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a beggar lady is caught saying a phrase that will change both couples life
                                                                                  Chapter 13 continued


  "That's great you always talked about this Angela person don't you think. " I guess I just wonder why she decided to come. " I mean

the last time she left, i was not in the best of moods but you have improved." Heather replied as she looked at him. " That's probably

why she wrote the note she is coming to say how proud she is of you, and wants give you another chance don't you think?"

" I suppose." I'm ready to go if you are." What about the check." I already took care of it." I paid when you were talking to mark."

" Lets go then." as Nason and Heather held hands while they walked out. As they left the restaurant Heather turned to face Nason, " I

really had a nice time." as she hugged and kissed him on the lips, Nason stopped short to say, " Heather are you sure you are okay?"

I mean your acting like something is bothering you," Nothing is bothering me, i feel new again, I feel lead to go to church and put all

the things that I have been doing out of my life." I've doing great." Nason was shocked to hear that she was happy." What's wrong?"

Nason stopped for a minute to reflect of what has he been doing with his life. Nason are you okay as Heather touched his arm, as

he finally came to. " I'm okay I've just been thinking about the things that I have been doing with my life." but he was shocked to hear

that Heather was happy. " Then whats wrong come on I know that look something is bothering you just share it, and you will be rid

of it so just split it." Oh, right its just I am a tire kicker when it is dealing with the supernatural." I mean how did you know that God

was right for you or even a change needs to made." Its not blessings so much liked everyone thinks but a feeling of believing and

having faith." I had an experience one time when I was drunk one time at a party and I just gotten home." The next day I woke up

from an eventful night." I just didn't want to get out of bed." Depressed about my life and the things I had to deal with. " I was out of a

job and my rent was up on my apartment." I didn't have much money and all i had was some change that  I had in my pocket."

" Which I wanted to buy alcohol with it to make me feel like a person." I would also take drugs I just didn't want to live with myself

anymore, I was in bad shape. " So when did you stop and except it, " I got home from a party that night after doing a line." I saw that

my bible had been open( which I had received from a pastor in a AAA meeting I had attended a few weeks back.} as it read." I can do

all things through Christ who strengthens me." That verse hit me like a ton of bricks." I started meditating on it until it finally clicked." I

started to read my bible over and over again." To the point I started to believe what it had to say." Nason haven't you ever experienced

that you had a greater purpose in your life?"" I don't think I have." I am still getting my grasp around the whole God and Jesus thing."

They reach Marks and Nichols house about thirty minutes had gone by. Nason parked the car and Heather looked at him as he

parked. She stared at him " I don't want you to know that I still love you and want to marry you, but I feel like I need you to make a

decision about who you are as a person and who Christ means to you. " You figure that and I'll consider marrying you." Nason just

looked at Heather in awe he couldn't believe what he was hearing. She chose God over him the richest man ever he thought.

"I don't need you and I I don't need God that's for sure" Well, then you chose it for the rest of us good bye, Nason I hope

you have a wonderful life, " Wait" as he grabbed Heathe" Yes" with a stern look, " I know your into God and I get that, its just

lately,I've been a tire kicker." Yes you mentioned that, I do believe that there is a supernatural being out there." I get that I just

need to figure out the part where dreams come in." They say that God talks in your dreams, but I just don't get how and another

thing is,Aangles how do people become angels." I know its a lot to take in tonight but if you come inside Marks house. I know I

can get some answers." I think Marks wife is devoted to that. " Okay, I'll come." as she smile while walking toward him.

                                                                  Chapter 14 Truth


                    They arrived at the house that night talking thinks out and joking as they talked. Heather tried to explain as

she could to Nason. That night but the letter that Mark had would explain a lot more. Mark came to the door with his happy

go lucky self. "Hey you two made it."Sorry we were late Heather said. "You two needed to catch up I completely understand."

