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Rated: 13+ · Other · Romance/Love · #1967253
A Thread Woven Between Two People Over Time
She remembered the boy with the bright blue eyes and words and ways unfamiliar to her childhood city. His words on paper with the grids of a mathematician or scientist which forespoke of the man he would become. And, she wondered why he would choose her from among all of the others to notice. And why her frown, difficult ways and disappearances didn't scare him away. And, she noticed him, too but wouldn't say it. She didn't remember how they spent their days only that they were together. They both lived lives apart in this city and yet always near and aware of each other until one day the city became a place of unhappiness for him and he moved far away. 

And she wanted to say, "Please don't leave me...don't go."
But, she only spoke with her eyes and her heart.

And a thread was woven to bind them.

And the days turned to months and the months to seasons and the seasons to years.

And they spoke to one another from this distance at times. When they needed each other. When they needed to know they were not alone in the night. They spoke kindly with love and friendship of their lives even though at times their words would cause pain to the other. At times they said harsh things and spent time with no contact between them.

And she wanted to say, "Please don't leave me...don't go."
But, she only spoke with her eyes and her heart.

And a new thread was woven to bind them.

And the days turned to months and the months to seasons and the seasons to years.

And she chose...and he chose people and places that caused them to be farther apart and less able to speak to one another. But, their bond remained strong and unbroken. With each day and month and season and year that passed their bond grew stronger and was never severed.

They lived apart with other people to occupy their time and space. With others to speak words that held no depth and had little purpose. In places that offered no goodness to the soul though at the time the delights obscured what was beneath and what was missing.

And he came to places and people that left him hardened and that caused him to build a very tall wall. He showed contentment and composure to any that tried to see him but none could truly know what he kept behind the barricades he had constructed. And he sat alone and empty.

And she came to places and people that made her afraid. She trembled at her own shadow and hid in a cave afraid to risk the unknown. Night's darkness made her worry for what she could not see and equal was the fear of what she would be forced to see in the daylight. And she hid where no one could see her alone and empty.

She would have held him and comforted him if she had been able. And she thought of him for comfort and solace. She had certainty that if he knew where she hid he would find her and rescue her. But, when she awoke each morning he was gone.

And she wanted to say, "Please don't leave me...don't go."
But, she only spoke with her eyes and her heart.

And a new thread was woven to bind them.

And the days turned to months and the months to seasons and the seasons to years.

He in time became more comfortable behind his walls and learned to live and prosper. He kept others at a distance and turned to music and intricate patterns to occupy his time and mind. But, he always stayed near to his walls so that he might go behind them should he need to.

She in time broke free of some of the darkness and through necessity learned to walk less fearfully in the sunlight. She turned to books and knowledge and the care of children to occupy her time and mind. But, she always stayed near her cave to hide should she need to.

And then he found her and she was delighted. It seemed an impossibility after so much time that they might find one another again but they did and at the seemingly perfect moment. And they spoke beneath the harvest moon and shared some of what was in their hearts during the long years. And a small spark of hope was created. But, the clouds covered the moonlight and the timing was less than it had at first appeared to be. And the spark seemed to have been extinguished.

And she wanted to say, "Please don't leave me...don't go."
But, she only spoke with her eyes and her heart.

And a new thread was woven to bind them.

And the days turned to months and the months to seasons and the seasons to years.

And yet, even after all of this, the bond remained unsevered and strong. They began to speak again a little at a time. In time they said many things to one another of their hopes and awareness of the passing of time between them. They spoke of the future and the possibilities. They talked of love and marriage and a child of their own.

And the time seemed very right to them to close the distance between them. She left her hiding places and he brought her to him behind his walls.

She could not know what he felt or thought only what was within herself. But, she knew that she would never feel complete with any other person and that all the days apart may have been in some predestined way necessary but were now a tragedy if continued. Her heart smiled and she felt safe and peaceful. And she knew that every path she walked in all the days to come would be incomplete without him by her side. And she told him this in her own way.

And what happened next was a blur of emotions and confusion. Miscommunication? She took his words as rejection and he went behind his walls without her and she banged on his walls and cried and then returned to her hiding places.

And she wanted to say, "Please don't leave me...don't go."
And this time it was too important and she did say it with her words and all of her soul.

And a new thread was woven to bind them.

Will the days turn to months and the months to seasons and the seasons to years?
© Copyright 2013 Belle Solamente (bellesolamente at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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