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the last part of river shifter |
it was a new day when the giant bug attack it was a giant asian hornet its venom was very scary especialy when it melted people with its venom it squirted them and they where just gone then a person appeared on the top of the hornet and he had a control helmet that matched the head band on the hornet's head obviously he was controlling the bug with his mind but no one could stop him suddenly it went flying to the side as a giant Triceratops ran in to it and knocked it over then it turned in to a T Rex and started ripping the hornet to shreds with its giant teeth then it turned in to a pretty young girl with blond hair and green eyes and she just stood there leaned to the side and put her hands on her hips "did you not know that this is our town" she asked as a giant squid walked in on four of its legs then it used the rest to punch the hornet and pluck the person of of its back it dropped him in front of the girl and let her talk to him "hello there mister mad man" she said cheer fully as the squid tied up the hornet with barbed wire and then turned in to a young man "hi there nice to meet you I am river shifter and this is land lady we are the town heros" said the new young man as he got settled in to the bench right next to them "and we were just wondering if you would like to explain why you were using a giant exotic bee to destroy our city and melt our people while we are right down the street at the police station filing a report on the worm the last villain we stopped from destroying the planet and then just as we left we heard a large amount of screaming from just down the street and then we just ran over here and what do we find an other crazy mad man just waiting for a butt kicking and of course we were only too happy to oblige that wish so what is your name and what are you doing in our town?" "I am the bee keeper and it is my purpose in the world that I and my army of bees and hornets and wasps shall rise up and rule the city and lord over you humans as well as killing your people then we shall take over the world" that was when a swarm of small regular sized bees suddenly swarmed them and began to cocoon Zach and jules in the same honey comb structuring that they would normally use to make their giant bee hives or wasp nests or hornet nests but now they were using it to consume Zach and jules and lock them in place and stick them to the ground then they swarmed the bee keeper and swept him away as he laughed maniacally it was only a minor in convenience for the both of them as jules could turn in to a T Rex or other large dinosaur to break it and Zach could do the same turning in to a blue whale or some thing else of similar size so they broke through their cocoons and headed back to their hide out "ok jules how do we deal with this yellow striped whack job and his bulbous bodied friends that enjoy tying people up with their spit and paper we are probably just lucky they did not try to make honey in side of us and feed us to their baby bees but now we are safe and free and we have time to figure out what is going on" "well I just figured out part of it I ran his face through facial recognition and got this his name is Andrew bee bonnet von stew ben burg and he was a genetics genius until a lab accident involving bees allowed him to talk to bees and mut ate them with a touch but it also warped his mind so now he is insane he thinks he is a bee and that he was born human to be the chosen one and rule over the bees as they rule the world but the bees revolted against him and he had to make mind control helmets to control them now he has escaped from jail and is trying to take over the world again and what is worse he has his mind control helmet on again and he is mutating the most powerful and deadly of all bees and making them even more powerful and deadly it is the worst thing ever but there is one way to stop it an ion pulse of sufficient resonance should block the signal and cause the bees to attack him then go back to normal" they went to work building an ion beam that could be powerful enough to eliminate the mind controlling effect that his helmet has over bees and their relatives but they still had to patrol to make sure no bad guys were making trouble and robbing banks else just terrorising random citizenry and trying to kill them so jules went out being that she was the one with dinosaur transformation abilitys and she went on patrol she turned in to a pterodactyl and flew around the city looking for any one doing wrong and that was when she saw it a giant bee twice the size of the last one she fought and it looked more deadly too it had a longer stinger and its poison looked pretty bad as it burned holes in the concrete and cars and other things that it dripped on as the bee flew but then it turned and flew right at her she turned in to an ankylosaurus and used its giant club like tail to knock the bee back in to a building it rushed at her and she turned in to a brontosaurus and used her tail and giant neck to lead the bee right at a chimney that at the exact moment the bee flew over it it blew and fire belched out of it right at the bee and burned it to a crisp but the charred remains were falling on to the city and crush hundreds of people but she turned in to a T Rex and grabbed it in her teeth she brought it to the ocean and tossed in the bee's body to get rid of it she however accidentally got some mutagen in her teeth and swallowed it and when she turned back she was half stuck she had tiny arms and big legs but she looked like a deformed human not a T Rex but she could tell what must have hap penned and she ran to the hide out and found Zach "Zach I need your help I am stuck part way between human and T Rex and I can't turn back to my self" "what hap penned how did this happen to you what hap penned just be fore you got stuck like this" "well I was fighting a giant bee and I killed it with fire bursting out of a chimney and then it was falling on people so I grabbed it in my mouth and spit it in to the ocean but some of it came of and I swallowed it then I got stuck like this it must have been the mutation from the bee that caused it to be huge and it stuck me between the two forms and is not allowing me to change back we have to fix it be fore time runs out" they rushed around and searched for a cure Zach took several blood samples and tried to find the mutation