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by rat
Rated: GC · Fiction · Dark · #1967469
A angel and a man seek out to help a man and a woman find answeres

Chapter 9 Continued

The next morning nason went to work thinking about the night and what he said to Heather. He felt like

he really needed to say the words that he told her .There were still some issues in the relationship like any relationship

had, but still there was a strange feeling in his heart that was causing him to have doubt about what he just said.. He tried

to shake it off and not think about it and to focus more on his work. The phone rang and to much to his surprise was

heather saying she wanted to talk to him about the conversation that they had. She said that it was her time to talk and to

give her side of the conversation. She was very thorough of what she wanted to tell him. She wanted them to meet on

Friday at 7. She said if you have any plans to cancel them, and it was very important that she get this off her chest. That

Friday Nason arrived at the bar that heather wasnted to meet at. He parked his car and went inside to order his usual

blood and honey with a twist of lemon. He sipped and savored the flavor it had the same flavor that all other beers he had

in his life time. The only difference was it was just what he needed under the circumstances, but as he drank he thought

he needed to slow down and appear at least a little sober when he was talking to heather. When he was waiting for her

he had thought about how he loved her so much with her long blonde hair hanging down her shoulders, and the way she

would smile when he said something funny. He love every touch of her down to her lips he thought how lucky he was to

have her in his life. He ordered another one but as he did Heather arrived and was really glad to see him to get things

straighten out once and for all. They exchanged kisses to each other and telling each other how great it was to seem

them, but then as they got there drinks heather had began the conversation. By stating that she wanted to talk first then he

could, and if she didn't she couldn't enjoy the fun evening that she thought they could have.He let her talk wondering if that

was the wisest thing. She began with she would like things to change with him and her. She stated when she is at home

she would like to be acknowledged and not ignored like she has felt in the pas. She mention that he no longer bring

home work with him. She was very direct on what she wanted and did not want, but as she was talking and making she

he listened to her every word. He felt he could do what she said it was gong to be hard, but he knew he could do it. When

she was finished talking she asked him if he had any questions. About what she just said but he had no questions he felt

very confident that he could make this work he said he had no questions. "There is one more thing I forgot to mention."

"That is we both go to marriage therapy to help us understand how marriage works, and how we can improve in our

communication with each other." He was in agreement with her but he was a little reluctant about the therapy he felt like

he had no problems. " But if it was going to make her happy he would go along with it.;


Chapter 10 Kicking the Tires

Gibson anxiously awoke realizing he was just dreaming, he thought it seemed so real, with Nicole just staring at him, saying that he will

loose everything if he didn't listen to her. " How could he dream the same thing that happened that night, seeing the same people that he saw

during the day. He picked up the phone to say that he was not coming in today." They understood told him to have a nice weekend." He called

the therapist the very same afternoon to set up an appointment to meet with her to explain the dream that he was having. She set it up for

Friday afternoon, he got the address from her, he called Mark to see it he wanted to get some breakfast, he agreed they both meet at a near by

diner. "What's up" with a friendly tone in his voice." I haven't had the best of luck recently." My raise didn't go through people are angry about

reports, I have done, my wife wants a separation, she says I am too involved in my work, plus my car is having problems." Were do I fit in all of

this." I just need a friend to talk to I wanted to talk to you about what Nicole said that night, she really got me thinking about things, after that

night everything has gone wrong, people needing money, my job is suffering." I just don't know what you want me to do." Why don't you

come tonight, I want Nicole to hear what you are telling me." Ummm, I don't know,I haven't been the best guy that you wife would want to see

right now." Oh, come on that's her way of telling you, to focus on what important." Important, I'll explain tonight." Oh, alright if you think it'll help."

Trust me you have nothing to worry about." What time should I come over." About seven is fine I'll tell her your coming.""Bring your wife I think

she might want to hear what you have to say as well." I"ll try." Okay" as he walked out of the diner. "See you at seven." See you at seven."

