stood near him. Trunks’ soft breathing and general peaceful look was eliminated as Buu placed a hand on his large stomach and jiggled it. “Time for boy to wake up” he said as he shook, causing ripples and motions with Trunks’ stomach. Indeed waking him up. The young half-sayian stirred for a moment before opening his eyes. What he awoke to was the site of the pink demon with a cheerful look upon his face staring back at him. Getting a sense of unnerve, it caused him to wake up more. With help, the young saiyan was on his large butt briefly before getting up to his feet. It felt odd, he wasn’t used to all this weight, let alone it pulling down. If it hadn’t been for his sayian strength, this would be much harder. Getting his footing, Trunks was led by Buu to the kitchen. There both friends would meet, but completely unaware of what happened to the other, and upon seeing his friend, had been flabbergasted. --- Both friends, weighing far more than what they were originally, stood face to face, the only other being there was Buu. They weren’t sure how to proceed; they wanted to greet each other in due to being concerned while at the same time, they were sort of stuck in the phase of staring in complete shock. One would eventually speak up. “What happened to you Goten?!” Trunks asked as he waddled towards his formerly slim friend. “I could say the same thing” Goten replied as he approached. They had judged their distance poorly, causing their bellies to collide into one another. They couldn’t really feel it as both were large and soft. Attempting to hug was out of the question; being too large at this point and could only manage to reach the others’ shoulders. However, their reunion was short-lived as the smell of food filled the air. Both Goten and Trunks looked over to see Buu, who was filling up the table with food, while preparing another one, and another. Causing the two to look on in shock as Buu prepared his “party”, one would think that Buu would be more menacing than this. However, on the contrary, he was ecstatic as a Buu could be and happily chugging along was he cooked and placed food items on the tables. It was hard judging what he was up too or what he was going to do, as while having a party sounded nice and rather pleasing, he did fatten them up and all. Their moods would change when, in unison, they heard a familiar noise. Buu’s interest peaked and looked up from his busy working. When the noise, now a bit louder, returned he smiled big and knew exactly what needed to be done. “Would boys like a seat?” Buu asked as he was getting nearly done. The two half-sayians looked at each other, then again at their stomachs, which were the source of growling. While keeping in mind that anything could happen, the reluctantly agreed to the party, each taking a seat on a bigger chair but still creaking under each of their bulk respectively. Buu’s demeanor changed to reflect his happy nature, becoming more child-like in the process and once the rest of the food was done and the table finally set, was when the party really started. The two were hesitant at first, looking around in seeing that there was a lot of food, probably enough for all 3 of them and more. The pink creature wasted no time in digging in, being eager to cook and make the food, having gotten feedback from Goten and the ample testing from Trunks resulted something of either a work of art or something out of a nightmare. One of them would have to be the first one and try it out, and that one would be the smaller one of the two. Grabbing a slice of pie, Goten took a bite out of it, the flavor sending him into some sort of blissful state which resulted in his eyes lighting up with happiness. He wasted no time in grabbing another slice and shoveling the previous one into his mouth greedily. Trunks, trusting his friends’ judgment and grabbed a rather large marshmallow, although he wondered how this creature was able to make something like it, this thought instantly faded as it practically melted in his mouth. He proceeded to grab some more and pop them into his mouth as well. This trend continued for some time, all three eating as if it was some sort of pastime. Eating with the occasional large gulp of drink; sharing in the fruit of Mr. Buu’s labor. Though unfortunately they didn’t have the same type of gusto that the pink creature did; with their bellies full, they both leaned back and rubbed their full bellies, which were looking somewhat bigger than before. Buu looked up at the duo with some ice cream in his mouth, quickly gulping it before speaking up. “You done already?” he asked curiously, both boys nodding. “Yeah…we’re so full…” Goten said as he let out a burp. “It was really good though…” Trunks added, giving a small hiccup. Buu was happy that his “guests” were happy, but at the same time