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Rated: E · Other · Spiritual · #1968143
Wisdom for wise people and those who understand it's significance.
Blessed be the dead for in death we find truth and in this truth we find our inner purpose through which the threads of life are picked then sewn. To the southern grounds known to the people as the valley of the rio grande.

The cycle of existence and its order is divine. For in being and dying the wheel set in motion the works of the godly.

By the hands of simple men and by their lips they deceive and lie to comfort their fears to reassure and persuade each other to work for and by them. Humanity manipulates and uses its own creatures like tools to burden for the ones in higher places. The civil life is designed for those who think like tricksters and act like savages.

Natural life, by the hands of gods led through night and day by light and dark concealed and unveiled is in essence grand. As do the winds guide the waves; and the slope of the land lead the rivers waters. Trees clamor in the breeze, their knowledge are of the greatest ever kept for thousands of years far before the time of men; resourceful are the green things that breathe and take time to grow and fulfill their existence and beyond. The trembling and brilliant lights of the black shrouds that hovers in the nights, blessed is their secrecy and sacred is their role. The moon that comes and goes, fades and grows it is the lesser of the greater lights that know, as long as gods will it, man and woman shall never be alone. Sacred is the cycle of the seasons it reminds us that change is always present and in these phases they present the keys to doors that help us in the moments when answers are needed. Nature is the language in which gods speak and present answers to us at times of question. Therefore listen to them not the simple man because his words are those of amusers and tricksters. Avoid the lights of simple men that guide innocence towards their deaths and destruction; unnatural, deviant are their works.

Blessed be the ruins and times of old in them are truth. Blessed be the old rites and sacrifice for in those times men knew the importance of gods and nature. Indigenous priests of old were men that saw truth in the works of gods and found answers hidden within time and the cosmos. The secrets that were kept have been since long forgotten but in the souls of few therein still lies answers, secrets, and truths to be recaptured and discovered. Godly are the skies, blessed be the watchers of clouds, dusk, and dawn; in these celestial events wise men and women can find signs that break away the boundaries of ignorance and sealed minds.  Let it be known that those who keep wonder and awe in their souls are of those who are close to the divine.

The relations of wise men with sacred knowledge is a union that sustains their faith and power like root and branches that partake of sun and earth to live to grow. Trees shake since they know the power of winds and are wise to not resist their force. The waters that wash over stones clear away their roughness in that they learn to be less obstructive and allowing the flow to brush over them with ease. Persistence is evident in nature as man attempts to rid him of weeds, the weeds do not cease to arise again; in this the weeds dare be wise to resist the will of man to overcome to remain unchanged. The order of man is smart, but the intentions of his soul are misguided and untrue to the gods. A man that forgets the gods is a man who has forgotten his faith, and so they that forget are as well forgotten by the gods. Man is then only guided in his needs, greed, arrogance, and misdeeds; doomed are those to die meaningless lives; for that is all that they are, all that they’ve become.

Blessed are the dead for in death they approach god and goddess as they are guided by Xolotl on their great journey. Sacred are the elements that make and take life; glory to the fire that illuminates and keeps warm, glory to the waters that nourish and sustain life, glory to the air that fills the lungs with the breath of life and that take with the breath of death, glory to the earth that feeds all green things and shelters man, for in death the earth takes all living things back into its soils. Beauty is in the yellow, red, brown, and green leaf; their colors stir like the spirit of the tree. Of gods is the dead tree; in its dead wood is life anew feeding grubs awaiting their change. He of the red head and striped black white plumes knocks on dead wood to hear life answer back.

Bands of men arise and drive to bring in more men to build it high to create their edifices of lies. If one’s to follow the words of simple man he will only learn to be told what to do and never learn to think for himself. Humanity is a socially dependant creature and it is this that feeds humanity’s needs to be a part of this mentality. Alone a man has his doubts but amongst others there is support rather their persuasion puts aside doubt, however it is not an honest resolution to their true feelings. Carve your path and stand on your own without the need of bands or lies. One will always be kept tied down and limited because they know of nothing else without others. Explore on your own; let no lie keep you down so that you may break free of it.          

Beauty is in the song of cicadas in the dusk hour. The soul of a man is housed separately, since this is so a man should be addressed separately and not altogether. What becomes of a lamb in a flock but just another lamb like the rest it is not unique. It has no liberty. It bears no distinction.

