Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1963949-Some-Beginnings
Rated: E · Draft · Other · #1963949
Where to start?
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Like many, I am the world's worst judge of my own work. I've started a few little bits recently, and have no idea which (if any) to continue. So, I'd be grateful beyond measure if you could check out the following little snippets and let me know if there's anything there you'd like to read more about?

All my thanks,
Love Polly x

In theory, there were no countries on The Outpost; the hope being that if no group had an ancestral land, then sharing resources would come more naturally in the decades that followed. In practise though, of course most people wanted to be surrounded by the faces, voices, food and clothing they remembered from home:The giant Treniks headed North, their thick fur and wide feet making them the only race to feel comfortable in the icy wilds; the fragile little Peniks weren't quite used to this whole above-ground living thing yet, and had largely taken residence in the network of caves that ran through the Revasti mountain range; this all left the cities to the smooth-skinned Sameots, who soon resumed their trading and power-plays as if nothing had ever happened.

Teen Fiction
“Why can't you be more like Cat?”
They didn't always have to say it in so many words. It was there in their eyes, and those sad little resigned smiles that they didn't really try to hide. If only they knew. But of course, Amy would never dream of saying a word against her; they were best friends, after all. OK, if you really want to get technical, it was just possible that Catherine Hamilton was Amy Bennet's only real friend. She just happened to also be the worst person Amy knew.
Amy had no idea what had possessed the tough and outspoken nine-year-old Katie (oh how Amy envied her friend's chameleon name)

Adult Fiction
It happened again last night. Just as sleep began to close its fluffy fingers around my mind, a loud crash from beyond my bedroom wall heralded the beginning of the night's antics. From what I could hear, this time she'd forgotten to separate the whites and the colours – clearly an unforgivable transgression, which had cost him at least one shirt. Possibly some trousers too, but it's a thick wall. As usual, I couldn't hear her replies, just small fragments of quietness in amongst the insults and denigrations that floated through to my room like charred paper freed from a bonfire.

"Excuse me, could you tell me, is this the right bus for Witheringham?" Tim blushed hotly as the wicked-eyed brunette in the front row snorted with amusement at his crisp, polished tones. The bus driver, however, simply nodded, and Tim forked over his £2.30 and huddled awkwardly down the aisle. Before he'd taken more than a few steps, the bus pulled away from the curb with a jolt, flinging him into the seat behind the woman who seemed to find him so funny.
"Easy there, tiger," she grinned, swivelling around in her seat. "We want to get you to Witheringham in one piece now, don't we?"
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1963949-Some-Beginnings