Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1967462-The-Dominance-of-Lust---Chapter-3
by Tim
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Adult · #1967462
3rd Chapter of the adult fantasy story revolving around two demonhuntresses Shai en Masa.
03 - The Blood Ritual

The cloister bells rang 10 times, signalling the start of night. In the windowless room Shai still occupied together with Yun, that was the only way to know the time. Both of them were sitting on the small bed, and they had been talking for quite a while when the bells interrupted them. Yun had switched to wearing the simple white robes laid out for her. The visitor robes reminded Shai of the robes she had worn the day before, but the ones Yun wore were completely opaque, and they were without any belt to hold them in shape. Shai would have preferred a transparent outfit on the girl, but she wouldn’t leave the room before seeing those robes taken off. Shai herself still wore the brown cloister robes, with a slim leather belt on her waist.

“We should get some rest.” Shai said when the bells stopped. “You’ll have a few busy days ahead of you.” Shai had no idea how busy her own days would be.

“I’ll teach you the evening prayer.”

“I already know the prayer.” Yun answered indignantly.

“Not the regular prayer. Astarte’s evening prayer. Listen carefully, it’s pretty short.”

Shai got down on her knees and closed her eyes. “Mistress Astarte, may sleep bring me tantalizing dreams, so I can spread your lust come morning.”

Short indeed, Yun noticed. And without any words of thanks, like the usual prayers.

“There’s a long prayer as well.” Shai said when she got back up. “But only the priestesses use it. I’ve only memorized a few bits.”


“I’ll explain more tomorrow. Just say your prayer, and we can go to bed.” A faint glimmer appeared in Yun’s eyes for a moment. “Could you repeat the prayer once more?”

Shai complied, and then gently turned away from Yun and asked her to untie the leather belt. Not that Shai could not do it herself, but it was an easy way to start the game they were about to play. She could feel nervous fingers fidgeting at the leather cord that held the belt together. When the belt was successfully untied and fell on the ground, Shai gently let her robes fall of her shoulders. She still wasn’t sure of her own body, especially with the beautiful curves of the other girl in the room, but she had at least trained enough to hide her insecurity completely. Cool and composed she stood there as the robes hit the floor, revealing to Yun that she wore nothing underneath. She had a slim back, with slightly protruding shoulder blades, and a small but tight ass, with a pair of slender legs that had little to no fat, but just enough muscle to still have a bit of shape in them. She kept her back straight, and had her legs a little apart, while she felt the gaze of the other girl. She would be looking, wouldn’t she? Not wanting to wait much longer, Shai turned around to face Yun, who indeed could not keep her eyes of her, but after an ever so short glance at the side and front of Shai’s body, her eyes focused on those of Shai. Small spots of red appeared on her cheeks. “Don’t be shy.” Shai said as soon as she saw it. As much to Yun as to a reminder of herself. Even though they maintained eye contact, Shai still felt like the other girls was looking at her breasts. Small as they were, she was still unsure about them.

The red spots didn’t leave Yun’s cheeks, especially not when Shai took a small step towards her and tightly grabbed hold of the white robes. With no opening at the front, Shai was forced to pull the robes over Yun’s body. She put her face close to Yun’s, only a few centimeter apart, and playfully whispered: “Arms up.”

Instinctively Yun complied, and Shai continued to pull the robes up. The fabric was thin and light, and it took Shai little effort to pull the entire thing over Yun’s head. Shai’s uncertainness had completely disappeared by now. With both of them naked and standing very close together, she felt on equal grounds again. Sure, Yun was a bit taller than she was, but they both knew perfectly well who was in charge here, and that gave Shai the extra bit she needed to remain confident.

Shai had already seen Yun’s naked body twice before, but it was still a pleasurable experience. She had seen plenty of naked girls in the cloister, but this one was the only one that was hers for the taking. Plus, like she had already realized before, Yun’s body was indeed beautiful. Memories flashed through Shai’s head, of all the things the other huntresses had done to her. All the things she could do with this girl’s body. But she remembered Masa’s instructions. And the respect she held for her senior demonhuntress was more than enough reason to not to defy her wishes. Tease only.

