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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Fantasy · #1963965
The Silver Dagger awakened. It is returned to the rightful heir.
Chapter 9 – The Silver Dagger

         Kiera had heard the whisperings in the wind on the first day of spring and the misty rain fall on the roof top. She had been reassured that Ariandagr would be seen by the next Loach –The Warrior of this generation. Unwrapping the silver dagger, she touched the handle, careful not to touch the deadly blade. “Ariandagr waiting in the sun, among the crystals. The dagger will whisper to the warrior and he will answer,” Kiera quoted. She had been told that it was time for the warriors to regroup and the fourth to be replaced. Between the two quarters of spring and summer, The Silver Dagger awakened.

         Months later she had snuggled the magical dagger within its wooden box in anticipation in handing over to its rightful heir. The dagger was awakening and she feared Lachlan would attempt to steal it away from the true warrior. The warrior heard the stirrings and he had touched the deadly blade.

          The flames in the fireplace snapped and crackled. Kiera returned from her memories. “Thank you, Caleigh. The warmth is most welcomed.” Kiera smiled, pleased that Caleigh practiced her powers. Kiera knew years had been lost. Lost for them all.

         The innocent witch smiled.

         Kiera unlocked the cabinet’s door and retrieved a wooden box. She sensed all of them watching. The box opened on her lap. She wished she could read their thoughts. She tried to focus on the blade beneath the cloth. She breathed deeply and removed the white material, exposing the silver dagger. Why did she wait a full day? So many years lost, but they weren’t raised in the ancient ways. They knew not of the coven or their powers. They were cloaked by shadows, with only glittering of the truth. The truth needed to be sprinkled as a gentle summer’s rain and not a downpour of the approaching storm. Kiera suspected the Ndan de Ceithre would need time to accept their destiny. Their bond was strong and their friendship would endure any battle, but would their lack of training be their downfall.

         She glanced at Brody. His hair would definitely be cut shorter because the length was unacceptable for warriors. She watched Brody take a deep breath and then she followed his gaze as his eyes rested upon the blade.

         The porch light flittered through the open bay window and bounced off  the dagger. He crept to the edge of the sofa. He rubbed his hands together.

         “Ariandagr is the proper name of the Silver Dagger. It’s Irish. You were born into the coven, much like Caleigh, but your blood is weak. Your father is not a witch. Your mother is not of the coven. I’m not certain how you came to be a part of the coven, but you are, for Ariandagr speaks to you. The Grandmothers will tell us. They see everything. I promise you, in time, it will also hear your thoughts. The magic of the dagger will flow in your heart, in your blood and thoughts. The blade has whispered and you answered.”

         “If dad’s not a witch, then how can I be a witch and part of the coven?” Brody asked.

         It’s as if he didn’t hear all her words. The dagger belonged to him. He was the Loach, Warrior of this generation. He was a witch.

         “Gram will tell you.”

         Brody grasped the silver handle. “Patience.” He traced the distinct  shape and then his finger trailed to the sharp edge of the silver blade. “Is it truly mine?” Brody asked, without raising his eyes.

         “Yes, Ariandagr has been returned,” Kiera said.

         Brody slithered the tips of his fingertips along the blade.

         Alexis and Caleigh gasped.

         Kiera laughed. “Don’t fear girls for the blade will never cut the heir.”

         Brody poked his middle finger with the tip of the blade. No blood. “I knew it!” Brody exclaimed.

         “The message that was sent to you was Loach. Irish for warrior for the Goddess of Solas.” Kiera said.

         The others moved to the edge of their sofas, not to miss a single word.

          “Blaine, your word was Solas -Light. You are the Seeker for Solas. Caleigh, you are a witch, therefore your word was Witch.” Kiera turned to Alexis and fell silent.

         “I got a message too,” Alexis said. “It had four letters. I remember one was like a capital F and two were like the small letter t, but the intersecting line was an angle, not straight. Triangles touching the tips, it’s hard to describe.”

         “Your message was Ndan –Destiny. Alexis, you are one of the Ndan de Ceithre –Destiny of Four. Amazing! You all received a runic message. I wasn’t sure you would see one, Alexis. I’m pleased. The Gathering is beginning,” Kiera replied.

