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Knights of Honor |
King Martin of Isella had ordered his daughter Catherine back to his castle as soon as he heard of her atrocities. He had to know if the accusations were true, justice was demanded. His loyal baron, Drake of Montwreith, was Catherine's husband. He had not yet received a male heir. While in battle far from his land holdings his beloved wife was taking her liberties with The Earl of Scanthion. As Drake returned from battle his loyal vassals informed him of their mistress's shameful deeds. He knew in his heart it couldn't be true, she couldn't be with another mans child. Drake sought Catherine out and saw without words that the stories were true. Seething with a black rage that only murder could quench he stormed from the castle grounds with a scowl as dark as midnight on his face. Drake knew he could not kill her although it would be his right. He wanted to kill Scanthion, but he knew the king would frown over the calling out. Drake headed for Isella, to see the king. To demand justice for the wrong done to him and to demand justice for not being allowed to be delivered of a son. They both had to pay for their crimes. He could only feel the anger and the rage. How could she have done this to him? They had a daughter who was two. She was as beautiful as the sunrise; they called her Shelby Victoria after the late queen, her grandmother. Yet he couldn't bring himself to face the small child. Not with the anger boiling within him. Drake requested an immediate audience with his king, his father in law. The old man was ashen when he heard of his daughter's crimes, the leathery old face showed the disgust and pain that warred within him. "What justice would you see done to her my son?" the king asked. Martin knew that he could not grant death to his only child, maybe Drake would be happy with her exile. He could send her to their northern estate to live out her years with the child she now carried. Shelby would not see her mother again for Shelby was of royal blood and her mother's crimes would not taint her stature. "Have I not been a loyal vassal to you my entire life? Isn't that why I was allowed Catherine's hand? I want death my lord, not just for Catherine but for Scanthion as well. I want this burning rage to be quenched. I want justice to my own unborn son." Drake fell into the chair his anger spent; there was no more to say and the sight of Catherine huge with a child that was not his was a pain that would sear his memory for all of time. "And what of Shelby Victoria? Will you take the life of the mother of your only child, could you face her ever again if I grant you your wish?" Martin knew he had a chance to make Drake see reason if only he could keep a logical thought running through his thick head. "Exile her, but short of death what punishment could serve Scanthion? He has an heir to his title and land. Upon his death the boy will become titled over many lands, his wealth will be so vast no one dare to touch him with an evil intent." Drake drained his glass of ale and poured another the fire seeping into his soul muddling his brain. The more he drank the more he talked, no longer did he speak of death, for Catherine was already lost to him. But he did put a circle of thoughts into Martin's head. Drake ranted and raved about justice, how would Scanthion feel if Aaron Uriah, his son, were to be wed to Shelby Victoria? That would infuriate him almost as much as Scanthion taking his Catherine. If that were to happen at least Shelby's name would remain clean and she would never want of anything in her lifetime as long as he was kind to her. Drake told the king that he would give up his title and his land to see that Shelby had a sizable dowry to entice a young man worthy of her station. Without realizing it Drake had set the terms for justice. The king would see that it came out for the better. The king finally called a halt to the evening in the wee hours of the morning, sending a Messenger and guard to retrieve his daughter and granddaughter. Martin had to see them had to hear from Catherine that it was not true, even though he knew in his heart that Drake spoke the truth. Martin also dispatched a messenger for Scanthion and his son. As Shelby's grandfather there was the only promise he could give her... Seventeen years later... Shelby had been returning from her ride, once again dodging her guards, when she heard riders approaching the pathway. Hiding in the forest, lest they be thieves, she patted her horse keeping him quiet. Although he was once trained as a war-horse, he now belonged to Shelby in body and spirit. She had called him Gregorian since the first time she had mounted her small body onto his massive form. Her father finally conceded defeat at losing his faithful horse and Gregorian had became hers. Drake's only consolation was that Gregorian had sired several sons who were as well trained as he once had been. After a long wait the riders passed. Shelby had never seen them before and a sick feeling settled in her stomach. Gregorian sensing his mistress' distress nudged her gently. "Yes, Gregorian love, they were coming from our keep. Surely mischief is afoot as I feel it inside, tis cannot be a good thing they have done." Shelby