Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1966459-Mysterious-Girl-In-The-Woods
by Badvok
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1966459
A girl alone, frightened and hunted through the wind and rain, should I protect her?
Mysterious Girl In The Woods

A dark evening, made more so by the rapid rolling clouds spreading like oil over water. Then rain, a harsh rain as rarely seen before, sudden, aggressive, pounding the mushy earth and October’s falling leaves into a sucking mire. I almost give up looking for my dog, cowering as though whipped beneath the immediate glare of lightning before bolting off through the trees, terrified to flight by the crash of thunder. Drenched and cold, shouting his name to be lost in the winds of the flash storm.

I see you now, impossibly still, leaning against the rough bark of a gigantic oak tree as though exhausted but full chest hardly moving, frail and vulnerable, watching me. Your pure white dress, flimsy and soaked, hugging your figure, your red hair dark, plastered flat by the water’s weight. Wiping the rain from my eyes I take a hesitant step towards you, ask if you are all right. An idiotic question. Inconceivable that anyone could be all right in this deluge.

A simple hand gesture, beckoning me towards you. Curious, this strange girl draws me close. Your eyes capture me, aqua blue, almost glowing set deep in your frost white skin. An ache arises in me, my heart swells for you, a mysterious girl in the woods. Love? Perhaps. But for now I must follow you, bewitched by the beauty in your eyes that seem to hold an ocean.

You takes my hand, head rising up high to whisper, strange I can hear you over the winds howl, telling me to be with you, to save you, telling me to run with you. Scooping you up, cradled in my arms, lighter even than your thin frame suggests. I move, thoughts of saving my panic stricken dog forgotten, through the woods, your cold skin presses against me. Your arms wrap around me as your head rests against my neck.

Even from your ethereal weight I soon tire, I must stop. Panting I glance back. Behind us, flashing lights where I found you, torch beams lancing the dark, swaying back and forth crossing each other, searching for us, searching for you, for my mysterious girl in the woods who has taken my heart. I put you down. You can stand now. You nod your head up ahead. We must keep moving.

Your hand in mine we run. I must get my love to safety. Tree branches whip and snag at my clothes, slash at my skin, red weals rise on my exposed flesh. The mournful sound of a dog’s howl reaches me. Is that my dog? Dear God, No! They are hunting with hounds. The torch beams are closer. I can’t understand how they are catching up. I’m running as fast as I can, my heart hammering in my chest.

Bursting out of the woods to a clearing. A steep rise to the old ruined Norman tower. Perhaps safety there. Higher I climb, pulling you behind me, my legs burning with a fatigue induced fire. Scared for your safety I must do all I can to keep you from harm. The old tower, sheltered from the rain, we can hide there. If found, well, I’ll defend you with my life. I can do no other for my true love.

Inside. The huge cold stone blocks pressed against us. Shivering with the cold, Your enchanting eyes captivate me still. Their moon glow envelopes me with the purest love. Tenderness for you wraps me. I want to always hold you, to protect you. I bend to kiss you. Your cold lips pressed to mine, my tongue exploring, heedless of the men searching, of the hunting dogs closing in. A sudden explosion of warmth fills my mouth as we explore each other, hungry for our kiss.

The sound of a low, dark snarling tears us apart. My head snaps round revealing a horrific, primal visage. A huge open maw, teeth glinting, dripping saliva, promising a rending death. You tilt your head and look at the intruding hound. The dog’s vicious growl quietens. Head down, as though ashamed to have caught us he turns and bounds off into the night. Moments later, screams, human screams faintly carry up to us. A gunshot, then silence.

They have found us, I have failed. I weep at my shame of my inadequacy. I am worthless to have failed my life’s meaning. My strength has left me, weak and feeble, slouching against the hard granite of the tower walls. Staring into my love’s eyes I ask forgiveness over and over. She holds a finger to my lips, hushing me, it comes away red.

“You haven’t failed, you saved me. They won’t catch me now. You have been so good to me but I ask one more thing. You have just one more kiss in you, will you give it to me freely?”

Joy transforms my soul, my darling love has forgiven me. “Yes” I  faintly cry with a sob, exhausted tears lost in the rain, “Kiss me again.” Blessed relief floods over me, one more aching kiss is all I ask.

She bends to me, no longer seeming so frail and kisses me, tenderly, softly as my fluttering heart strains to pump away my last. My fading eyes looking into your ice eyes, as dead as winter, the eyes of my mysterious girl in the woods.

© Copyright 2013 Badvok (paulh at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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