She put the tip of her right index finger right between Yun’s breasts, just barely touching the soft skin with the sides of her finger, and gently pushed. Yun gave in and took a small step back.

“Time for bed, I said.” Shai said smiling, and continued to push Yun towards the small bed, until the girl hit the blankets with her ankles and clumsily fell down sitting on the bed. She now lay in the middle of the bed, her lower legs still hanging outside the bed. Her legs were spread slightly, and her messy hair partially covered her face and shoulders. She didn’t move except for her breathing, which was now louder than usual. Shai wanted to jump right on top of her, but managed to contain herself. “It’ll get cold at night. You might want to get under those blankets.”

“Aren’t you going to join me then?” Yun answered with a hint of sadness in her voice.

“Of course I will. Now get under your blankets.” Shai did her best to use a tone of command. Yun obeyed hurriedly, which filled Shai with a pleasant feeling of satisfaction. Taking her time, Shai gently slided in next to Yun.

Masa had spent a few more hours in bed after her visit to Svatlyana. She needed the rest now, and she had only taken a short rest after her mission with Shai. Her breakfast now fell at lunch hours, but that at least meant there would be food in the mess hall. It would also mean the mess hall would be busy.

The mess hall was one of the largest rooms in the cloister. Located in the east wing, it had plenty of windows and usually received a lot of sunshine. Now the sky was gray. It would probably start raining soon. As expected, there were no empty tables left in the large hall. Several of the girls however eagerly offered a seat at their tables. Masa had no interest in being interrogated about yesterday’s hunt however. She picked a small table with three younger girls. None of them huntresses. She had quite a bit of fame amassed over the years, and the three were ecstatic to have her sit on their table. But Masa had chosen this table for a reason. She would have full authority at the table. No one would talk back. “Hello girls,” she said as she sat down, “I want a quiet and peaceful meal. I’m sure you wouldn’t mind giving me some silence.” A kind demand. They could not refuse, Masa believed. And indeed all three girls merely nodded. They would probably have been chatting over all sorts of things if Masa didn’t choose their table, but now they all ate in silence.

A debriefing, combined with a board meeting, would be held at some point today, Masa knew. She knew all seven board members personally. All were former demonhuntresses, and one of them had even been her own mentrix. She had some very intimate memories with all of them, and some of them would have made her blush if she were still capable of doing so. She respected most of them, and luckily most of them also respected her.

Masa received a summons shortly after her midday breakfast. Good, she had no desire to wait all day. She arrived at the board office well in time, which surprised a few of the board members. She received the official welcome from the Elder in Charge. Today apparently Liya was in charge. One of the younger board members, but obviously still older than Masa. Liya requested her to take her stand, but Masa was already walking towards the center of the room, where she would be required to stand. She knew the game by now. She also knew the majority of the question she would be required to answer, and had already gone over the answers. It was a simple mission anyway, and the only insecurity Masa held was regarding Tay’s possible request to the board. Masa wondered if the arrogant bitch really did make the request.

Apparently she had. “The elder huntress Tay has requested to oversee the blood ritual for Shai.” Liya began. “What do you have to see in that respect?”

“It’s complete horseshit, and you all know it.” Masa answered. Every debriefing Masa had become less formal than the previous one. And she usually got away with it. A few members did widen their eyes after hearing though. “She has nothing to do with it. She’s only abusing her rights as elder.” A few board members nodded once.

“Do you mean to say you claim priority of rights over Tay?” Liya asked formally. “Yes.” “Good.”

Most board member did not put up with any horseshit, Masa knew. But Tay did have friend amongst the board. “We will give our verdict before sundown.” Liya concluded. Masa did not worry much. But if the board would somehow decide in Tay’s favor, she would have to make a visit to the woman soon. Masa wasn’t sure if she would be looking forward to that or not.

