Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1968001-Pure-Darkness-Part-3
by Kiran
Rated: E · Novel · Fantasy · #1968001
This story is not finished yet, but it is about an evil creature that wants to turn good.

Only One Girl

Olivia raced through the forest, faster than what was chasing her. She neared a large oak tree, and hid behind it. She could not yell for Duncan or Ethan. The demon behind her would hear. Olivia could see the demon looking around the forest. There's more than one? Crap. Olivia thought. This one seemed less scary than the first one, but Olivia still could not handle it. She wished she could look for a spell, but that would make noise.
After a while, everything became silent. Olivia moved her leg, and cracked a twig. She slowly peeked outside of the tree, her heart beating so loud that she thought the demon might hear it and come back. Once she saw that everything was clear, she stepped out of where she was hiding, looking farther down the woods. The demon was running in the opposite direction of where Olivia needed to. She had to get to Duncan and Ethan.

"Did it look the same as the other one?" Ethan, Duncan, and Olivia sat around a fire, talking about the demons.
"No. It was less scary, but it looked more like a goblin." Olivia continued, "It was a wretched thing. That demon. It had solid purple and green skin, unlike anything ever seen before. It was creepy and thin. Slimy and small, as if it did not even need a body. At that point I was scared it was going to eat me. It looked starved. It's skin was very wrinkled, and it seemed to have three rows of teeth. It's eyes were as big as the earth." This was not the demon Olivia had seen before. It was completely different. Olivia threw herself back onto the ground, and stared at the sky. "Why are there so many? I thought that first one was all!" Olivia stared at Ethan for an answer. He had none.
"Let's just hope that there aren't anymore." Ethan said. He put out the fire, and threw Olivia her backpack. "Now we better get going. We have a lot more walking to do." Ethan put on his coat. "Come along Duncan."

Olivia walked behind Duncan and Ethan, who were in an intense discussion about some spell. Olivia felt like there was something following them. She kept turning around, but seeing nothing. It was like she was in a horror movie. The first three times she looks back there would be nothing, but on the fourth, well, you get the picture. Olivia ran up to Duncan and Ethan, and began walking beside them.
"You okay?" Duncan and Ethan looked at Olivia who was now less than an inch away from Ethan. "You seem scared." Ethan looked ahead.
"Um... yeah. I just feel like there's something following us." Olivia looked back again.
"What're you talking about?" Duncan responded. "I would be surprised if anyone else were to even step foot in these woods."
"But what if it's a demon?" Olivia said. "I have seen enough."
"Don't worry, Olivia. We have powers. We can kill him with one move of the finger." Duncan smiled at Olivia.
Olivia frowned. "But don't you remember? They're after you."
"Well I'm sure we've got nothing to worry about," Ethan cut in. "Um... Duncan! Do you have any more of those-" Ethan stopped, hearing a noise coming from behind them. Actually, multiple noises
The three of them turned simultaneously. Walking towards them were hundreds of demons, slowly crawling trying not to make any noise. The three teenagers let out deafening screams, startling the demons. Each of the disgusting demons slowly turned their head to look at Ethan, Duncan, and Olivia. The demons were not aware before that they were even there. When the three of them were done screaming, the demon that was in the front of the big crowd yelled, "HIM!" and pointed at Duncan. "GET!" The hundreds of demons began running towards Duncan, who was reciting a spell under his breath. Sweat trickled down his face.
Ethan was also reciting a spell. Olivia was completely lost. She just watched, ready for an explosion, or something else insane. After saying a few more words, Duncan and Ethan stopped and turned. The demons still hadn't caught up with them. There was no explosion. There was no sparks. There was no smoke. Although Olivia could have sworn she saw clear jello formed between the demons and the three of them.
"What did you do?" Ethan asked looking at Duncan.
"I didn't do anything! You did a spell when I was already doing one!" Duncan yelled through the loud screams of all the demons.
The jelly wall before them glowed and reflected the sunlight. The demons came closer, and once they reached the wall, they began tearing through the jelly. The jelly now looked like slime. Duncan, Olivia, and Ethan began running in the opposite direction. There was no time to cast a spell. They cracked twigs beneath their feet, running as fast as their feet could take them. Olivia did not use her super speed because that would leave Duncan and Ethan behind.
After a bit of running, they found out that running could work with one demon, but it would never work with hundreds.
"Olivia! Get out your book and recite a spell!" Ethan turned and looked at Olivia expectantly.
"Which one? I don't know any!" Olivia shrugged. At that moment all of the demons burst out, breaking the slime, ready to kill.