was angry that they weren’t going to eat more. Unable to juggle both at once, he simply went with the latter. “But Buu made this all for us, please, eat!” he said as he started using his magic to make various food items float around the three. The two friends becoming nervous once again as the items swirled and danced around, as if waiting for some type of command. The pink creature gave a grin that reached ear to ear as he commanded a cupcake, sending it flying into Trunks’ mouth. Luckily, he closed his mouth, cutting it close as it smeared cake crumbs and frosting all over his mouth. Though as if Buu had the forethought for this, he instead opted for a more physical approach; getting up, he grabbed some various items into each hand. Forcefully, he shoved two cupcakes into both boys’ mouth, not being able to do much, they chewed and swallowed. Able to get some air in momentarily, Buu proceeded to shove more sweets into their mouths. And being unable to really stop him, sat there as they were fattened up even more. Their stomach’s stretched and moved outwards as they filled with sweets and drink. Though something this time was different about them, it was as though they were actually getting bigger and not just their guts. It was hard paying attention, but each felt; confirming their suspicions. With every pastry, confectioner’s dish, and sweet, the two half-sayians bodies processed them and stored them as fat. Goten’s body ballooned out all over, his stomach taking up more of his lap which resulted in him spreading his legs due to its heaviness. The seams on his shirt and pants slowly giving out and with each rip and snap, made his fat jiggle and yearn for its release. At that point, his belly wasn’t covered by what remained of his undershirt, which had gotten wedged between his stomach and his moobs; if only his friend was faring any better.As Trunks was fatter than his friend, his gain was more noticeable as it centered mainly in his thighs, butt and belly. While they loved the food, their body and clothes didn’t, eventually they were both reduced to what remained of their tattered clothing and their underwear, which looked as if they were on their last leg’s as well, being stretched far beyond what they were originally meant for. With their final swallow, the chairs, which had been wobbling and creaking non-stop, finally gave out as they sent the duo crashing to the floor, their fat bodies jiggling when they impacted. They were beyond full or even stuffed, they felt as if they were going to literally explode; reflected by their large, balloon-like stomachs. Buu giggled and laughed at how his “party” was a success, and how “happy” he made his guests. “Oh-hohoho! Buu had fun~ Pow pow pow” he bellowed to himself as he stood in front of many empty plates, trays and platters. Goten became rather sleepy, resting on the verge of either passing out or falling asleep. While Trunks was definitely fighting to not pass out, but eventually lost. Hours passed as the two rested, quite a long time, in fact. Both sleeping like logs as they sat, until one of them would stir from there “hibernation”. Trunks moved around and stirred, he could feel the dampness of the cave, it was odd, he wasn’t cold or anything at least not like the last time he was here; when he came too he firstly gave a stretch and licked his lips, in thinking that he had either the oddest dream or a bad nightmare. Something was odd, tasting frosting on his lips, being strawberry frosting to be precise. He wasn’t quite sure of what to think of it, so he licked some more thinking that it had been a mistake; it wasn’t. He cautiously opened his eyes, not wanting to what he thought happened actually happening. He was met with something, a large fleshy appendage attached to him. Upon trying to move, he found that he couldn’t and soon discovered why…he was huge! Having been awoken, Trunks looked over his body, finding that he had packed on a lot of weight, and even more when he had digested all of the food. He tried moving himself more, but his efforts were in vain. He placed a chubby hand onto his stomach, feeling its soft, pillow-like touch; his fingers sinking in as he did. He couldn’t believe something like could’ve happened, much less actually happened. His thoughts turned to his friend: What happened to him? Did he end up like this too? He heard a faint noise, as if someone was next to him. He turned and looked to see his friend, who looked like some sort of bear that was nearly immobile like him and was in some sort of hibernation. He wanted to wake his friend up but thought it would’ve been pointless, as they were in no shape to go anywhere anytime soon. Trying to ease his own mind, he chuckled to himself. Trunks patted his stomach and easily fell back asleep; hoping that he was in fact dreaming. |