Not long after the debriefing Masa’s old mentrix and current board member Lillia showed up in front of Masa. “We’ve actually been having quite an argument regarding Tay’s request and yours. Now matter the outcome, people will get annoyed.” Looking many years younger than she really was, as was normal for a huntress or a former huntress, Lillia was still as beautiful a woman as when Masa first arrived at the cloister. She radiated confidence and authority. Large dark eyes and full lips added to a sexy and mature face. And the white silk dress with golden and silver lining that all the board members wore fit her well formed body snugly. The very deep neckline of the dress showed considerable cleavage on only barely hid her nipples. A high split on each side of the dress revealed both hips and the sides of her legs. Elegant, sexy and stylish, the board members were perfect examples of lust-inducing in both appearance and behaviour, but without degenerating into too much indecency. For a cloister that handled solely in lust, it was challenging to ensure the cloister did not lose itself in unbridled debauchery. The cloister had high goals, and a neverending orgy that never left the cloister premises could never amount to anything. The board had always done good work in running affairs and making sure work got done. They all kept a certain level of decency for themselves at all times. For cloister standards at least.

“You can pull some strings, can’t you Lillia?”

“Sure can, hun. But what can you do for me?”

“You know exactly what I can do.” Masa answered slyly.

The simple bed was so small it forced Shai to lay against and even partially on Yun’s body. Not that she had expected anything else. The coldness of the bed made Yun’s warm body even more pleasant to lay against, and Shai crawled right on top of the other girl, giving the excuse that she was cold. Their bodies softly glided against each other, and a tingling sensation went through Shai’s entire body. When her breasts touched those of Yun, she could clearly feel Yun’s nipples had gotten as hard as her own. And she could now also clearly feel Yun’s heavy breathing. She tried to match it, so their bodies would move synchronized.

“You don’t mind if I warm up against you, do you?” Shai whispered, already knowing the answer.

Yun shook her head slightly, still trying to keep eye contact. Shai’s arms, that she used to support herself so she would not press too hard on Yun’s body, now slowly moved down Yun’s sides. Shai’s fingers carefully went over the soft skin of Yun’s side, while Shai’s body pressed against Yun’s harder. Her hands slowly caressed Yun’s hips until Shai’s arms were completely stretched, and Shai’s entire body weight rested on Yun. Shai was far from heavy, but she spread her legs anyway so her lower legs reached the mattress in order to lift some of her weight from the other girl. Shai now had her hands completely free, and moved them behind Yun’s back to embrace her firmly, and press their bodies together. “Your body is so nice and warm.” she whispered while feeling the soft touch and the warmth of Yun’s body again pressed against her own. Yun never said a word, but the look in her eyes said more than enough.

Slowly Shai released her grip and softly glided downward over Yun’s body, her own head slowly disappearing underneath the blanket. Yun tried to maintain their eye contact for as long as possible, slowly appearing more curious about what was going to happen. With the blanket completely covering her head, Shai could only barely see that her face was only a finger width away from Yun’s breasts. Her nipples were just visible enough for Shai to distinguish. She felt the urge coming up to tightly take hold of them and suck them. First one and then the other. But she waited instead, curious about what Yun might be expecting at this point. The girl still had a lot of sexual energy brimming inside of her, and no experience besides the succubus attack. And even though Shai never made any promises and all her hints had been vague and indirect, Yun had realized perfectly well that she now was inside a cloister that venerated lust. Besides, the looks in her eyes and the intensity of her breathing had made it clear she surely expected something to happen.

Tease only.

Shai took her time to wet her own lips. Slowly she moved her head to the left, until her mouth was position just above Yun’s left nipple. The girl should be able to feel Shai’s breathing now, with her mouth slightly open. Shai remained in position for several seconds, hoping it would drive Yun crazy. Whether it worked or not, Yun remained completely motionless. And Shai was driving herself crazy. She had built up her self control over the years, but her current situation was still new to her. Would it really matter that much? At least she would keep enough control of herself to act gently, Shai thought was she slowly lowered her head, her mouth still open just enough to encompass Yun’s nipple. Feeling with her tongue, she touched it gently. Hard and soft at the same time. Yun’s body heaved unexpectedly after the touch, combined with a soft squeak, and her torso moved away from Shai’s head. Moments later it returned however, pushing the entire breast in Shai’s face. Soft and warm as it was, Shai was almost content to leave it that way. But she wanted more than one little squeak from the girl. In the near darkness she sought out Yun’s nipple again, feeling with her freshly moistened lips. Her lower lip gently caressed the soft flesh as Shai’s mouth moved uphill from the bottom of Yun’s breast, until it reached its target. Closing her mouth, her lips enveloped Yun’s nipple, and Shai began sucking it. Gently at first, receiving only minor moans, but quickly Shai increased the intensity, and the reactions she received increased as well. Enjoying every little moan she heard, and every little twitch she felt, Shai continued impulsively. She moved her hand instinctively towards Yun’s free breast. She caressed it at first, but quickly switched to squeezing it softly. Yun’s breast fitted her hand perfectly, and the supple flesh was both soft and firm, making every squeeze enjoyable to both girls equally.

