Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1966551-The-Promise-Part-1
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1966551
Reuben has breezed through everything with no challenge, until her father came.

"The Promise"

         When I was younger, I had a weird life. I lived with my dad, Tony Stark, because my mother, Rachel Bailey, was a drug addict and did drugs while pregnant with me. Once I was born, my mother was arrested for endangering a minor, and I never saw her again until I was six years old. We lived in Dad’s Malibu beach house, and I remember her coming and visiting sometimes. She wanted me. She wanted to take me away from my dad, the person who had taught me how to talk, how to walk. The person who was my hero. She wanted to take me away from my hero. Like it was yesterday, I still remembering leaving.
The day I left

         “Are all your things packed?”
         “Daddy, I don’t wanna go!”
         “I know, but this is your mother! She wants another chance with you.”
         “Why didn’t you fight for me? Why didn’t you tell Mom the truth?
         “Baby, you need to understand, if I ever said something like that, I’d be taken away and you’d have to be with your Mom anyway. You’ll see me again soon enough; don’t worry.”
         We hugged, and I remember how he kissed the top of my head and whispered “I love you baby girl.
         I remember walking down the stairs, looking back at each step. As soon as I was in the car, I felt a wave of emotion, and then, in the back seat of a car from the company, began to cry.
         I am now seventeen years old, in my fourth year of an Electronics and Engineering Master’s Degree. Yeah, yeah, I know. I’m only seventeen, I shouldn't be this far along in college, but when you're the child of a genius, you're bound to get some genes of great intelligence. Fortunately, I received many of those genes. I guess the majority of my genes are from Dad, because I am a spitting image of him, with the same jet black hair and hazel eyes.
I have a little brother named Jackson. He always screams "Reuben Bailey Stark" when he can't find me in "Hide and Go Seek," and that's my cue to yell "Jackson Michael Avery." It's like our secret handshake when we give up and need a hint for finding each other Our last names are different, of course, because Mom and Dad were more of a one night thing. Jackson's dad hung around until he was recruited to go with his Marine Unit to Iraq. He calls whenever he can, at first it was two times a week, but it then slowly receded to once a month, twice if we're lucky. We live in Greenbow, Alabama, A.K.A. where Forrest Gump is from. We also live in the same house that Forrest did. After Forrest died, his son decided to sell the home. Mom decided it best for us to live in a big home, and still have the extra rooms rented out to people, so basically keeping the home a bed and breakfast.

