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Teracrys is literally a crystal planet. History tells of its creation by the god Sernus... |
Teracrys is literally a crystal planet. History tells of its creation by the god Sernus, who was passing through the space it occupies, along with the goddess Elinth. Now Sernus was the greatest of the gods and had infinite power. Elinth was his closest companion and was nearly his equal. The moment he felt the anguish of his fallen angels who by the hands of his beloved angels Sathis, Arhngahl and Ranthahl were slain, he shed a single tear which formed the world he named Teracrys. So great was the emotion that fell with that single tear that it had a fire within which burned with the fury of a god. So it passed that the goddess Elinth breathed life upon this new world and thereby blessed it with her guardianship for all of time. Now time is of no concern to the gods but the product of their influence and design can be limited by such if they so wish. Sernus turned his attention to the treachery of his beloved angels. Sathis was the most powerful of the three and led them down a path of evil born from jealousy. Even though Sernus gave them everything they could desire Sathis grew jealous of the other lesser angels whom Sernus also loved with all his heart. Sernus had left his kingdom to accompany Elinth to view one of her creations at the edge of the universe where she liked to play, and this is when Sathis plotted the demise of the lesser angels. Requiring more power than he alone possessed Sathis made a pact with the brothers Arhngahl and Ranthahl therefore sealing the fate of nearly one hundred souls and unbeknownst to them sealing their own fate as well. There were two other greater angels in the kingdom who would not bow to the will of Sathis. Since the three could not destroy the two they were bound then forced to bear witness to the terrible carnage. These two were the angels Meesto and Kalira who opposed Sathis and his sacrilege. Meesto was eldest among the five. Not one of the others could match his powers. Kalira was his younger sister who stood with him against Sathis, but alas they were no match for the three. It took much planning to achieve the destruction of the lesser angels of the kingdom and it also took much hatred. Sathis knew what could and could not be brought into play but was not certain of the final outcome. He knew that he could not permanently destroy the lesser angels. Only the gods had the power of creation and destruction of souls. However he could destroy their manifested incarnations and imprison their angelic souls. To accomplish this would require special weapons and enchanted items which he acquired with dark alliances. This was done without hesitation. Sathis had devised the perfect trap for the angels of the kingdom of Sernus. He lured all in the kingdom to the great hall where he had set a trap. Spreading the word that a great festival was to be planned for the return of Sernus and Elinth he was able to achieve the evil task. Luring Meesto and Kalira beforehand under the guise of planning the celebration of Sernus’ return, the evil ones bound them with a spell of immobilization which Sathis acquired from Sanguas Massus. Sanguas Massus was a powerful necromancer who was master of the dark realm created during a previous war of the gods. He helped Sathis only to further his power through the acquisition of an unholy artifact which had been in the possession of Sernus. Once Meesto and Kalira were immobile the fate of the kingdoms lesser angels lay in the hands of Sathis, Arhngahl and Ranthahl. When the hall was full a spell of imprisonment was cast and brothers Arhngahl and Ranthahl swept through the crowd using soul-harvesters to slaughter the weaponless angels. When the bloody task was complete Sathis wrapped the soul-harvesters in a magic shroud and the three fled the kingdom. Sathis had not taken into account the possibility of Sernus feeling the slaughter even far across the void. His plan was to escape into the dark realm where he could gain more power and try to find a way to defeat the gods. This was not to be. Sathis had greatly underestimated the power of Sernus and before the three could depart the kingdom Sernus and Elinth returned. Sernus immediately caused the kingdom to be shrouded in darkness and cold. When he came upon the bodies of the slain he was filled with sadness and anger. When he saw Meesto and Kalira were spellbound he freed them and along with Elinth they wept together. The goddess Elinth was beyond tears and caused the bodies to be cleansed and laid in rows upon the cool grass outside the gardens. She walked among them closing their eyes and then taking a lock of hair from each one of them. Elinth then began braiding them together and they numbered ninety-seven. Meesto told the story of the slaughter to Sernus who was anguished at the horrible scene. Sernus then called out for Sathis who was hiding in the darkness. When none of the three came forward Sernus stood tall and caused a ring of flames to appear before him which burned without fuel. With a wave of his hand he then caused Sathis, Arhngahl and Ranthahl and the son of Othos who was instrumental in the events which would obviously change the future of everyone including the Gods, to appear within the circle of flames whereupon he asked of Sathis, “What have you done?” Sathis would not answer or meet the gaze of Sernus. Sernus shook his head and asked, “Why have you done this terrible thing my child?” Sathis raised his head and with a voice that was somehow still filled with hatred replied, “Because your love for them was greater than your love for me. I hated them for that. Now that they are gone I hate them no more.” “And you Arhngahl, Ranthahl, what say you of this evil deed?” Sernus inquired. Arhngahl replied, “It is true my lord your back was turned upon us and we became angry in our hearts, we were born of blood when our mother died bringing us into this kingdom. Our way has always been the way of the sanguine and we saw no shame in what we did. We wanted to show you our strength and our resolve in doing that which is bitter to the soul.” “We knew that our lord was a forgiving lord and with your power of creation you could easily undo that which we have done.” added Ranthahl. Sernus was further saddened by this. He then looked upon the four and said, "Sanguas I have nothing to to say about your part in this terrible deed and will keep you in the company of my misguided children to await your own fathers return from his slumber which was brought about by your own hands many ages ago." Sernus waved his hand and Sanguas vanished from the circle of flames. Sernus then addressed the remaining three with obvious pain and concern in his voice. “My children you have surely lost the way which I showed you. I must think on this matter to decide your fate. I will imprison you within the crystal tear which was born with this deed.” And with a blink of his eye Sernus caused the three to disappear along with the circle of flames. Elinth could hear the crying of the imprisoned souls and began to look for them. Sathis had hidden the magical shroud containing the two soul-harvesters in the hollow of a great tree deep in the forest which surrounded the temples of the kingdom. However Elinth herself was bound by blood to the lesser angels and had no trouble finding the hidden blades. Elinth then joined Sernus, Meesto and Kalira in the Great Temple of Life. The four of them sat silently in a circle surrounding the twin blades which were now filled with souls. After much time had passed Sernus finally spoke, “What I must do is clear to me now. First I will release the souls of my children so they may return to their chosen forms. However I will leave the faintest trace of each soul within the blade of its demise. This will insure the blades can no longer be used for any further evil and can be used only for powerful good.” After saying this it was made so within an instant. “Secondly I will create a world from the tear which Elinth has breathed life upon. This world will be hers to rule as she sees fit for it was her breath which brought the power of life to this new world. We shall call the new world Teracrys. Sathis and the Sanguine Twins will be allowed to live upon this new world but in a mortal form with mortal hearts so that even they might find themselves trapped in a way they plotted to trap their brethren." “I ask you my loyal children Meesto and Kalira to dwell upon this new world and help it grow as you would a child of your own. Nurture, protect and guide the children of this world. It is important for them to learn from the experience of dealing with the balance between good and evil throughout their lives. In this same way I hope to open the hearts of the fallen three to what is good and just. Take these weapons to Teracrys but do not slay your fallen brothers. Use them instead to help this fledgling world and perhaps protect them from the darkness during their days of youth. We may all learn from this and even find goodness hidden within this wicked act we now must live with. Now let us walk among our newly awakened brothers and sisters, yes let us rejoice in their rebirth into the kingdom.” Sernus smiled as he took the hand of Elinth and with Meesto and Kalira they began to make their way to the gardens of the lesser angels. |