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Rated: GC · Fiction · Community · #1964308
Two couples one and the other undergoes a letter that will change their lives

To every thing there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven.

A time to weep and a time to heal a time to break down and time to build up.

Ecclesiastes 3:2


Chapter ! The Letter

When Nasons grandmother died from Leukiema he was very sad that a purpose like his grandmother had to

die.His relatives had come to see what they could do to help and to say there good byes to her. Nason remembers going

into her bedroom and seeing her just laying there with her eyes closed. He felt his heart sink to her loss as he thought

about what heaven might be like. He felt so helpless and remembered when his youngest daughter had died from a

seizure. He just sat there just looking at her thinking it is so surreal life and death as he thought what has he done with his

life. He certainly didn't want to waste a single day of his life worrying about the future and that God is real. He thought that

when God wants you he wants you Nason wanted to rejoice in his name, and not take anything for granted because you

never now what will happen. He needed to get some air so when his Aunt and Uncle came into the room he took his

chance and went outside. He headed toward the barn where his grandfather spent most of his time fixing trucks and

tractors, and going out into the field to plow hay or just to drive around looking at the land. He remembered the dog that

his grandfather used to have, and the day that it left when his grandfather died. Yes sir he had lots of memories on the

farm, but what do you do with memories when they are just memories. He thought there has to be more in life and purpose

in his life. Just then as he was walking he came across an old rusty can that he had never seen before until that day. It

was like he was meant to see, and place just for him he was very curious as he looked around to see if anybody was

looking for him. The can had a twist lid so he twisted it off and opened to see that it was a note of some kind in it. He took

it out of the can blew off the dust, and saw that it was addressed to him it was a letter from his grandmother. It had a story

that read:
Hello Nason: This is your grandmother if you are reading this I am gone home. I wanted to share a story

that will change your life. When I was 23 my parents owned a cafe that I had worked at since I was a little girl.

Over that period of time lots of people would enter into the cafe, but there was this one person that had caught

my eye. One afternoon he had come in I can never forget his beard that was neatly combed, and his clothes

were neatly pressed. He looked so neat with no wrinkles and it seemed like he was just so perfect. I went over

to see if he needed anything to eat or drink. As I went over he had taken off his two scarfs. One was really neat

and the other was really old. He looked at me and asked me if I had time to show me something really important.

I nodded and he had begun to show me what the scarfs had represented to him. He stated that the old scarf as

he put it on the table. Represents the darkness in our lives that has happen before God had sent a savor to save

us from the world when it was evil. He stopped and stated to me do you understand what I am trying to say he

would reply over, and over again to make sure that I understood exactly what he was trying to say to me. He

began again and told her about the new scarf. That was nice looking and it shined as he held it up so I could see

it. Now look at the scarf it represents how a new life can be if you choose to believe in a higher power as your

personal savor. He said it again do you understand what I am trying to tell you. I nodded again but this time

he stood up and said that he needed to get going. I told him that I understood but before he left I wanted my

parents to meet you. He said alright so I went back to the kitchen to where they were and came out with them.

But he had already gone but a note was left to say thanks for the food and drink when I was hungry and thirsty.

Keep showing kindness to the world toward people like me and this shall benefit you some day.

Nason finished reading the letter he felt like the letter was trying to tell him something. That he needed to give the

letter to the world, and that his grandmother would have wanted him to give it to someone to share to the world, but who

could he give it to. Just then he heard a knock at the barn door he didn't know who it was. He thought it was his relatives

seeing what he was doing in the barn. But as he opened the door he saw a man standing there as he looked up to see his

face. The gentleman said with a smile." Hello Nason I am Mark I was sent down to help you get your letter out to the

people so they could see it.

Chapter 2

In a near by coffee shop two men talk about the accident that had lead his daughter to heaven. Nason asked

how she was and was she happy. Mark said that she was in really good hands and that she was so happy that she didn't

even know she was in heaven. Then out of the blue he understood what he needed to do. Feeling confident and reassured

that answers don't come from your own understanding. They came from your creator who created you, and you loves you

unconditionally just like the letter had said. Mark just look at him and smiled as he said, " Then this is the perfect place to get

started." Mark mentioned that he was an Angel too like his daughter was." Nason was very puzzled once again because he

didn't get how he can see Mark. but not his one daughter. Mark said that Angels can be in many different forms to blend in so

it is a mystery to people, and not so obvious to mankind." If it were easy then many people would not seek there own souls

and not believe in faith, love or even hope." So that is what the letter is trying to say about the scarfs.

Mark got up from the table paid the check and went home. That afternoon his wife was in the other room watching T.V as he came in.

