Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1962131-White-Knights-WIP
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1962131
A group of SF operators get given a second lease of life and a chance to make a difference
White Knights

General idea outline:

4 SF operators of different nations are in a Kabul tea house lamenting on their careers and family lives, they part ways. One gets a call offering him a job by a man who calls himself simply "Handler". A package is in a train station lock box in Brussels, with all the information. The operator needs a team, the others form that team (multi-national) including other associates brought in.

The job is to attack and apprehend an Azerbaijani organ smuggler at his mountain retreat near the Caspian Sea. Parachute in, restrain and remove. Make powerful enemies (Putin for a laugh?) who draw them into bigger games. Parachute night attack. Drive to rendezvous with package for hand-off...

Get given more jobs, all good, start leaving a White Knight as a calling card. Reveal more info on handler and who he works for as time goes on.

Not Bourne-ish, too private (non-governmental) for Rainbow Six. Private funded? Not as spyish as they need to be, some ham-fisting the spy stuff. No governmental protection.


Ryan "Billy" something - SSGT US Marine SOB operator. Approaching 40-, unshaven. Divorced, wife took the kids to live in Bos-Wash, he's from Arizona? (not Texas). Caucasian, Bulky but not fat. Career military. Whiskey drinker.

Marcus "Duck" Broussard - Chef Caporal?. French member of 1er RPIMa. Late 20's. Happy go lucky. Shortish, darker skinned (too many days holidaying on the Med, the others say). Well educated. Smokes fancy cigarettes, drinks red wine

James Keenan - Australian SAS Trooper. Mid 20-'s, no rank, drinks too much beer, laid back, fatalistic. Girlfriend in Perth thinks he works in mining overseas. Not as shop-worn as the others but fitter.

Garry "Gazza" Wilson - UK Marine Commando. Corporal. 35, East end of London. Facing returning to shithole life in London. No work about. Likes a pint (ale, not lager like the "convict" drinks).

Canadian - French Canadian woman. Strong on Quebec rights and independence. Insists on speaking French. Drinks cocktails. JTF2 operator. Late 20's, Brunette.

German (Female) - 26. subject of unwanted advances. Think Giselle from F&F. KSK member. Blonde. Femme Fatale.

Russian - Vympel Spetsnaz, 45ish? Yuri "Papa" Bogdanov. Vodka all the time. Older man.

Korean - 707th SMB. Young (22) male. Also Vodka drinker.
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