mounted the massive beast with skill and ease that would unseat the most accomplished riders. As Shelby neared the holding her stomach turned. Chaos was everywhere, there was smoke rising from several huts and dying injured men lay everywhere. Shelby heard her father's guard approaching behind her. She used the strength in her legs to spur Gregorian on at a faster pace, fearing what she would find, she began looking for her father. She found her father where he had fallen. Drake lay injured, his lifeblood seeping from his wounds. "Shelby, send for James. I must speak to him now. Also, find Father Wilton. Hurry child my time grows short." Drake rasped, his breathing coming in shallow gasps. "Oh father, what has happened, who has done this? I shall kill them myself." She was beginning to shake with fear and rage. She had seen the riders and their colors but none of it registered now. "Not now child, don't be my warrior, just be my daughter and do as I ask." As she turned away, a smile crossed his lips when he heard her bellow of outrage. Soon his loyal brother and vassal, James was at his side. His anger was filling his soul as he raced to his Lord's side. "Ah James, you know it is destiny. You wouldn't have been able to stop it. You know what you must do James. Make haste to Scanthion, he is the only one who can save Shelby's life and her fortune now. Help him keep her safe James she is all either one of us has left, I pray that in time she will forgive me for all that she does not yet know. James promise me, that you will help ease the way for her." Drake's voice faltered as more of his life left him. James made his vow then turned away sending the priest to his side. James told Shelby he had to do her fathers bidding, and then he turned and left the keep at a breakneck pace. Shelby stood in shocked silence wondering what was so important that her uncle could not stay in her father's hour of death. After the priest left his side Shelby returned. She could see that it would not be long before he was gone. Daughter, I thought we would have more time, there is much I must say to you." Drake paused gathering his strength. "When your Mother died your grandfather made a marriage contract for you, so that you and your fortune would be protected. He picked out your husband and I approved." Drake searched her face hoping she would understand. She stared at him looking confused. "Father who will my husband be? Why was I never told of this contract before?" Shelby was reeling with questions, possibilities, and fear of the unknown. "You were already bound by contract. Shelby you were only three summers old and your husband would have sent word before he came for you. He wanted you to learn the manner of things before he came. I don't think he expects a warrior though, he will be quit surprised. You are married to Aaron Uriah Scanthion, Fourth Duke of Montwreith." Drake heard an audible intake of breath, anticipating her thoughts he continued. "I know that you have been led to believe that we hate all of Montwreith but it isn't the case Shelby. I wanted you to have someone who would protect you and I believe that he will do just that. We have tried to teach you strength and I pray we have also taught you compassion. I wish you only happiness." Drake had drained his strength, as Shelby sat with his head in her lap, brushing her fingers across his battle torn face, his life draining from his body, his eyes no longer seeing this world. She was not aware that the soul-wrenching scream had come from her own self. She only felt the tearing loneliness that was wrenched from the very depths of her soul. Gregorian heard his mistress' cry and bolted away from the stables gently nuzzling her arm. She got up turning to the massive beast, burying her head in his mane letting the pain seep from her soul in great tear wrenching sobs. James returned the following day. Shelby embraced him thankful for his safe return. "Shelby do not look so frightened, all will be well. Lord Aaron and his men will be here within a fortnight. I do have something you may wish to know. He believes it is the dreaded Claire's behind the chaos. What think you of that?" "But Uncle, we have never quarreled with the Claire's. Why would they do such a thing? They have been honored guests of my father several times." Shelby was clearly puzzled. "Because the oldest one wanted you and your fortune to wife and your father refused all requests for their company. Neither did he give them a reason as to why he would not accept Rainey's offer or gifts." James shrugged, "twas his right, no one needed to know of your marriage contract Before you yourself did." "I wish he would have told me of my husband sooner, lest I be better prepared. Tis a shock. I can't help but wonder why he did not tell me. When was my husband supposed to come for me I wonder?" Shelby had so many questions. "I know that Lord Aaron would have come to you within the year. He told your father that he would retrieve you by your nineteenth year. He wanted you to be learned in many things because he did not want an ignorant wife. I think the jest may be on him though for he does not expect a warrior who can best my own men in riding and dagger throwing." James chuckled shaking his head. "Well, he best be happy