" How did the job searching go any leads. " A few." as he spoke his voice had such a joyful like he won the lottery." You seem in good spirits

today you must of found a lot of jobs today." No, I am just in a really good mood!" as his laughter filled his voice.' Well, care to share." she said

with a curious tone," It's just this letter I found in the e news on yahoo,you need to read it, to see what you think of it." "Alright, I'll read it, when

we go to bed, I am right in the middle of watching this really great movie," he joined he on the couch, with his arm around her, holding her near

and thinking how lucky he was, the next morning he awoke with his wife hugging him, as she gave him a big kiss, " What has gotten into you."

not that he minded a little affection from his wife} "It's that letter that he gave me to read, I read it last night, because I couldn't fall asleep, it was

so inspiring to me, how hopeful hat Jae character was, and telling that little girl what the scarfs meant.I it opened my eyes of how we are

supposed to view the world, I wonder if they ever found him?" I don't know."How about some breakfast?" Sure," as she made some coffee for

both of them, " Coming right up." as she touched his shoulder. " Are you going to do more applications today? Yes, I might see what is out there,

I think I will give it a shot, " he took his computer, to the same coffee shop, he went to all the time that had amazing view of the city, and that

had played the same jazz dvd since he had been there, he took out his laptop, and plugged it into one of the outlets that he was siting next to, he

proceeded to Google search once again, for the one dream job that he always wanted.

Chapter 3

beggar lady. "Can i give you some advice, this is speaking as a person whose been married for 20 years," Sure" " When he comes

home tonight cook his favorite meal, get some really good wine, not the cheap stuff either, splurge , and after dinner just say I need to talk to

you about something that is really important." Take him to the couch, and then talk to him , most of the time, they will agree, because they want

to satisfy us, and they know that saying if momma happy aint nobody happy", as they chanted " Aint nobody happy" laughed as her

friend looked into Marcies eyes, " Its gong to be fine don't worry so much Nason is a good man." I know he will be a good provider, I know he

will be," with a reassurance on her voice, you will have a happy life, I can feel it filled with many happy moments take it from me i know." Marcy

smiled as she felt a tease of the words she was saying." Well then its getting late, I have to prepare something for dinner, you know my husband

have to get dinner right at six, or the whole world blows up." Alright Marcy" she stood up and walked toward her car, she got into the car, and

stated " Marcy I want to tell you something," with a serious look on her face," I just want you to know before you marry Nason, I am sure hes a

fine person, i just want to ask you to seek in you heart , what you want , and what he wants, you understand what I am trying to say" Yes," as

Marcy smile I want you to really think an if you have anything that you want to talk about you let me know, I am your mother after all, I know, I

love you mom, as she hugged her they went they parted ways. When her mother left Marcy got on the phone, called Nason at work , she knew

he had a break between the day, he answered " Hello Hi honey" Oh hi dear its good to hear your voice, is everything okay" Yes, everything is

fine." How are the wedding plans coming along." Good that's what I want to talk to you about." Okay" I was wondering if we could talk tonight

when you get off from work." Sure anything wrong." at that moment she was glad he was willing to sit and talk about what she had been

dreading to talk about. " I get off at 6 maybe we can go out." he suggested, " No, I need to be in a quiet place, just you and me no one else."

Alright are you sure there is nothing else wrong." Yes, I am sure, I just needed to talk about some concerns I have about you, and i and about

the wedding." No problem, listen dear my break is over and I need to get back to work." Ill see you tonight." Okay I love you." I love you too," he

hung up the satisfied at the conversation, Marcy felt so happy that tonight will be a good evening, to just get everything out in the open, She

went on with her day getting back on the wedding plans that were put on hold, because of her lack of concentration, but now she was ready to

go she had many calls to make. to the church, the flower shop , and get all the prices together to talk to nasom, about to include

him and to ask for his opinion on things she decided to put in the wedding, when she got home for the day, she felt so overwhelmed, she

decided to ask God for strength, and the words to say to Nason to make him understand what she was feeling she started, " Dear God"

Chapter 4

Marcy got home later that day, she had been to the store to prepare for to nights dinner, she got the finest wine, which she

was told to get, she made the typical salad, a lovely fillet fish with steamed rice,she put out the table cloth, and got ready for the night. Nason

arrived at about 6, she was on the sofa sipping some wine, she offered him a glass, "Thanks hon," as he gave her a g;ass he sat down on the

sofa, " Dinner smells good I am starved." It'll be done in a minute." What did you want to talk to me about," he responded wit a various tone in

his voice, she collected her thoughts, " You know how important the wedding is to me." Yes, I do" I know you are trying the best you can to be

involved in the wedding." she finished with her last statement he felt the room spinning as she said,"I just need for you to be more involved, while

she was talking he couldn't help thinking about a couple of verses in the bible, starting with Gensis, which stated, in Gods own image God made

that man, and the woman , God mad woman so man would not be alone, he thanked go for Marcy, but he though in these situations, she could

be a little bit controlling, at time,but he chose not to express his thoughts, that way when she finished saying her two cents, about the wedding,

he responded back," How can I be more of an encouragement, and help you out, so you don't feel overwhelmed." She enjoyed hearing what he

had to say, and replied to her. " I have a few items that we need to discuss, which to him meant, I have a few things that I decided , I just need

you to go along with them."