Yun’s breath was clearly audible to Shai, and she felt Yun’s sexual energy reaching its peak. The poor girl would be disappointed when Shai would decide she had had enough. Slowly the girl started to get active, Shai noticed. Yun’s hand had started moving from Shai’s knee, slowly upward, caressing her upper leg. As the hand got higher and higher, Shai could feel her own temperature rising. When it reached the top of Shai’s leg, it stopped. Shai swallowed, effectively ending her playtime with Yun’s nipple. A few seconds later, the hand moved again. Downward. Shai took a good breath, calmed her mind, and continued with what she was doing. When Yun’s hand reached her knee again, it instantly started moving upward again. Shai could feel her own excitement rising again. Damn the girl. Who was teasing who now? Two times more the hand moved up and down. Then, when Shai no longer expected it, the hand moved from the top of Shai’s leg inward. With her legs spread so her knees touched the bed, Shai was fully exposed. The hand moved slowly but steadily. She wanted to feel the girl’s touch so very badly. Focusing solely on the moving hand, she quit working her mouth and her own hand unknowingly. Every finger width the hand moved seem to feel like an eternity of waiting and wanting. When the tips of Yun’s fingers finally reached her warm outer lip, Shai immediately came into action. With the hand that had been laying silently on Yun’s breast, Shai quickly slapped Yun’s hand as hard as she could given their positions. Sticking her head out of the blanket she position her head right above Yun’s. Trying to keep the regret out of her voice, she addressed Yun softly but firmly: “Don’t.” Moving her mouth towards Yun’s right ear, she whispered even softer: “Not until I give you my permission.” She desperately wanted to give the girl permission right away, but she simply couldn’t. “You’re supposed to get some rest, remember?” She realized she was being mean, playing with the girl while telling her that she shouldn’t do anything but sleep. Fortunately, that’s actually what Shai had planned.

With her mouth this close to Yun’s ear, she nibbled it softly, while she slowly let her body glide down to rest on Yun’s body again. Yun’s body remained motionless, while Shai slowly moved her tongue over her earlobe, and then down her neck. When Yun’s neck was good and wet Shai gave the girl a little preview of what she could expect if she ever encountered a succubus. Slowly she bit the girl’s neck, going deeper and deeper until Yun yelped. A succubus wouldn’t stop at that though, but Shai released, and then softly sucked on the now red part of her neck.

Yun still did not move. “Are you finally asleep?”

“No.” Yun whispered.

“Too bad. Guess I’ll have to stop, or you’ll never fall asleep.” Slowly Shai rolled over to the side of the bed, and ended on her side to face Yun. Yun in reaction changed to her side as well, facing Shai, their bodies almost touching, and their faces right in front of each other. “You’ll stay, right?”

“I already said I would.”

“Thank you.” Yun smiled.

“Now don’t get soft on me.” Shai said stern.


Shai smiled, and watched how Yun finally closed her eyes. But it didn’t take long before Yun started again: “Why can’t I get soft on you?”

“Go to sleep.”

“I can’t. Not as long as I keep thinking about it. If you answer my question I can rest.”

Shai sighed audibly. “You’ll get the short answer. The rest will be explained to you by the priestesses later. But the thing is, you’re not allowed to fall in love here.”

“Why not?”

“The priestesses are a lot better in explaining than I am.”

“You’ve been here since you were young, weren’t you? Have you ever fallen in love?”

“Go to sleep.”


Shai closed her eyes, and never answered.

Masa had spent several hours in Lillia’s private chambers. Her old mistress liked to play hard, and had left Masa all but broken. Broken, but satisfied. Luckily she had an entire night to recover, before she would have to pick up Shai for the ritual. The next morning she had received the formal request to accompany Shai to her Blood Ritual. Good. That meant Tay’s request had not been fulfilled. After breakfast however she found out the girl was not in her room. The bed was cold as ice. Likely Shai had not slept here.