"Well come in Nicole is up stairs I'll go get her and the  letter I wanted you to read." Okay, Nason said be right back." Ok they both

said Nason looked at Heather she spoke." Nice house they have ." Yes they do good for themselves their blessed

in so many ways." So are you Heather said as he touched Nasons arm so are you "Mark finally came about ten minutes or so

along with Nicole.  "Hello she said as she greeted them nice of you two to make it tonight I have a pie in the oven. "Heather

why don't you come, and help me let the men talk." Sounds great she said it's this way." Well here it is as Mark handing the

letter to him ."Here it is what I've been telling you." It's the same type of letter that she sent before .The only thing that has changed

is the that she says when she is coming back is puzzling me here take a look.

                                                    Dear Mark and Nason


                                  My boss wanted me to send you this letter to make you understand when I will be

                                  returning to earth. We've been watching you and evaluating your every move."

                                  " Something we have seen have been good like getting united with your fiancé.

                                    Heather. But there are thing we don't like, and that  is when you try to interfere


                                    with dreams that we have put in your mind. To get you prepared for a great purpose


                                    to get you prepared for a great purpose.. "That is something we frown upon the best

                                    thing that you can do is to let the boss man work in you, and stop getting your own way

                                    do that and you will see me for you next mission or in your dreams.


                                                                  Sincerely Yours Angelia

                                                                            Aka “Angel”

                                              Nason finished the letter looked at Mark well it is condemning I suppose I should listen to this one too.

he replied " What are you so afraid of Mark said finally is it trusting in a being that you can't see, or is it something else more deeper."

Than you can't express because your too afraid that people that care about you will see your true colors." It frightens you Nason ."

Nason just looked at Mark with hurtful eyes I can't express it well try. I can't Mark it's hard ever since our own dad died I find it hard

to trust in a heavenly father, and also Lydia my fiancé." I've been torn up and angry for so long." That I can't see straight then let's do

it together" First  tell me what happened to Lydia Nason started with  hesitation it's okay as Mark touched his shoulder" Take your

time Nason started. " We were siting at home when we heard a knock at the door we answered it, and it was one of our best friends.

"That we haven't seen in a very long time he mentioned that he was desperate for money. He told us that they were about to repo his

car, and his house if he didn't pay." We told him that we wished that we could help but as we told him he started to get upset Lydia

tried to ease the situation, but it got worse." He said I thought you guys were my friends and would help me and a time of need when

I need it the most." We are your friends Lydia said but he didn't believe us as he turned the gun on Lydia and shot her two times in

chest." Lucky there was a cop that had lived across from us he had heard the incident and came over handcuffed him as I told him

was happening he called the station to tell him that he was coming with a murder." Ever since then I hated God for letting this happen

and asked why." Nicole and Heather headed in Nicole interrupted we need to pray." What Nason said pray " I don't want to pray "Yes

Mark said as he held his shoulders." Let the spirit in" Mark started Lord Jesus we pray for Nason right now that he would accept you

in his heart tonight."Nason struggled to get out of Marks hands he screamed let me go, but they still prayed for him harder and harder

until Nason felt a tingle that a greater being was there as he fell to the floor weeping aging and again"  Mark said welcome home

brother. That night nason got up from the ground Mark looked him straight in the eye Nason filled with tears in his eyes he reassured

him that he had felt the spirit. Marke said to Nason do you accept the lord inside your heart tonight" he said" Yes he said this time

convicted that he was more of a greater being out there. Mark said"Lord I pray for Nason tonight come inside his heart as he accepts

you in his heart. "Mark looked at Nason now I want you to say these words Nason nodded and he repeated "Lord come into my heart

I believe you died on the cross for our sins in order for us to live without sin." I pray you would show him and guide him in the direction

that you want him to be thank you Jesus thank you Jesus" as they said over and over again. Heather hugged him and whispered I

love you things are going to be different now." Nason went over to her got a box out of his pocket he knelt down and said "Heather

before God and our friends  I ask you for you hand in marriage will you marry me? " Yes she said yes he got up and kissed her on the



                                                                Chapter 15

Nason and Heather left that night both overwhelmed at what they had just experienced Nason unsure what was going to happen next.