Chapter Two

         When Tony finally came to me, I was in my favorite tree, a weeping willow, studying for my finals. As soon as I saw the Cadillac Escalade pull into the drive, I thought something was up. I jumped out of the tree, landing lightly on my feet. I remember the day was hot, so I decided to go "Neon" and wear my neon green racer back tank top and my casual American Eagle dark wash jean shorts with my favorite black high-top Converse that had Black Sabbath on the side.
I walked out a few steps. I saw a guy with blond hair (who had a muscular build) and an orange and yellow flannel on. Driving was a guy who had the same jet black hair and the same goatee as my Dad. I stood in my place, waiting for the two men to step out of the car, observing them closely. As soon as they walked past the stone wall, it was as if I were in autopilot, and I found myself running towards my dad! I knew it was him; he had the same hazel eyes and the same casual clothing he would wear for “off the record” trips.
         "DAD!!!” The word rolled off of my tongue like butter. I was running as fast as my feet could take me. I didn't stop running until I was a few feet away from, I then slowed down and was pulled into the familiar warm and loving embrace. I didn't care that anyone else was there, I felt as if it were just him and I, until the blond coughed.
         "Well, how about we bring this little meet inside?" said my Mom.
         "Where's Jackson? I don't want him to know that we have different dads. It would destroy him."
         "Don't worry. I knew your father was coming down, so I set up a playdate for him."
I then turned my attention to the blond.
         "I'm sorry, I'm being rude! Hi, I'm Reuben."
         We shook hands, and we then all began walking inside. Mom offered a seat to Dad and Steve, and they gladly took seats on the couch in the living room, while Mom and I stayed out in the parlor.
         "You knew he was coming and didn't tell me? Jeez, if I had known, I would've dressed more appropriately."
         "I'm sorry. I figured it'd be better to be more of a surprise, and I think that it was good that you wore that because he can see what you usually wear."
I walked into the living room, sat down on the floor, and leaned against a chair while mom sat in her “throne.”
         "Dad, I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but why are you here? Why now? Why not before?"
         "First of all, your education, and it looks like you’ve done well. I wanted you to go to a public school so you could have a normal life with friends, and that couldn’t have happened with me visiting you every summer or you living with me. I also wanted to keep you safe and out of danger.”
         “Dad, there is danger everywhere. I’m a volunteer firefighter; I’m at the hands of fate to decide if I’ll die every day.”
         “If I came every summer, you would be in danger. Not “hands of fate” danger, but danger that would be likely to find you.”
         "Oh right, right. Now you’re with the Avengers and feel I’m safer since there’s a whole team of you.”
         "That and you’re older and stronger, which means we can train you to defend yourself.”
         “Yeah, definitely strong, seeing as how I need to be prepared for any situation in my line of work.”
         “Yes. Rue, the reason why I’m here is to ask you if you wanted to come live with me again after you graduate.”
         “Is this some sort of sick joke? Am I dreaming? I swear if I‘m dreaming I’ll-“
         “Reuben, your father and I have talked about this and we both thought it was a good idea. Is it a good idea?”
         “Pfft, yes!” I said excitedly.
Both dad and Steve smiled, so did mom. I then realized all attention was on me, and I wanted to change that subject as quickly as possible. Mom could tell I was uncomfortable, so thankfully she broke in, “How is she going to get there?”
         “Well, she can fly and then ride the train to Manhattan,” said dad.
         “What about her stuff?”
         “Well if she wants to, she can keep stuff here that she needs and then everything else can go to the tower. She can come and stay for a few days, unpack everything, and get it ready to move in after graduation.”
         “I say yes to this plan,” I interjected.
         “What about your friends? What will you do for work?” asked my now concerned mother.
         “The only friends I have are Scott and Torie. I can ask Cap to request a transfer to New York Fire Department. I realize it will be hard to leave my friends, fire department family, and you guys. It will be almost impossible to leave Jackson. But I know I’ll survive, because I can Face Time with Jackson every day.”
         “Jackson doesn’t have an iPod so how will that happen?”
         “Well, he has one now. I’ll just give him my iPod five.”