He drove to the counselors that night, he arrived there parked his car, he opened the door to his car stepped out looked at the suite number,

headed to the elevator. He pressed 2 for the second floor, he arrived at the office where he was told to be,"Can I help you." the receptionist

replied, looking at him with busy eyes. " I have an appointment with Rachael ." Oh yes, she's in a session right now take a seat. "I'll tell her that

you are here." Ok "It'll just take a minute there are , coffee if you like just relax." Ok, as he smiled at her, with flirty eyes. Racheal came out

thirty minutes, greeted him with a hand shake. " Nice to meet you." Have a seat, can I get you anything, Dr.Pepper, Coke, Sprite. "Ill have a Dr.

Pepper." There right there in the fridge help yourself." " Thanks" No problem." "She took out her notepad, pen she started asking him questions

about his life. She asked him to tell her about his childhood, his past relationships that he had, she was curious if he had any siblings. He

finally spoke " How does this relate to anything that I am dealing with right now." I like to know the people I treat first learn their past see what

makes them who they are." I just have a hard time telling people who I am." " I don't tell too many people my past that's all." " That's

why I became a reporter to tell other peoples stories to make them feel better." Shelooked into his eyes, what is your tragic story what makes

you tick." " I told you I didn't want to talk about my past." " I can't believe I agreed to this." He walked near the door, Racheal firmly pushed

back the door. " I know its hard to talk about hard things, then it is about easy things that have been going on in your life." That's why I am here

now let me do my job." I can give you ten sessions for free if you like, after those sessions if you still want to walk I completely understand. "

Can I think about." Staring into her eyes, "Take as much time as you need I'll clear my schedule for two weeks, but that's it once that's up, I

have to know an answer either way." " Is that clear." " Yes' thank you for your understanding maybe you can help me with the problem. "

There's only one way to find out, here's number call me when you are ready to talk. " Ok" as he got up and let her office.

Chapter 11 Ponder, Ponder, Ponder

He left that night from the appointment, unsure if he was going to go to the appointment, that Racheal set up for him, he was going

to call the counselor, that same night to tell her that all bets were off, but a greater force was urging him not to go through with the cancelation,

he couldn't explain how he felt at that moment,he went back to the night where he saw that note,he went over the night, over and over

again what the letter had said. "There has got to be an explanation to the dream." He arrived home that night, his wife was away at her

mothers,spending the night, to give them some space to thank about the relationship.When he arrived he went to get some paper to write down

what happened in the dream, she told him to take every single detail that he remembered, and ponder what it meant to him, he began to write

while he did, Nicloe said that i will loose everything if I don't trust in him." He remembered that he saw Angela, " But she was really an angel,

but how do people become angels in heaven, he went many options, like what would it have been like to be a saint, do you have to do a lot of

good deads, or go to church some odd number of times, he decided to do some research, to get to the bottom of it, he drove to his office to

look up Angels on his computer he wasn't sure what he would find, anything, would be better than not knowing,he first stopped at his favorite

coffee place that he loved to go to, he went back to his office, thinking, " Now i finally can get some work done." Wondering what he would find,

he settled down for the night, he opened up his laptopto begin his search, he searched for hours and hours, finding material that was helpful,

this was not going to be an easy search, he proceeded on through his search, putting quotations to minimize the search he hit search, and a

much broader source of information came up, that's when he saw the exact thing he was looking for, it read Angels from the beginning to end."

besides it had list the new testament bible, he thought when in doubt look toward the bible." he clicked on the site he saw pictures of angels after

angles, that could be useful for his search, he saw out of the blue like he was to find it, there in the middle where the words "How Angels came

to be it mentioned some sites, and books, and information that you could only look in the library, he went to the shelve to look them up, there

was a big assortment of books,but the one book that caught his eye had a strange title on it, the title read "Angels the here and now," he

reached to get in not really sure what it would say, it read " Angels are God messengers that deliver good news, and protect people on earth

from troubles. He thought sent by God to do his work, he didn't quite know how to grasp that, he read on he got done with the chapter, closed

the book he looked at what time it was, he decided to get some fresh air outside, he walked with his mind full of questions, and concerns he had

to why he was dreaming those dreams, that he had in his head.while he was walking he thought, " Man, am I hungry and tired of worrying,

about the dream, that's all I think about." Just then he remembered he was supposed to go over to Marks and Nicoles for dinner tonight, he

called his wife not sure of what she would say to her. " Whats going on I haven't heard from you in a long time. "I've been thinking about you

lately, about us as a matter of fact." Wow" he thought what a difference a week makes." We got involved to go to Marks house, you remember

him don't you?" Yes I remember " she said with an up beat tone in her voice. " I figured that you would remember, anyway he has invited us to

have dinner with him tonight." I was wondering if you wold like to come." That sounds great, we we need to catch up, and talk about the next

step in our lives, what time, did you say dinner was." Maybe we can meet for drinks before and talk privately." Yes, that sounds great when."