. He looked over at Heather she gave a smile to say "I am so proud of you he walked over to her, and Mark meet them both "I'm so

proud of you both, and I'm so glad that the lord has touched you." I strongly recommend now that you two see a counselor."

Already been taking care of what Mark said "When did this happen a few days ago did you go." Yes I went but I felt like I didn't belong

so I ran out of there like I just saw a ghost, but I am willing to go back no matter the circumstances. "Just to make this marriage work

Heather looked at him smiling at him knowing that he was sincere of what he had decided." Well it's getting late should probably go."

"Okay said Mark thank you for your friendship and for inviting us." I appreciate the advice it really means a lot to have friends like


" That I can talk to and are there for us no problem he said "Happy to do it" You just let me know how therapy is going that's all. "Ok

Nason you go you self a deal Ok Mark." You two have a great night congrats again on your engagement." They got to the car that

night.. They were both uncertain still of what to say or how the living situations were going to be. "That's when Heather spoke up said

"Nason she looked at him through his eyes maybe we should take this what we have slow at first." I know you just proposed I think

for just tonight we don't sleep together not yet anyway." Nason just stared at her for he understood where she was coming from."

He himself had a few issues that he had to work out too. He responded "OK he said sounds good " Heather smiled she felt very

excited that she was finally getting married." Ok then she said I'll see you tomorrow morning I'll let you know when the appointment

appointment is. "Alright I'll be waiting for you to contact me she said as she got  into her car he thought I love that woman and I will

have her as my own that's for sure" But first thing first I have to do the work it I want to win the prize as Nason thought as Heather

drove off."


                                                                                        Chapter 16 Couceling

              Don't be nervous  Heather said she could see Nason sweating on his hands and palms."Everything will be fine you'll see. "I


know it's just I didn't leave it in very good terms like I wanted them to be. "I'm a little embarrassed with my attitude don't worry those

type of people are used to it. "I bet there is a billion people that do what you did I bet she has forgotten the whole thing by now." What

time is the appointment she said it was at 3:30pm  Heather looked down at her watch it was about 2:59pm. Heather breathed a sigh of

relief. "We aren't late that's refreshing." The got to the office where they were instructed to go." Can I help you said the same

office clerk that was there the fist time he came. "Oh yes I remember you Nason looked at Heather as to say I told you so. Heather

looked back at him as to sorry"  If you would have a seat I'll buzz her." They sat down and waited for about an hour or so when the

door to her finally opened her first couple came out shouting at each other." By saying well that was a session alright." Racheal

came out those two are going to make it I can feel it." Really Nason as he looked at her no just kidding I give them two months tops."

Unsure what to say Nason stated this is Heather my wife Heather cleared her throat sorry soon to be wife Heater smiled with

approval. They walked into the office and saw how comfortable the room was with a chair in the left corner a cluttered desk.

With her purse in a chair and papers on the left and right Racheal grabbed a tablet and began the session. "Now I want to tell you

how I do things I do five sessions free." After that it's 25 do you have any problems with that they both shook their head." Good then

lets began I want to talk to Heather first if you don't mind Nason. "No go ahead I'm curious what she has to say about me" Heather

looking in Nasons direction as if to say don't worry" I'll be honest and sincere." Racheal began talking Heather tell me about Nason

why did you feel that you needed to be separate from him for so long. " It all started when he was working day in and day out I finally

had enough of him putting it before me." I came up to him one day and said it's either me or work he just looked at me with his eyes."

"That's when I knew that he chose work instead of me "That's not true I gave you all the attention I knew that I could give youNason Nason

Racheal kept on saying I will get to you in a little but first you have to let Heather talk or none or this is going to work do you understand. Nason

nodded once again ok let's continue Heather start were you left off" You mentioned Nasons work and you didn't feel appreciated start there.