Chapter 5
Later that morning Nason received a phone call from Frisco ISD asking him if he could come in for an interview for the following
morning.They asked if Nason was there,and they had seen his resume, and they were very interested in him,they asked him if he could come in around 9:00 a.m

Why am I going through this, it's asked itself this as he walked through the door my relationship is okay even finally realized something good

struck as soon not that great, exactly heard his fiancée crying their to the department, the moment so since said the Senate uneasy feeling his

chest that, he never felt before you got it to got to the office, and attractive woman with long black hair, sitting at the door the in this direction I

hope you 21 most beautiful's policy is, I have an important to see, she's together to stop often used objects store is stare at her with her beautiful

beauty includes the, I hear to see colonists set against this time trying to get the words out a Victoria and probably get out the words, I will let her

know you have a seat over a his coffee water like, I'll be right back," She came back to say, should be right there should be with you shortly,

she's just finishing with another client, suddenly indoor open and the client stepped out to say goodbye to-based stains their goodbyes, when

into her office said on the couch cease and said in a very loud and very loud voice, well I cannot come in, not like any other therapist if people

want to see me then I don't force them to see me so if you want to go to go is not to come in and sit down and we can start our session if you

like, listen to know what to think he had never heard or seen someone a lecture before that didn't care if you stay or less, so he thought that he

would rather make the best of things, and do what she said, she got up he got up from the couch and headed toward the, well it's about time

she said I've been waiting about five minutes and was wondered if you're going to be one of those people leave or stay focused on what is really

bothering bothering you, but I can see that you are different though let's get started selling, go ahead and shut the door and can I offer you some

water or anything, nor find a little sit down and we can get started." I charge $25 for the third session the first and second session for free if this

works out which I think is a will, he shook his hand and nodded as she agreed will then let's get started she took a piece of paper I like to know a

little bit about my clients and what they are in for, so tell me a little bit about yourself and why you would like to see me, well, I am having these

dreams. I see there go on listening. Will have these dreams that I standing in a field and this woman comes toward me and says that I'm going

to lose everything if I'm not careful, and then I get this other during the person,She tells me the same thing, so I am stuck between these two

women to tell me that I'll that all lose everything everything if I am not too careful,

Chapter 7 Waiting

When he left the interview that afternoon, though very confident that what said, and asserted that they were going to call him,Before he started

this car pray the Lord Nixon you will for me to have this job I pray that you will Leslie and knowing is away, and your precious holy name I pray

amen. Before he started his car he prayed dear Lord your fits in your will for me to have his job I pray that you will Leslie and knowing the way

your precious holy name I pray amen. He started his car when he finished praying he felt at ease. When he left he felt like everything is going to

be okay, because Jesus was in control. He arrived home this piece in his heart, his wife was making dinner when he got home, "hi dear hi dear,

she exclaimed how do the interview go. It went better than expected. Just good I'm glad that you felt so confident good for you. A funny thing

happened at the interview though it was about the article that was written,) a man they both said, mean about that misfit woman yes, how

would she have access to the letter that particular time, what did you say when she asked the question, it is said that the letter reason why I

became a reporter in the first place. Good for you said with a smile on her face, I'm glad you said I'm glad you said that it shows that you have

authority and its assertiveness which you need in your corner right now. When will you hear back from them. I think she said next week

sometime. Diesel that they will call you back or are you not sure that it went well known well I can fill something good is going to happen. Sure

you're already prayed about it Avenue. Yes you said as he gave a a a deep smile. Okay dinner is almost ready for new and me those potholders

this is very very hot. Thinks she said they sat down to the dinner and subjects they said thank you for all the blessings that you have given and

are lives. Thank you for the food so we are about to receive me in the plentiful and nourishment to our bodies thank you for the opportunity that

gave me his family I pray that you bless and make you work through you name I pray on the they continue Talking about the they chat about life

in the next level the next level of their lives, they talked about having family was going to work out. It was then when you close we will just leave

it in his hands and hope for the best when did you always did you start believing in God always believed in God but I did not always express the

way that I feel about the negative church but I don't always talk about, to thought you got to use seems mad and a little stressed out as he said

I'm sorry but hard to make you mad a lot now just a little stressed out using my believer, and I do not think that you are but I just don't want to be

in the dark secrets for you either one of us said you have to promise.""Okay, I promise"

Chapter 8 disbelief

Later that night Mark other call from this insane that he has to come out there and see this for himself where you he said where

children feel that points in the power that is yes if passed by all the time, so quick I think you really need to see this a more moderate allow my

way right now, dear what's wrong Nicole said I don't know you are you won't tell me you want, signage is said with a hurdler, status uncommon

with you except the road at the scene about 10 minutes whithersoever, and the big cross in the middle of the field. Patient said he saw it what he

was talking about and Teresa responded well what you think that it's amazing he said. He said: I don't know just as it showed up. There's just

one thing I forgot to mention what is it you said you found this letter mission started to market a red dear Martha Mason by now you are in this

wondering where I am my bosses called me up and needed to talk to me about the next step in my mission. Probably wondering what this is all

about again can tell you right now as I can say that you two aren't easy to honor very important assignment and I will tell you more when I get

informed, on consumer analysis loving people the way you like to be loved, and also treat others the way you like to be treated. Do this you will

get a great reward in heaven a promise. Immersing what I know is I'm supposed to come back Saturday and inform you to do something very

great silliness yet but I will let you know well that's all I have for you are now sincerely Angela Aka Angle

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