Find that Killer

"So where to?" Raymond asked Claudia. Raymond turned the ignition, and the car turned on. The moment it turned on, pop music came blasting from the speakers louder than the big bang.
"What the heck?!" Claudia pushed the off button on the radio, and hit Raymond on the back of the head.
"Sorry!" Raymond said apologetically. "Gosh." Raymond muttered.
"Like I said, the forest. That's where the anatras are." Claudia said. Raymond nodded.
"So. Who the heck are the anatras? And trismos. What's that about." Raymond was waiting all day to ask that question. Claudia sighed. Raymond had just asked her to explain the entire idea of supernaturals to him.
"Okay. As I had said before, there are five major forms of supernaturals. The ghosts, the witches, the anatras, the trismos, and the wizards. They each have separate powers, Raymond. The ghosts have the ability to transport by the snap of their finger. They can also see a short biography about anyone they look at. The witches are the highest class. They can do basically anything just by pointing. The anatras are next. They can do anything, but most of them need incantations. Only the best (Which I suspect have the books) don't have to use incantations. The trismos are next. They only have the power to destroy. They have many spells for that, but all their powers allow them to do is destroy. The wizards are the worst. They don't even have any power. All their power lies in those stupid little wands of theirs. The only impressive thing they can do is tell the future. Without the wand, they are powerless." Claudia went on talking. She described demons and monsters, (some of which were her best friends). She spent the entire car ride explaining to Raymond all about supernaturals.
The car came to a slow stop in front of the entrance to the forest. Raymond and Claudia got out. "Okay, Raymond. I will take you to the anatras, but from there, you have to figure it out. I am only bringing you here because you are a detective. " Claudia told Raymond. Raymond did not believe Claudia. It was more than that. Raymond knew that Claudia was his friend. He also knew that she didn't want to admit it, so he played along.
"Got it. As long as you don't get me killed. So, how long is this gonna take. I've got a case back at work that I need to solve." Raymond kicked at a rock with his shoe.
"It depends. How good are your detective skills?" Claudia stared at Raymond, as if giving him a competitive look. They walked down the forest, one step at a time.
"Do many people come into these woods?" Raymond asked.
"No. Only anatras and other supernaturals. Speaking of that, when we get to the forest, you have to pretend to be a wizard." Claudia kneeled down and picked up a stick. "Here." She handed it to him. "Pretend this is a wand." Claudia said.
"What am I? Three?" Raymond stopped, abruptly, noticing something. "Um... do anatras have footprints?" At Raymond's feet were three pairs of footprints. One was from dress shoes, and the other two were from sneakers. They were already mostly faded, but you could still make out that they were there.
"The anatras shouldn't be in this part of the forest. They don't go this deep. Who would want to go farther into the forest? It doesn't make sense. If there were intruders then the anatras would have caught them and killed them. They must have been anatras." Claudia went on talking to herself, and Raymond listened. He wanted to know as much as he could.
Raymond walked farther down, seeing something. On the ground, there was a white envelope. He picked it up, and opened it. Inside, there was a letter. Claudia walked over to him as he read the letter aloud. "Dear brother, I have decided to join the light. You cannot stop me, so don't try. I have already found a sontid. Her name is Olivia, and she is perfect. It seems as if she is already a natural. I have given her the book of blood. You have the other one. The decision is yours. She will definitely unlock the orb. We are heading to Rome. It would be very kind of you not to tell Obadias about this. Thank you brother. Signed, Duncan." Raymond looked at Claudia, catching the expression on her face.
"Oh. My. God. They have the books!" Claudia took the letter from Raymond's hands and kissed it. She caught the confused expression on his face.
"Who the heck is Obadias?" Raymond questioned.
"The lead anatra. He is the ruler of the forest." Claudia answered. "We have to find these guys." Claudia said with an unreadable expression on her face. "They're going to Rome. I have an easy way of finding them." Claudia grabbed Raymond's arm, and pointed. In less than a second, they were gone. They had disappeared into thin air. The books practically in their hands.


The demons had surrounded Duncan, Ethan, and Olivia. There was no way out. Each of the demons were of different sizes. They're eyes seemed to be bigger than the rest of their bodies, but that was not true. It was like an illusion.
"Why can't you guys do something?!" Olivia screamed.
"Our powers don't work against demons. Why are there so many?" Duncan responded. He could see that each of the demon's large eyes were locked on him. It sent shivers down his back.
Duncan was about to continue when one of the demons yelled, "Charge!" Hundreds of Demons came darting straight for Duncan, pushing Ethan and Olivia to the side. It was horrible. Olivia flung off her backpack, and took out the book. She had no time for this.