A loud knock on the door woke up Shai. It took her a moment to realize she was not in her own bed. Which explained the warm body of another girl pressed against her own. Yun appeared to be asleep still. Recovering from the succubus attack, that wasn’t very strange. Shai inhaled deeply. The scent of lavender had now been replaced by Yun’s own scent. Unexpectedly sweet, Yun’s scent filled her nostrils.

Another knock at the door. “Shai, I assume you’re in here?” Shai recognized Masa’s voice. Before she could react however Masa had already opened the door. Very few doors had locks on them. Quickly Shai scrambled out of the bed, surprised by the sudden visit. She stood there, stark naked, with Masa watching from the door opening. Shai felt awkward in an unfamiliar way. Being watched while naked bothered her little to nothing, but the fact that it was Masa somehow made it less pleasant.

“Nothing strange happened, I hope.” Masa said. Shai almost colored again. “Of course not.” Shai answered. “I did just as you instructed.” Masa smiled contently. “Good. I hope you didn’t enjoy it too much. I have a busy schedule for you today.” Shai raised an eyebrow in surprise. “Me?” “Yes. I’m taking you to the dungeons.” Shai’s surprise increased even more. “I’m not even allowed in the dungeons” She exclaimed. “You were granted temporary admittance. And if today goes well, you will get permanent admittance.” “What’s going to happen today?” “I’ll explain on the way. Come. Let’s get going.”

Shai looked back at Yun. Still sound asleep. “Shouldn’t I get dressed first?” Shai asked. “Don’t bother,” Masa answered. “You will have to wear a ritual maiden dress in the dungeon.” “Ritual what now?” Shai nearly shouted. Masa just laughed. “Just come with me. I said I would explain.” Quickly attaching the blue ribbon to her hair, Shai left the room wearing nothing else. She quietly closed the door, leaving the still sleeping Yun behind. Strutting behind Masa, she asked her about what was going to happen at the dungeon. “You know how a succubus steals a person’s energy by inflicting pleasure to its victim?” Masa asked. Shai nodded. “Well, it works both ways. I don’t know the exact details, but we can drain the succubi’s energy, and grow stronger from it.” Masa gave Shai a few seconds to let it sink in. “What, did you think I was always this strong and enduring?” Masa laughed when Shai remained silent. “So,” Shai began, “you’ve stolen energy from the succubi here?” “Every single one of them. But the first time is always a bit special, so I’ll be there to accompany you.” Shai looked troubled, which was reason enough for Masa to start laughing again. “Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.” Masa concluded with a wink.

The entrance to the dungeons was always guarded. Two cloistergirls wearing a long dagger at each hip, and holding a tall spear, stood guard at both sides of the large door. Their outfit was a mixture of translucent white silk and silvery metal plates that were polished and buffed till they shone. Several vital parts were left very bare, but the armor was likely supposed to be more ceremonial than functional. When Shai and Masa arrived, one of the guards, a girl with a face that would be pretty and doll like if it weren’t for the long scar decorating her right cheek and cheekbone, removed the wooden bar that kept the door locked, and opened the door. Clearly Masa had been right about Shai’s permission to enter the dungeon. Both girls smiled faintly as Shai moved through the door, but she was too focused on appearing steadfast and determined to actually notice.

The dungeon had a strange faint smell to it. One that Shai could not recognize. It was badly lit, which only increased the girl’s nervousness. A variety of muffled sounds came from the darkness. “Wait here, I’ll get your robes.” Masa said as she continued to walk to a nearby door. She quickly returned, carrying a small package of translucent white fabric. A very small package.

Masa gave the package to Shai, motioning her to put it on. It could hardly have been called a dress at all. It was a simple sleeveless piece of fabric held together by a cross stitched leather cord at the front, revealing both cleavage and the stomach. Then the fabric went over her crotch, in between her leg and to her back. There, Masa helped her to tie the fabric to the neck part with another simple leather cord. Shai had underwear that revealed less! “It looks good on you.” Masa said, taking her time to have a good look. The compliment was both embarrassing and flattering, but Shai didn’t let the embarrassment show.

