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Rated: 13+ · Other · Sci-fi · #1961784
My profile for the character tournament. . .
Personnel Report #778591

Subject: The status of Space Marine #8541-730.

Name: Jayce Richardson

Rank: Private (resigned)

Height: 5' 11'

Weight: 155 lbs.

Hair: Red

Eyes: Hazel

Date of Birth: July 23, 2740

Place of Birth: New York City, Earth

Father's Name: Alfred Richardson

Mother's Name: Mary Doyle-Richardson

Father's Occupation: Civil Servant

Mother's Occupation: School Teacher

Siblings: Micheal Richardson, currently under suspicion for involvement with the Exorgian order.

Religious Background: Private Richardson's family raised both him and his brother in the Roman Catholic faith. His brother, Micheal has joined the Exorgian Cult. It is suspected that Private Richardson has taken an interest in this religion since his resignation.

Education: Private Richardson graduated from High School in New York City. His grades were acceptable but unimpressive. He did receive high marks in History and Global Affairs. He was also an exemplary member of his High School track team earning three gold medals in long distance running. It is also known that in his spare time, he took lessons in Gyango, the 22nd century martial art of combat in different gravity fields, and eventually earned a black belt in this discipline.

Psychological Profile: At the time of his recruitment to the Federation wished to join the marines in part because of he felt a bit of shame at his brother's activities. This made the affair with Private Janice Whitcomb considerably more surprising.

Performance: During initial training, Private Richardson proved to be an excellent marine. Not only did his training as a runner and Gyango fighter prove immeasurably useful, but he also proved to be an excellent marksman, particularly good with laser pulse weapons. In addition, his personality was extremely likeable bonding him with his fellow team members, including Janice Whitcomb.

Resignation: On September 5, 2758, Private Richardson was assigned to Base 767. It was then that an altercation occurred between him and Private Whitcomb. Private Whitcomb accused him of forcing himself on her sexually, and medical sperm samples taken from Whitcomb confirmed that the two had engaged in intercourse. Private Richardson was asked to resign from the Marines.

Last Known Whereabouts: Shortly after resignation, Richardson traveled to the planet which is occupied by the Exorgian order. This has increased speculation that his involvement with that religion may be deeper then previously believed.

Further Information on Subject: CLASSIFIED

Author's Note: Truth be told, Federation security is not as good as it should it be, so if you want to find out what really happened between Jayce and Janice, and more importantly, what Jayce has really been up to since then, I imagine you can get some answers by reading the rest of the character audition. Just don't tell anyone I told you.
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