         Kiera gazed upon Brody as he caressed the dagger. He touched the tip of the silver blade.

         She smiled for she knew the meaning of this action. “Only one other person has ever touched that blade --Lachlan. Many years ago, he misused Ariandagr. It was then returned to Diago. Brody, you must learn to control the blade before it controls you. History can’t repeat itself. We will not lose another Loach to Scathanna. The dagger in time will speak to you. Listen. Be careful not to lose yourself in its power, like Lachlan. It will never draw your blood. Brody, you heard the whisperings and I have seen you protective of Caleigh.”

         “Protecting me,” Caleigh whispered and turned toward Brody. “When I fainted by the fire, you carried me to the bench and never left my side. I remember feeling you close, even as I slept.”

         Brody blushed, raked his fingers through his hair and it swirled over his ears.

         Kiera smiled, knowing the bond between the witch and her warrior was beginning to get stronger. “I’m telling you this, not to frighten you, but to warn you. Lachlan will feel the dagger’s power awake. He will soon sense it’s in your possession and he will fight for it. Listen to your heart. Listen to the dagger. In time, you will learn to control it. By the way, the men in your dreams, they’re delivering a message to you. I need to confirm with The Seer for they normally visit after she has seen the transformation.” Kiera paused and watched the flames dancing in the fireplace. “How long have you been seeing The Warriors?”

         “I refer to them as the Purple Cloaked Freaks.”

         The girls giggled.

         “They never speak to me. It’s like they‘re in my dreams but ignore me. I was able to understand their chanting only two times. The night you sent the runes, and then again last night. The first time I saw them was the night after my thirteenth birthday--almost four years.”

         “Almost four years.” Kiera repeated Brody’s answer. Thirteen is significant in so many ways. Kiera and her siblings were given their athames on their thirteenth birthday and began to control their powers. “Brody, you found the dagger journal and began to dream of the warriors at thirteen. It’s a special birthday for all witches.”

         “But I’m not a witch,” Brody stated.          

         Kiera smiled. “Perhaps, but you are for certain Ndan de Ceithre.” Her eyes remained on Blaine and Brody.

         “I am not a witch.” Blaine stated. “When I was thirteen, my Granddad Nevin, told me about some battle that his father, Calien had fought for Berwick.” He paused for a moment. “And that night I also had a dream of dark long robes.”

         Kiera glanced toward the fireplace, resting briefly upon a photo of young children, sitting on boulders. A line of cedars stood guarding them. “Purple?”

         “No, black or maybe dark blue. Two appeared to be in their mid-twenties. The other two looked as if they were thirty. I saw their faces, but didn’t recognize them. They didn’t live in Berwick. I remember it like it was last night, even though it was more than three years ago. Brody and I were watching them. I felt as if we were spying on them and I remember not wanting to be seen or we could have been in danger. There were six girls standing among the pine trees.” He glanced at Caleigh and Alexis. “Two of them were you, but I have no idea about the others.”

         Kiera nodded.

         “Maybe,” Caleigh and Alexis said together.

         Brody held the dagger, not wanting to let it go. “I remember you telling me about that dream. They were at some sort of crossroads in the woods.”

         “Yep, and then the other night again, I dreamt of four young men in long robes. I recognized two of them. They were all about the same age – fifteen, maybe seventeen. Two were definitely the ones in my dream from years ago, but years younger. I can’t believe I remember their expressions. I’ll never forget his emerald green eyes or his messy dark hair, kinda reminds me of my dad when he was younger. And the guy that started the fire, he was in the first dream too. The other two were definitely related to the first two. I’m sure of it. It was as if time reversed.”

         Kiera watched the boys, but focused on her inner thoughts. Blaine was seeing the past and possibly the future. The Raven Seer, of course? Was he the Seeker or a Warrior? After hearing of their dreams, she was no longer clear. She grabbed a stone from the cabinet. She needed to ground herself, time to refocus and rekindle the magic flowing inside.