Wasting no further time, Masa guided Shai down a broad stone spiraling staircase. Several floors down they went, and the strange smell gradually grew stronger. And the sounds grew louder, and more audible. Most seemed to be cries. Cries of pleasure, and cries of unfulfilled desire. The unnatural cries of succubi, but also cries of human girls. Well, at least that last one Shai was very well familiar with.

Several floors down, Masa stepped out of the staircase and started going through one of the corridors. Shai had no choice but to follow. Barred cages were on both sides of the girls, several of them holding a succubus. All the succubi cried out to them “You’re a cute one. Come here and let me fuck you.” “Is it you, Masa? Won’t you join me once more?” “Who’s the little one? I haven’t seen her before. Can I get a taste?” Masa ignored them all. Shai kept making eye contact accidentally and then breaking it again right after she realized they were looking at her. She quickened her pace, trying to stay close to Masa. Then Masa suddenly stopped, and Shai bumped right into her. A voice sounded from the cell to their left.

“Ah, there you are.” Shai instantly recognized the dark but seductively warm voice of Svatlyana, and turned her head to look the demon in the eyes. During their first encounter everything had happened so fast that Shai’s memory of the entire event was blurry. Svatlyana’s appearance was both fearsome and seductive. Sharp horns and leathery wings as well as the full, round forms of a beautiful female body. A mouth that looked like it wanted to shred you apart, and kiss and lick you everywhere at the same time. Catlike eyes that seemed feral and full of lust as well. Shai felt conflicted. She could feel the danger emanating from the demon, but she still wanted to enter her cage and fuck her as hard and as long as she could last. She could already feel her body temperature rising.

“As promised.” Masa said, facing the succubus. “But today’s game will be just a little bit different.” Svatlyana switched her focus from Shai to Masa. “Today you will have to learn that we are in charge here.” Masa continued. “You just lay back, and enjoy what is going to happen.”

Svatlyana gave a dark and sinister laugh. “Like hell I will. As soon as that girl enters, I will stick my fingers so deep inside her she will faint from pleasure.” Masa merely sighed, and then replied, like a mother would address a misbehaving child: “I expected as much. I guess I’ll have to join you two.” From under her thick brown robes Masa produced a single key, and proceeded to open the cell door. She immediately stepped inside, and faced the succubus head on. They were about the same height, meaning Shai was clearly smaller than Svatlyana as well. None of the two women moved, but Shai could feel a fierce mental battle was raging between them.