to may be ISO late it and find some thing to kill it with and then they could cure julia and the bees that were mutated as well he found the cells that were mutated and managed to ISO late them but he was un able find a way to kill it with out harming the person or animal who was mutated with the stuff but he had found a way to block the mutation so that the bee keeper could not mut ate any more bees and he had an algorithm to send through the satellites that would block the mutations world wide so they did not have to worry about any more giant bees un less he had mutated some be fore the algorithm went in to place and even then only those few that were already mutated witch could not be many after all he does not know that we can block his abilities so he probably only made enough for the next attack but other than that we should be fine" so then they kept searching for a cure for the mutations Zach tried his ion burst gun on the mutation and it finally worked he had managed to find a cure for the mutations "hey Zach have you found a cure yet?" he answered her by turning with his gun in his hand and rather than saying any thing he just pulled the trigger and shot her with the ion ray then she transformed back to her full human form "(cough cough) what the heck was that" she asked through the cloud of smoke that went up after he shot her that was when she looked down and saw that she was back to her normal form but she was still coughing and could not talk any more then she collapsed later she was startled to awaken in the medical bay "what hap penned?" she asked startled "I hit you with the ion pulse array because it would cure you but the smoke that came flying out of the machine knocked you out and so I brought you in here to try and get you to wake up you have been a sleep for forty eight hours that is two days you would not wake up I was worried that you were going to die but you came out fine after all" they left the hide out in search of the hide out lair or what ever the bee keeper liked to call it but they had issues but julia turned in to a veloci raptor and she caught a scent of the bee keeper's giant bees they followed it to a man hole cover on the edge of town it was open and they found a large stinger in side they lost the scent but they headed in the same general direction that the scent was headed and they were led out to the ocean they saw a ledge and they followed the ledge a long the ocean and found a large dome with yellow stripe a round it the could tell it was obviously the bee keeper's hide out they kept moving to wards the giant bee hive shaped building and allowed the bees to go a head then they went in side following them to the hive room and followed the tunnels to the control room where they used the security cameras to find the room with the bee keeper in it they went there and he was gone he was no where to be seen "hello heros" they heard a voice be hind them they looked up and saw the bee keeper on the balcony and he was surrounded by a swarm of bees he had known that they were coming he touched one of the bees looking malignant then he looked surprised as the bee remain ed in its own original small state and did not mut ate and grow in to a giant killer bee "what what have you done to me how have you done this I can not mut ate my bees how is this possible?" he cried "I found an algorithm that blocks your mutation abilities it is in a satellite in orbit" answered Zach from the floor "you can no longer mutate your little pets" "that is true" answered the bee keeper "but I can still control them and they can still hurt you bees hornets wasps every thing attack kill them kill them all" the bees attacked but Zach shot a whole group of the bees and they started to attack the bee keeper they stung him and they attacked his helmet they yanked it off of his head and then they threw it away the rest of the bees started to attack him but he was ready he had a bracelet on he pressed a button on his bracelet and the bees were once again under his control but they were resisting so he had to use the laser beams to drive the heros out of his lair they tried to fight off the lasers and get to the bee keeper who was trying to escape in his escape rocket but they could not and they were forced out just in time to watch the escape rocket escape the atmosphere and head to ward the moon. the bee keeper was just landing on the moon when he realized he had left his bees on the planet earth and had not brought them to the moon with him so he had to go back while he was flying back river shifter and dino girl better known as Zach brown and Julie owens were at there under water sea base looking for the bee keeper moon base using their satellites that they had orbiting the earth they had no luck un till the rocket hit one of the satellite cameras and knocked it off of its course it was pointed to wards the moon at just the right angle that it saw the moon base but the important news was that the rocket was headed back to wards the earth and they were able to track the course to the bee keepers hive shaped base but it was also headed to wards the for est close by Zach and Julie assumed that there was an under ground rocket landing base that the bee keeper had for just this reason he must have forgotten his bees and other such insects but they were ready for him they had created a large ray that they could use on even the largest of all the bees to break the mind control ray they had also created smoke guns to cause the bees to go in to dormant stages so that it would be safer to stop the mind control rays so that the most dangerous bees would not be able to harm the bee keeper too badly then they rushed into the forest witch was full of his bees and his bee themed booby traps they slid under the bee stinger darts and ran through the bee pendulums then it was time to fight the real bees Julie blasted them with the smoke gun as Zach used the ion ray in order to save them from the bees that are being controlled by a computer they blasted the computers and kept running they got to the rocket landing sight and blasted the whole ship with the ion beam then they shot the smoke guns all around the place the bee keeper came running out of his ship coughing and using a fire extinguisher he thought his ship was on fire and he was trying to put it out but he was tied up before he even realized that the heros were there and the cause of the smoke and they sent him to jail. |