that he gets me at all. I never asked for a marriage to him. What if Lord Aaron is a barbarian? He may not want an ignorant wife but narry do I want an ignorant husband. What think you of that Uncle James?" Her chin went up a notch and the fire was in her eyes, she was ready for a fight. "Shelby Victoria don't you go hunting up trouble where there is none. Come now let us go to bury our dead, it is their time now." " Uncle they will come after me, I saw the men who did this. I can see them all just as if they were here now. I want them dead." James took her small hand in his leathery own and led her to the chapel. The evening passed by in silence as everyone retired early to mourn the dead. Shelby awoke with the morning light and went to the lake to bathe and dress, leaving her ever-vigilant maid to sleep. The tepid water shook the remaining sleep from her. She used her rose scented soap to wash her long chestnut hair. As she dressed in her chemise, she had the indistinguishable feeling of someone watching her. She turned her dagger ready should danger present itself. She listened carefully as her uncle had taught her but she could find no sounds other than the awakening morning and resumed the task of dressing. Aaron stood watching Shelby bathe in the cold water. She definitely pleased him. She had hair the color of roasting chestnuts and her skin was as white and creamy as a rabbit's downy fur. He knew he could wrap his arms around her tiny form and still move his hands, which would be to his own advantage. Had he known she would turn out this beautiful he would have came for her sooner. After she dressed, talking to herself the entire time of what must be done before her so called husband arrived, she left the clearing forgetting her hair ribbons that matched the sea-green color of her eyes. Aaron reached to retrieve them tucking them into his breaches. How many secrets was she holding, this little nymph who didn't care if she was married to Lord Aaron Uriah Scanthion, Fourth Duke of Montwreith? Many women loved him; all wanted to wed him. He remembered his wedding contract ceremony to Shelby. She was so shy she could only look at her toes. Her dolly hung loosely at her side. She had thrown a temper tantrum fit for a king and her headpiece was sitting sideways on her tiny head. She was only three summers old and she informed everyone in the realm she wanted to catch a frog not get a marriage certificate. Her grandfather laughed, and told her she must do her king's bidding. Shelby looked at him and said, "but granpapa you are the king couldn't I just this once go to catch my frog?" Her grandfather squeezed her tight and promised to help her after she got her marriage contract taken care of. Aaron was only ten summers older than she and he had about the same feeling but he dared not risk his father and the King's wrath. Now this vision of beauty stood before him, naked for his eyes to see and he was very pleased. He could only stare at her as she looked like a perfect angel. His body became ridged and hard with wanting her. He watched until she was safely away, rage filled him, how dare she take such chances. Shelby would be the mother of his children and she was traipsing in the woods with no regard for her own safety. There could still be danger waiting in the woods. Aaron returned to his men and they entered the Masterson keep. Shelby was informed of their arrival and took care to finish her hair, choosing another ribbon after misplacing her own. As Shelby came down the staircase, she could see into the hall but they could not see her unless they directly looked to the stairs. There were so many of them and which one was her husband? She stood in the shadows observing the men in deep discussion. There was no pleasure in their faces. Shelby saw the most incredible warrior standing by the fireplace. He was by far the largest and tallest in the room. She could feel the power and the strength radiating from him. She was unaccustomed to her body reacting to any man this way. In the frigid air, she was starting to get very very warm. His hair was as black as midnight. His face looked hard as only intensive training and self control could accomplish. She could see that he was angry over what the fair-haired man had told him. Thunderheart she thought, if he were mine he would be my warrior Thunderheart. She realized he was staring at her and turned away her face crimson with color, his silver-blue eyes bore into her soul. He resumed his conversation and she turned back around looking for James, where was he? Shelby heard two of the soldiers to her right and caught the conversation; the anger she heard in their voices stunned and frightened her. "Nope she won't be a fittin lady for our Lord, just look at the stock she comes from. Everyone has heard the tale of Masterson losing his wife; he may even have been the one who killed her. He became a drunken coward after that. Not fit to polish spit." To get his point across he spat on the floor. Shelby's rage filled her; she never thought of her reaction, she threw her dagger with deadly accuracy grazing the top of his ear. Drawing blood and a scream from her victim. "My father was not a coward!" she said with a steel edge and dead calm in her voice. "You little turnip you cut