Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1963746-Reliving-a-magical-moment-loving-denise
by Jonwil
Rated: E · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1963746
Reliving the moment we met for the first time
A soft breeze whispers gently across his naked torso as he sits on his balcony writing to his woman.

His aura, in this moment, is one of utter assurednes. What he feels, he knows to be the truth, the laws of his world and every time he writes of them or speaks them he knows they are generated within his soul, that place where untruths could never nest and find a home.

He finds comfort in the fact that his emotional world is the fundament of his existence. Which in a time not so far before had been crumbling and unstable but is now a pillar of strength and stability.

Back then in January she came, held out her arms to him, offered her connection and he took it so willingly. From the instant he did so he could feel his oceans shifting and the weather and climate of his inner self brightening.

At first their joining was only in writing, after which they spoke on the telephone and then they met. Six long weeks it took for them to rejoin. Six strange weeks preceding the moment they met in person once more.

That moment is worthy of many words. The location can only be described as traditional for a long distance relationship, the arrival hall of an airport..

Both found themselves reentering a dark forest alone and unsure of where they might be travelling too with one another. Both unsure of the outcome of the first moments as they would physically join for the very first time.

She was late, his flight had arrived much too early. He had spent his time prowling up and down the entrance hall awaiting her arrival. He was in a curious state of mind.

Having so much waiting time his mind was constantly bothering him with thoughts of rejection whilst he felt his inner state of excitement controlling him.

Would their connection, nurtured only by endless message writing and some hours talking on the phone be the same? Would they find each other still attractive in the live moment about to ensue? Would they feel the need to touch each other? Was he in need of his protective emotional wall in case it didn't work out?

As the message came that she was just about to arrive, he slowly made his way to the door she was about to enter. His planning mind preparing him for any outcome, he found himself within the world of his nervousness.

As he rounded a kiosk, a pillar blocked his view of the door until his legs carried him just far enough forward to enable him, suddenly, to see her standing there. His heart skipped a beat. He immediately took in the beauty of the woman with whom he had already been sharing so much emotions.

He realised his attraction for her instantly being renewed in such a realistic fashion. She was indeed beautiful, gorgeous hair draping over the fine and wonderful features of her angellike face and a silk shirt masking her very womanly features.

She was rummaging in her bag allowing him to take a few more steps towards her without being seen. He wondered what he may see in her features the moment she sees him, disappointment?

He wondered what was about to happen and for some fleeting moment he was fearing the worst. His protective wall was up just in case, readying him to act cool and reserved, bracing him for any eventuality.

He managed to gain some meters before her rummaging ceased and before she raised her gaze. As she  did she threw her eyes in a seeking fashion around her only to find him right in her field of vision.

Now was the moment of truth, make or break. How would the woman react to the already attracted man walking towards her?

Her eyes needed a moment to adjust and take in which details her mind needed to process. He was looking straight into her face, albeit, still some meters away from her position. He was waiting to see any change in her features, telling him what to expect in the ensuing moments and seconds.

Her brain needed just moments to appraise the man walking towards her, rerecognise the one she had met only once and since seen only in pictures, which always may never tell the full truth.

As he gazed intently into her face whilst still walking towards her he knew which processes were in gear having just experienced these same moments. He strode on towards her, waiting and appraising.

When it happened.

Her brain appeared in a moment to send the first signals and mechanical commands to the muscles surrounding her mouth, sending the corners of her lips towards her eyes. Her lips parted, bearing her lovely white teeth as she smiled a big gorgeous smile. Her eyes responded likewise, lighting up her face to a place of sheer happiness.

He took this all in, in the blink of an eye, and that which he percieved warmed him. This wasn't just a friendly smile, not just a courteous smile greeting the man who had just travelled 6000 kilometers to meet her. This was a smile of happiness, one maybe also mingled with relief as her mind seemed to tell her what it percieved of this man and hit the internal "like" button. This was a smile of attraction.

He felt it the moment he took in it's beauty, her beauty. He felt his attraction being returned just as he reached her.

She dropped her bag and raised her arms towards him welcoming him into her lands and he entered her world so willingly. Their arms embraced each other and pulled each other inwardly towards each other pressing their bodies lovingly together, upon which he looked straight into the eyes of this beautiful woman.

They both moved their lips in unison, onto each others, to kiss and they both felt this joining knowing their worries had been fruitless and their dreams were coming true. As they embraced and kissed they were together for the first time, the first time of many and many to come

And so..

in the dark forest they met, found each other and took each others hand and found in their togetherness the way back out into the light.

A true love was born.

Here he now sits, on his balcony, his fingers dancing on the keyboard reliving these moments. He has so many stories to tell, which he will do. It has now been 7 months since she opened that door to him. Seven months of a love growing within him all the time, with each meeting he is more sure of the truth and strength of the words of love he sends to her, more and more in awe of the wonder of her..

the true love of his life.
© Copyright 2013 Jonwil (jo662804 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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