So with all this spoken we finally arrive here; this is where truths are unveiled and wisdom is given for wise people to listen to and ponder deeply and carefully.

These are the words of Oztotl Tlanelhuatl, blessed scribe of the valley of the river that divides two nations. These are the words of Miquiztli Tlamacazto in which communion with nature and of the gods have been shared and spoken and are to be written and read and understood by men of true union amongst gods and divine truth. All glory to the Nahualli blood and power of the Mexica of old; let their memory and ancient wisdom carry forth in these times and those that are to come.

Blood spills as always have been spilt for beasts that hold domain. When the civil beast takes complete control, the wisest of the Mexica shall vanish amongst the people and shall find his soul at the seat of the earth. Within the nation south of the grand river corruption possesses the key to its own ending. If wise Nahualli change it by will, great things could come of it. A single wise man holds the power to eliminate an entire nation by his words alone. If his truths were as powerful as a witch’s craft then there’d be no limit to what wise men can work.

Lands that bear the mesquite, Huisache, Jerusalem thorn, and ebony tree these are grounds that are blessed; as they all possess thorns, they are wild and untamed trees. The earth cannot be rid of what has been present over centuries of existence. Native plants and native animals along with indigenous people are ever present and will arise to create a shift in the paths of men. Waters that rise, skies that change things that turn violent and energies that carve out destruction, the hummingbird accompanies the men and women that seek out solace and the owl looks for powerful beings in the night. Storms sing hymns and songs to witches as rains drop kisses upon the wisest of them. Modern people fall apart and lose their truth in delusion and go nowhere for nowhere shall be their new aged home. They of the past that recall their ancestors shall go back to the old homes that have been calling them since birth. Death our king we kneel before you, death my queen we follow and hear you.

He that wanders out in the dark of the wilderness cannot be found and he cannot hear them for he is lost and will never be found; a blind walking man forever in search to never find his way back, as such he will be eaten whole. Men lost in the wilderness are taken of soul and mind for they have strayed from the path of truth.

Winter air calls out to those awoken, a spirit; a close relation to the elements. Dancing smoke and hiding flame signal the time of great spirits that linger among the living. Chasers of shadows of clouds run fearfully away from the light; they’re energies that creep by and vanish as moments do. As they brush away the dust back out, the winds scatter the dusts back in. In grassy corners, in tree filled grounds she keeps her creatures well taken care of. Severed young trees crisscross fallen where vines take over and crawl atop them. The black waters stir in the night and shake fearing people that know the deep. The fruit is splendid and the seed is hopeful, but the fruit rots however the seed creates by touch of earth, water, and is guided by sun.

Desperate men that dig their fingers into the dirt and breathe softly over dust, mad men once wise struggle to find solace; it is like a colony that has been abandoned and forgotten. They are an empty home that moans in the winds, where once hundreds of truths took residence, the home did not befit the colony’s needs.

The empty shells that dead snails leave behind remind what once was. Things degrade; materials deteriorate, break down, and fall apart. Apples are plentiful to they who are in search of and need of it; as is such look for sustenance. Indigenous spirit that flows over all things wild and untamed, origin soul that carries the words of ancient days that resound clearly and loudly as a bell ringing through and through.

Snake blood coats the tongues of beings of immense power; snake blood coats the tongues of men and women that speak with words so powerful they shake worlds awake. From the hands of witches it rains stones and eyes of they that see signs, an act of motion, words, sounds, and old power amongst the many of their kind they grow wide. Ears hear the dead golden grass that fills the blessed land.

The lizards keep watch over the blessed land and keep eye upon man, an observer and as a thinker. The woodpecker keeps always close to its home where it rests in the night. Blessed are the lizard and woodpecker, for they know what they do. Wise is the vulture as the vulture keeps eye over those that approach death and that are; they take part of their ritual and old tradition and draw circles in the air as they fly round as if to say a secret spell or invocation a silent prayer for the dying and dead.

When clouds come apart and vanish and the surface of waters tremor, take notice and listen well.

As wine spills over flesh, tongues stretch out to lap it off their skin like drugged minds and numb souls; where lethargy is king and his queen is in sleep. To do nothing and partake of nothing for nothing they live for nothing. They crawl sluggishly like worms and take their time to fulfill a purposeless goal to maintain the sloth. Arms embracing beds and softened cloths and wide grins possess their faces; the light knows them not. To live beneath shadows in between dark spaces their dominion stays in these places.