         She sensed the girls as she rolled the river rock in her hand. Alexis had discovered the brown faded book at thirteen. Caleigh was given her first pair of crystal clusters for her thirteenth birthday. The boys began to dream of warriors after their thirteenth birthday. Were they both the next generation of warriors? The battle was foretold to be tense, perhaps more severe than the previous battle against Dorchados and Scathanna. Was the Seeker lost forever? His bloodline destroyed because of the Dorchados.

         She faintly heard male voices. Lifting her head, she turned to her right.

         “Kiera, what do you mean by learn to control the blade?” Brody’s fingers traced the etchings on the blade.

         The stories, in time, will explain their destiny, their fate and their future. Kiera was silent for a few moments as she soaked in their expressions. 

         Brody turned away, his eyes focused on the rune on the blade. He was listening to its magic. Kiera was certain.

         She glanced at Blaine, looking for his reaction. He was viewing the room, his eyes darting at photos and assortment of elemental objects.

         Her eyes drifted across the room to the girls. Caleigh’s attention was toward Brody, observing him and then she brushed away a lock of hair from her face. Caleigh smiled as if thoughts fluttered her mind. Kiera wondered who Caleigh would finally choose. Would the bond between her and the warrior destroy the Ndan de Ceithre?

          Alexis also appeared to be watching Brody. Jealousy overflowed Alexis’ blue eyes and sprinkled with anger.

         An image of a fire in the hearth, the flames were dying, almost coal. Kiera spoke to the white coals, encouraging them to grow hotter and to fly up to the cider blocks.  As the flames crackled and grew, Kiera turned to her sister.  Alexis’ eyes reflected Jena’s. Kiera would never forget the look of jealousy and the words Jena had yelled, ‘Not fair! Kiera has an active power and I get to speak with animals. No fair!’

         Kiera looked at Alexis, wanting to comfort her. Could Alexis be feeling cheated? Caleigh’s a gifted witch with two elements listening to her voice. Her friends also were magical beings. Alexis has no power. She must feel rejected. Kiera wanted to promise Alexis was also a witch, but she wasn’t certain. There was no apparent family connection to the coven. Perhaps the Grandmothers would know if another witch was lost.

         Kiera turned to face Brody and said, “I am not permitted to voice anything else. Listen to your heart and to the dagger. Your training is personal ... between the blade and your strength. However, I can tell you, The Seer will know the route for all of you.”

         “Who is The Seer?” Caleigh asked.

         “She is a direct line from the Seer of the Ancient Four, living beyond the cedar woods and she will be here after the Summer Solstice.” Kiera paused. “Caleigh and Alexis, you are so far away. Come sit on the floor.”

         Brody and Blaine jumped to their feet, “No, sit here.” The boys bordered the girls on the sofa.

         Kiera smiled. “I can sense my little witch, Caleigh, that you have many questions.”

         Caleigh glanced around the room and grabbed the pillow, for comfort. “There’s so much to absorb, such strange words and names. Some Irish words, others English. Witches of Light. The Seer. Powers and Elements. Ariandagr or Silver Dagger. Runes. Ndan de Ceithre. Loach. Warriors. Prophecies. Diago and Scath. Domhan and Saol eile. The Book of Power. Scathanna and Dorchados. That’s the true name of Evil. What is Scathanna?”

         The cool breeze swept through the opened windows behind Kiera. Sparks shot up the chimney.

         Caleigh looked at Brody holding the dagger in his hands. “Why is it so important that I practice starting fires? Why does it feel that Brody has to protect me? Who’s gonna harm me? Aunt Kiera...what battle did Gram show you?” The questions flowed like white water over rough rocks in a river during a wind storm.

         Kiera nodded after each of the four questions. Fearing for years that this day would arrive, she knew the four would be inquisitive. “Sometimes, questions need time to be properly answered. Some questions, I cannot answer. Answers may not be always available, until the answers are ready to be revealed. The Warriors have been protecting you since your birth. You have not noticed them. They retain an oath not to reveal themselves, until it is time. Your friend, when trained, will be your personal protector. It’s within. It’s your destiny. The battle is against Scathanna and Dorchados. Your powers and gifts will protect you.