What happened was amazing. I don't know how I did it. It just... happened. I have no idea how. I cast no spell. I just, well, pointed. Everything blacked out, and Ethan called my name loudly. "Olivia!" I could not feel or see anything. Was I dead? I felt like I was being pulled away, thousands of miles, from what was real. Impossible. I just hoped that Duncan was okay. I hoped that I was the one that was dead. Not Duncan. Not Duncan. Not Duncan. I repeated the words to myself, hoping they would come true. What did I do?

"Olivia!" Duncan's voice entered through Olivia's ears like the sunlight in the morning. Reassurement rushed through her. He was alive. She was too. Olivia stayed on the ground and spoke.
"Duncan?" Wait. Was she in heaven? Were they both dead?
"Olivia! Are you okay?" Ethan's voice could be heard from the background. She wasn't dead.
"Yeah. I think so. What happened?" Olivia slowly got up, and Duncan moved to the side.
"You did it! You made the demons disappear! But how? Sontids are not capable of that."  Duncan said.
"Really! I made them disappear. But to where?" Olivia asked.
Duncan ignored her question. "You didn't use an incantation, right? Sontids have to use incantations."
What did that mean? Was Olivia more than just a sontid? Would she still be able to unlock the orb? Thousands of questions like this raced through Duncan's mind. He told himself to ignore it, but he couldn't. What happened was extraordinary. It was impossible.
"Umm... Why don't we just keep walking? We have to get to Rome in this time period." Duncan said. Olivia and Ethan picked up their backpacks, and walked behind Duncan.

The three of them were still pushing away branches when Olivia saw something in the distance. She pushed away some more branches, revealing a small cabin. There was no light inside the cabin, but Olivia thought that she saw a shadow moving inside.

"Hey guys! Look!" Olivia pointed at the cabin.
"What the heck? How can somebody live here?"Duncan asked.
"Let's go check it out." Ethan said.
"Why? We don't need anything." Olivia said.
"What's there to lose?" Ethan responded. Duncan shrugged his shoulders, they set out in the direction of the cabin.

By the time they had gotten to the cabin, they were already regretting going. They weren't aware of how far away it was. Even twelve miles far, the cabin looked like it was half a mile away. It had a weird effect on the naked eye. Olivia had doubts about this place.
Olivia walked up to the small cabin. It was big and wooden, surrounded with a tall gate that stretched up to the sky. It seemed lonely, as if to be calling out to Olivia, Come... please... come... quickly. There were long worn out poles that looked like the entire building rested on them. It was impossible to miss.
Olivia wrapped her fingers onto the railing that opened the gate. It was cold, which was weird considering the warm temperature outside. She pulled on the rail, and it slowly opened. Ethan and Duncan stepped in front of Olivia, as if guarding her. Olivia did not notice this, and skipped ahead of them merrily.
Olivia knocked loudly on the door. Duncan and Ethan walked up behind her, smiling at the fact that they had forgotten how brave she was. They waited for someone to answer the door, but nobody came. This time, Duncan tried knocking. Still, no one came.  Ethan turned the dusty knob on the door of the cabin. It slowly opened, and Ethan felt like the entire door was going to fall off just with his touch. Slowly, Ethan walked into the cabin, and the floor creaked at his step.
Inside, the cabin was a large room with an old rug.  The floor was so old that even the slightest touch would give you a splinter. That must have been the reason that the rug was there. On the left side of the room, was three doors. They each had a number on them, which made them very creepy. The doors had the numbers one, two, and three on them.
"Hello? Anyone home?" Olivia called before stepping in. At that moment, the three of them heard something fall from another room. It landed with a crash. Someone else was there.
"Who's there?" Ethan called. No answer.
Duncan walked ahead, and stood next to the doors. In a loud whisper, he said, "Okay guys! I don't think anyone's there. Take anything you see! Leave nothing!" With that, the door labeled two burst open. Out from it stepped a man in torn up clothing.
"Stop right there!" He held up his finger, as if threatening to zap them. Duncan threw his hands in the air. The man soon enough realized that they were just teenagers, and put his finger down. "What the hell are you kids doing here. You shouldn't be trespassing!"
The man walked forward to Olivia, as if examining her. Suddenly, his eyes became wide and he began screaming. Olivia backed away, assuming he was crazy. "You-you-you're a w-w-witch!"