Heater begin."Yes he was working on a letter that a beggar lady gave to us some days ago." Tell me about this letter what is so important about

it that you would want to avoid Heater. Racheal looked at Nason "My turn Racheal nodded "Please as she motioned him to speak

I had to get a deadline, and if I don't get that out then I will get fired." I'm sorry it got in our way and I chose the letter instead of her,

but that is my life." Racheal nodded as she looked at Heather how do you feel of what Nason just said. " I understand why he has to

do it, but I would feel more happier if he would not always work take some time. "For us Nason can you do that with your job I

I suppose I can it's not easy, but it can be done then lets focus on that getting a more less schedule so you can spend more time

with Heather."  Now let's mover on I heard recently that you proposed to Heather tell me how that make you feel Heather it makes

me feel glad that he wants to make things better." I am willing to give him another chance as she looked at Nason who in return

just stared at Heather.. Racheal could see that both of them were sincere as she spoke "Now what I want you two to do is first pick

a place that you both feel that you want to get married it doesn't have to be a church." I don't care about that the main purpose is to

get you two to work together so you can grow as people who love each other." The second is to always put Christ first in your

marriage. You do that and I swear that you two will find a spiritual high in you marriage that will last for a very long time. " Are we in

agreement they both looked at each Heather said that she'll try then Nason said he would try the very best he could. Rachel took

a seat by them looked them straight in the eye don't do it on my account, but do it because you want a chance to show the world that

two people can have a second and shine through the good and bad." Now try to change the try to do I'm going to ask the question

again do you swear that you two are going to do it. Heather look yes I will do it that's what I want to hear what about you Nason

who was still seated on the couch I guess no I don/'t want you to guess." Racheal grabbed Heathers checks do you love this women

yes Nason said."Racael responded that's pitiful do you love this woman yes!!!!!! Nason said as he stood you then tell her the words

that she is dying to hear do you promise to make her happy, and show people that a marriage can work do you believe I do I can't

hear you I do and I will that's what I want to hear."

                                                                                              Chapter 17

                    When Racheal saw that Nason and Heather have made progress she responded to Heather now I want you tow to

do two things. First I want you two to pick a location to have the wedding it doesn't have to be at a church I don't care about that."

" I just want you two agree on something that you both want instead of one you wanting something then the other one say that they

didn't agree to that. Do you understand they both looked at each other and agreed to the homework that they had just been given."

"Alright said Racheal let's begin the second part of what I want you to do is to put God first, your relationship second, and friends,

family third. "Do this and your  will be in a marriage  that will last for a very long time but you have to promise me that you will do the

work to it's fullest." Just don't say that you will do it and not go all the way with it I guarantee that you if you think, and do that then

you not keeping a full filled marriage, and you will be hurting not only God but your whole marriage to your self." I know this is a lot to

take in right now so I will leave you, and come back to you in five minutes. "When that time is up I will come back and answer any

questions that you might have so let me go as she stood up, and left the room. They both just stared at each other not knowing what

to say. " Heather started by saying well I  guess I will start this is crazy Nason said leaving us hear unattended like that what if we

were to do something to ourselves. " She is not crazy Nason she is right we do need to talk about these things and to put God first."