         “Scathanna is an evil source where souls are stolen and replaced with evil and complete darkness. It resembles black candle smoke.”

         “It can change colour to the shade of the full moon, if so desired. Since the beginning of time, they were created and kept in the realm of Scath. Deamhains and Demons fight brutally among themselves, regrettable some escape. Humans cannot see them, but the Deamhains are living in this realm. Scathanna can only leave with assistance. One night many centuries ago, it was summoned by four young men. An incident occurred, and they believed that The Shadows would be their revenge.

         “However, the four did not truly comprehend the legends. Scathanna needed to be controlled or its tendrils will invade everyone and transform supernaturals and mortals to evil--Dorchados. No one can honestly control the beast, other than the Iarrthoir de Scathanna. One of the young men believed he could control the evil. Iarrthoir de Scathanna he was not. It had been told that Scathanna if chooses, will listen and cooperate with the male bloodline of the future Seeker of Shadows. The Shadows knows the true controller, even before he is conceived...even generations.”

          “Black candle smoke?” Blaine briefly described his dream of the four men and a shadow creature.

         “Do you realize that you were visited by Scathanna?” This cannot be happening, not already. “Your powers are growing. You must control your gifts.”

         “Powers?” The boys both asked in unison.

         “Yes. Brody, your power rises from the dagger. Blaine you are hearing the whisperings and probably seeing the world more vividly. Your sight is your power, and the magical connection that surrounds you. Caleigh, your power comes from your personal energy, strength, and concentration, and of course your bloodline.

         “Blaine in your dreams, you are certain that the shortest of the four saw you and the others did not?”

         He nodded his head.

         “When the markings appeared, the shadow just absorbed the word? You are certain that it did not touch you?” Kiera silently cried. Scathanna, even in a dream, could absorb all the goodness and light from its victim.

         “Yes. I’m certain the shadows stayed near the wall and ceiling. It wasn’t interested in me, just the markings.” Blaine clarified.

         “Your word was Solas, not Scath. You cannot be Iarrthoir de Scathanna.” Kiera shook her head. “Not Seeker of Shadows.”

         “But it controls the evil...and I can toss it back to Scath!” Blaine jumped to his feet.

         “It is not that easy. Blaine, for it will absorb your soul. Only the Iarrthoir de Scathanna can handle the evil. The magic is not in your blood to fight Scathanna. You are not the Iarrthoir de Scathanna. You can’t be Seeker of Shadows of today. You are the Seeker of Light of this generation. Remember your word was Solas, not Scath. Your power comes from within and around you. You sense Solas. You are forever connected to the Witches of Solas. It is in your blood.” Kiera answered with certainty in her voice. “Your story, another time, it is well after midnight. But first…”

         The witch stood and began to pace around the room, glancing at the photos hanging by the curved staircase, and then her gaze returned to her niece and to her friends. She stopped at the fireplace and reached for a glass bottle. She sprinkled some dried herb into her palm, breathed into it and scattered the herbs onto the coals. Suddenly, a purple circle appeared with eight spikes dissecting the shape, looking like an ancient wagon wheel. She gasped. She lit a white candle that was beside the glass bottle and approached each of them.

         Kiera whispered, “You are one of the eight born on the Quarters...for Solas.” Kiera spoke those words to each of the Ndan de Ceithre and the flame sparked every time she repeated the words. After speaking to Alexis, the candle abruptly sparked and then extinguished itself. Kiera wasn’t sure of the message being sent, however felt her skin tingle with magic.

         Alexis’ birthday, her bond with Caleigh and the purple circle confirmed as well, that she was a part of the Ndan de Ceithre. Kiera had no idea how but again Grams would reveal all.

         Kiera handed Caleigh the candle.

         Caleigh touched the burnt wick and whispered, “Fire.” The candle sparked to life. Caleigh smiled, took the candle and placed the candle on the oval table, alongside a collection of seashell settled in a wooden bowl of the whitest sand.

         “It is time for me to converse with The Seer and her warriors. Your training must commence. It is time.”

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