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Rated: XGC · Novel · Romance/Love · #1964292
Running from or running to??? Jenny is in danger or safe from danger? READ TO FIND OUT :)
The Well

Laying in a pool of water the last thing Jennifer remembers is seeing a young man's face at the opening.

Jennifer blacked out.

Peter's P.O.V.

I hope she is alright. She fell pretty far. OH CRAP that's magical water, oh, what have I read about that substance.

As I run I talk to my self...

"Why did I step in front of her."

"How stupid of me."

He finally got back to his house, ran up the stairs, and ripped every book off the shelve until he got the one he wanted. "All Magical Substances and their Effects on Mortals and Others". After reading for about an hour he realized that he wasn't able to see her for 10,000 years, then she would be un frozen and he could be her knight and shining armor.


Jennifer's P.O.V.

Holy Crap! Was all Jennifer can think about when she opened her eyes. Where am I? looking around she noticed that she was not alone. Counting about 4 guys and a girl in white uniforms and helmets. She picked the girl out from them because her hair fell below her helmet. When they move towards her she panicked and sprung up and knocked them all over and dug for her bag to find her knife, but her bags not there. Oh no, where is my bag? Then she spotted it next to a wall of what looks like a huge cavern. Defending herself and ready for an attack, she puts her back against the wall and scoots toward her bag. Grabbed it and her knife out of it. Armed and ready to go. Jen looks for a way out. Finding it, a hole in the caverns ceiling with 5 ropes hanging down.

Sticking her knife in her boot, she sprinted to the first and closest rope, grabbed it and started climbing. Getting close to the top she looked down and saw no one was chasing her.That's odd. Why aren't they chasing me?

When Jen got to the top she found out why.

Standing at about 7 feet from the "well" opening was a 6 foot tall man, blonde hair and chalky grey eyes, with a heart stopping grin on his face. He took a step to me when I finally climbed out of the hole there is one thing that went through my mind. And that was. RUN!

As I took off I decided to take a path I used to always run if I was in trouble. I didn't think he knew it as well. I kept running not looking back. I ran to my house. Finally, I broke through the clearing and started shouting my brother and dads name. I couldn't believe my eyes. My house. It's gone. Well the foundation was there but everything else wasn't. How long was I passed out? Where's my dad? My mom? My sister? My brother? Where are they? I jump when I hear a booming laugh. My eyes search the meadow for the source. But, no good. Finally, I see the culprit. As he walks out from behind the still standing chimney I feel like I recognize him.

Finally, it clicks. It is the chalky gray eyed guy at the top of the well.

I take a step back and grab my bag from my shoulder. I reached in and grabbed my bow and quiver without taking my eyes off him. I put the quiver and my bag on my back. I pull out an arrow and equip it. There is that laugh again.

"What's so funny?" I stutter out. He takes a step closer to me.

"You are my dear." His lovely voice projects across the entire meadow.

"I am far from funny." Lowering my bow a bit I noticed that it was a bad idea about a second after I did it because he was in front of me. Directly in front of me. I gasp. "How did you... there is no way."

"Go back to my castle and I'll answer any questions you have."

Peter's P.O.V.

Walking along the path we came from I can hear her talking quietly to herself.

"Why did he know where I was going? How did he get over to me so fast? What were those guards doing in the well with me? What's his name? Where did he come from?..." The questions just kept coming.

"You think too much"

"I do not!"

"Do too."

"Wait. Why do you say I think toomuch?"

"Because I can read your mind."

"Oh. OK then."

She stops. I walk a stride or two and then realized that she stopped and turned around. "What?"

"What? You just told me that you read my mind. How did you expect me to react? How can you read my mind?"

"Well Jennifer I'm not who you think I am."

"How do you know what I think you are?"

"Remember I can read your mind."

"Oh. That's right."

"You wouldn't believe me even if I told you what I am." I say to her over my shoulder.

"You're so mean to me." Jennifer states and pushes me so hard that I stumble and slam into a tree. I spin around and grab her arms. She lets out a small squeak and pushes against me, pushing me backwards a step. I stumble over a fallen limb, crashing to the floor of the forest pulling Jennifer to the ground with me.

"That's mean!" she went to go get up, but I hold on to her with my iron grasp, I stopped her from getting up.

"Hey, let me go." I pull her closer to me.

"What if I don't want to?" Jennifer takes a minute to answer me.

"Well, I don't..." Before she could finish I spun her around pushing her back against the ground.

"You don't what?" I whisper.

"I was going to say, I don't think you have a choice." She narrows her eyes at me and I think it's cute. I couldn't help but laugh.