When the edges of blades grab hold the thoughts of a being, their only intention is to withhold its lethality, violence is their king and their queen is in wrath. To do harm and partake of harm for they seek to harm and live for it. They swing wildly like frantic apes and lash out irrationally to fulfill their aggressive needs to maintain the enmity. Hands clawing and clenching and armed as vicious teeth glare out from their faces; solace knows them not. To live amongst enemies in between hostility their dominion stays in these places.

The night divides, the night obscures, the night comes alive and it possesses all things as it calms and as it withholds silence it holds over the beings and its power is immense for in the night all things are quiet, all things are tranquil. In the night all things are cool and everything is in beneath a darkened sky, a darkened world. The night air breathes in wise men and wise men breathe in the night’s air and they come to understand the stillness.

Where shadows collide and overlap ten thousand fold, darker than black; it tears a hole. Shape shifters dance around inside calling and crying out to men that burn to see their sanity fall. A soul submerged in cold to soothe the blazing woe with curses carved in trees their flesh that does still bleeds.

Men that harm are strung up high and bound tight to the tree for their misdeeds, let it be ebony to which they’re bound so the thorns of its limbs slowly bleeds their filth gone as they squirm. The men that deal toxins to addicts for monetary gain are the men that should be slain without refrain; their limbs and heads should be trampled into a pulp. Cursed be their names and so also shall be their son’s son’s sons as they die and writhe in the earth. The partakers of those toxins are but fools who cannot see beyond sensations.

Divine is the earth in all of its glory and magnificence, its works and its forms are full of splendors and marvel, her memory shall live on. Her fury is horrifying, all destructive, but her moments of peace are pure beauty, an enigma encompassing awe. Her glorious earthly temples are the works of gods and power. Light by which all things can be observed, examined, and seen in all its variations, it dances in between, beside silhouettes upon the breathing and nonliving. Towards her colder corners life does still prosper for the earth knows her works. Great works of wrath conveyed through her violence enacted force of gods. The vessels of life carried on winds wings guided towards her rich soils life renewed, the elements guided by the gods designed to work perfectly in union. The earth embraces the suns warmth, the moons glow, the cold space surrounds her; she is a jewel of the gods. Blessed is the pink and orange glow of her sunset.

When wise beings and powerful sorcerers conflict and create an uprising against one another amongst words there will be divisions that shall tear beings of the same spirit apart and weaken the range of their extent. Let it be known that there should be no division of wise thinkers and wise workers for they are of the same origin. If wise thinkers discredit wise workers then the value of their thoughts shall be cast aside by wise workers and will be useless, for what is a wise idea that is not implemented by wise works but just a thought and nothing more. And what are wise works without wise thoughts but works of power without proper conduct of contemplation which makes it vulnerable to the poisons, tricks, and deceptions of corruption. Put aside your differences for you are greater together as opposed to being divided.

When leaves share the air in flight and ants march in line hear the words of gods as sands kiss the oceans lips the touch of this flows through the ones who know and see, feel, to collect the signs. All glory to the sorcerers who understand all things in the sights of what the world breathes around them.

Fingers on bone carving out the soil, blood that is spilt over the earth, ground rocks scattered around; the songs of flutes pierce the air and shake the minds of men. Dried flowers encircle the flame that responds to the wind as the smokes of the burn waft through days, nights, worlds; the harms wilt then shed off its skin to unveil truth. Incantations sung over and over the wind carries with it the words of them and releases its will; it spins over their heads dizzying with every start and end it adds the weight to their minds and summons their spirit. Tiring beings fall into the collapse as their spirit is being carried away. This is the essence that is sorcery.

The world is far more than just wondrous works of gods; there are as well horrors vast. As blood spills blood and life takes life. The breathing beast known as living is a crushing wheel that that runs over all things in its paths. In the eyes of the living there is no room for remorse only advantage. Blood stains the hands of all men and women and cold eyes lurk beneath their masked faces. Never forget that life is a cruel cycle of patterns that partake of self fulfilling need. They do harm for pleasure and in pleasure they do harm, deceiving, believing, and lying. Their purpose is useless for they are living only to make fools of others and in the end, to make fools of themselves. For they saw it not that they would be deceived themselves. Devious minds perverse the will of gods, to take hold of what they assume is theirs to take. They shall take nothing but the memory of their insignificance in their minds as they approach their final times. All men and women walk the path to their own fall; regardless of how hard one tries to change the outcome. The greed, arrogance, anger, and misdeeds partake of all beings that walk the earth. Everything living lashes out, the beast lashes out as does the man, for blood, for hate, for greed, for power, for harm, for fear.