“Shai, come in.” Masa said suddenly. As soon as she finished her sentence, Masa stretched out her arm and grabbed Svatlyana by the throat. Using her own weight, she forced the succubus against the ground with a loud bang. Dust clouds scattered and filled the cell as Shai slowly walked inside. Masa had managed to position herself right on top of Svatlyana, who was laying flat out on her back. She was sitting on the succubus’s belly, while the succubus thrashed like a wild animal. Shai could in no way get close to them, until Masa bended over to try and get as close to the succubus’ ear as possible, and whispered something Shai could not hear over the noise. Whatever Masa had said, it worked. Slowly the succubus stopped moving, until she lay motionless on the ground. Masa was still sitting on her, slightly bent forward, and Svatlyana’s legs were partially spread. Now that the feeling of danger had resided, all Shai could feel now was lust. She should have realized the feeling was unnatural, caused by the Godly energies of Astarte that all succubi channeled, but it simply did not matter to her. Greedily she stalked toward the demon. With the top half of the demon occupied by Masa, she focused only on the bottom half. Kneeling, she put one hand on each upper leg. Not so much to prevent more thrashing about, but mainly just to spread them further apart, exposing Svatlyana’s pussy. Glistening visibly it immediately gave away how wet it was. The image of it alone was enough for Shai to increase her desire even more. With her hands tightly on the succubus’ legs, Shai’s only option was to use her mouth. Already close to its target, she moved forward, with her mouth already open, and slowly sticking out her tongue. Even though she wanted to bury her face as deep as she could in between Svatlyana’s legs, she tried to constrain herself. She could now clearly smell the succubus. A strong scent, full of lust. The smell of sex. It only made it harder to constrain herself. Then her tongue hit something. Something wet, and soft. Her tongue had positioned itself right between Svatlyana’s two inner lips. Moving her tongue upwards, Shai had to hold on tightly to suppress the twitching in Svatlyana’s legs. She put her tongue back in her own mouth, and swallowed. The succubus’ taste was as strong as the smell, but sweeter. In fact, the taste was beyond anything she could imagine. A desire for more filled her head. Without hesitation she opened her mouth again and lunged forward, until her mouth touched the same wet, pink flesh that her tongue had tasted. Quickly she moved her tongue again, from down to up, licking up as much of the glorious juices as she could. With each lick she had to push down harder on the demon’s legs to prevent her from thrashing about, but that did not stop her from continuing. Eagerly she licked Svatlyana’s pussy, until it tasted like nothing but her own saliva. Thirsting for me, she switched tactics and pushed her tongue as deep inside Svatlyana as she could. As a result of her training as a huntress, her tongue was both strong and agile, and effortlessly she moved her tongue around, in and out, up and down, creating and scooping up more and more pussy juice with each movement. She felt as if she could almost lose herself in this ecstatic, unquenchable thirst. Just in time she recalled her training. Stories of how one could lose oneself in lust. Not only was she trained to defeat enemies in such a way, but also to make sure she would not fall into that trap herself. She tried to regain focus. Empty her mind. She was in charge, not the succubus. Looking up, Shai’s eyes came in contact with Masa’s round ass, covered only by a thin leather string, only a hand’s length away from her. Softly it bounced up and down, every time Shai moved her tongue and the demon tried to thrash. Shai tried to focus on the beautiful ass in front of her. Masa’s ass had always been one of her desires, and now it was so close. The magical seduction of Svatlyana’s delicious juices was slowly getting replaced by a more controllable desire towards Masa’s beautiful body. With her head clearing up again, she increased the intensity of her tonguework. Every spasm of Svatlyana was another jiggle of Masa’s ass. Reason enough for Shai to continue doing what she was doing.