Chapter Three
After Graduation

         It was two weeks after graduation, and I was beginning to pack all of my belongings. So far, I had two boxes packed with my clothes and miscellaneous things, and a smaller box packed with picture frames wrapped in bubble wrap. I still had a few pictures left to pack. One of the pictures was a family portrait of Ryan, Jackson, Mom and me. I was sitting in between mom and Ryan, with my legs in a V. Jackson was in between my legs hugging his knees up to his chest. My arms were wrapped around Jackson’s shoulders, holding tight, with my chin resting on the top of his head. The picture had been taken towards the beginning of spring, so we were in a meadow with flowers all over in the background, and mom had us wear black and white. I had on a white button down blouse with three quarter sleeves that were rolled up. It was see through with lace over my shoulder blades. I had on a white tank top underneath, with black skinny jeans and my Black Sabbath Converse. Jackson had on a white short sleeve V-neck, black slacks, black suspenders, and black low top Converse. Mom was to the left behind me, propped up on her left arm with her right arm draped over her torso. She was wearing a white dress with a lace sweetheart neckline, a brown braided belt around her waist, and brown combat boots. Ryan was to the right, with the same outfit as Jackson. Mom’s honey brown curls framed her face. My hair was in its natural state, which was straight with some wave to it. Jackson’s honey brown hair was combed to the right, and Ryan’s dark brown hair was the same. Jackson was the perfect mix of mom and Ryan. He had mom’s hair and Ryan’s blue eyes. I stuck out like a bright green thumb tack on a black wall. We were all so happy. Jackson’s dimples were as deep as craters on the moon, which made him even more adorable. Even though Jackson and I looked nothing alike, everyone knew he was my little brother, and if there was a problem, they would answer to me. A lot of people can hate on a seven year old, which is just sad. He looked so much like mom, but at the same time, Ryan. At about 6’2”, Ryan towered over my mom, who is only 5’4”. (I wore the very locket dad gave to me as a newborn.) I carefully wrapped the framed picture with bubble wrap and put it in the box.
I was just about to pick up another picture frame when I heard a crash from downstairs.
         "Mom?" I said walking towards the stairs. No answer. I walked downstairs, and headed towards the loud bang’s origin.
         The sound came from in the kitchen. I walked in the kitchen, and felt a sharp pain in the back of my head. I blacked out.
         The next thing I knew, I found myself inside a cell in a strange place. From the creaks and groans, I estimated that I was on a ship or submarine. I hear someone walking, and a tall man appears before the cell.
         "Who are you? Where am I? Where's my mom?"
         "Asking so many questions can get you in trouble, foolish girl," the stranger replied. His accent wasn’t American, German maybe? It was weird. He had a red face, and all of his facial bones pointed out broadly.
         "Who are you?"
         "I am Red Skull, Leader of Hydra."
         "Of course your name is 'Red Skull.' I mean just look at you!"
         "OPEN UP THE CELL! You should learn when or when not to say something."
         "Ha ha, I'm told that a lot. If I don't listen to my friends and mom, what makes you think I'll listen to you?"
His suit made of iron looked like dads’! He grabbed me by the arm and dragged me out of the cell.
         "Where are you taking me?"
         "Someplace you'll never want to go to again."
I studied each and every corridor, planning my escape.
         "You might as well not bother; we are three hundred feet underwater."
         "I don't know what you’re talking about."
         "We'll see how long you can keep this lying game up.”
We walked into a big room, with a huge master board in it and a chair in the center of the room.
         "Oh, scary, a chair in the middle of the room that you're likely to tie me to and beat me." I said with sarcasm. But the next minute, I was seated in the chair, and as I had predicted, tied to it. But I didn't expect what was coming next. It wasn't Red Skull who was going to beat me, but a woman who apparently liked the color green. I decided I wasn't going to talk, because for some reason, she looked familiar.
         "Do I not get the honor to be beaten by the brains of this operation himself? Am I just gonna have to deal with his mistress instead?"
         "Trust me, you will thank me that I did not beat you myself. Now, let's get down to business, shall we? What is your name?"
         "Your full name."
         "Reuben Bailey Stark."
I said this slowly to mock his German accent.
         "Your parents."
         "Tony Stark and Rachel Bailey."
         "Why do my siblings have anything to do with this?"