Followers of the faith of one are but sad hypocrites that lie to others; it is those people that seek to place blame and err upon others to save themselves from being accused.

To all living things that seek to benefit themselves and to better their situation, the question truly is when is it good enough? To wise beings that understand the words of truth; what is absolute? The soul speaks to beings that can listen deeply; as to the ignorant the soul will mislead them towards more lies. A sad man sadly deceives himself into his own sadness; this is the folly of man. A glad man gladly deceives himself into his own gladness; this is also the folly of man. Beings should not be dependant upon emotional stability to maintain their preferred range of condition; these are both wrong assumptions to take into mind because like the skies no one knows what will happen definitively, because the weather cannot be perfectly known by man as is the same for the human condition. Wise people come to the realization that there is no need to have either good or bad emotion; because they do not determine the works of life and gods; they are separate and are irrelevant to it all.

         Death our king we bow and give our spirit to, death our queen we kneel and give our loyalty to.
         Carve out your existence among the living so that its there to be seen or like the dust that gets carried in the breeze, make nothing of it. Divine are the dead and the dying; divine are the graves and the bones. Divine is death and the tombstones. Wise beings do not fear death, they walk beside death and hear her every word carefully, sharing intimate, old, and hidden knowledge. Death’s march steps over the heads of dead men. Black is the banner by which the dead raise. Death’s scythe is of bone and obsidian and cold is the hand of death; as it touches the dying it takes their final breath and warmth. Death is the gust that extinguishes the candle and renders it to a wisp of smoke and blackened remnants. Men and women are both laid out upon the bloodied slab of stone to be another one sacrificed for the gods. A hand to bury memories and a hand to take your soul, the kingdom of death is universal and no being escapes its grasp. Bones piled over bones endlessly the count of the dead and the dying is innumerous and grand. Life is but temporary however death is eternal and men dread this; this is why they fight tooth and nail to avoid it so vehemently. Death can be merciful and merciless, at times both kind and cruel at the same time. As thorns pierce the soul and pull out the threads that weaved itself around the being; men and women realize the values they’ve held onto, then must make the decision to hold on to it or let go. Bells that sound and haunt their minds reverberate through their souls; they come apart and see what it means to die and be dead. All beings of ignorance are turned to horror and fear for they have been too blind to understand the dead; when they see death coming towards them they run in fright. When wise men see death coming, they welcome it with warm smiles and open hands. Death is the only guarantee and promise that is given unto the living. Without doubt it is law by which all living things abide. Within the essence of nonbeing there is immensity and gravity that outweighs and overwhelms all things among the living for the force of its will is a pure intensity that grips and tears at the consciousness and awareness of the human soul. Blessed, divine, and all powerful are our king of death Mictlantecuhtli and our queen Mictecacihuatl. Blessed is the path of the wise, divine are the works of the ancient gods.

The grackles fly towards the east; the wind changes position. The pattern breaks as do the thoughts of man when they realize their falsehood. The lies of others and the self; the lies shall part their paths and choices, to separate the truthful from the fakes.
         The words of wise men and the words of gods and the words of men that share the words of gods are profound in truth; they move the souls of women and men. The works of wise men never cease for when they cease they only stop to rest, never to spend idle time to partake of nothing for such things are the doings of fools. Never allow your wisdom to dissipate as the clouds do on their journey. Do not abandon your wisdom in the wilderness for they shall corrode as steel under rust; and your wisdom shall be no more of the glory that it once was. Therefore cherish it and put it into practice amongst people of the same kind; never share words of wisdom to fools because they only seek to proclaim wisdom as false workings. They see it as such because they do not understand and cannot know. A person’s understanding can come from within and it can come from observation and reflection. How a person chooses to go about in search of their truths is left to the individual to find for themselves. Within a mountain of sand or a single grain, perspectives change on angles; to see the big picture or to look within no answer is wrong among these views because they are both the workings of gods.

