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What do you really think? In this I WILL prove there is an ANti-Christ! |
Let me tell you a few interesting facts and then you can form your own opinion. But let me start in saying the reason I say I can prove this is because scientifically there are WAY too many coincidences for this not to be true. I ask that you study as much as you want and try to prove me wrong..because I don't wanna be right, or the one doing this at all. Let me explain also that if you read on ..there is no going back. Once you know the truth, you can't unlearn it and it might change you. It has me. Over the past 3 years I have read, studied, researched, watched documentary after documentary about every religion, and belief and myth you could ever wanna try to find. And surprisingly they ALL are about the same with many having the EXACT same stories just different names of people and places. I'm talking from Zoroastrianism to Vedic texts from India to Greek and Roman myths, Judaism, Islam, Catholicism, Christianity, to tribes of the Dogon from Africa. all the way back to Mayan and Sumerian and Babylonian texts. Even New Age, Astrology, Freemason-ism and Qabbalah and Theosophy. So no I'm not an expert but i write this having done my homework and probably more than most you would agree. What I have found to be true, and what I believe, and what Im going to show you now are all the same.I believe Barrack Hussien Obama was The Illuminati's nominee to be the man of perdition and assume the role of anti-christ. The Illuminati are behind the Kabbalh movement in the U.S. and England and it has spread to the entire world,in order to create a New World Order under Lucifer upon his arrival. The Freemasons and many musicians and Holly-wood stars are helping too. Note that a magicians wand was made out of holly-wood. and the Illuminati lesser are known as stars.Also you watch tv Programs to PROGRAM you., but I digress for now..here is over 100 reasons why Obama is the Antichrist and USA is Mystery Babylon and how it is written in the bible and in the stars...literally! First off let me show you a few dates that coincide with Obama's political career the planet Saturn and the Bible. The first Babylon was ruled by Nimrod, the second by Nebuchadnezzar. and so the Antichrist will be the ruler of the third at the end. The prophet Jeremiah tells us Jer 39:1 ΒΆ In the ninth year of Zedekiah king of Judah, in the tenth month, came Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon and all his army against Jerusalem, and they besieged it. and Jer 39:2 And in the eleventh year of Zedekiah, in the fourth month, the ninth day of the month, the city was broken up. Okay so we have two periods of time coming from a prophet now using that according also to Isaiah and the study of Satanism from the evil AlsiterCrowley and the upside down Pagan star that...Isaiah 29:16 You turn things upside down! Shall the potter be regarded as the clay, that the thing made should say of its maker, "He did not make me"; or the thing formed say of him who formed it, "He has no understanding"? So in the Ninth year and tenth month NEBUCHadrezzer who will now be known as Obama besieged the city of Babylon. Well we can dismiss this right away if it weren't for the fact that Obamas second swearing in was January 20 2013 and nine years and ten months to the day before would be march 20 2003. That was the day that the Irag War started.....but hey thats ok lets look at another date from the Inauguration..going back 11 years 4 months and 9 days would bring you to September 11, 2001. Hmm does this date mean that Mystery Babylon was broken then besieged. But maybe your not convinced yet, maybe the drones in our skies,aren't really going to be used on us? Sure its not a coincidence that the Bible reveals the name of Satan in Revelation 9:11...Revelation 9:11 King James Version (KJV) 11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. Its also not a coincidence that the Berlin wall fell on 11/9/ 1989..or thator that the number 11 is nine plus 2 or nine 11. Or that New York was the 11th state added to the union,or flight 11 was the first to hit the towers holding 92 passengers 9+2 ..or that September 11 is the 254th day of the year..2+5+4....or that the Madrid bombings happened on 3/11/2004 which happens to be 911 days after September 11, 2001....or that 11 years September 11th to the day George Bush Sr gave a speech announcing that "out of troubled times...A NEW WORLD ORDER" would arise. Or that the Towers themselves looked like a giant 11. Lets dismiss the fact that Obama signed a steel beam that sits atop the 1,776 foot mosque, and I'm sorry to tell you that's what it is (its topped with a Minaret and called THE ONE WORLD TOWER) " We remember, We rebuild, We come back stronger" is this reference to Isaiah 9:10 King James Version (KJV) 10 The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: the sycomores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars. especially since there was sycamores planted around the WTC and the have been replaced with cedars? Also good to note here that in Hebrew the letter W is the same as V or Vav which is recognized in numerology as 6 So he signed it with 3 W's at the beginning or 666. It seems to me like there is a new Tower of Babel. Well for Obama to be the AntiChrist hed have to be king of mystery Babylon. Could this be true of the United States? Or how about the fact that in the Bible we know Solomons Temple had two pillars or towers named Joachin and Boaz. Isn't it weird that on 911 two towers fell...along with a third..the SOLOMON Building? Why Usa is end times Babylon... 1. Babylon would be an end times great nation Rev 17-18 Isa13:6 2.Babylon would have a huge sea port within its borders (New York) Rev 18:17 3. It would be home to the World Government (U.N.) Rev 17:18 (New York) 4. that great City (New York) would be the economic nerve center of the world....literally THE WORLD>>>TRADE>>>CENTER Rev 18:3 5. Babylon would be the youngest and greatest of the end times nations. Jer 50:12 6. Also the most powerful Isa 47 Jer 50 51 Rev 18 7. Babylon is called a lady and has the symbol of a lady (Statue of Liberty)..which was made by Illuminati and Freemasons. Isa 47 7-9 8. Babylon is quartered by many rivers and they pollute thier own waters. Isa 18:2..Isa14:20....From the Ohio to Mississippi to Missouri to Red to Chattahoochee to Yellowstone there are Many rivers in the US 9 Leading exporter and importer and agricultural leader Jer 50 51 51:13 10. Leading industrial nation Isa 13 Rev 18 Isa 47 11. Ruled by many counsels Isa47:13 12. Its musicians would be known around the world Rev 18:22 13. a huge aviation program that they use to conquer..Hab 1:6-10.. 14. Even a SPACE Program Jer 51:53 15.A nation filled with "mingled" people..(ethnically diverse) Jer 50:37 Daniel mixed with miry clay 16. The mother of Babylon has the symbol of a lion (england is the mother of USA) Dan 7:4 Eze 38:13 Jer 51:38....I mean I could go on but I think for now we can establish something here don't you? How about the connection with Obama/The BLACK HORSE of the Apoplypse? and Saturn? Chapter 2 |