Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1964114-Angel-with-a-Shotgun-Chp1
Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1964114
I'll hide my wings tonight. I'm coming to get you," I'm coming to get you.
Chapter 1-Last Day Home

. "Come on, Daniil," Isolde called to me, as she ducked into the murky forest light. The baby grass is still wet with night’s tears as we danced through the woods and laced our way through the proud young trees, leaving a trail of light and over-turned leaves in our wake. Spiraling and twirling among the stone-faced trees, she tore her milky blue dress on a wayward branch; it kept the shreds in its crooked fingers, a souvenir of our passing. She looked like a fairy, her ringlets flying about her head, giving her a halo in the light. She danced in and out of the light, refracting the sun, then alternately playing in the shadows. I followed closely, shadowing her until I was near her again. I grabbed her flittering wrist and pulled her lithe frame close.

"Daniil," she whispered soft and low. To me it was a prayer full of hope, promise, and second chances. I put my calloused hand on her fragile jaw line. I then lifted her heart-shaped face to mine and looked, looked at her china skin, honey eyes, and bright angel-bow lips. She cocked her head, blond ringlets fell across her face. I reached to move them, but she shook them back in submission.

"Daniil, don’t please," she insisted as she stepped back, into a patch of golden sunlight. And with a final shake, she shrugged off the remnant of the moment like dust from her shoulders. "I just can't."

"I understand," I sigh. I do, I'm not stupid.

"We have to be back soon, Dmitry will be expecting us."

"You don't have to do this, you know."

"Yes I do Daniil, I don't have a choice. It isn't for me, it's for all of us."

"So you're the lamb slaughtered at the alter," I snap angrily.

"If that's what it takes, yes." She walked away from me. "I'm sorry I brought you out here. I just wanted a last look at these woods."

"You didn't force me out here. My cousin asked me to keep you safe and I wanted to go with you." We walk back to the horses. I help her up her huge mare. "I don't understand why you insist on riding the biggest horse you could find," I kid, trying to lighten the mood. I don't want to fight with Issy on our last day here.

"I just like being the tallest one around for a while. Race you home?" Her smile could light up the world. We race back to the castle, I beat her.

"Hey, you're supposed to let me win," she teased.

"Just because I have feelings for you doesn't mean I'm going to let you win." Her smile falls.

"Daniil, that will be the last time you say anything like that. Dmitry won't stand for it and neither will I," she rebuked me. Then she got off her horse and walked under the gateway. I waited, I knew it would be best for me to let her cool down.

"You really should listen to her," Evgeny, one of the groomsman, said as he took the reins from me.

"I know, but I have to say something. This isn't right."

"Why? Because it isn't what you want? The Lady has decided," he argued.

"No, because she didn't have a choice," I sigh.

"Well you better go help your cousin pack. He was looking for you about ten minutes ago."

"Great," I mumbled as I headed to his room. I trudge across the garden, then down several dark corridors (won't miss those), and then up a flight of stone stairs. I'm greeted my his guards at full attention. "Tell him I'm back." One ducks in then quickly comes back.

"Alright, you can go in," he shrugs. They're already dressed in their travel clothes, traditional tan army fatigues. I pull open the heavy doors.

"Hello cousin," a voice calls from the bedroom.

"Hello Dmitry." I walk into the doorway. "Do you really still need help packing? You're a grown man."

"I know, I know but it's such a bore. And I hate asking for help," he whined playfully, having thrown himself on his bed.

"Dmitry, you're the captain Lady Isolde's security, her honor guard for this trip. Please take your job more seriously," I snapped, standing at full attention.  Dmitry pushed himself off the bed, all joking gone from his features.

"I do take it seriously. And I am your superior officer, not just your cousin and you do well to mind your tongue. I won't tolerate it in private or in front of my men. You're dismissed," he barked and turned away from me.

"Yes, sir. I'm sorry for my disrespect, I let my emotions get the better of me."

"See that they don't do that again," he called after me when I was out of the room. I am losing my mind, or just control of my mouth. I know, I KNOW that I should keep my trap shut but it just won't listen to me. I hear the bells, it's time for my shift. I walk to Isolde's quarters and park myself outside her  doors. She stormed out not a minute later. She changed gowns, now she's in a hunter green gown with gold details that perfectly match her hair. Her golden hair is braided down her back.

"I'm going to find Dmitry, is he in his quarters?"

"Yes my Lady, he was just a moment ago," I answer formally.

"Thank you. You'll be here when I get back?" she asked with a gentler voice.

"Of course I will," I sigh, "Where else would I be?"

"Good. I'm sorry I was so short with you earlier, it's just been a tough time for all of us," she confessed, leaning towards me. "I've never been so far south as we're going. I guess I'm afraid. I know I'm of age to make my own choices. It's just make a deal or a war, and to me that's not a choice at all."

"I know, but you won't be alone-" I said

"Excuse me, Lt. Ronanoff would like to see you Lady Isolde right away," a soldier interrupts with a stern glance at me.

"I know, I was just on my way. Would you be so kind as to take me there?" she asked. I can see her voice placating him, stroking his ego. My jaw tightens. "Thank you for listening to my silliness Daniil. Please watch over my ladies in waiting, they are far more nervous than I am over this trip," she said ever so politely with a small curtsey. She gestured to the soldier who led her back down the stone corridor.
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