Don't you want help Nason don't you want this marriage to work yes and yes." Then we need to be less skeptical and more open to

the chances we have right now." Nason paced back and forth around the room he looked at Heather I now that you are right, but

to do what she said about putting god first what does that mean." To put God first Heather looked at him it means to let go of things

that you have no control over." I like being in control of my life it to feel safe I know I accepted the lord into my heart, but I still

confused on what that means." Ok Heather that's why we are here to get answers to questions that we don't know Nason just stopped

and stared at Heather maybe she was right maybe that therapy was exactly that he needed. " Then all of a sudden he felt his heart

began to get lighter as he spoke "Alright as he sat down Heather grasping his hand as they held each other." Then in that second

Racheal came in to see them seating on the couch well then that's what I like to hear as they both looked up I heard you two the

whole there was a microphone in the room the whole time. "I didn't really leave I just wanted you too to really communicate with each

other after all that is the whole thing about marriage is it not." They both nodded and smiled at each other Ok then I have you

scheduled in two weeks.' You have made wonderful progress you two should be proud of each other I know I am." Thanks they

both said as they got to their feet." They left her office feeling that finally they had gotten to the bottom of their problem and where

ready to move on to the next step in their lives.


                                                                            Chapter 18 Surprised Preacher

                                              The next day Nason woIke up smiling as he got ready for the day. The phone rang suddenly Nason

how are you bro been thinking about you a lot. "I'm good been really busy me and Heather have been talking a lot lately and we

have been going to therapy talking about what the next step in our loves is going to be also wrapping my whole hands around

what being a Christian is suppose to be." Good sounds like you on the right track making decisions for yourself and trusting what god

has to tell you. " Thanks Nason said since I've been going to theapy my life has been going at a rapid speed." It's like a roller coaster

of only good things. " I feel like my life has meaning now and me and Heather can finally get going and set a date for the wedding."

"Oh when is the date I can't tell you that I promised Heather I wasn't going to tell anybody." You just have to wait like every one else."

"Alright Mark responded I'll wait boy things sure have changed." I can see Christ in you though finally taking hold of you." You can

yes it's like your more refreshed and you know exactly what you want in life." I do feel different like someone is guiding me to what

decisions to make in life." I just need to decide what path I need to take" I know it can be troubling but you just need to trust that God

knows what he wants in your life." Trust in him and you will never feel unhappy again of course you will feel down and hopeless

sometimes, but that is just human nature." Thanks Nason said I do feel a lot better good Mark said glad  I could of been of help."

Nason got a call from Heather Nason listen I got I know Mark said suddenly know what that Heather is calling you. "She told me

she was calling you to discuss preachers with you she said that you two needed to pick out one." Mark paused Nason I would just

be sure about a preacher if I were you." What do you mean I just feel like people should be really careful on who they choose it may

reflect their whole lives."Nason didn't know what to say to that he suspected something was up."  What's going Nason said your acting

suspicious do you know something I don't know." I wasn't going to tell you but I know who your preacher is going to be who I can't tell

you that I promised him that I wouldn't tell you all I know is that you are really going to like it." Ok Nason said I trust you will listen

I got to go it's really busy at work and I got a lot to do at work." Talk to you soon you bet they both said bye as they hung up the

phone." Mark took out the letter yes sir you are going to be surprised you might say it's going to be a heavenly surprise indeed."

"Nason  arrived just in time to see Heather running up to him what's wrong honey I just got terrible news. " What is it the preacher isn't

here so we can meet with him." What do you mean the preacher isn't here he said with astonishment  I called his office and the clerk

to confirm everything." Right what did  she say." They said that they preacher we had originally picked out had to be called out of

town the exact same day that the wedding was." Can you believe that it'll be ok no it won't the wedding is in a couple of weeks."

That same night Mark saw the letter and decide at that moment to open the letter to see what it had to say he opened it up and it 


                                                      Dear Mark:

                            " Please keep my coming to the wedding a secret from Nason I want it to be a surprise and keep it in

suspense." I still don't know all the details but it will soon come clear to me when I am coming to the wedding." Mark thought

to himself if he remembered anything that Nason said about the wedding nothing came to him." He was going to call him but

he soon remembered what the letter said." He hung up the phone he would just wait to see the expression on Nason face

when he realized who the preacher was. "He thought it would be a somewhat bitter sweet moment that would be the highlight

of the day.

