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Rated: E · Other · Children's · #1964420
A father remembers things that he had done

Mitchell Tate was broad shouldered, his head was like a bears, and he had a full head of hair, just greying at his temples. He had an expressionless face and was a mask of stone, when he was out in public. Mitchell felt as though he had to hide his emotions, couldn’t allow others to see the real him. His deep luminous jet-black eyes showed the sensitivity of a scholar.
Mitchell was an intelligent man he wanted to make more of himself but that was made impossible because he was such a large man. People would pick fights with him, they would start them and he would finish them. Even as a boy he got in trouble the other kids would bully him and of course he had to stick up for himself.
Hank Willis was his only friend since they were very young. Hank had got out of town. Mitchell had thought he had a successful business but now he was back and down on his luck. Hank and a couple of other chaps Mitchell didn’t know decided that they were going to rob the local bank. Mitchell thought at first that they were joking but he soon realised that it was no joke. Hank and his friends were serious. They had asked him if he was in, all he would have to do was to be the driver and look out.
At first Mitchell refused but as he thought about the job, the more it sounded good to him. It wasn’t as though he needed money because he didn’t. Maybe he could put his share in a trust fund for Ellie his little princess. She was going somewhere that girl, she was beautiful and very clever. He was so proud of her and her mother they meant everything to him. Yes, he thought just this one job he could take his wife and daughter away from the town move somewhere nobody knew him a second chance if you like. They could move into the country buy a small farm or a coffee house. Joan could bake homemade cakes and bread to sell. So many ideas were roaming in his head. Yes he thought Just this one job and everything he and Joan dreamed about could really come true.
It was settled then, Mitchell, Hank and his friends would rob the local bank on Friday afternoon, which was when the week’s money would be collected. Friday came around a lot quicker than usual, so they sat around Mitchell’s kitchen table discussing who would do what and who would hold the gun. One of Hanks mates backed out, he had changed his mind, there were just the three of them
It was decided that Mitchell would go into the bank with Hank. And Hank would carry the gun, Mitchell and Hank they were to be the ones demanding that the bank hand over the money where as the third member would be look out. They sat outside the bank, wore motor bike helmets to hide their identity, Mitchell had a very bad feeling about the job he, tried to persuade Hank and his mate not to carry out the robbery. Hank aimed the gun right at Mitchell, telling him not to back out or he would shoot.
They walked into the bank demanded all the money, the young girl behind the counter was terrified Mitchell could see it in her eyes but she did as she was told. Someone walked up behind them, Hank turned around and shot without a qualm, the guy fell to the ground. He died instantly Mitchell could tell that he was dead. Hank grabbed the money and ran. Shouted at Mitchell to run and to his mate behind the wheel to start the car and go, inside the car Mitchell shouted, “What the hell’s wrong with you, why shoot the boy? You didn’t need to kill the boy.”
Hank aimed the gun at Mitchell head for the second time, “Shut your mouth Mitchell if you know what’s good for you.”
Hanks mate stopped the car and made a run for it. Hank aimed the gun on the lad and there was a scuffle and the gun went off. Hank was dead, there was blood everywhere, Mitchell had it all over his hands and face and all down his clothes. He hadn't released that he still had hold of the gun. Dropping it he ran leaving the money behind. He’d run several streets before he stopped. What’s the point in running he thought; they would still catch him in time. Mitchell found the next phone box dialed 999 asked for the police and then he waited for the voice on the other end to speak. What had he done, he thought; killed his best mate, what about Ellie how was he going to explain this to her and Joan. She would never forgive him and he couldn't blame her. He was a murderer and a thief and a useless husband and father.
The voice on the other end said “Hello how can I help?” Mitchell calmly said, “My name is Mitchell Tate. I am the one who robbed the local bank and killed two people.” Mitchell only thought it only fitting to pay for both murders.
“Wait a minute sir while I put you through to the officer in charge.”
There was silence Mitchell thought about hanging up, maybe he should go straight to the station rather than wait where he was. Mitchell decided to go straight to the station and placed the phone back on the receiver. He flagged down a taxi, “Police station.” He told the driver and then changed his mind, Mitchell asked the driver to go to his address first. It didn't take long before the taxi stopped out front his house. “Wait here.” Mitchell asked. “I won’t be long. He promised the driver.
Joan was standing at the sink in the kitchen washing up the tea things, as he walked into the room she turned around. “What’s wrong?” She asked worry etched on her face. And then she saw the blood on his face.
Mitchell explained everything to her; he was so ashamed he couldn't look her in the eyes. All he could say was sorry. Kissing her on her cheek and wiping the tears that were running from her eyes. Mitchell walked away. As he reached the front door Ellie rushed down stairs to his arms. “Daddy, Daddy you’re home. You promised that you would read me my bedtime story. Mitchell looked at his young daughter so innocent, all he said was. “I can’t sweet heart, daddy has to go away.”
“Joan promise you will look after yourself and Ellie.” And with that he left, got into the taxi as they drove away he didn’t dare look around couldn’t bear to see the hurt, disappointment on both their faces. Mitchell had made Joan promise not to visit him in prison. It was no place to take a child. The taxi parked out front of the police station and Mitchell Tate handed himself in.
© Copyright 2013 donnabateson (donnapeppy at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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