The woman slapped me hard across my left cheek, leaving a red mark. The painful tingling lingered for quite a few minutes, feeling like a thousand microscopic needles poking my cheek over and over.
         "Your sibling's name, please.”
         "Jackson Michael Avery."
         "Your age."
         "Greenbow High School."
         "ITT Tech."
         "How old were you when you first saw your mother?"
         "Just barely six.”
         "And when you last saw your father."
         "A few weeks ago."
         "Thank you for your cooperation, I would have hated to kill my only bargaining token."
         "Wait, that's it? That’s all you brought me down here for?"
         "You were more willing to answer my questions than we first thought."
He gave the woman a signal and I was knocked out.
I awoke back in my cell to a strange blue orb, that was talking to me.
         "Now is the time to escape. You must first let me into your circle of trust. We can then begin our escape."
         "Anything that has the color of light and is blue, I trust.”
         "Excellent. Now this might sound weird, but I need to go through you"
         "Through me?"
         "Yes, it will make it so no one can see you except you and me. I will guide you to the room where the tesseract is, and then will show you where to run."
The orb glowed a little brighter, then passed through me. I felt a flutter in my chest cavity, where the orb passed through, and Red Skull appeared in the cell doorway.
         "WHERE IS SHE?!?!?!" he screamed. He had the cell opened, which was my chance to escape. As soon as he was no longer in the doorway, the orb flew out, and so I ran after it.
         "It's only a matter of time before they find out what I've done."
         "Well, as long as they don't know who you are, we're fine!"
         "That's the thing, they know exactly who I am."
Great, that's just great. Hell, even I don't know what this orb thing is!
         "Can they hear us speaking?"
         "No, since you are invisible only I can hear and see you.”
We soon ran into a large room that looked like the vault. A blue cube stood in the middle; it looked like something was alive inside it.
         "Can I touch it?"
         "You have the tesseract in your blood. That is how you can understand me. Most people can see me but not understand what I say."
         I walked to the cube and slowly reached out to it. The closer I got, the brighter IT got. I gingerly touched it, and nothing happened. I heard yells in the distance, so I quickly grabbed the cube and ran out. I got out the door and discovered Red Skull was just fifty feet to my right.
         "HEY!! Stop, you abomination!"
         "Hay is for horses, stupid head!" I yelled in response and ran as fast as I could after the orb. We came to another big room, but this one was different. It looked like the head of a submarine, because there was a huge glass window showing the ocean ahead of us. I looked over to my left and saw people in cages that had these weird bars that glowed the same blue as the tesseract. It was as if the bars were solid and made the people inside weak. I looked closer and saw my, my DAD! I ran to the other side of the room so I could keep an eye on him and the other Avengers.
         "Why would Red Skull see me? Why could he hear me?"
         "I needed to make you visible so that the tesseract could recognize you."
I looked down, and realized how important this was.
         "You need to say specific words for the tesseract to finally accept you, and you then need to smash it on the floor."
         "What do I need to say?"
         "As I am vulnerable, to this great power, I must accept, at this hour, that in this final act, I wish to become one with the tesseract." Following those words, I heard Red Skull talking down the corridor, his voice sounding eerie.
         "Come out come out, wherever you are, foolish child.”
I took the tesseract and hid it behind my back moments before Red Skull came in.
         "Where is the tesseract, you crettin"
         "First of all, its cretin. If you're going to threaten me, do it properly, and if I were to touch the tesseract I'd be a pile of ashes by now."
(He then shot at me, using the stolen armor.)
         "As I am vulnerable..." I began to say the words the orb had instructed me to chant.
Red Skull kept on shooting at me, which made it hard to focus on what I was saying while dodging all of these blasts.
         "To this great power, I must accept, at this hour, that in this final act..."
         "It’s not possible. How can you touch the tesseract and not be destroyed?!"
         "I wish to become one with the tesseract!"
         I smashed the cube on the floor, causing the beams over dad and the others to fade away, but that wasn't the only thing that happened. The tesseract did not cause a fatal explosion, but more of a poof, which came over me in a big whirl. I remember Red Skull screaming “No,” and then everything went black.