me!" The soldier advanced on her his hand on the hilt of his sword; her words had not registered to him as he held his bloody ear. "And next time I shall kill you. You have no place in my fathers keep, be gone from here." He towered over her, fueling her anger. He raised his bloodied hand as if to strike her when a booming voice silenced the room. "Do you value your life so little as to touch what is mine?" Shelby startled turned, she had forgotten where she was, the hall was full of war hardened soldiers and they all stared at her. She locked her gaze with the one she called Thunderheart. She could see forever in his eyes. It surprised her when he spoke his gaze never leaving her eyes. "Again I ask, do you value your life so little as to touch what is mine?" Lord he was angry. The muscle in his cheek had started to twitch. He had known the instant she entered the hall. He had kept his head down while she openly inspected him, secretly pleased by her bold behavior. He had seen her reach for her dagger and turned to watch the exchange between her and the soldier, he was amazed when her aim proved to be true. As she stood there under his hot gaze, she realized this was her husband. "If I must ask again you will be run through." His voice never raised an octave but she could see the storm in his eyes. Shelby went pale, as she knew she would die on this black day. "He called my father a coward my lord. I cannot allow that untruth when the blessed man has only been gone from this world a fortnight." Shelby lowered her gaze, not in submission but in anguish. Tears threatened to spill from her eyes. After she gained control she looked up and saw that the soldier she had cut was escorted from the room. She was relieved. Aaron watched the play of emotions across her face and her relief triggered some of his anger to dissipate also. James grasped Shelby's arm gently steering her toward the giant that now stared at her. "Shelby Victoria, you are not frightened of me?" Aaron already knew the answer but he wanted to hear her admission. "I am frightened of change Lord Scanthion, I fear that of which I do not know." Her gaze was direct and she was not afraid. Aaron quirked an eyebrow at her. "You are never to be frightened of me. You belong to me and I protect what belongs to me." He had lowered his voice so that only Shelby and James could hear him. "I trust that you do, you appear to be an honorable man." "Yes, we have matters that need to be discussed, Darion and James will accompany us." Shelby was stunned; his cold behavior confused her. James led them into the study closing the heavy oak door. "Shelby when did you hear of our marriage contract?" "My father told me of my grandfathers contract and of you at the time of his death." "Did he give you the details of your grandfathers contract?" "No, only that my Uncle James should take you to the private study, the papers you require are there." Darion stepped forward. "There is more to this keep than we can see?" "Oh yes, there is an underground keep as well. Uncle will have to show you the entrance as you will never find it otherwise." Shelby looked as a child with a great secret, her eyes shining like emeralds. "Shelby, Darion is my first in command he is also my brother. You are never to have secrets from either of us, your safety may depend upon it, Shelby I expect the truth from you in all things." His scowl was fierce enough to start a fire. She answered him in kind. "And I expect the same from you Lord Scanthion. I did not ask you here nor do I want you here. I am tired of explaining everything to you. If your black heart could have compassion in it, then this would be the time." She had not meant to voice her opinion but once she started, she could not seem to stop. He had the strangest look on his face, he most likely thought she was daft. Lowering his voice he moved closer so only she could hear, "A black heart you say? That wasn't what was going through your mind when you first saw me. Just a while ago you could have smoldered the timbers with your very own gaze. What were you thinking Lady Shelby?" Aaron was arrogantly pleased with himself she was blushing to the tips of her toes. "Thunderheart, I was thinking if you belonged to me I would call you my warrior Thunderheart." Shelby was staring at the floor wishing to become part of it. "James, Darion, leave us. We will be out momentarily." As the two men turned to leave, James was whispering something to Darion that caused both men to chuckle. "Come here Shelby." Aaron waited as she slowly walked toward him. He waited patiently until she finally stood before him. "I do belong to you as much as you belong to me. I am your Thunderheart." He leaned down gently capturing her mouth. As she responded to his kiss he suddenly wanted more and he gently forced her chin opening her mouth and tasting its sweetness. After a moment, Aaron realized he could drown in her sweetness. He pulled back supporting her small frame; she seemed to be lost in the moment. He stared at her serene face capturing the blissful look on her face. She suddenly opened her eyes in shock and embarrassment. Aaron smiled at the look on her face. "I believe we will get along just fine my Lady" "Yes I believe we will." She was still holding onto his shirt. |