Lets meet meet at Ritz on twenty third street, what time did you say dinner was." I think he said it was 6:30." Great, we can meet at five, does

that sound good to you." Yes, sounds great." Okay, then five o'clock at the Ritz see you then. " See you then." Heather replied with an excited

tone in he voice, as if she was full of sugar, he hung up the phone after,not long after Heather called back Nason. " Did you forget to tell me

something." I just wanted to know when we are supposed to meet." I didn't tell you." No" Oh, well its this Friday, can you still come he said with

an unsure tone. " Yes, I wouldn't miss it." That's good." While he was talking he felt like things might start up again, why did they ever break up

in the first place, he then remembered that it was his work, she had grown tired of him devoting his time to his work, she couldn't be with a

person like that, she needed someone who was really gong to be there all the time, and not part of the time, he would not make that mistake

again, things were going to be different, he thought one good thing could make you forget your problems, he pondered for a moment to himself

there must be something to that.

Chapter 12 The Ritz

Nason arrived at the Ritz early so he could get a good place at the bar. It wasn't very crowded in the place. He glanced over at the

other side to see some senior citizens that usually hung out there before they called it a night. He liked seeing them having a good time it was

very funny to him. When the last of them left the place the lights had become more dimmer than they were before. He looked down at his

watch it reached 5:15pm then 5:20pm. He was very anxious to talk to Heather about there plans for the future. They would talk about things

how many children will they have, or if she wanted to get reconnected at all and this was the last time they would see each other before the big

break up. He said to himself "It didn't matter just as long as he could tell her he was sorry for taing so much time of of his schedule for work.

She finally arrived wearing a beautiful black dress, her hair down to her shoulders. She came over very slowly taking her time as she walked.

She saw him and come over to where he was smiling at him with acknowledgment that she was glad to see him. He gave her a hug and a

kiss on the cheek. " You have not changed I can tell." she said. "Your still a charmer." As she gave a hi lets just have a good time tonight

forget about the past." As the evening proceeded they chatted away talking about what they have been doing since the separation. He said

he was focused on the letter again but not as much as he used to be. He went on to say that he went into the field again. She listened with

awe just amazed what he was saying about the letter. Before too long it was six thirty as Heather responded as she looked at Nason. "Can't

you call them and say we are going to be just a few minutes late. "Ok Nason said. " I was going to call them anyway as he gave her

a smile." He dialed the number to Marks on his cell phone.

Chapter 13

Nason waited for someone to pick up' Hello Mark answered "Hey its

Nason hey buddy Mark replied I was wondering if you would call what's up "I meet up with Heather were just out for drinks and what not I

called tosay that we were going to be later than we expected. "Ok that's fine I hope nothing is wrong no nothing is wrongjust catching up you

know how it is. "Yes Mark said "I know how it ihe cleared his throat. "While I have you on the phone I waaning to tell you that I saw

something that you should see." "Oh he said was it another letter what did it say when she was going to come back." " Yes how did you know

lucky guess I'll let you read it when you get here." Ok see you soon see you Nason hung up the phone in a desperate attempt to read what the

letter said. " Nason came back to the table grabbed Heather and kissed her neck she turned." I was wondering where you ran off to. " So did

you get everything squared away. " Yes I told them that we were going to be a few minutes . She noticed he had something else on his mind

as she spoke is there anything your not telling me. " You know you can tell me anything I know Nason said then why do you look like you seen a

ghost. "Little did she know that she wasn't far from the it. Mark was talking that he found another letter that mentioned Angels return

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