Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1964424-WHATS-IN-A-NAME
Rated: E · Other · Children's · #1964424
A young girl remembers her father and their past

Ellie stood looking out of the window, people walking down the street laughing, talking about every day things. And here she was waiting for the taxi who’ll take her to the prison where her father was serving time for a crime he did not commit.

I guess every person who has committed a crime say they are innocent, but this time her dad was telling the truth. When he was younger much younger than herself, her dad got into trouble, he got the name of being a trouble maker, petty things he did, like steal a pot of jam from his mums cupboard. Guess her dad had done more serious things than that.

Ellie looked at the clock, almost time for her to go meet her dad, maybe they could start over, today he’s coming home or at least Ellie hoped so. It would be nice for her mum, since he went to prison people have called her names and not very nice ones at that. To start with mum use to shout back but after awhile she would say nothing, something Ellie could never understand.
For years her dad tried to change the name people gave him, they’d called him the trouble maker, here comes the criminal and lot’s more besides. He was even been called a bully but that’s only because he was bullied first. That was what her mum told her. Her dad was a strong and a massive man six feet tall with broad shoulders. Some of his friends gave him the name, Hulk. Ellie just called him dad.

Ellie looked at the clock a second time; the taxi was late as usual. Less time to spend with her dad if he wasn’t coming home, Ellie missed her dad. The one she remembered, the man who would swing her up onto his shoulders, the man who told her bedtime stories. No one else ever saw that side, all they saw was the names they’d given him over the years.
For the third time in the last ten minutes Ellie looked at the clock, at last she thought, here comes the taxi. The journey itself took an hour and a half, but then they would have to wait some more before she was allowed into the prison. Her belongings were searched and then they are allowed inside.

They had told her mother that her dad killed someone; he just shot them for no reason. A mate of his had given him a gun; they decided to rob a bank. Her dad didn't really need the money but his mate did. There was a third man who was the lookout, dad didn't plan to go through with the plan, and he tried to talk his mate out of it. There was a fight, his mate pointed the gun at him, her dad tried to get the gun out of his mates hand when the gun went off. His mate died instantly and her dad ran. He didn't run far there was no point in that but instead he called the police himself. Her dad never told the police who the third person was but Ellie had the feeling that she knew although she never said.

Last year her mum died, her dad came to the funeral, the prison officers wouldn't let him stay for long. It didn't matter much, no family or friends came, and Ellie was alone to mourn and say goodbye to her mum. She promised her dad that she would visit soon. At school she was called and known as the murderer’s daughter.

Ellie arrived at the prison; her dad smiled kissed her on the cheek. They talked for the whole visit and when it was time to leave her dad give her a letter. “Read the letter at home Ellie, please love never come back I do not want to see you again.” The prison officer smiled, a smile that said I feel sorry for you, having a dad who’s killed. Ellie tried smiling back, but she couldn't hold her tears in they fell down her cheeks. Ellie wiped them away held her head high as she left the prison. In the letter her dad explained that he was all the names people had called him and as long as she kept his name, they would keep hounding her. Change her name and leave the town make a fresh start where nobody knew her. But how could she.

Several years have passed; Ellie married the prison officer the one who smiled on her last visit. They have two young children one they named after her dad and their daughter after her mum. Ellie’s dad died not long after that visit her husband had kept her informed, Ellie had the feeling her dad knew but it didn't matter, And she did just what her dad wanted and changed her name.
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