         Gods give and gods take; this is the order of all things in its entirety. No man holds power of anything even if it appears as such; the laws of man are insignificant to the will of gods. When man thinks that he is his own course, gods look down and laugh upon them. When pleasures are ten fold their disdain and troubles turn twenty fold stronger. Never forget to hold gods in high places and have respect for them; if you do not your life will be treated in very much the same way and be held in low places where people respect you not. There is no need to be separated from certain people of another path, it is occasionally helpful to hear monotheists explain what they feel and know. However never allow them to take the position that you are willing to assimilate into their doings; because to allow them to think it so gives them the pleasures of thinking they do good, when in truth they know not of the good, wise men already possess. If people cast you out and consider you to be of a being that does wrong and worships idols let it be known that they cannot cast judgment upon you, for the works of gods are beyond the works of just one.

         Living is a blessing. Partake of the fish and partake of the apple for they are of good things. Eat plentifully; drink plentifully, rest plentifully, till your heart’s content for this is the glory of life that is for all to take. Where there is joy seek it and hold onto it for it sustains a healthy soul and this is necessary for internal growth of understanding. In the white sunlit clouds; if it brings you peace and solace be amongst them and let it fill your spirit. The gods have made all things existential with purpose and reason. Be amongst the green and blossoming, beside the trees along the untamed lands unspoiled by man’s workings. Be very keen and watchful of the signs and symbols that surround you. Watch the living, breathing, growing things and see what they have to say and what it depicts in your soul, reflect.

         Blessed is the valley of the Rio Grande for it is home to our spirit. Its land we’ve known all our lives. It is a humble land and its true nature summons wise beings alive. It sings sweet, soft, cool, silent hymns of beauty of marvel and mystery. Godly is the mescal bean and most good sugar hackberry tree. A land of thorns, shrubs, and trees these are the things that live amongst us.
         Blanket yourself beneath the shadows of leaves and ponder all small curiosities and make note of it in your head. Your home expands far beyond your shelter; it is also in the soil and weeds, trees, vines, and such that accompany your presence. Do not forget that nature of all things made by gods is most beautifully divine. Like the pebble allow your mind to be made smooth under motions of passing time and life.

         Do not be so dependant upon the spirit to be found in solace among another one’s eyes. For it is of another thing to do such; it separates your truth. To do this and these things are separate. Internal peace and truth is of an independent nature that solidifies the roots of spiritual sustenance.

         The suns rays breathe you in and cause warmth of the soul as it does with plants for they know of the good that is brought forth of the sun. When wildfires break out they cave out a new path for new plants to sprout and prosper bountifully; even in destruction, creation is made so. In the ways of the celestial notions that have carved out the markings of time and natures telltale signs of change during the changing of seasons, every form present before us has a story to tell and it is only the wise men that know of what they mean and what they can teach us. 

The immensity of the tales that nature gives us, that the gods provide to us through the workings of divine nature, in these things they are profound like the breaking of a vast immense mirror, clashing down into a thousand pieces. The sound is superb like that of a grand waterfall; it floods the minds and fills the ears with the sound of a great voice that shakes men awake. It is in these things that wise men and women can find what is necessary to help them and others in what is important to be further achieved, learned, done, and worked. It is through these tales, that the signs given to us portray a universal truth. This truth that is divinely inspired by the workings of gods, the gods know what they do; there is no error in the signs they portray for us to observe and it is in this we can learn and pluck the fruits from the plants that are given to us so that they may nourish our minds our spirits our wisdom and to give us strength, fortitude, and far beyond the limits of what man is accustomed to by his own workings. Let it be known that simple man lives in man’s world thus man will find himself surrounded by his own workings; these are things not inspired by divine, rather misguided by their own misunderstandings and misinterpretations.

Take heed to what is around us, above, below, and beside for these are the things that shall help man and woman take part in the search for truth. It is in this that man and woman can find all that they’re looking for. By the stars, the planets, the sun, and the moon, the wind, and the clouds, by the waters, by everything around what seems lifeless and inanimate is in fact filled with an essence. It holds within itself a power that is kept hidden for many years, far before man’s existence and it is within this that only the greatest of the great can extract this very energy this very essence and harness it to their abilities and learn how to absorb it within oneself to inspire, to learn, to further see what is unseen and obscured.
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