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Rated: E · Other · Other · #1963471
short story of ambition, friendhsip and love
Ivy Teas

"Can't you just imagine it Anna? Six tables and a counter with so many different buns and teacakes you wouldn't know where to start."

Peering through the grimy shop window Anna saw a dark abandoned store that looked like it had never been loved. "Oh Elsie, I really wish I could but all I see is cobwebs and lots of them." Elsie was crestfallen. Anna immediately regretted not siding with her friend. She had always wanted to run her own teashop but money had always left it a dream. That was until three months ago when Elsie's only aunt, auntie Ivy, passed away leaving her enough money to get a deposit for a small store. Ivy and Elsie were going to do business together some time but sadly that time never came.

"I'm sure Andrew will help with all the carpentry." Elsie said as she opened the door to the store in darkness. "He's ever so good at making things." She added.

"He'd do anything for you, you know that. He's loved you since forever." Anna giggled back to Elsie.

"He is a darling." Elsie smiled to herself. "I just don't think I'm good enough for Andrew."

"Andrew does what?"

Spinning round Anna and Elsie saw Andrew standing in the doorway. A tall lean man, with auburn hair and a boyish grin that looked out of place against his well groomed appearance. Despite being in a rich family Andrew loved nothing more than to get his hands on a building project, using all sorts of tools and materials to have the satisfaction of creating something out of nothing.

"Thought my ears were burning," Andrew grinned as he strolled in from the doorway.

"Don't miss anything do you Andy," Anna laughed.

"No, I don't really," he laughed back. "So Elsie," he continued, "got any plans for this place yet?"

"Well I was thinking about having a counter over here with a glass front to keep the flies away. A shelf running along the wall to hold pots of lovely flowers that will make it smell like spring every day and....." Elsie paused as she realised Andrew was gazing at her. Feeling her cheeks turn a rosy red she continued. " I also thought 5 or maybe 6 tables and perhaps, just perhaps, if I can make a success I could extend out the back to make a little garden with some more tables." Elsie looked at her feet as she finished, a little embarrassed at her long speech about her dream tea shop.

"Well, I think it sounds wonderful. I should like to be your first customer." Anna put her arm round Elsie sensing her embarrassment. "Plus my sister and I would be than happy to help with a little gardening."

"Thank you Anna, that would be so kind." Elsie gave her hug back, a big smile on her face.

"Well, I'd better get on."Andrew suddenly announced making the girls jump. "Things to do, people to see." He added as moved off toward the door of the store.

"Thanks for coming by Andrew." Anna smiled shyly. With a tip of his hat Andrew departed.

"Did I say something?" Anna enquired as Andrew disappeared out of sight.

"I don't know Elsie, I really don't know."

During the next week Elsie came down with a nasty virus that left her under care indoors away from her new beloved store. With spring approaching fast Elsie dipped into despair as she wanted to have her shop ready to welcome the warmer months. Feeling fed up of being bedridden she lost hope of getting her store open in time to savour the sunshine. Regular visits from Anna didn't make her feel any better and Andrew seemed to have stopped talking to her altogether. "What did I do wrong Anna?"

"I'm going to tell you what I say every time you ask me," Anna started, "I'm sure Andrew will be in touch soon." Anna finished as she left Elsie's room with a smirk on her face.

"Elsie! It's great to see you out and about again." Anna grabbed her friend in a big hug of delight.

"Anna whatever is wrong with you, you're acting like you haven't seen me in years." Elsie shrugged off her friend's over amorous hug.

"I'm just pleased to see you." Anna grinned, in an overly cheery manner.

"Anna , I know you well enough to know when you're up to something and trying to hide it." Elsie scorned at Anna. Being friends with Anna for 7 years meant she knew her every face for every emotion, and this face was saying she was hiding something.

"What could I possibly be hiding from you?" Anna asked.

"I'm not sure. That is what worries me." Elsie smiled. " But while I figure out what that is I would really like to do some work in my store since I haven't seen it in nearly five weeks."

With that Elsie and Anna strolled down the lane in to the village to endure a day's work in the store.

Getting near the end of the lane Elsie noticed a gathering of people in the street. "I wonder what's going on Anna? Look at all those people. Maybe something's happened."

"Maybe it has." Anna glanced over to her friend with a knowing look.

"My store!" Elsie exclaimed. "Why are they gathering there? What's happened?" Dashing as fast as she could Elsie approached her store fearing the worst. However, on getting closer to the store she noticed something peculiar. Her once old and unloved store had a new lick of white paint on the front and was decorated with trellises strung with ivy. A sign hung over the door reading Ivy Teas. Elsie gasped as she put her hands to her mouth. A hand appeared on her shoulder.

"What do you think Elsie?" Anna asked, beaming at her friend.

"I....I...don't know what to say." Elsie stammered. "Is this what you've been hiding from me?"

"Guilty as charged," Anna replied. "There's more. Shall we go see?"

Lost for words Elsie was lead past the group of gathered locals reading the 'opening soon' sign pasted to the door, and taken round the back of the store. Turning the last corner the girls stopped in their tracks amazed at the sight in front of them. A quaint little garden with a cobblestone path and a fragrant smell of dozens of flowers complete with one young man stood in the centre holding a solitary rose, gazing across at them rather sheepishly.

"Andrew," Elsie whimpered. Holding back her tears of surprise and happiness. With a nudge Anna urged Elsie forward. Without saying a word Elsie slowly moved her arms round Andrew and held him in a gentle hug. "What do you think, will it do?" Andrew asked as he gave her the rose.

Looking up at the enquiring face Elsie took his hands in hers. " Only if you stay here with me. My dream store would not be complete without you."

"Elsie there is nowhere I'd rather be and you know it." They both laughed as hand in hand they went to investigate the new talk of the town Ivy Teas.

© Copyright 2013 Katie Angela Nimmo (katienimmo at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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