Chapter Four
3 weeks later

         Looking out the window of the train, I began to remember what it was like when I lived with dad. How much fun we had, how I always felt free, able to do anything, and tell him anything. I also remembered when I left, and then I first met my Mother. Although my brain was nearly fully developed, my mom taught me was it meant to be responsible and how to rely on myself for money. Unlike Dad, she made me work for my money by doing chores and getting allowance. The thought of her missing came overwhelmingly fast, and I felt my eyes glaze over with tears. At the age of seventeen, I felt as if that bond between my father and I had gone away. I felt the train brakes kicking in, and we soon came to a stop in Manhattan, New York. I looked down at the piece of paper dad had given me, on which he wrote what looked like in chicken scratch.
         "Get off at the first stop in Manhattan."
         Well, guess it was time to go back home with dad. I got my bags and made my way off the train. Luckily, I was the only one to get off, so I guess it wouldn't be so hard for dad to spot me. I was now standing on the platform, looking for my dad, but the only person I saw was a man standing next to a company car. Typical, dad left me out to dry, and now I had to ride with some person from the company. I began making my way to the car.
         "Reuben Stark?"
         “Hi, I’m Happy, Pepper’s bodyguard. She sent me to pick you up. Your father was called out for an emergency with the team.”
         “Isn’t it a body guard’s first priority to stay with his person?” I asked curiously. "Anyway, it’s nice to meet you, Happy.”
         “I can take your bags.”
         “Thank you.” I said as I handed off my bags to the driver. I only had a guitar case, a duffel bag, and my backpack, so I kept my backpack with me and let him grab the other two things and put them in the trunk. We slowly made our way to Stark Tower, as the traffic was heavy with the lunch rush hour. The closer we got, the better view I got of the tower. It loomed high over the other buildings surrounding it, and was in high contrast to the Empire State Building. Twenty minutes later, we arrived at the Tower. Happy went to grab my bags, but I stopped him in his tracks.
         "I can take them from here."
         "Okay," he said with a big smile.
         "Thank you.”
         I put my backpack on and let my duffle bag strap go across my chest with the bag to my right, and my guitar case in my left hand. I walked into the lobby and found Pepper waiting by the elevators. She hugged me when I finally made my way to her.
         "It’s nice to see you again, Reuben. Here is your identification card; you'll need this to get up to the penthouse. When you enter the elevator, just swipe your card. The elevator will automatically take you up."
         "Thank you. It was nice seeing you as well."
         I made my way into the elevator. Thankfully no one else was there, so they couldn't see me fumble my card nervously. I swiped my card and up the elevator went. Once at the top, the elevator made a little ding and the doors opened. This wasn't my first time here since being six. I had already set up my room; I just kept all the basic essentials with me. I stepped out of the elevator and looked down to the living area. Empty, as I assumed the rest of the place was. It was an overwhelming quiet, bringing memories of back home with Mom and Jackson and Ryan. That house was never quiet, and now, I began to realize just how much I savored that noisy, hectic life. I made my way to my room, where everything that was mine was still in its place. My room was the same color as the one back at mom’s place. Painted a dark grey, it had pictures of all my memories scattered on the walls.
         There, lying on my bed was my sketch book. I moved my book to my desk and dropped everything on the floor. I jumped at the foot of the bed, where my little trampoline was and I gracefully landed on my bed. I let a small giggle escape my mouth. I got up and went to my mirrored armoire. I felt so different, even though I looked the same. Same jet black hair, same tall slender body. The only thing that had changed was the color of my eyes, which were a bright blue.
I didn't feel like I did before everything happened. Now I was the host of the tesseract, and when I used my power, my hands glowed a bright sky blue. I knew I wasn't the same. I had to stay in Stark Tower, and if I ever went out, I had to have an Avenger’s communicator on me at all times.
         I had a job at S.H.I.E.L.D. which stands for Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate. Nick Fury was the director of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, but his higher ups were like a Satanic society, but that's my personal opinion. My job was to manage the reactors and keep the system up and running properly. Nick knew what I am; that's why he had me working for him, so I could be in a safe place and learn responsibility. I thought I was pretty responsible, seeing as how my mother was missing, and I am helping Ryan to protect Jackson. My Mom’s already missing, so what says either of them won’t?
         Ryan came back from Iraq as soon as he heard about mom so he could after Jackson. I just watched Jackson when he didn't have the time. Looking in the mirror at myself, I pulled my brown leather jacket off to reveal the scar on my shoulder when I broke it after falling out of a tree at the age of 12. For some reason, the scar reminded me of Hydra, Red Skull and my mother. My eyes glazed over with tears, but I quickly pulled myself together, knowing I had to be strong for Jackson. I heard what sounded like a stampede of horses. down the hall
I walked into the living area and waited for dad and everyone else to get there.
         "You guys sound like a stampede of school children going out to recess. I figured you guys would be quieter."
         "It’s nice to see you too, Rue."
         Dad had always called me by that name when I was younger, and I wouldn't let anyone else call me that unless it was my dad. Hearing that nickname brought a flash of memories, but I quickly cleared my mind.
         "I'm sorry I wasn't able to pick you up, I-"
         "Hey, duty calls. That's what happens when you're a round the clock avenger."
James did a little laugh, and I could tell he liked me. He wasn't the only one though. Kyle did, too. James was the son of Natasha and Steve, and Kyle was the son of Clint. Just then my phone rang; my screen clearly stated Nick Fury in bold letters.
         "Speaking of duty calling."
I walked away and let the others reminisce in their talking of outdoing each other.
         "You're needed on the ship.”
         "Well, yeah, obviously. You so don't do social calls. What's the problem?”
         "The systems are malfunctioning."
         "Oh lovely. OK, I’ll meet you at the docks."
I hung up and started toward the door.
         "And where do you think you’re going?"
         "Duty calls." I said, winking at my dad. I got in the elevator and headed down to the garage. In the garage was my baby, a 1967 Chevrolet Impala four door with a 409 engine. I found this beauty in a scrap yard and fixed her up from scratch. I molded the frame back in its place, fixed the engine: all the essentials. A black beauty with chrome embellishments and a tan interior, her seats are booth seats and black. I had gone through so much with my baby; I even crashed her and fixed her back from scratch again. Oh it was a disaster, that wreck. The garage men tried telling me there was no coming back from this, but after I fixed her up I might have done a few donuts out front. My damage on the other hand, was not so easy to fix. I had a stress heel fracture on my right leg and had to wear a boot for about three months, and I broke my left radius and ulna, so I had to wear a cast for about six weeks. Now I have to wear a brace that was molded to my hand shape, so my wrist could strengthen itself.
         Well, getting off topic much? I hopped into the car, put the key in the ignition, and the engine roared to life. I sat there and listened to her engine purr, only for a few moments. I then pulled onto Main Street and wove my way through the city to the docks. As soon as I got out of my car, Scott was already hugging, well more of mauling, me. Scott was like my gay best friend, but he wasn't gay. Scott and I met in college and had been like two pieces of paper glued together ever since.
         "Well, I guess somebody missed me!"
         "You’re damn right! God, it's been a month since we graduated!"
With his arm around me, we got on the helicopter that would bring us to the helicarrier.
© Copyright 2013 Lilian Colby (lilychristine1 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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