"That's where I think you're wrong." Between laughter

"No, I'm right." Jennifer moves against him. "Get off me." Jennifer screams pushing against me.

Without leaning down I whisper in her ear. "Do you trust me?"

"NO" Jennifer screams.

Peter winces at her scream. And continues to whisper in her ear. "How can I get you to trust me?"

"For one you could get off me. I can't breathe."

Peter jumps up, reaching down to pick her up off the ground. "I'm sorry, milady." Oh crap I let it slip I didn't mean to crap. Crap what will she think? A million things run through my mind.

"What did you just say?"

"Nothing," I turn around "let's go to my castle."

Jennifer's P.O.V.

"Your castle?" I say under my breathe. "What's your name?"

"Peter" barely audible but I still hear it. I catch up to him and slid my arm through his.

"Well, peter is a nice name." I look at him when he suddenly stops and turns to me.

"What are you doing?" he growls.

"What do you think I'm doing?" I growl back, placing my hands on my hips.

"I think you're making a huge mistake."

"Why is that?" Why am I taunting him? Have I lost my mind? And then a saying. "I can read your mind" CRAP! How could I have forgotten? What is he going to do? All of a sudden I'm up against a tree. Stunned I put my hands against his chest ready to push him away. But, instead he leans into me and I instantly shut my eyes thinking he is going to kill me. Next thing I know he whispers in my ear and I shudder. "Let us head to my castle."

"Fine." He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me away from the tree. As we walk through the forest after about ten minutes he lets his arm drop. I sideways glance at him and I think he noticed to so I dart my eyes away from him and watch the tree tops. He is staring at me, I think, I can feel it, I turn to him and he is smirking at me. I push him with all my might. He lets out a low growl. I'm guessing he saw fear in my eyes because he immediately jumps up and wraps his arms around me and whispers. "I'm Sorry."

"Let's go somewhere warmer." When I let the last word out of my mouth, I shudder from the cold. He steps back from me and takes off his jacket and hands it to me. "No, you were it. You'll get cold." Is he laughing? "I don't get cold, ever." What? Can he hear me? Peter? You there? "Yes, I can hear you and yes I'm here." Holy Crap! Did you say that out loud or in my mind? "Sweetheart, Not only can I hear your thoughts and look into your memories: I can project mine in yours." "What are you?" Peter steps to me and wraps his strong arms around me and whispers in my ear "Wanna play a game?"



"What's the game and what do I get if I win?"

"Guess who I am."

"You're Peter. That's Easy. What do I win?"

"No, guess what I am."

"You are human."

"I was."

"You were?"


"What are you now?"

"What do you know about me?"

He is human. Or at least he was. I don't get it. What can he be? "Think harder

"I keep forgetting that you can read my mind."

"Let us walk and talk."

"And where are we walking to?"

"Where do you plan on staying?"

"My house."

"It's burnt down."

"Oh, that's right."

"Come live with me."

"I couldn't."

"Why not?"

"I couldn't impose like that."

"You're not"


"No, please stay with me."

" I can't."

"Why not?"

"I need to rebuild my house."

"My people will."

"I can't ask you to do that"

"Then don't"

"I'm building my house by myself!"

"No, you are not."

"Wanna bet?"


"Fine." Jennifer walks away.

How am I going to build a house by myself?

'You're not'

What the ?

'Did you kiss your mother with that mouth?'

Who is that?

'Think about it Jen. You don't mind me calling you jen right?'


'Did I make you angry? I didn't mean to. I'm so sorry.'

Who is that?

'It's Peter.'


'I'm sorry. Quick question, though.'


'Would you please stay at my castle for one night at least.'

Fine, but I'm changing.

'Ok then. Meet you at your old house.'

Changing into her hunting clothes, this consisted of:

Tight forest green pants

Brown knee-high boots

Brown leather gloves

Dark puffy under shirt

Green leather form fitting chest armor

A black leather belt (that had her latest fox tails for good luck, a green leather pouch of poisons, a black leather pouch of healing herbs, the sheath she had embroidered for her favorite blade, a plain sheath for her skinning knife, a leather pouch she kept her edible drinks and food)

A cloak that consisted of black wool for the inner fabric, brown trim around the edges, the outer fabric consisted of a dark forest green cloth. On the inner fabric she had embroidered for speed, agility, stealth, angelic power, Deflect/block, Heal, tongue/speech, fearless, soundless, sight, and strength. Each meaning something else and helping her in one way shape or form.

Walking through the woods feeling like someone was following her. In one fluid motion, Jen bent down, grabbed her sheathed knife from her boot, spun around, and had the attacker that was following her against a tree and her blade at his throat.

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