Eagerly Shai continued, until all of a sudden Masa got up and stepped away from Svatlyana. Facing Shai, she sternly addressed her. “You’re playing around too much, Shai. Time to get serious.” That was all she said, but Shai understood the consequences. Without Masa holding the succubus down, the demon could get up and completely reverse the situation. Now Shai would be forced to increase the intensity, to make sure the succubus would not be capable of moving except for spasming. As she was trained, Shai immediately changed tactics. She put her mouth at the top of Svatlyana’s pussy and sucked it, which gave a strong twitch and a muffled moan from Svatlyana. With her hands still on the demon’s legs, Shai managed to keep her head in place. Feeling with her tongue, she noticed how Svatlyana’s clit now clearly was hard and stood out. Moving her tongue, she used every trick and technique she had learned to administer as much pleasure as she could to the demon. But all the while she kept her eyes away from the succubus’ body and on Masa’s. Masa was still looking at her sternly. Was she watching to see if Shai did it correctly, or was she waiting for Shai to fail and for her to jump in and help? Or was she just watching and enjoying it? Whatever it was, it was enough reason for Shai to try her hardest. Every moan and groan from Svatlyana became proof of Shai’s success, and a small trophy to present to Masa. Shai hoped Masa liked them, but the other woman’s facial expression never changed, even when the sounds coming from the demon grew louder and louder. Shai continued at a steady pace, knowing she would succeed soon. Her tongue was getting tired from all its work, but truth be told she had had longer sessions than this. The groans turned into cries. Loud, primal shouts that echoed through the dungeons. It startled the other succubi, who started crying for attention as well. The intensity kept on increasing, until suddenly the succubus fell silent, and Shai knew she could finally let her tongue have some rest. Not that that was the end of it, Shai decided, as she herself had become so wet that it dripped down the sides of both her legs. But before she could act on it, Masa became active. Bending over and attempting to pick up the succubus, she gave Shai another one of her sly looks. “You want more of her, don’t you?” Shai wasn’t too sure about her desires at the moment. But her desire for more of the succubus’ delicious juices that had again started flowing, and her desire to jump Masa, were very strong. Without waiting for an answer, as she likely knew the answer already, Masa continued. “Come over her, and get some.” Masa had Svatlyana’s upper body straight up, supporting her back with her own body, with one hand on Svatlyana’s head, and the other on her neck. The succubus had a glazed look on her face. Her arms hung to her sides, seemingly lifeless. The nipples on her large breasts were still hard though. Not sure what to do, Shai approached slowly, still on her knees. Without warning, Masa sliced her long, sharpened fingernails forcefully across the succubus’ neck, resulting in an expression of pure shock and a soundless cry. Four slashed appeared on the neck, which immediately started bleeding. “Drink it.” Masa demanded. Shai thought she looked as shocked as Svatlyana did, but a demand from Masa was what it was, and Shai complied without thinking. She turned her head and opened her mouth to try and get as much of the already dripping bloodstreams into her mouth. Another surprise as the blood dripped onto her tongue and into her mouth. Just as sweet and desirable as the succubus’ other juices. Eagerly Shai licked off all the dripping blood that had already reached Svatlyana’s round tits, and then went back up to lick the new drips. Shai knew about the fast regenerating powers all demons had. The wounds would not stay open for long. Quickly she put her mouth back on Svatlyana’s neck, and starting sucking out as much blood from the wounds as she could, even using her tongue to try and open up the four slashes. Since Shai had not expected any of this -why had no one told her about this?- she almost lost herself again in desire. Then the four slashed all closed up again, and Shai was left with nothing to lick. Masa let go of the demon and crawled backwards, and Svatlyana directly hit the hard stone ground. Shai focused on the other girl, who was apparently licking her own lips with an eager look on her face. “We’re not going to let any drops of succubi blood go to waste, are we?” Shai was unsure of what Masa meant, until Masa leaned forward in her direction, until her face was level with Shai’s breasts. Looking down at them, Shai saw multiple streams and drops of demon blood covering her own breasts. As eager as she looked, Masa immediately opened her mouth and gave Shai’s left breast a good, long lick, from bottom to up. Shai shivered with ecstasy when Masa’s tongue moved right over her nipple. Soundless and motionless Shai remained on her knees, as Masa’s tongue moved all over both of her breasts. Even when the blood seemed to have been licked of completely, Masa continued with a few more licks, and then moved upward. Apparently the blood had dripped over Shai’s neck as well, as Masa extensively started licking that part as well. Shai had thought her desire towards Masa couldn’t grow any more, but she was wrong. Yet her limbs felt as lifeless as Svatylana’s. Masa continued with her tongue, moving upward, going over her chin. Shai assumed her mouth and the area around it would be completely covered in blood. She could feel Masa tongue moving over the area. First to the left, and between her nose and mouth to the right again. And then inward. Shai held her mouth slightly open, as Masa’s tongue thoroughly cleaned her lips. She savored the moment for a few seconds, and then she realized that although her limbs may feel lifeless, her head didn’t. Slightly she tilted her head, opened her mouth a bit more, and forcefully used her own tongue to push Masa’s tongue back in her mouth. She continued pushing, forcing her tongue in Masa’s mouth as she leaned forward so her lips would touch Masa’s lips. Seemingly shocked, Masa pulled back and, with a scornful look on her face, slapped Shai on the cheek as hard as she could. “No kissing. Kissing leads to love. Don’t confuse it with lust!” Shai knew perfectly well what the cloisters attitude was towards love. Love was strictly forbidden, as it was a completely different emotion than lust, but it was also closely connected. Many believed kissing to be an act of love, not of lust. But not all. Shai’s cheeks reddened. Both of them, not just the one being slapped. A stab of anger. Masa should have put more trust in her than that. “This has nothing to do with love, this is pure lust. Lust for you.” Shai answered, her anger noticeable in her voice. She lunged forward again and penetrated Masa’s mouth with her tongue once again. It was pure lust, nothing more, Shai believed. Surprisingly, this time Masa’s tongue started moving synchronized with her own tongue. Back and forth between Masa’s mouth and Shai’s, while Masa’s hand moved to get a good grip of Shai’s head, and Masa slowly pushed forward until Shai’s head softly touched the floor.
© Copyright 2013 Tim (writim at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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