Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1964398-The-Demons-voice---Chapter-2
by Anadia
Rated: 18+ · Other · Dark · #1964398
Chapter 2:

“Will you listen to me for once!” growled the voice in my head

“No” I replied to it out loud, I was alone in my room so I wasn’t scared of being called crazy

“For god’s sake, why do you have to be so stubborn” growled the voice again

“I thought demons weren’t allowed to say the word ‘god’” I said rolling my eyes at him

“Answer the god dam question, you stubborn ass”

“it’s because you give me no proof that you are anymore then my own mind of my imagination, Damon” Damon was the nickname I had giving him, seeing as he had never given me his real name, he had told me he didn’t because I would have no idea how to pronounce it, but I thought he just wanted to be annoying.

“Come on Rosie, what does a guy have to do to prove you wrong” said Damon in a condescending tone, I suppose it wasn’t much of a surprise considering that he was a demon, but it always annoyed me when he spoke to me like that.

I decided to ignore him, if I didn’t say anything he would normally go away and leave me alone but, unfortunately, today wasn’t one of those days “come on rose! We don’t have long left!”

“Then give me prove, show yourself to me” I told him, it was the same thing I had told him many times before.

“How many times do I have to say it!” he growled at me “I can’t god Dam you!”

“Oh and why is that you annoyed spirit!”

“Because I don’t bloody have that kind of power!”

“Then get it!”

“I’m trying! You idiot”

“Then use some of your spirit mojo and speak to someone close to me or something!”

“Tried that, didn’t work!”

“Try harder” I growled at him, he just grumbled in response, I rolled my eyes at him.

I decided to open up my laptop to see if anyone was on, with luck, my boyfriend was on. As soon as I had logged on he sent a message to me hey sunshine, I rolled my eyes at the screen, this was his nickname for me, it was incredibly cute and incredibly dorkish of him, and that was why I loved him.

I messaged hey dorkamus which was my nickname for him and had been since I met him, it made him roll his eyes and made me giggle. We continued typing messages about how he was going at university, and how I was going at work, we hardly had any time for each other these days, but it didn’t bother us…. Too much anyway. It wasn’t easy because when you go from having each other every day to hardly seeing each other every week, the longing takes its toll.

Hours passed we just messaged back and forth, talking about random things “you know you should tell him about me” spoke Damon “I mean, he should know that your attention is focused on another guy, plus he told you about his little fucked up mind problem”

“Shut up!” I yelled “he doesn’t have a fucked up mind problem!”

“Yes because seeing little people in your head is normal”

“He doesn’t see little people in his head, he just thinks a different way!”

“Yeah, keep telling yourself that sweetie and while you’re at it, suck my dick!”

“You’re an invisible voice inside my head!” I growled “you don’t even have a dick!”

“Watch it sweetie, you don’t know the things I can do even without a body!”

“Go fuck yourself Damon!”

“Oh sweetie, what I wouldn’t give to fuck you”

“Ugh, your disgusting and quit calling me sweetie!”

“Why not! You like it too much!?”

“Ugh, why would I like it?”

“I can think of a few reasons”

“GET LOST YOU SICKO!” I said, throwing my pillow at empty air, that was when I heard a knock on the door “are you ok in there?” it was my mums voice

“Y….. Yeah I’m fine” I said “just….. Just some random won’t quit trying to add me ok Skype”

“if that’s all, dinner will be ready soon” I heard her walk away, and I turned, I could imagine Damon laying smugly on the bed “this is all your fault” I said, glaring at him, even though I couldn’t actually see him “you know what my mum would do if she saw me talking to you again…. She already did it once”

“oh poor me, poor me, my mum thinks I’m a crazy person, yeah well at least your parents didn’t try to eat you, or kill you, or anything like that”

“Whatever, just go back to lounging about and watching my every move!”

“Sure will, can’t wait till you get changed again…. Always my favourite part”

“Ugh” I went back to messaging with Marcus, soon enough I heard my mum call out “dinner!” I sent a quick message saying that dinner was ready and went down stairs.

When I got down there I saw that dinner was just McDonalds which didn’t bother me so much, what was bothering though was the look my mother was giving me. At home it was just me and my mother, I was an only child and my dad went off when I was only young…. I know I was the one who scared him off, I shouldn’t have told him what I was seeing and my mum…. My mum put up with me because she had to, not because she wanted to. She was just waiting for the day I moved out and took all the weirdness from her life.

I finished my dinner and that was when my mother decided to speak “you’re not speaking to…. It… again are you?”

“No mum” I said, refusing to face her “I told you, I’m all cured, I don’t see ghost or….. It… anymore”

“Good” my mum said “because if you are, I will have to take you back to that place… for good”

“I know mum, I know” I said walking off, there was no way I was going back there, it might have only been for a day, but still, it was scary and left me scarred for life…. Both mentally and physically. My hand automatically moved up to my shoulder where I caressed the spot where, only a few years ago, had been a bloody mess, I still had the scar on my shoulder from where that manic had attacked me.

I returned to my room and continued to chat to Marcus until he had to go to sleep, not long after I got changed and went to bed, a smile in my face like most nights. My great grandmother always came to me at night before I fell asleep, I knew because I felt a hand caressing my face every night, and Damon hardly ever stayed during the night, normally I didn’t care but this night a part of me wondered, where did Damon go every night, and was he ok.

In my dream there was a small house, a random house in the middle of the suburbs. I had no idea where I was and was sure I had never been here before. As I watched I saw a man enter the house. It was strange though, the man didn’t seem to move through a door, no, it was more like he entered through the wall. ‘I want to follow him’ I thought ‘I want to know what he’s doing’ before I knew It I zoomed through the wall, just like the man had done, however, the man was nowhere to be seen. As I walked through the house I heard noises that sounded like moans. I soon came to a bedroom with a wide open door, in it I saw two people….. Making love….. They were atop the blankets as if they had had too much passion between each other to even get under the sheets.

That wasn’t what surprised me though, no, what surprised me was the fact that the man had a tail coming out from the bottom of his spin, and had large blood red wings coming from his back. He held his wings straight up as if he was trying to show off the women beneath him, he growled with passion and anger. Slowly though, as if he had felt that I was there he looked up, his hair was the same colour as his wings and his eyes glowed red with a mixture of lust, anger, and power. I was too scared to even move.

The man looked me in my eyes and said “Rosie!” as if he was surprised I was there. That was when I ran, and ran, and ran. I woke up, the sun shining through my window, my last memory of the dream echoing in my ears, the fear I felt as I ran as fast as I could, to get away from the demon again

© Copyright 2013 Anadia (anadia at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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