                                                                                    Chapter 19 And so it begins

                    Later the next day a package came that was unmarked with no address no name only who it was for. Mark received a

phone call later that day saying that a package was left for him by mistake." " Mark thought I didn't order any package it must be some

mistake. He called the post office he said that a package was left by mistake" The guy on the other line said we don't make mistakes

are you Mark hunter yes ,but then it is not a mistake we will hold your package for twenty four hours you can pick it up anytime."

Good bye sir he hung up the phone will then he thought I guess I need to pick up the package he arrived about an hour sitting in traffic

He arrived moment later went inside and asked for his package." Yes I'm Mark Hunter I'm here for my package Oh yes Mark hunter

we have been waiting for you." Your wife said that you would be down to receive it very soon it must have been Heather just

practicing for when they do tie the knot." No I think that she said her name was Angela he said "Yes that's it Angela that couldn't be

how could she know that Nason was getting married." He then thought about the letter telling him about her return so it wasn't any

mistake and she was telling the truth." He under estimated her being from heaven and all he signed for the package and was on his

way home with the package." On his way he thought what was in that package he had to know as he rushed home" He thought to

himself maybe it was from heaven and something meaningful, or maybe something for their apartment or a piece of china for those

big parties that they will have."  She seems like the type of person or angel that will put a lot of thought in a gift so special like the one

she was giving." He got home with the package he looked at how neatly it was wrapped with tap so neatly pressed down, and ribbon

nicely tied, His was very suspicious he had to know what was in that package he had to open it to see what it was. He began to open

it until he saw a note addressed to him he guessed what it had said. He gathered it had something to do with not opening the package

because it was for Nason and Heather. " Sure enough it did say that it had said to not open until the wedding sure enough that

was what he thought it would say it began"

                                                                            Dear Mark

                            Till now you have been you have been obedient to me and my boss you have shown us great character

                            we have see you grow in  your faith, and trust in what I am doing . Please keep on


                            trusting in our plan which will be revealed to you and Nason. "I promise it will benefit you in the


                            long haul."


                                                                                          Chapter 20


                              Nason woke up later that morning with a restoration in his heart to get started with his day." His wedding day had

finally arrived he had been waiting for the day for a very long time the feeling was neutral with Heather too. She was going to be busy 

for the day for a very long time the feelings were neutral with Heather. She was going to be busy he thought getting everything

together Nason received a call from Mark saying. " Hey man its the big day are you ready it's not too late to  bail out of this you

know" Ha, very funny." I'm not kidding we can go to Vegas right now I got the car ready." It'll be there in twenty minutes."

Mark gave a little snicker in his voice. "No man I'm proud of you good luck today thanks nason said," We sure have been through a lot

haven't we?" We sure have I'm just glad it turned out to be all good."What time am I going to pick you up?" I wrote it down but I lost

it." I think we agreed with 3:30 pm." Alright 3:30 it is don't worry what I say." You are going to be fine you two were meant for each

other.." Thanks Nason said it means a lot." They both hung up the phone anxiously waiting for what the day may bring. Mean while

in heaven Angela and Jay are caught talking to each other about the next step." So are you ready for the wedding?" replied Jay.

"As ready as Ill ever be." I've been looking forward to this event for a long time." I really feel like I know both couples very well."

"That's what the job is all aboutthis job is all about." Touching loves and seeing that people are true to what they say and do." I really

chose you well didn't I." I knew the day that I came into the soup kitchen I knew there was something special in you." That's why I

knew that you were right for the job as my secret Angel." She smiled and gave him a hug. " I love you." she said" The details of the

wedding unraveled as they started the preparations.. Heather who was a nervous wreck as most brides would be on their wedding

day. But Nason felt very at ease feeling coming over him as he prayed. "Dear Father thank you for Heather today."