A Dangerous Discovery

Ethan began laughing louder than the man was screaming. "How could you mistake a sontid for a witch?" His laughs grew louder. The man stopped screaming, realizing that he was not in danger with such idiots.
"No. She is a witch. She was turned into a sontid. I can see it it. I am a ghost, after all. I can see through this young lady. I can also see that she is a witch. But, now that I look at her nature, I see that she is a good witch. I am delighted to meet you miss. My name is Kondomo." Kondomo smiled, and held out his hand for Olivia to shake.
"I think you have something wrong. I'm not related to the supernaturals in any way. If I was, I would have known by now." Olivia said.
"Nope. You are definitely a witch. My powers cannot defy me." Kondomo smiled. "Would you like me to prove it? I have an easy way." Kondomo said.
"Okay. I can show that I'm telling the truth." Olivia said, back to her normal, sassy, self.
Kondomo pointed at the door labeled one. "Turn that metal one into a cardboard nine."
"What? How? I can't do that." Olivia was convinced this guy was lune.
"Just focus on the object and point." Kondomo repeated.
Confused, Olivia held up a finger, and slowly pointed at the door. Was this a trick? Suddenly, Olivia felt power rush through her body, and all in one second, the one that was currently on the door slowly transformed into a cardboard nine. Olivia stood, gaping at what she had just done. Kondomo smiled.
"Then explain that." Kondomo gave a selfish smile that annoyed Olivia. Not that she payed attention. She was busy thinking about the fact that she was a witch. She remembered what Duncan and Ethan had told her before. Witches are the highest power. Could it have been true that she was witch? Olivia smiled at the thought of giving all the mean girls at her school moustaches and beards.
"Duncan? Ethan? What's going on? Am I really a witch" Olivia turned to the two boys who were also lost in thoughts.
"I-I guess. It is the only solution." Ethan said. Duncan was still frozen, thinking the same thing over and over again. She is not a mortal. She can't be a sontid. She can't unlock the orb. Everything is over. Duncan felt his heart drop to his feet. He turned to Ethan and spoke.
"She can't unlock the orb." He spoke slowly and quietly, as if he had just seen the worst thing in his life.
Ethan responded to Duncan after a long, torturing pause. "I guess, we have to turn back." Ethan stared straight ahead. "Find another mortal body to hold the light. Face the anatras without the power. I wonder what they'll do to us." Ethan looked like he was about to die. Olivia cut in.
"Woah. You guys, I'm so sorry. I know how much this meant to you. It's all my fault." Olivia kept repeating.
Duncan popped back into the real world. "Don't worry Liv. I am sure we can find somebody else fast enough before the anatras see us."
Kondomo was great at understanding things. He had logic, and easily understood the situation. "Um... You are aware that you need all four of the books of blood in order to get to Rome, right" Duncan, Ethan, and Olivia stared at Kondomo like he was out of his mind completely, and they needed to drive him to a mental asylum before he picked up a knife.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Duncan asked.
"The books of blood. Once you get to Rome, you will see four pedestals. The sontid needs to insert the books inside, then they will unlock it." Kondomo said it slowly like they were two year olds. "Idiots." he mumbled under his breath.
They only had two books. They had no idea where the other two were. They had given Olivia both books that they had. "Oh. My. God." Duncan said. "How do you know that?"
"The same way you found out about how you need a sontid." Kondomo replied, glaring with a snotty smile.
Ethan walked over to his brother, focused on Duncan and nobody else. "Oh, Duncan, I'm so sorry. Obadias had mentioned that to me, but I completely forgot. I am so so so sorry." Duncan immediately turned to Ethan.
"I knew it was too good to be true. You were planning this the whole time, weren't you? You would never tell me about the books so that I would have to come back, and then you would never let me leave again. You were never on my side, were you?" Duncan was as red as the blood pulsing rapidly through him.
"How could you think something like that?" Ethan said, angry at his brother. "You know that I want to become light too!" Ethan said, partially trying to convince his brother.
"No you don't! Get this into your head." Duncan paused, causing even more tension in the room. "You. Are. Dark. You can't change it. You have pure darkness inside. I can't even stand talking to disgusting creatures like you. Just get out of my life." This was a side of Duncan that Ethan had never seen before. That's when it happened. Those three words. "I. Hate. You." Duncan was grinding his teeth, like getting ready to eat Ethan.
Ethan would not stand for this. How could his brother say such a thing to him? It was more than he could handle. It was all a blaze to everyone when he said his words. "Fine then, Duncan. You and Olivia can do this alone. Is that is what you think of me? Then that's what I will be. I'll go back, and I'll tell Obadias everything." and in a puff of smoke, he was gone.
Duncan stood there, and turned around, ready to leave, when Olivia screamed, "Wait! Who's Obadias?"
"He's the lead anatra. I don't care if he knows. I'll kill them both!" Duncan spoke so loud that Kondomo had to cover his ears. Duncan turned around again, and stormed away.
Kondomo reached out and grabbed Olivia's hand. "Miss, I am sorry if I have caused any trouble."
Olivia had no time to be nice. Without responding, she ran out the door, after Duncan.
© Copyright 2013 Kiran (kiran.hiremath at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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