Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1962497-Dusk-Part-3-Twilight-Haters-Ending
by ~Lexii
Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1962497
The last part of the Twilight Haters Ending
“And now,” he sighed, thinking of what he was going to say. “things have been compromised,”
“Why?!” I screamed.
“Because I am more in love with her than I have ever been with anything else, including you, Bella Swan.”
“Oh, Edward, darling!” Amelia squealed in delight from the doorway.
I felt as if I was shot in the head, my brains splatter in all directions and my body falls, there is no more commands.
But I don’t fall. I don’t get the comfort of death. I am still standing with Edward’s words pierced through me like bows.
“Edward,” his name falls out of my mouth. “how could you?”
“I never wanted to hurt you, Bella. I really did love you. But there is no one that could replace Amelia, she is the only woman I can ever unconditionally love.”
“So what,” I start to panic, “you’re just going to throw me away? You are turned me into a monster with no option of return and you’re going to abandon me?” I yell.
A thin, evil smile spreads across Amelia’s face. “No, even better.”
Edward turns to her with an unreadable expression on his face, obviously in reaction to whatever the homewrecking witch was thinking.
“I’m going to kill you,” she hissed.
I pounced on her and starting to bite anywhere I could, going for the throat. I felt the skin I was searching for and felt vibrations as if she was giggling.
Even with the vixen’s neck in my mouth, I couldn’t stop the terror from overcoming my body like a possession. I felt her skin grow thicker and noticed something was very, very wrong.
I was thrown into the air by a painful burst and caught mid air by my throat. Amelia held my face to hers and she lowered me, and I stared into the bright yellow eyes of a monster.
“Have you forgotten, Isabella?” She growled between rows of teeth sharp enough to slice diamond easily. The realization washed over me, leaving nothing but fear in it’s place. I am no match for her…
She laughed and anger boiled back up inside of me. She came into my house, into my family, and now she thinks I’m just going to step aside? If she wants what’s mine, she’ll have to kill me first.
I swing at her, hoping to escape from her grip somehow but she doesn’t even blink. Instead, her hold on me gets tighter.
         “Help!” I try to yell, Edward doesn’t move.
“You were such a good girl, Bella. I should have never done this to you,” he shakes his head and looks away. “Just do it, Amelia.”
I see Renesmee in the doorway.


The blonde haired creature gave my mother one last smile before she closed her fist completely; beheading the woman who did everything she could for me. My father didn’t even look up.
“Mom!” I call out as if I could save her. I run over to her head and look in her black eyes. I wanted her to look at me, to give me the comfort any mother could give her child with that look, but those eyes are dead. No, more than dead. Mother’s gone…
I am lifted into the air. “Amelia, no!” I head father yell loudly.
“What are you going to do with it?” the blonde haired woman asked as I tried to fight her grip. “She smells so delicious.”
“Please, she’s still my daughter, Amelia.”
“Well she isn’t mine!” She laughed a dark laugh. Her body started shrinking, returning to a normal form. She looks at me like a boy would look at his little sister’s doll.
“Give her to Jacob,” Aunt Alice said walking in. “She will be very happy with him, and I’m sure he’ll be able to get over Bella’s death if you give him what he really loved about her.”
The sound of Jacob’s name gave me comfort and instantly I want him. The woman puts me down and I think to run, but I have no where to go. I wish I had any form of comfort or love but I am frozen in a room with a stranger, my family as they plot to get rid of me, and my mother’s dead body.
“You killed Bella in front of Renesmee?!” I hear aunty Rose shriek. I run to her and she grabs me and holds me close as I cry. “What were you thinking?”
“She just appeared as it was happening.”
“Where’s Jacob?”
“On his way.”
“Are you sure I can’t eat it?”
“Amelia, no.”
“What happens when she leaves?” Aunty Rose asked.
I hear grandma enter, “We continue life the way is was supposed to continue. The Volturi wont bother us anymore with her dead, and now that we have our Amelia back, we can retire as a family.”
“Forever?” The woman squeals with excitement.
Rose leaves with me still in her arms, grandma doesn’t even look at me as I pass, instead she repeats the horrible monster assuringly.
Rose makes a noise of disgust as she descends down the stairs and makes a comment about the smell of dog. I jump from her arms and run to Jacob who was waiting by the door. I cry in his arms.
“I knew you guys were monsters, but I didn’t know-” Rose shut the door in his face. He sighs and looks at me, “Dont worry, Renesmee. It’s just us, you’ll never have to go through that again.” I bury myself in his shoulder and cry as he carries me away from my home.
© Copyright 2013 ~Lexii (lexiilovexox at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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