"Thank you that you have given her to me as my bride to be." I pray that it will be a blessed event in you eyes.." Take my doubt that

I have out of my mind, and fill it with joy." Thanks for your understanding in your name I pray amen." Nason looked up and felt

" Take my doubt that I have out of my mind and fill it with joy,  thanks for your

understanding in you name I pray amen." Nason looked up and felt a calming in his heart while he finished praying

it was clear now that he knew that he had to get ready but he was still a little nervous. So he flipped on the TV to see

what was on he saw a Highway to Heaven was on. It was on a show about an Angel that comes down, and makes a

difference in peoples lives to make them see that there own lives are not as

bad as they think. The episode was about a handicap man that was set up by

his brother who was set up on a date with his sister. " They get along very well

they date, and then after several dates he gets enough courage to ask her to

marry him." Nason thought this is hitting home too much he finished the show

and continued getting ready. Mark finally arrived to take him to the church that '

was only a few blocks down the road. Nason arrived at the church getting the

rest of his wardrobe pinned and placed as he wanted  The ceremony was almost

about to start the guests sat wondering that it was so bizarre that the preacher

was not there. It was five minutes till Heather thought were is the preacher she

thought as they were lining up to go down he aisle. " Nason and Mark where in

other room waiting patiently until their cue to come to stand to wait finally get

married. Then the cue to come down finally was motioned Nason took a deep

breathe as they walked donw to stand where they where motioned when they

practiced. The bridesmaids came down and then the flower girl then the ring

barer the whole ceremony was flowing beautifully music ,and all Then suddenly

a bright light shined on the platform when a loud voice responded." Ladies and

Gentlemen this marriage was arranged by the one true God. "Who was well

pleased my name is Angelia I am sent to give these two away." Nason looked

at Mark so that is the big surprise." Surprise he said smiling at him with great

accomplish for keeping such a wonderful secret." Angelia whispered sorry I'm

late that's fine Nason said you had a valid excuse as he suddenly winked."

The wedding went on as planned as the couple said their vows and exchanged

rings. Nason and Heather turned to one another and Angelia said " By the

powers invested in me I know pronounce you man and wife you may now kiss

the bride." The guests applauded as they walked down to the doors to go to the

reception." Nason and Heather had a wonderful time dancing, eating and

drinking the night was so magical the wasn't a worry in the world." The

bridemaids and groomsman made their speeches about the couple." Giving

them a hard time telling the other one about how they are ,and what they had

witnessed about them." After that was done they cut the cake and took picture

after picture making their face hurt as they tried to make their best smile last."

When it was all said and done Angela came up to Nason "She said to him as

he touched his shoulder can I have a word with you in private." " Sure he said

as they went outside for some fresh air." Heather noticed that they both went

outside she followed them to see what they are talking about." Angelia said

"There is a gift that I have left for you I don't want you to open it until the last

guest has left what it has in it is very sentimental to me." Do you understand

yes Nason said "Promise me you will not open it I promise Nason said to her

wondering to himself what was so important.  The night went on with more

dancing, eating, and drinking. Heather who was curious what was happening

went up to Nason tapped him on the shoulder he turned around. Heather

spoke so what was that all about outside. "Oh that Nason replied that was

Angelia Heather in awe did know what to say." I thought that maybe you found

an ex girlfriend or something." Nason replied " No nothing like that is going on

you are the only one in my life that I love and cherish in my heart. "I never want

anybody but you." Heather just smiled as she felt assured and relieved that

nothing was going on.' So what did she say Heather said she got a present for

me and she made me promise that I will not open it until the last guest has left."

Heather looked around she responded "Well the last guest left about an hour

ago so I think it is safe to open it up. "Ok said Nason they both opened it up

and inside was an old scarf and an new scarf Nason looked at Heather and said

as they kissed now I get it as he looked up in the sky They both looked at each

Nason looked at the sky "Now I get now get your old rags for new I get." 

"Thank you for your old rags for new." as Nason looked up again to thank her.

Jae and Angela continued to go on many adventures throughout the years, but none of them where ever specail as the relationship

she had with mark and nason.


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