Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1964206-Horror-In-The-Dark-Chapter-1
by Death
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Horror/Scary · #1964206
Hold onto your Trousers!
It all began with a simple, harmless game. We thought the legends weren’t real, but we were wrong. I write this so that no one makes the same mistakes that we did. I’m the only one alive for the moment, but that will change soon. My name is Stephan, and this is the tale of 12 friends and how they unintentionally destroyed a whole town without lifting a finger. This is our legacy; this is what we leave behind to the ones still are out there I don’t know if this will ever reach you, but if it does please, please don’t make the same mistakes we did.

One peaceful day, I was searching the web and had found a picture of the eight pages from the “Slender the Eight Pages” computer game and a Slenderman morph suit for sale and I got the best idea ever. So I printed out all the info and order the suit. The next day I told my friends about my idea and they even agreed it sounded like fun, so with their help we created the pages and dressed Dan Stender in the suit, he was the Slenderman or to us the Stenderman. We set the pages up at Stender’s house because his woods made the perfect place for the game. So we prepared as he set up the pages so it won’t be so easy for us to find them. We grabbed our flashlights and bags with the supplies will need.

An hour later and it was ten at night so we all readied ourselves with our maps and all to play our first (or should I say last) game of real life Slender. Of course we agreed to stay together, and Dan would chase us as we do our best to gather the eight pages. Eight pieces of paper scattered around the woods, 11 friends looking for them as their chased by our one friend dressed as Slenderman, what could go wrong. When we began no one gave thought to Stender warning us of his woods and house being haunted.

After five minutes Stender would enter the woods and begin to hunt us down as the Slenderman. We started at exactly 10:00, by 10:03 we had already found our first page. Dimitri, one of my friends, had to take a leak so we stayed put while he relieved himself. Not even a minute later we heard a blood-curdling scream, it was the scream of Dimitri as he was attacked by something.

We ran in his direction, as we sprinted we would shout,” Stender, it’s not funny” or “It wasn’t time for you to start yet” as we strayed farther from the path we began to feel the ground become slippery. We looked down to see thick, red, BLOOD!

It was Dimitri’s and as we traveled farther following it, it began to get thicker and thicker until we began to see a steady stream coming from above. We looked up to find Dimitri impaled on a branch, half alive. We arrived just in time while he was still conscious. I asked everyone to grab some sort of weapon to fend off whatever attacked Dimitri if it returns for seconds. While they did this I climbed the tree up to Dimitri’s branch which was about eight feet in the air. When I had gotten him down it was about 10:07 and Stender was still close to home so I called him on the walkie talkie and told him to signal us back to the yard for we had lost our way. As we dragged Dimitri’s half dead body out of the woods we saw Stender with a huge bon-fire.

We laid Dimitri down alongside the fire as we prepared to cauterize the wound. The hole didn’t go all the way through, but that didn’t stop it from bleeding. As we pressed the red hot metal to his wound he screamed in pain, but at least he’ll live. All we could muster out was,” What could have done this to him.” I had a slight idea but I knew no one would believe me so I kept my mouth shut. We all agreed to stay out of the woods the rest of the night, but whatever could have done this to him can still do the same to us, for all we know it could be lurking in the shadows as we speak.

So we decided to barricade Stender’s house for the night. We all took shifts watching out for the beast. First Stender next was me, then Hagelin, and so on. Everyone got a shift, everyone except Dimitri, who lay in agony. I couldn’t sleep so I only pretended. I had a terrible feeling in my gut that this was my entire fault. If I never thought of the idea to play slender we would have never gotten into this situation, and Dimitri would have never gotten hurt.

Due to Dimitri’s condition we had to check his pulse every Five minutes to make sure he was still with us. I know why not bring Dimitri to the hospital, well Stender’s parents were out of town for a week and all our phones couldn’t get service. Is that a coincidence or what? 12 friends play a real-life version of a horror game and it all goes wrong. Parents aren’t in town and phones can’t get service. Well it may seem funny to you, well it was truly terrifying for us and it still is for me as I write this. Any second now I could be killed, but I must go on to finish this tale before that time comes so on with what I was saying.

It was my turn on watch, so I took a moment to scan our surroundings and what I saw made my heart skip a couple beats. I never would have thought this creature would be behind this all, but there’s a first for everything, for I was staring into the eyeless, faceless entity known today as the SLENDERMAN. Back in the 1600s, in Germany he was called “Der Grossman” or “Der Ritter”. His legends begins with him as a German man, who had been dragged into the woods, beaten with a log, stabbed in the chest with a two foot stick, and hung from a tree with all his limbs pulled from their sockets. To this day he kills people in silence and one of his methods is to impale them onto a branch, hence what happened to Dimitri.

As I stared this creature for an extended period, it felt as if this entity was tearing my soul strait from my body. As I realized this creature was not a figment of my imagination, I began to wake up the rest of the gang, but making sure not remove my eyes of the beast; for if I do it may disappear and everyone will say that I’m going mad. By accident I had also awoke Dimitri. As everyone stood up and saw the Slenderman, they began to believe they were still dreaming, but as they felt their sanity leave their being they then realized this was no dream, no trickery was being played. We were in fact starring at the real-life Slenderman.

When Dimitri looked at it he had no sanity left from his first encounter, and we believed his soul had been ripped from his body. He had fallen down and when we checked for a pulse. Nothing….. Dimitri was gone and the only thing we could think to do was try to kill the Slenderman ourselves, but we were arrogant for the Slenderman was the most powerful creatures we meet throughout this time. When we looked up from Dimitri, Slenderman was gone. In arrogant pride we prepped for battle and ran into the woods.

We traveled for hours, trekking through the damp, dark, mysterious forest the Slenderman just so inhabited. Finally after awhile we gave up our search and traveled home. As we jogged most of the way, Zach Pitcher one of the most unathletic of the group began to fall behind and of course tripped. He had fallen so far behind we could not here him cry for help.

We had not noticed his disappearance until we got back into Stender’s and did a head count before we barricaded the door again. Pitcher still had his walkie so we called him, but for a long time there was no answer. After approximately 10-15 minutes he finally called back. He was panting and screaming. All we could make out was “SLENDERMAN!!” we could only hope he was still running and had not yet been captured. As our batteries died we could still hear screaming.

We ran outside to find pitcher sprinting across the field. He had never run so fast in his life. Unfortunately it was not fast enough, for as he was just 10 feet in front of me. The Slenderman did not like the idea of missing a kill so he flung his tentacles forward and through Pitchers stomach. As the tentacles turned him inside out his guts flew straight in our direction. They just hit me, but instead they hit Greg. After that I prepared to charge at the Slenderman, Greg and Stender held be back. We watched helplessly as it disappeared.

Two of the twelve of us are gone and we fear that it may become more. For there is neither protection nor preparation for things that for years were believed to not even be real. It was clear that staying here was no option. So we all debated over whose house was closest. We ended up preparing to go to Izzy’s house. Wow…huh… what a wonderful Halloween night it was for us.

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