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Rated: E · Other · Emotional · #1966601
What is your ugly ornament
My Ugly Ornaments

         This is one of a set of my dated, tattered butterfly ornaments. Not as old as some I have, but much beloved and in need of help. Every year I think of giving them up, but memories are what keeps them hanging on my tree.

         These little fellows came in on a bright sunny day with lots of bubbly laughter and shouts of "Look mom! Hurry, come and see what I bought you for your tree." My daughter was over for a visit and she had stopped at the Christmas Tree Store . She bought many things that day for our tree, but the butterflies seem to be the best as they were so like her. Here one day and out the door the next . Constantly on the move, stopping only long enough to dazzle whoever was close enough to see her.

         Years later my daughter and I became estranged and we do not see or talk to one another; but I keep my butterflies and hold my joyful memories of better times with her.

174 words

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