Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1968253-A-Day-Night
Rated: E · Short Story · Mystery · #1968253
A Day Night

-By Devashish

The place was dark. I remember there was an old projector and I think it was a cinema hall. I am sitting on a sofa. The movie was going on, a black and white one. Only what I remember is a small booth with a window like of a one we have on airplane. Inside there was a girl I knew her well and had crush on her. I had my phone in my pocket. I took it out to send her a message to girl on Facebook , I had an instant reply. After a little chat I asked her for her phone number on which she replied that she lost her phone. But I was able to see that she is chatting using her cell.

I was looking towards her and suddenly she saw towards me and there was a pause. She opened the door and came up to me she gently hugged me saw her then gave a kiss on her cheek. She asked "REALLY!" I replied in affirmative. Next movement we headed out for lunch. We were holding each other's hands. I don't know what just happened, the last thing I remember was that I was in some place new maybe teleported.

I was on a chair. I saw a man sitting in front of me. It seemed like I knew him and dam he was my old English teacher. We had a good chat I saw his son who was in same school. I told him about a story. I kept inside a book before leaving the school. I asked him to issue the book.

I slept in same house that night. Next day boy came to me with that book. The story was divided in four parts each one was at distance of 10 pages. Everyone was eager to know the story. I opened page 200. There I had kept the first part of story. Alas! He snatched it and started narrating meanwhile I hid other parts in my pocket. As he completed second paragraph the all figured it out that I had crush on no other than the boys elder sister. My teacher got mad on me and suddenly I don't know how I started narrating the incident when he kissed a girl forcefully when he was a teen. He was shocked even I was as I even told the latitude and longitude where all this took place. Oh it again happened I was vanishing and again was teleported.

I was in my home. Newspaper in front of me year 2031 March. I didn't know what to do. I relaxed for a movement. Got fresh, changed clothes. These new clothes didn't have pocket so I put on my jacket. Kept credit card in pocket. I wanted to explore what's happening how I turned to an adult in just fraction of days. I felt something in my pocket and it was my story. I started reading it. When I reached to fourth part and there were corrections on fourth one with a red pen. This was Aman I was sure. There was no one in my life I saw who made similar letter "Y" as him. There was a phone number below.

It was a dam great idea came to my mind to call on this number but only problem was I wasn't able to figure out how to call my house was all changed. There were too many gismos in house. I wasn't able to identify a cell out of them. I just reputed the number out aloud. All of a sudden a voice asked "Sir, Will you like to call this person?" I replied yes. The voice asked again "Sir, Number isn't registered to your cell. Will you still like to proceed?" I roared yes. Finally it dialed and someone picked up the phone
Aman- "Yes Aman here."
Me - "Hey I am Devashish. Do you even remember me?"
Aman - "No one forget colorful once..."
Me - "Where are you?"
Aman - "Zurich. I really think you should come to me."
Me- "Zurich what the hell are you doing there?"
Aman- "I will tell you later there is a lot happening around."
Me- "What' happening?"
Aman- "I will tell you later. They took my wife all from me stay there I will come to you. Your address."
Me- "Meet me at CENTRAL PARK. I cannot take a chance."
Aman- "So do I. Trust me."
Me- "Ok I am at my home."
Aman- "Run they are going to get you. Come Zurich. I will be waiting for you between two birds."
Me- "I am cautiously teleporting what should I do"
Aman- "Stop the Dam signal. Bye....."

Oh! how am I going to stop the dam signal? Ok I must find out something here. I got my T.V I thought. "What the hell what year is it?". A voice "Year 2026 sir".
Me- "Cool ok .who am I".
Voice- "Sir you are simograpichic architect. "
Me- "Elaborate."
Voice- "Sir you design gadgets to make hole between space and time. But after your last experiment you were acknowledged dead. "

Oh ok I am a man with brain. Soon I figured how this era works. Food has become nasty spoon of silt. We have got injections to keep ourselves hydrate. Best of all world is one now after invasion of Aliens. I was in Hayan and Zurich is just thirty five minutes away. This thin was greatest I had a memory accelerator.

I tried accelerator according to it there is no memory after I was sixteen. I decided to go to Aman and its safe. I got him he asked me to come inside. He was very much frightened. After I told him about what happened he told me.
Aman- "Soon after you developed the teleportation machine Americans captured you to work for them.
You choose me your assistant. They cut our connection to outside world. They wanted us to
make a better teleportation machine which one is radiation free as last one was not fit for
humans. After you nearly made it fit to travel between time they caught us and in hurry you
use it means you everything changed I was in home for years and I received your call. Keep this
information to you. I think you should leave. "

Me- "Thanks. I will love to leave but I want to my time and only you can help. See this paper have you
written your number. I know you haven't. I had I who went back in time cause I had belief in
you. You can only help please.

Aman- "Get a teleportation machine for you. Teleport it to space get enough speed and have faith. You
will be back in your time. Due to radiation I think you will a least live for 10 minutes. Here is
what you want and remember every time you go to space you will lose 1 min of yours and evry
time you go there you get a step back. "

Me- "Thanks brother. "

With may be 15 minutes of life I stepped in that very box. Pressed red button and boom it was all same kind of experience as I had before. I came out of box t was my English teacher there standing in front of me. All came out of mouth was sorry. He forgave me feeling was unexplainable. I already lost my 5 minutes. I went to box again pressed button came out of box I saw her. Went to her and everything blackout all I remember was her.

After I it I woke up. I was on my bed and figured out that it all was a dream.

© Copyright 2013 Devashish (devashish97 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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